816 resultados para point of sale communication


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Background: To achieve good outcomes in critically ill obstetric patients, it is necessary to identify organ dysfunction rapidly so that life-saving interventions can be appropriately commenced. However, timely access to clinical chemistry results is problematic, even in referral institutions, in the sub-Saharan African region. Reliable point-of-care tests licensed for clinical use are now available for lactate and creatinine. Aim: We aimed to assess whether implementation of point-of-care testing for lactate and creatinine is feasible in the obstetric unit at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre, Malawi, by obtaining the opinions of clinical staff on the use of these tests in practice. Methods: During a two-month evaluation period nurse-midwives, medical interns, clinical officers, registrars, and consultants were given the opportunity to use StatStrip® and StatSensor® (Nova Biomedical, Waltham, USA) devices, for lactate and creatinine estimation, as part of their routine clinical practice in the obstetric unit. They were subsequently asked to complete a short questionnaire. Results: Thirty-seven questionnaires were returned by participants: 22 from nurse-midwives and the remainder from clinicians. The mean satisfaction score for the devices was 7.6/10 amongst clinicians and 8.0/10 amongst nurse-midwives. The majority of participants stated that the obstetric high dependency unit (HDU) was the most suitable location for the devices. For lactate, 31 participants strongly agreed that testing should be continued and 24 strongly agreed that it would influence patient management. For creatinine, 29 strongly agreed that testing should be continued and 28 strongly agreed that it would influence their patient management. Twenty participants strongly agreed that they trust point-of-care devices. Conclusions: Point-of-care clinical chemistry testing was feasible, practical, and well received by staff, and was considered to have a useful role to play in the clinical care of sick obstetric patients at this referral centre.


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© 2015. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/


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In this article, the authors propose a theory of the truth value of propositions from a logic-mathematical point of view. The work that the authors present is an attempt to address this question from an epistemological, linguistic, and logical-mathematical point of view. What is it to exist and how do we define existence? The main objective of this work is an approach to the first of these questions. We leave a more thorough treatment of the problem of existence for future works.


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The present dissertation aimed to develop a new microfluidic system for a point-of-care hematocrit device. Stabilization of microfluidic systems via surfactant additives and integration of semipermeable SnakeSkin® membranes was investigated. Both methods stabilized the microfluidic systems by controlling electrolysis bubbles. Surfactant additives, Triton X-100 and SDS stabilized promoted faster bubble detachment at electrode surfaces by lowering surface tension and decreased gas bubble formation by increasing gas solubility. The SnakeSkin® membranes blocked bubbles from entering the microchannel and thus less disturbance to the electric field by bubbles occurred in the microchannel. Platinum electrode performance was improved by carbonizing electrode surface using red blood cells. Irreversibly adsorbed RBCs lysed on platinum electrode surfaces and formed porous carbon layers while current response measurements. The formed carbon layers increase the platinum electrode surface area and thus electrode performance was improved by 140 %. The microfluidic system was simplified by employing DC field to use as a platform for a point-of-care hematocrit device. Feasibility of the microfluidic system for hematocrit determination was shown via current response measurements of red blood cell suspensions in phosphate buffered saline and plasma media. The linear trendline of current responses over red blood cell concentration was obtained in both phosphate buffered saline and plasma media. This research suggested that a new and simple microfluidic system could be a promising solution to develop an inexpensive and reliable point-of-care hematocrit device.


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This dissertation describes the development of a label-free, electrochemical immunosensing platform integrated into a low-cost microfluidic system for the sensitive, selective and accurate detection of cortisol, a steroid hormone co-related with many physiological disorders. Abnormal levels of cortisol is indicative of conditions such as Cushing’s syndrome, Addison’s disease, adrenal insufficiencies and more recently post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Electrochemical detection of immuno-complex formation is utilized for the sensitive detection of Cortisol using Anti-Cortisol antibodies immobilized on sensing electrodes. Electrochemical detection techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) have been utilized for the characterization and sensing of the label-free detection of Cortisol. The utilization of nanomaterial’s as the immobilizing matrix for Anti-cortisol antibodies that leads to improved sensor response has been explored. A hybrid nano-composite of Polyanaline-Ag/AgO film has been fabricated onto Au substrate using electrophoretic deposition for the preparation of electrochemical immunosening of cortisol. Using a conventional 3-electrode electrochemical cell, a linear sensing range of 1pM to 1µM at a sensitivity of 66µA/M and detection limit of 0.64pg/mL has been demonstrated for detection of cortisol. Alternately, a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of dithiobis(succinimidylpropionte) (DTSP) has been fabricated for the modification of sensing electrode to immobilize with Anti-Cortisol antibodies. To increase the sensitivity at lower detection limit and to develop a point-of-care sensing platform, the DTSP-SAM has been fabricated on micromachined interdigitated microelectrodes (µIDE). Detection of cortisol is demonstrated at a sensitivity of 20.7µA/M and detection limit of 10pg/mL for a linear sensing range of 10pM to 200nM using the µIDE’s. A simple, low-cost microfluidic system is designed using low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) technology for the integration of the electrochemical cortisol immunosensor and automation of the immunoassay. For the first time, the non-specific adsorption of analyte on LTCC has been characterized for microfluidic applications. The design, fabrication technique and fluidic characterization of the immunoassay are presented. The DTSP-SAM based electrochemical immunosensor on µIDE is integrated into the LTCC microfluidic system and cortisol detection is achieved in the microfluidic system in a fully automated assay. The fully automated microfluidic immunosensor hold great promise for accurate, sensitive detection of cortisol in point-of-care applications.


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The epoc® blood analysis system (Epocal Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) is a newly developed in vitro diagnostic hand-held analyzer for testing whole blood samples at point-of-care, which provides blood gas, electrolytes, ionized calcium, glucose, lactate, and hematocrit/calculated hemoglobin rapidly. The analytical performance of the epoc® system was evaluated in a tertiary hospital, see related research article “Analytical evaluation of the epoc® point-of-care blood analysis system in cardiopulmonary bypass patients” [1]. Data presented are the linearity analysis for 9 parameters and the comparison study in 40 cardiopulmonary bypass patients on 3 epoc® meters, Instrumentation Laboratory GEM4000, Abbott iSTAT, Nova CCX, and Roche Accu-Chek Inform II and Performa glucose meters.


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Background: Impairments in social communication are the hallmark feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Operationalizing ‘severity’ in ASD has been challenging; thus stratifying by functioning has not been possible. Purpose: To describe the development of the Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication (ACSF:SC) and evaluate its consistency within and between parent and professional ratings. Methodology: (1)ACSF:SC development based on focus groups and surveys involving parents, educators and clinicians familiar with preschoolers with ASD; and (2)Evaluation of the intra- and inter-rater agreement of the ACSF:SC using weighted kappa(кw). Results: Seventy-six participants were involved in the development process. Core characteristics of social communication were ascertained: communicative intent; communicative skills and reciprocity; and impact of environment. Five ACSF:SC levels were created and content-validated across participants. Best capacity and typical performance agreement ratings varied as follows: intra-rater on 41 children was кw=0.61-0.69 for parents and кw=0.71-0.95 for professionals; inter-rater between professionals were кw=0.47-0.61 and between parents and professionals кw=0.33-0.53. Conclusions: Perspectives from parents, and professionals informed ACSF:SC development, providing common descriptions of the levels of everyday communicative abilities of children with ASD to complement DSM-5. Rater agreement demonstrates the ACSF:SC can be utilized with acceptable consistency in comparison to other functional classification systems.


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A evolução da Internet, e em especial da Web, originou alterações significativas na forma como o indivíduo comunica, conduzindo até que a Web 2.0 tenha mudado o ponto gravitacional da comunicação online, fazendo que o enfoque passasse a ser no acesso às pessoas e não apenas no acesso à informação. Os social media permitem que os indivíduos comuniquem e interajam de formas inovadoras e colaborativas, alterando definitivamente a forma como estes se relacionam e, como o presente estudo pretende, em parte, demonstrar, as instituições culturais e museológicas não são indiferentes a esta mudança de paradigma comunicacional. As exigências e transformações da sociedade atual, intimamente ligada às tecnologias da informação e comunicação, têm levantado novas questões às instituições museológicas, conduzindo a que os museus enfrentem novos desafios de transformação do seu papel social, potenciando o seu cariz eminentemente comunicacional através da utilização das ferramentas Web 2.0 e social media. Os social media possibilitam a evolução do papel do museu, de um fornecedor de informação, para um potenciador de conhecimento, dando aos seus visitantes a possibilidade de participar e explorar, de forma dinâmica e ativa, criando a base para a conceção de novas perspetivas e visões sobre o museu e o objeto museológico. Os social media oferecem novas formas de colaboração com o público e, desta forma, permite que o museu conheça melhor a sua audiência, podendo ajustar-se na gestão e curadoria, com a contribuição dessas novas ideias e visões. No entanto, o desafio, para o sector museológico, da utilização dessas ferramentas com base em estratégias de comunicação adequadas, representa uma tarefa que se mostra por vezes complexa pela inexistência de diretrizes de aplicação e medição de resultados nos social media. Este trabalho concentra-se num estudo com vista à proposta de um conjunto de diretrizes que guiem o design de estratégias de comunicação do museu, através dos social media. Para tal, estudou-se a relação existente entre os museus e os social media, tanto a nível nacional como a nível internacional, reconhecendo o tipo de utilização que fazem dos social media e caracterizando que tipo de conteúdos e quais as ferramentas utilizadas. Deste estudo, entrevistas e outras observações, identificou-se projetos pioneiros na utilização de blogues, wikis, youtube, redes sociais, etc, e concebeu-se, de forma detalhada, modelo orientador da utilização dos social media como ferramenta de comunicação. Parte integrante deste estudo foi a aplicação prática destas diretrizes a museus no concreto, sendo possível a aplicação, medição de resultados e ajustes ao modelo desenvolvido. Os social media apoiam o museu a cumprir o seu papel e função social, aproximando-o do público, cada vez mais diverso e heterogéneo, tornando o online como uma forma essencial de comunicação museológica.


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Este estudo enquadra-se no âmbito do Marketing e Comportamento do Consumidor e tem como tema Promoção no Ponto de Venda. Esta investigação tem como objectivo conhecer a percepção e comportamento de grupos de consumidores face a promoções no ponto de venda. O desenvolvimento deste projecto procurou encontrar resposta para os objectivos de investigação propostos através da realização de um inquérito por questionário. Toda a investigação empírica teve por base os resultados obtidos através de 156 questionários online a consumidores, maiores de 18 anos, de super e hipermercados e centros comerciais. Foi utilizada uma amostra por conveniência, para a qual foi enviado questionário online através de email e redes sociais. Realizou-se então este estudo e os resultados demonstraram que as promoções continuam a motivar o consumo e a despoletar a compra imediata e em maior quantidade. Estas conclusões são diferenciadas face às categorias de produto, com maior interesse por parte do consumidor em relação às promoções nos bens essenciais e moda, e face às tipologias de promoção, cuja preferência de promoção são as que têm incidência no preço. No nosso estudo encontramos quatro segmentos de consumidores, que de uma forma global registam auto percepção de consumidores inteligentes, que procuram com a promoções optimizar a relação qualidade preço, e que são pouco impulsivos no consumo. Concluímos que as promoções no ponto de venda são técnicas de marketing em que os gestores de marketing devem continuar a apostar pois é um factor critico de sucesso no incremento de vendas.


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Dissertação Apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo Gestão de Empresas Orientada pelo Professor Doutor José de Freitas Santos


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação da professora Mestre Anabela Ribeiro


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Este trabajo está basado en diferentes fuentes como libros, encuestas realizadas a una población de 133 personas, noticias y artículos de expertos en mercadeo que describen como funciona el marketing sensorial y en qué casos se ha implementado en la actualidad. Lo que se busca encontrar con esta investigación, son las ventajas de implementar en las compañías este nuevo tipo de marketing, entender a mayor profundidad el comportamiento de los consumidores y usar esto para generar mayor satisfacción entre ellos y desarrollar un gran logro como empresa de éxito. El marketing sensorial es un término relativamente nuevo por lo cual la literatura sobre éste no es muy extensa, sin embargo ya son varias las compañías que lo han implementado. A través de diferentes opiniones, percepciones y casos descritos de diferentes empresas que implementan este mercadeo como parte de su estrategia de recordación y posicionamiento, se busca conocer qué puntos claves y nuevas ideas se pueden tener en cuenta en el momento de implementar una estrategia basada en el Mercadeo Sensorial.