996 resultados para quality characteristic


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En los últimos años el grupo de investigación ha caracterizado la calidad de los cuerpos de agua, detectando gradientes de calidad ambiental que se manifiestan por la aparición de tóxicos que generan cambios en la calidad del agua, sedimento y especialmente en la biota. El presente proyecto propone una evaluación integrada de la contaminación de los recursos hídricos abarcando el estudio de las causas de la contaminación y las respuestas biológicas que se producen ante dichas alteraciones. Por ello nuestro objetivo principal es evaluar la contaminación de los recursos acuáticos a través del desarrollo y aplicación de diversas herramientas. El enfoque multidisciplinario del mismo permitirá integrar los análisis de las diferentes áreas de estudio, con el fin de brindarán soluciones al problema generalizado de la contaminación acuática. El fin último es alcanzar una mejor valoración de los cambios temporales y espaciales en la calidad de las cuencas hídricas. Se propone analizar la presencia y concentración de tóxicos en agua, suelo, sedimento y biota conjuntamente con la evaluación de los efectos sobre los organismos a diferentes niveles de organización, lo que permitirá determinar y seleccionar los indicadores más eficientes de la contaminación ambiental. Se desarrollarán biomarcadores moleculares basados en expresión genética en la biota acuática y biomarcadores morfológicos, histológicos y bioquímicos. Además se evaluará el efecto del estrés tóxico sobre los hábitos natatorios de peces utilizando un software recientemente desarrollado por el grupo. También se intensificará la búsqueda de biomarcadores específicos de disrupción endocrina en peces tales como aromatasa, vitelogenina, parámetros estáticos y dinámicos de espermatozoides y comportamiento de cortejo y cópula. Así, el plan propuesto brindará un conjunto de herramientas, con diverso grado de complejidad, para ser usadas en la correcta evaluación del impacto ambiental de las actividades humanas. El grupo de trabajo pretende realizar una fuerte contribución a los conocimientos de base para crear conciencia sobre el problema de las diferentes cuencas en estudio, a fin de llevar a cabo un control sostenido de la calidad de los recursos acuáticos.


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Los embalses constituyen reservorios de agua artificiales que se forman para brindar múltiples propósitos. La generación de energía, la provisión de agua para consumo y riego, la atenuación de crecientes y los usos recreacionales, figuran como los más destacados. La calidad del agua y el grado de eutrofización, condicionan la realización de diferentes usos con consecuencias directas e indirectas para la Salud Pública y el recurso íctico. La eutrofización es precisamente uno de los problemas más recurrentes en los embalses de la provincia de Córdoba. Las hipótesis son: 1-El incremento en la concentración de nutrientes, principalmente fósforo y nitrógeno, favorecen la producción de florecimientos algales, con consecuencias negativas sobre la sociedad y el ambiente; 2 - El estrés ambiental producto del grado de eutrofización de los embalses aumenta la susceptibilidad de Odontesthes bonariensis, situación que contribuye al desarrollo de parásitos y a la disminución de su condición corporal. Los objetivos generales del proyecto son: a) Evaluar la variabilidad temporal y espacial de la calidad del agua de tres embalses de la cuenca del río Tercero; b) Estudiar diferentes características biológicas de la ictiofauna presente. Los reservorios a estudiar son Arroyo Corto (64,57W, 32,22S; 357 ha), Río Tercero (64,38W, 32,17S; 4600 ha) y Piedras Moras (64,28W, 32,18S; 830 ha). La superficie, cantidad de tributarios y características limnológicas que presentan estos embalses son contrastantes. Se determinará de manera estacional y en diferentes sitios de muestreo de cada embalse la calidad del agua para distintos usos, a través de análisis físico-químicos y biológicos según metodología estándar, realizando mediciones in situ y en laboratorio. Se evaluará el grado de eutrofia de los reservorios a través de la concentración de nutrientes, clorofila-a y transparencia de agua. Para evaluar la distribución espacial de clorofila-a se integraran SIG-sensores remotos y se determinarán modelos geoestadísticos para predecir florecimientos algales su composición y su relación con riesgos potenciales para la salud y el recurso íctico. Se determinará la diversidad y riqueza de la ictiofauna y la abundancia poblacional (captura por unidad de esfuerzo), la condición corporal, el crecimiento y el estado sanitario del pejerrey O. bonariensis. Para ello se utilizaran artes de pesca pasivos (red de enmalle, trasmallo), activos (red de arrastre) y aparejos de pesca (espineles). Por último, se determinará la abundancia y distribución de Limnoperma fortunei en el embalse Río Tercero. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán evaluar la calidad del agua, el estado trófico y prevenir los riesgos para la salud pública y animal en una de las cuencas de alto impacto antrópico del país. Por su parte, se obtendrán datos sobre distribución, ecología y condición de la ictiofauna, permitiendo el uso sustentable del recurso pesquero. Se obtendrán herramientas que facilitarán la gestión sistémica y la toma de decisiones en el manejo del recurso agua, su saneamiento y la determinación de áreas críticas de riesgo.


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Se propone analizar el efecto del uso productivo en el Chaco Árido de la provincia de Córdoba, mediante la aplicación de indicadores de sustentabilidad relacionados con la calidad de la materia orgánica y la liberación de nutrientes en el suelo, con la finalidad de aportar a un tema de suma interes para la provincia de Córdoba como es la formulación de criterios y pautas de manejo para la implementación de la Ley de Bosques (N° 26331). Se trabajará en la localidad de San Miguel en el departamento Pocho, en un sitio de bosque no disturbado y en tres sistemas productivos: desmonte selectivo con implantación de pasturas; desmonte total con agricultura bajo riego y desmonte total sobrepastoreado. En cada sitio se medirá “in situ” la emisión de CO2 y se tomaran muestras de suelo a las que se les determinará: a) contenido de materia orgánica total (MO), b) contenido de sustancias húmicas (SH), diferenciando ácidos húmicos (AH) y fúlvicos (AF), c) abundancia y actividad de microorganismos nitrificadores y d) propiedades químicas de los AH y AF. Se calcularán los siguientes índices de sustentabilidad a) materia orgánica biodisponible (MOB=MO–SH); b) índice de humificación (IH=SH/MO); c) tipo de humus (TH=AF/AH; d) índice de mineralización de C (IMC=CO2/MO); e) índice de nitrificación (IN=actividad/abundancia); y f) índice de estabilidad de las fracciones humificadas: compuestos aromáticos/ alifáticos. Los datos serán analizados estadísticamente mediante ANOVA y comparación de medias por LSD (P<0.05) y tests multivariados. We proposed analyze the effect of land use in Arid Chaco of Cordoba province, using sustainability indicators related to organic matter quality and nutrient release in soil, with the aim to formulate management criteria for the implementation of the Ley de Bosques (N° 26331) in Córdoba province. The study will be conducted in San Miguel village in Pocho department, in one undisturbed forest site and three productive systems: selective clearing with grass sowing; total clearing with irrigation agriculture and total clearing with overgrazed. In each site "in situ" CO2 emission will be measured and soil samples will be taken, in which the following parameters will be determined: a) total organic matter content (MO), b) humic substances content (SH), in humic acids (AH) and fulvic acids (AF), c) abundance and activity of nitrifier microorganisms and d) chemical properties of AH and AF. The sustainability indexes will be calculated: biodisponible organic matter (MOB=MO–SH); b) humification index (IH=SH/MO); c) humus type (TH=AF/AH; d) C mineralization index (IMC=CO2/MO); e) nitrifying index (IN=activity/abundance); and f) humic fractions stability index: aromatic/aliphatic compounds. The data will be statistically analyzed by ANOVA and the means will be compared by LSD (P<0.05) and multivariate tests.


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Sludge provides valuable nutrients to soil. Application of sludge to land is subject to a number of limitations. Its use as a soil conditioner represents a "beneficial reuse option". Primary and secondary sludge from Dublin city is treated in Ringsend treatment plant where it undergoes thermal drying. This study investigates the feasibility of land application of thermally dried biosolids (TDB) from Ringsend treatment plant.


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This study sought to explore and examine if the provision of full day care improves the quality of life for children and their parents. Owing to the effects of the Celtic Tiger, life in Ireland has changed considerably over the past five to ten years. Because of the booming economy there are now 60.8% of women employed in the workforce. This means many changes for children, parents and families. Findings in the literature review are based on international studies. The researcher utilised both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies for the study. She interviewed 31 respondents; 27 childcare managers; 3 politicians and the chairperson of a childcare committee. Furthermore, 325 questionnaires were completed in a survey by working parents in the statutory and voluntary sectors in and around Sligo town and in two childcare facilities in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. Babies as young as 4 months are being cared for in childcare facilities from 6.45am until 6.pm daily, 5 days per week. Some children are spending up to 11 hours per day in childcare facilities. The study has not categorically concluded that full day care is either positive or negative for children. Childcare facilities are providing good quality childcare encompassing various services; however, 25 out of 27 childcare managers reported to the researcher that they would not leave their child in full day care. Parents are finding it difficult to manage work life balance. Health dominated quality of life issues. Two hundred and thirty five (235) parents reported being stressed. The study also found that 315 working parents feel that the government is not doing enough to support working parents. On a positive note, 241 parents said they are happy in general with the quality of life for them, their family and their children. In addition, the researcher has identified a number of recommendations for future changes in policy and further study.


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The nutritional composition o f orange roughy (collected from the Northeast Atlantic near the Rockall Trough) was studied on a seasonal basis. In addition samples were aged and stability assessed. Protein levels (16.68-16.21% w/w) were found to be slightly higher than those recorded for the N ew Zealand species o f orange roughy and compared favourably with protein values for fish muscle in general. Statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Lipid content (3.6-4.5% w/w) was found to be much lower than that recorded for New Zealand. As with protein statistically results show a significant seasonal variation and no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Moisture levels (77.3_79.6%w/w) compared favourably with values obtained from other studies. Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Iodine values (74.63-79.54) indicate the likely presence o f a high level o f mono unsaturated fatty acids. Statistically results show no significant seasonal variation and no sample variation or variation within fish. Thin layer chromatography o f the extracted fat showed the major type to be wax esters with a much lower amount o f triglycerides and smaller amounts of polar lipids, free sterols and free fatty acids. Total fatty acid composition was found to be very similar to that recorded from other studies and showed that most o f the oils extracted from the fish muscle contained a high percentage o f mono unsaturates namely 16:1,18:1, 20:1 and 22:1 (85.63 - 91.14% ) with 16:1 present in the smallest amounts and 18:1 the major one. The only saturated fatty M.Sc. in Biochemistry III Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish acids present in significant quantities were 14:0, 16:0 and 18:0, the total varied from a seasonal average high o f 4.05 % to an average low o f 2.27%. The polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleic and arachidonic acid were present in small quantities varying in total from 0.89% to 1.50%. Docosapentaenoic acid (D P A ) was found only in trace quantities in spring, autumn and winter samples and undetected in summer. Levels o f Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA ) and Docosahexaenoic acid (D H A ) were also found in very low percentages and varied on a seasonal basis with average values ranging from 0.41% in summer to 1.03 % in autumn for EPA and from 1.44 % in summer to3.20 % in autumn for D H A . Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or location within the fish. Levels o f freshness were measured using the Thiobarbituric acid (T B A ), Total volatile base nitrogen (T V B -N ) and Trimethylamine (T M A ) techniques. The quality o f the fish upon arrival was excellent and well below legal/acceptable lim its.T V B -N values ranged from 6.88-8.91 mg/lOOg and T M A values from 4.82-6.46 mg/lOOg Values for T B A ranged from 0.18-0.35 mg Malonaldehyde/kg fish. The summer values were higher than the other seasons. Seasonal variation was significant for all methods with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Fish aged at +4°C in air did not exceed the T V B N lim it o f 35mg/100g until day 6 whereas the T V B N lim it was extended to 8 days for fish aged at +4°C in vacuum. However the T M A lim it o f 12mg/100g was reached on day 4 for fish stored at +4°C in air and on day 5 for vacuum packed samples stored at +4°C . Fish stored at -5°C in air and vacuum packed did not reach the T V B N lim it until day 61 but the T M A limit was reached on day 24 for fish stored at -5°C in air and was extended to 31 days for vacuum packed fish stored at-5°C. Prolonged storage at -18°C caused some deterioration o f the frozen fish muscle. Upon thawing the shelf life o f fish stored for 12 months was much shorter than that stored for 6 M.Sc. in Biochemistry IV Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish months. This in turn deteriorated faster than fresh fish held at refridgeration temperature in air. Orange roughy were found to be a good source of protein with moisture levels similar to that o f other fish. They were o f medium fat content but have a very poor content o f the essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Orange roughy can be stored at -18°C but its subsequent refridgerated shelf life will be shorter than that o f unfrozen orange roughy stored at refridgeration temperature. Orange roughy are a very important part o f the ecosystem. Their composition is less nutritionally beneficial than more readily available fish for human consumption and therefore should not be fished at all


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Quality Management is a well-developed and widely used approach within industry to gain competitive edge and increased market share. It is a new management approach for schools who are now applying it without having the culture or experience of its evolution. Industrially based Quality management systems and excellence models have been developed. These excellence models and frameworks are based on the principles and concepts of TQM which are recognised as essential elements of high performing organisations. Schools are complex social institutions that provide a service. Like any other service industry, the customers of education are expecting and demanding a better service or else they will go elsewhere. Schools are beginning to reform and change to adapt to such demands. This has been reflected in Ireland in the Education Act, 1998. It is now the right time to develop a quality management system specifically for schools. The existing industrial excellence models have been modified for use in the private and public sector and some have been specifically tailored for education. The problem with such models is that they are still too sophisticated and the language still too industrial for schools. This Thesis develops and Excellence Model for Second Level Schools and provides guidance and school specific tools for its implementation.


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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) haemorhaging is a life-threatening disease. An aneurysm is a permanent swelling of an artery due to a weakness in its wall. Current surgical repair involves opening the chest or abdomen, gaining temporary vascular control of the aorta and suturing a prosthetic graft to the healthy aorta within the aneurysm itself The outcome of this surgical approach is not perfect, and the quality of life after this repair is impaired by postoperative pain, sexual dysfunction, and a lengthy hospital stay resulting in high health costs. All these negative effects are related to the large incision and extensive tissue dissection. Endovascular grafting is an alternative to the standard surgical method. This treatment is a less invasive method of treating aortic aneurysms. It involves a surgical exposure of the common femoral arteries where the stent graft can be inserted through by an over-the-wire technique. All manipulations are controlled from a remote place by the use of a catheter and this technique avoids the need to directly expose the diseased artery through a large incision or an extensive dissection. The proposed design method outlined in this project is to develop the endovascular approach. The main aim is to design an unitary bifurcated stent graft (1 e- bifurcated graft as a single component) to treat these Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. This includes the delivery system and deployment mechanism necessary to first accurately position the stent graft across the aneurysm sac and also across the iliac bifurcation, and secondly fix the stent graft in position by using expandable metal stents. Thus, excluding the aneurysm from the circulation and therefore preventing rupture. Miniaturisation is a critical aspect of this design, as the smaller the crimped stent graft the easier to guide through the vascular system to the desired location. Biocompatibility is an important aspect. The preferred materials for this prosthesis are to use Shape Memory Alloys for the stent and a multifilament fabric for the graft. A taper design is applied for the geometry as this gives a favourable flow characteristic and reduced wave reflections. Adequate testing of the stent graft to prove its durability and the ease of the method of deployment is a prerequisite. A bench test facility has being designed and build to replicate the cardiovascular system and the disease in question aortic aneurysms at the iliac bifurcation. The testing here shows the feasibility of the proposed delivery system and the durability of the stent graft across the aneurysm sac. Finally, these endovascular treatments offer the economic advantage of short hospital stays or even treatment as an outpatient, as well as elimination of the need for postoperative intensive care The risk of developing an aneurysm increases with age, that is one of the mam reasons to look for less invasive ways of treating aneurysms. Consequently, there is enormous pressure to develop and use these devices rapidly.


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Distribution systems, eigenvalue analysis, nodal admittance matrix, power quality, spectral decomposition


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Introductions: In the care of hypertension, it is important that health professionals possess available tools that allow evaluating the impairment of the health-related quality of life, according to the severity of hypertension and the risk for cardiovascular events. Among the instruments developed for the assessment of health-related quality of life, there is the Mini-Cuestionario of Calidad de Vida en la Hipertensión Arterial (MINICHAL) recently adapted to the Brazilian culture. Objective: To estimate the validity of known groups of the Brazilian version of the MINICHAL regarding the classification of risk for cardiovascular events, symptoms, severity of dyspnea and target-organ damage. Methods: Data of 200 hypertensive outpatients concerning sociodemographic and clinical information and health-related quality of life were gathered by consulting the medical charts and the application of the Brazilian version of MINICHAL. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare health-related quality of life in relation to symptoms and target-organ damage. The Kruskal-Wallis test and ANOVA with ranks transformation were used to compare health-related quality of life in relation to the classification of risk for cardiovascular events and intensity of dyspnea, respectively. Results: The MINICHAL was able to discriminate health-related quality of life in relation to symptoms and kidney damage, but did not discriminate health-related quality of life in relation to the classification of risk for cardiovascular events. Conclusion: The Brazilian version of the MINICHAL is a questionnaire capable of discriminating differences on the health‑related quality of life regarding dyspnea, chest pain, palpitation, lipothymy, cephalea and renal damage.


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Background: No studies have described and evaluated the association between hemodynamics, physical limitations and quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) without concomitant cardiovascular or respiratory disease. Objective: To describe the hemodynamic profile, quality of life and physical capacity of patients with PH from groups I and IV and to study the association between these outcomes. Methods: Cross-sectional study of patients with PH from clinical groups I and IV and functional classes II and III undergoing the following assessments: hemodynamics, exercise tolerance and quality of life. Results: This study assessed 20 patients with a mean age of 46.8 ± 14.3 years. They had pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of 10.5 ± 3.7 mm Hg, 6-minute walk distance test (6MWDT) of 463 ± 78 m, oxygen consumption at peak exercise of 12.9 ± 4.3 mLO2.kg-1.min-1 and scores of quality of life domains < 60%. There were associations between cardiac index (CI) and ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (r=-0.59, p <0.01), IC and ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (r=-0.49, p<0.05), right atrial pressure (RAP) and 'general health perception' domain (r=-0.61, p<0.01), RAP and 6MWTD (r=-0.49, p<0.05), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and 'physical functioning' domain (r=-0.56, p<0.01), PVR and 6MWTD (r=-0.49, p<0.05) and PVR index and physical capacity (r=-0.51, p<0.01). Conclusion: Patients with PH from groups I and IV and functional classes II and III exhibit a reduction in physical capacity and in the physical and mental components of quality of life. The hemodynamic variables CI, diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure, RAP, PVR and PVR index are associated with exercise tolerance and quality of life domains.


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Background:Heart failure (HF) is one of the leading causes of hospitalization in adults in Brazil. However, most of the available data is limited to unicenter registries. The BREATHE registry is the first to include a large sample of hospitalized patients with decompensated HF from different regions in Brazil.Objective:Describe the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of hospitalized patients admitted with acute HF.Methods:Observational registry study with longitudinal follow-up. The eligibility criteria included patients older than 18 years with a definitive diagnosis of HF, admitted to public or private hospitals. Assessed outcomes included the causes of decompensation, use of medications, care quality indicators, hemodynamic profile and intrahospital events.Results:A total of 1,263 patients (64±16 years, 60% women) were included from 51 centers from different regions in Brazil. The most common comorbidities were hypertension (70.8%), dyslipidemia (36.7%) and diabetes (34%). Around 40% of the patients had normal left ventricular systolic function and most were admitted with a wet-warm clinical-hemodynamic profile. Vasodilators and intravenous inotropes were used in less than 15% of the studied cohort. Care quality indicators based on hospital discharge recommendations were reached in less than 65% of the patients. Intrahospital mortality affected 12.6% of all patients included.Conclusion:The BREATHE study demonstrated the high intrahospital mortality of patients admitted with acute HF in Brazil, in addition to the low rate of prescription of drugs based on evidence.


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Background:The aging process promotes a progressive increase in chronic-degenerative diseases. The effect of these diseases on the functional capacity has been well recognized. Another health parameter concerns “quality of life related to health”. Among the elderly population, cardiovascular diseases stand out due to the epidemiological and clinical impact. Usually, these diseases have been associated with others. This set of problems may compromise both independence and quality of life in elderly patients who seek cardiologic treatment. These health parameters have not been well contemplated by cardiologists.Objective:Evaluating, among the elderly population with cardiovascular disease, which are the most relevant clinical determinants regarding dependence and quality of life.Methods:This group was randomly and consecutively selected and four questionnaires were applied: HAQ, SF-36, PRIME-MD e Mini Mental State.Results:The study included 1,020 elderly patients, 63.3% women. The group had been between 60 and 97 years-old (mean: 75.56 ± 6.62 years-old). 61.4% were independent or mild dependence. The quality of life total score was high (HAQ: 88.66 ± 2.68). 87.8% of patients had a SF-36 total score > 66. In the multivariate analysis, the association between diagnoses and high degrees of dependence was significant only for previous stroke (p = 0.014), obesity (p < 0.001), lack of physical activity (p = 0.016), osteoarthritis (p < 0.001), cognitive impairment (p < 0.001), and major depression (p < 0.001). Analyzing the quality of life, major depression and physical illness for depression was significantly associated with all domains of the SF-36.Conclusion:Among an elderly outpatient cardiology population, dependence and quality of life clinical determinants are not cardiovascular comorbidities, especially the depression.


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Abstract Background: Studies have shown the impact of atrial fibrillation (AF) on the patients' quality of life. Specific questionnaires enable the evaluation of relevant events. We previously developed a questionnaire to assess the quality of life of patients with AF (AFQLQ version 1), which was reviewed in this study, and new domains were added. Objective: To demonstrate the reproducibility of the AFQLQ version 2 (AFQLQ v.2), which included the domains of fatigue, illness perception and well-being. Methods: We applied 160 questionnaires (AFQLQ v.2 and SF-36) to 40 patients, at baseline and 15 days after, to measure inter- and intraobserver reproducibility. The analysis of quality of life stability was determined by test-retest, applying the Bartko intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha test. Results: The total score of the test-retest (n = 40) had an ICC of 0.98 in the AFQLQ v.2, and of 0.94 in the SF36. In assessing the intra- and interobserver reproducibility of the AFQLQ v.2, the ICC reliability was 0.98 and 0.97, respectively. The internal consistency had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82, compatible with good agreement of the AFQLQ v.2. Conclusion: The AFQLQ v.2 performed better than its previous version. Similarly, the domains added contributed to make it more comprehensive and robust to assess the quality of life of patients with AF.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2010