942 resultados para power spectral density


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Nitrogen sputtering yields as high as 104 atoms/ion, are obtained by irradiating N-rich-Cu3N films (N concentration: 33 ± 2 at.%) with Cu ions at energies in the range 10?42 MeV. The kinetics of N sputtering as a function of ion fluence is determined at several energies (stopping powers) for films deposited on both, glass and silicon substrates. The kinetic curves show that the amount of nitrogen release strongly increases with rising irradiation fluence up to reaching a saturation level at a low remaining nitrogen fraction (5?10%), in which no further nitrogen reduction is observed. The sputtering rate for nitrogen depletion is found to be independent of the substrate and to linearly increase with electronic stopping power (Se). A stopping power (Sth) threshold of ?3.5 keV/nm for nitrogen depletion has been estimated from extrapolation of the data. Experimental kinetic data have been analyzed within a bulk molecular recombination model. The microscopic mechanisms of the nitrogen depletion process are discussed in terms of a non-radiative exciton decay model. In particular, the estimated threshold is related to a minimum exciton density which is required to achieve efficient sputtering rates.


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Fundamental research and modelling in plasma atomic physics continue to be essential for providing basic understanding of many different topics relevant to high-energy-density plasmas. The Atomic Physics Group at the Institute of Nuclear Fusion has accumulated experience over the years in developing a collection of computational models and tools for determining the atomic energy structure, ionization balance and radiative properties of, mainly, inertial fusion and laser-produced plasmas in a variety of conditions. In this work, we discuss some of the latest advances and results of our research, with emphasis on inertial fusion and laboratory-astrophysical applications.


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In the present work we report theoretical Stark widths and shifts calculated using the Griem semi-empirical approach, corresponding to 237 spectral lines of MgIII. Data are presented for an electron density of 1017 cm?3 and temperatures T = 0.5?10.0 (104 K). The matrix elements used in these calculations have been determined from 23 configurations of MgIII: 2s22p6, 2s22p53p, 2s22p54p, 2s22p54f and 2s22p55f for even parity and 2s22p5ns (n = 3?6), 2s22p5nd (n = 3?9), 2s22p55g and 2s2p6np (n = 3?8) for odd parity. For the intermediate coupling (IC) calculations, we use the standard method of least-squares fitting from experimental energy levels by means of the Cowan computer code. Also, in order to test the matrix elements used in our calculations, we present calculated values of 70 transition probabilities of MgIII spectral lines and 14 calculated values of radiative lifetimes of MgIII levels. There is good agreement between our calculations and experimental radiative lifetimes. Spectral lines of MgIII are relevant in astrophysics and also play an important role in the spectral analysis of laboratory plasma. Theoretical trends of the Stark broadening parameter versus the temperature for relevant lines are presented. No values of Stark parameters can be found in the bibliography.


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The effects of power and time conditions of in situ N2 plasma treatment, prior to silicon nitride (SiN) passivation, were investigated on an AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT). These studies reveal that N2 plasma power is a critical parameter to control the SiN/AlGaN interface quality, which directly affects the 2-D electron gas density. Significant enhancement in the HEMT characteristics was observed by using a low power N2 plasma pretreatment. In contrast, a marked gradual reduction in the maximum drain-source current density (IDS max) and maximum transconductance (gm max), as well as in fT and fmax, was observed as the N2 plasma power increases (up to 40% decrease for 210 W). Different mechanisms were proposed to be dominant as a function of the discharge power range. A good correlation was observed between the device electrical characteristics and the surface assessment by atomic force microscopy and Kelvin force microscopy techniques.


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In this work we present an analysis of the influence of the thermodynamic regime on the monochromatic emissivity, the radiative power loss and the radiative cooling rate for optically thin carbon plasmas over a wide range of electron temperature and density assuming steady state situations. Furthermore, we propose analytical expressions depending on the electron density and temperature for the average ionization and cooling rate based on polynomial fittings which are valid for the whole range of plasma conditions considered in this work.


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In this work, educational software for intuitive understanding of the basic dynamic processes of semiconductor lasers is presented. The proposed tool is addressed to the students of optical communication courses, encouraging self consolidation of the subjects learned in lectures. The semiconductor laser model is based on the well known rate equations for the carrier density, photon density and optical phase. The direct modulation of the laser is considered with input parameters which can be selected by the user. Different options for the waveform, amplitude and frequency of thpoint. Simulation results are plotted for carrier density and output power versus time. Instantaneous frequency variations of the laser output are numerically shifted to the audible frequency range and sent to the computer loudspeakers. This results in an intuitive description of the “chirp” phenomenon due to amplitude-phase coupling, typical of directly modulated semiconductor lasers. In this way, the student can actually listen to the time resolved spectral content of the laser output. By changing the laser parameters and/or the modulation parameters,consequent variation of the laser output can be appreciated in intuitive manner. The proposed educational tool has been previously implemented by the same authors with locally executable software. In the present manuscript, we extend our previous work to a web based platform, offering improved distribution and allowing its use to the wide audience of the web.


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The optical and radio-frequency spectra of a monolithic master-oscillator power-amplifier emitting at 1.5 ?m have been analyzed in a wide range of steady-state injection conditions. The analysis of the spectral maps reveals that, under low injection current of the master oscillator, the device operates in two essentially different operation modes depending on the current injected into the amplifier section. The regular operation mode with predominance of the master oscillator alternates with lasing of the compound cavity modes allowed by the residual reflectance of the amplifier front facet. The quasi-periodic occurrence of these two regimes as a function of the amplifier current has been consistently interpreted in terms of a thermally tuned competition between the modes of the master oscillator and the compound cavity modes.


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The effect of air density variations on the calibration constants of several models of anemometers has been analyzed. The analysis was based on a series of calibrations between March 2003 and February 2011. Results indicate a linear behavior of both calibration constants with the air density. The effect of changes in air density on the measured wind speed by an anemometer was also studied. The results suggest that there can be an important deviation of the measured wind speed with changes in air density from the one at which the anemometer was calibrated, and therefore the need to take this effect into account when calculating wind power estimations.


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A power generation scheme based on bare electrodynamic tethers (EDT), working in passive mode is investigated for the purpose of supplying power to scientific missions at Saturn. The system employs a spinning EDT on a lowaltitude polar orbit which permits to efficiently convert plasmasphere energy into useful power. After optimizing the tether design for power generation we compute the supplied power along the orbit and the impact of the Lorentz force on the orbital elements as function of the tether and orbit characteristics. Although uncertainties in the current ionosphere density modeling strongly affect the performance of the system the peak power density of the EDT appears be greater than conventional power systems.


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La necesidad de desarrollar técnicas para predecir la respuesta vibroacústica de estructuras espaciales lia ido ganando importancia en los últimos años. Las técnicas numéricas existentes en la actualidad son capaces de predecir de forma fiable el comportamiento vibroacústico de sistemas con altas o bajas densidades modales. Sin embargo, ambos rangos no siempre solapan lo que hace que sea necesario el desarrollo de métodos específicos para este rango, conocido como densidad modal media. Es en este rango, conocido también como media frecuencia, donde se centra la presente Tesis doctoral, debido a la carencia de métodos específicos para el cálculo de la respuesta vibroacústica. Para las estructuras estudiadas en este trabajo, los mencionados rangos de baja y alta densidad modal se corresponden, en general, con los rangos de baja y alta frecuencia, respectivamente. Los métodos numéricos que permiten obtener la respuesta vibroacústica para estos rangos de frecuencia están bien especificados. Para el rango de baja frecuencia se emplean técnicas deterministas, como el método de los Elementos Finitos, mientras que, para el rango de alta frecuencia las técnicas estadísticas son más utilizadas, como el Análisis Estadístico de la Energía. En el rango de medias frecuencias ninguno de estos métodos numéricos puede ser usado con suficiente precisión y, como consecuencia -a falta de propuestas más específicas- se han desarrollado métodos híbridos que combinan el uso de métodos de baja y alta frecuencia, intentando que cada uno supla las deficiencias del otro en este rango medio. Este trabajo propone dos soluciones diferentes para resolver el problema de la media frecuencia. El primero de ellos, denominado SHFL (del inglés Subsystem based High Frequency Limit procedure), propone un procedimiento multihíbrido en el cuál cada subestructura del sistema completo se modela empleando una técnica numérica diferente, dependiendo del rango de frecuencias de estudio. Con este propósito se introduce el concepto de límite de alta frecuencia de una subestructura, que marca el límite a partir del cual dicha subestructura tiene una densidad modal lo suficientemente alta como para ser modelada utilizando Análisis Estadístico de la Energía. Si la frecuencia de análisis es menor que el límite de alta frecuencia de la subestructura, ésta se modela utilizando Elementos Finitos. Mediante este método, el rango de media frecuencia se puede definir de una forma precisa, estando comprendido entre el menor y el mayor de los límites de alta frecuencia de las subestructuras que componen el sistema completo. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de este método evidencian una mejora en la continuidad de la respuesta vibroacústica, mostrando una transición suave entre los rangos de baja y alta frecuencia. El segundo método propuesto se denomina HS-CMS (del inglés Hybrid Substructuring method based on Component Mode Synthesis). Este método se basa en la clasificación de la base modal de las subestructuras en conjuntos de modos globales (que afectan a todo o a varias partes del sistema) o locales (que afectan a una única subestructura), utilizando un método de Síntesis Modal de Componentes. De este modo es posible situar espacialmente los modos del sistema completo y estudiar el comportamiento del mismo desde el punto de vista de las subestructuras. De nuevo se emplea el concepto de límite de alta frecuencia de una subestructura para realizar la clasificación global/local de los modos en la misma. Mediante dicha clasificación se derivan las ecuaciones globales del movimiento, gobernadas por los modos globales, y en las que la influencia del conjunto de modos locales se introduce mediante modificaciones en las mismas (en su matriz dinámica de rigidez y en el vector de fuerzas). Las ecuaciones locales se resuelven empleando Análisis Estadístico de Energías. Sin embargo, este último será un modelo híbrido, en el cual se introduce la potencia adicional aportada por la presencia de los modos globales. El método ha sido probado para el cálculo de la respuesta de estructuras sometidas tanto a cargas estructurales como acústicas. Ambos métodos han sido probados inicialmente en estructuras sencillas para establecer las bases e hipótesis de aplicación. Posteriormente, se han aplicado a estructuras espaciales, como satélites y reflectores de antenas, mostrando buenos resultados, como se concluye de la comparación de las simulaciones y los datos experimentales medidos en ensayos, tanto estructurales como acústicos. Este trabajo abre un amplio campo de investigación a partir del cual es posible obtener metodologías precisas y eficientes para reproducir el comportamiento vibroacústico de sistemas en el rango de la media frecuencia. ABSTRACT Over the last years an increasing need of novel prediction techniques for vibroacoustic analysis of space structures has arisen. Current numerical techniques arc able to predict with enough accuracy the vibro-acoustic behaviour of systems with low and high modal densities. However, space structures are, in general, very complex and they present a range of frequencies in which a mixed behaviour exist. In such cases, the full system is composed of some sub-structures which has low modal density, while others present high modal density. This frequency range is known as the mid-frequency range and to develop methods for accurately describe the vibro-acoustic response in this frequency range is the scope of this dissertation. For the structures under study, the aforementioned low and high modal densities correspond with the low and high frequency ranges, respectively. For the low frequency range, deterministic techniques as the Finite Element Method (FEM) are used while, for the high frequency range statistical techniques, as the Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), arc considered as more appropriate. In the mid-frequency range, where a mixed vibro-acoustic behaviour is expected, any of these numerical method can not be used with enough confidence level. As a consequence, it is usual to obtain an undetermined gap between low and high frequencies in the vibro-acoustic response function. This dissertation proposes two different solutions to the mid-frequency range problem. The first one, named as The Subsystem based High Frequency Limit (SHFL) procedure, proposes a multi-hybrid procedure in which each sub-structure of the full system is modelled with the appropriate modelling technique, depending on the frequency of study. With this purpose, the concept of high frequency limit of a sub-structure is introduced, marking out the limit above which a substructure has enough modal density to be modelled by SEA. For a certain analysis frequency, if it is lower than the high frequency limit of the sub-structure, the sub-structure is modelled through FEM and, if the frequency of analysis is higher than the high frequency limit, the sub-structure is modelled by SEA. The procedure leads to a number of hybrid models required to cover the medium frequency range, which is defined as the frequency range between the lowest substructure high frequency limit and the highest one. Using this procedure, the mid-frequency range can be define specifically so that, as a consequence, an improvement in the continuity of the vibro-acoustic response function is achieved, closing the undetermined gap between the low and high frequency ranges. The second proposed mid-frequency solution is the Hybrid Sub-structuring method based on Component Mode Synthesis (HS-CMS). The method adopts a partition scheme based on classifying the system modal basis into global and local sets of modes. This classification is performed by using a Component Mode Synthesis, in particular a Craig-Bampton transformation, in order to express the system modal base into the modal bases associated with each sub-structure. Then, each sub-structure modal base is classified into global and local set, fist ones associated with the long wavelength motion and second ones with the short wavelength motion. The high frequency limit of each sub-structure is used as frequency frontier between both sets of modes. From this classification, the equations of motion associated with global modes are derived, which include the interaction of local modes by means of corrections in the dynamic stiffness matrix and the force vector of the global problem. The local equations of motion are solved through SEA, where again interactions with global modes arc included through the inclusion of an additional input power into the SEA model. The method has been tested for the calculation of the response function of structures subjected to structural and acoustic loads. Both methods have been firstly tested in simple structures to establish their basis and main characteristics. Methods are also verified in space structures, as satellites and antenna reflectors, providing good results as it is concluded from the comparison with experimental results obtained in both, acoustic and structural load tests. This dissertation opens a wide field of research through which further studies could be performed to obtain efficient and accurate methodologies to appropriately reproduce the vibro-acoustic behaviour of complex systems in the mid-frequency range.


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Within the European funded project SOPHIA, a Round Robin measurement on CPV module has been initiated. Seven different test laboratories located in Europe between 48°N and 37°N perform measurements of four SOITEC CPV modules. The modules are electrically characterized with different measurement equipment under various climatic conditions. One pyrheliometer and one spectral sensor based on component cells are shipped together with the modules. This ensures that the irradiance and spectrum, two factors with high impact on CPV module performance, are measured with the identical equipment at each site. The round robin activity is performed in closeco-operation with the IEC TC82 WG7 power rating team in order to support the work on the CPV module power rating draft standard 62670-3. The resultingrated module power outputs at CSOC (Concentrator Standard Operating Conditions) are compared amongst the power rating methods and amongst the test labs. In this manner, a deviation in rated power output between different test labs and power rating methods is determined.


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This paper presents some power converter architectures and circuit topologies, which can be used to achieve the requirements of the high performance transformer rectifier unit in aircraft applications, mainly as: high power factor with low THD, high efficiency and high power density. The voltage and the power levels demanded for this application are: three-phase line-to-neutral input voltage of 115 or 230V AC rms (360 – 800Hz), output voltage of 28V DC or 270V DC(new grid value) and the output power up to tens of kilowatts.


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Integrated master-oscillator power amplifiers driven under steady-state injection conditions are known to show a complex dynamics resulting in a variety of emission regimes. We present experimental results on the emission characteristics of a 1.5 µm distributed feedback tapered master-oscillator power-amplifier in a wide range of steady-state injection conditions, showing different dynamic behaviors. The study combines the optical and radio-frequency spectra recorded under different levels of injected current into the master oscillator and the power amplifier sections. Under low injection current of the master oscillator the correlation between the optical and radio-frequency spectral maps allows to identify operation regimes in which the device emission arises from either the master oscillator mode or from the compound cavity modes allowed by the residual reflectance of the amplifier front facet. The quasi-periodic occurrence of these emission regimes as a function of the amplifier current is interpreted in terms of a thermally tuned competition between the modes of the master oscillator and the compound cavity modes. Under high injection current of the masteroscillator, two different regimes alternate quasi-periodically as a function of the injected current in the power amplifier: a stable regime with a single mode emission at the master oscillator frequency, and an unstable and complex self-pulsating regime showing strong peaks in the radio-frequency spectra as well as multiple frequencies in the optical spectra.


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We present here an information reconciliation method and demonstrate for the first time that it can achieve efficiencies close to 0.98. This method is based on the belief propagation decoding of non-binary LDPC codes over finite (Galois) fields. In particular, for convenience and faster decoding we only consider power-of-two Galois fields.


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In this work we have realized plasma diagnosis produced by Laser (LPP), by means of emission spectroscopy in a Laser Shock Processing (LSP). The LSP has been proposed as an alternative technology, competitive with classical surface treatments. The ionic species present in the plasma together with electron density and its temperature provide significant indicators of the degree of surface effect of the treated material. In order to analyze these indicators, we have realized spectroscopic studies of optical emission in the laser-generated plasmas in different situations. We have worked focusing on an aluminum sample (Al2024) in air and/or in LSP conditions (water flow) a Q-switched laser of Nd:YAG (λ = 1.06 μm, 10 ns of pulse duration, running at 10 Hz repetition rate). The pulse energy was set at 2,5 J per pulse. The electron density has been measured using, in every case, the Stark broadening of H Balmer α line (656.27 nm). In the case of the air, this measure has been contrasted with the value obtained with the line of 281.62 nm of Al II. Special attention has been paid to the self-absorption of the spectral lines used. The measures were realized with different delay times after the pulse of the laser (1–8 μs) and with a time window of 1 μs. In LSP the electron density obtained was between 1017 cm−3 for the shortest delays (4–6 μs), and 1016 cm−3 for the greatest delays (7,8 μs).