996 resultados para organic input


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This work investigates novel alternative means of interaction in a virtual environment (VE).We analyze whether humans can remap established body functions to learn to interact with digital information in an environment that is cross-sensory by nature and uses vocal utterances in order to influence (abstract) virtual objects. We thus establish a correlation among learning, control of the interface, and the perceived sense of presence in the VE. The application enables intuitive interaction by mapping actions (the prosodic aspects of the human voice) to a certain response (i.e., visualization). A series of single-user and multiuser studies shows that users can gain control of the intuitive interface and learn to adapt to new and previously unseen tasks in VEs. Despite the abstract nature of the presented environment, presence scores were generally very high.


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The effects of the addition to sausage mix of tocopherols (200 mg/kg), a conventional starter culture with or without Staphylococcus carnosus, celery concentrate (CP) (0.23% and 0.46%), and two doses of nitrate (70 and 140 mg/kg expressed as NaNO(3)) on residual nitrate and nitrite amounts, instrumental CIE Lab color, tocol content, oxidative stability, and overall acceptability were studied in fermented dry-cured sausages after ripening and after storage. Nitrate doses were provided by nitrate-rich CP or a chemical grade source. The lower dose complies with the EU requirements governing the maximum for ingoing amounts in organic meat products. Tocopherol addition protected against oxidation, whereas the nitrate dose, nitrate source, or starter culture had little influence on secondary oxidation values. The residual nitrate and nitrite amounts found in the sausages with the lower nitrate dose were within EU-permitted limits for organic meat products and residual nitrate can be further reduced by the presence of the S. carnosus culture. Color measurements were not affected by the CP dose. Product consumer acceptability was not affected negatively by any of the factors studied. As the two nitrate sources behaved similarly for the parameters studied, CP is a useful alternative to chemical ingredients for organic dry-cured sausage production.


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The Liesberg Beds form the transition between the lower Oxfordian dark coloured marls (Renggeri Member and the Terrain a Chailles Member) and the middle Oxfordian reefal limestones (St-Ursanne Formation). Both lithofacies and biofacies are diverse and evolve rapidly up-section. Stable isotope studies of whole-rock samples are therefore excluded. In search for a convenient isotopic marker, we measured carbon isotope compositions of several fossil groups and chose crinoid stems of Millericrinus spp and echinoid spines of Paracidaris spp because of their abundance throughout the section and the small variations of delta(13)C within one fossil and between fossils from the same stratigraphic level. The delta(13)C values of echinoderms largely reflect earliest diagenetic conditions at the seawatersediment interface. The porous stereome structure secreted of high Mg-calcite by echinoderms has a high reactive surface/volume ratio, which triggers the precipitation of very early syntaxial cements. In the four studied sections reproducible carbon isotope shifts were observed both for Millericrinus spp stems and Paracidaris spp spines. A negative delta(13)C shift of 1-1.5 parts per thousand was observed near the base of the section, just above the transition from Terrain a Chailles Member, where the first corals occur. In the middle and upper part of the four sections, characterised by a stepwise increase of corals and the macrofossils, a positive delta(13)C Shift of about 2 parts per thousand was observed. Despite the highly variable lithologic composition of the Liesberg Beds;Member, carbon isotope shifts seem to be consistent and warrant an interpretation as an original signal, controlled by the isotopic composition of dissolved carbonic acid in seawater. We explain the heavy delta(13)C values (approximate to 2-2.3 parts per thousand) in the lower Liesberg Beds as a transition from an oxygen-limited environment (Terrain a Chailles Member) to the Liesberg Beds Member. The lowest delta(13)C values (approximate to 1-1.5 parts per thousand) correspond to a large input of dissolved nutrients to the platform under oxidizing conditions. The ensuing positive shift (between 2.5 and 3.5 parts per thousand), however, seems to correspond to a general trend of opening up of the platform and connection to open marine waters. Positive delta(13)C values in the upper Liesberg Beds is interpreted as a result of important accelareted extraction of organic carbon from the ocean reservoir, that occurred possibly during periods of warm and humid climate.


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In this study, a model for the unsteady dynamic behaviour of a once-through counter flow boiler that uses an organic working fluid is presented. The boiler is a compact waste-heat boiler without a furnace and it has a preheater, a vaporiser and a superheater. The relative lengths of the boiler parts vary with the operating conditions since they are all parts of a single tube. The present research is a part of a study on the unsteady dynamics of an organic Rankine cycle power plant and it will be a part of a dynamic process model. The boiler model is presented using a selected example case that uses toluene as the process fluid and flue gas from natural gas combustion as the heat source. The dynamic behaviour of the boiler means transition from the steady initial state towards another steady state that corresponds to the changed process conditions. The solution method chosen was to find such a pressure of the process fluid that the mass of the process fluid in the boiler equals the mass calculated using the mass flows into and out of the boiler during a time step, using the finite difference method. A special method of fast calculation of the thermal properties has been used, because most of the calculation time is spent in calculating the fluid properties. The boiler was divided into elements. The values of the thermodynamic properties and mass flows were calculated in the nodes that connect the elements. Dynamic behaviour was limited to the process fluid and tube wall, and the heat source was regarded as to be steady. The elements that connect the preheater to thevaporiser and the vaporiser to the superheater were treated in a special way that takes into account a flexible change from one part to the other. The model consists of the calculation of the steady state initial distribution of the variables in the nodes, and the calculation of these nodal values in a dynamic state. The initial state of the boiler was received from a steady process model that isnot a part of the boiler model. The known boundary values that may vary during the dynamic calculation were the inlet temperature and mass flow rates of both the heat source and the process fluid. A brief examination of the oscillation around a steady state, the so-called Ledinegg instability, was done. This examination showed that the pressure drop in the boiler is a third degree polynomial of the mass flow rate, and the stability criterion is a second degree polynomial of the enthalpy change in the preheater. The numerical examination showed that oscillations did not exist in the example case. The dynamic boiler model was analysed for linear and step changes of the entering fluid temperatures and flow rates.The problem for verifying the correctness of the achieved results was that there was no possibility o compare them with measurements. This is why the only way was to determine whether the obtained results were intuitively reasonable and the results changed logically when the boundary conditions were changed. The numerical stability was checked in a test run in which there was no change in input values. The differences compared with the initial values were so small that the effects of numerical oscillations were negligible. The heat source side tests showed that the model gives results that are logical in the directions of the changes, and the order of magnitude of the timescale of changes is also as expected. The results of the tests on the process fluid side showed that the model gives reasonable results both on the temperature changes that cause small alterations in the process state and on mass flow rate changes causing very great alterations. The test runs showed that the dynamic model has no problems in calculating cases in which temperature of the entering heat source suddenly goes below that of the tube wall or the process fluid.


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Both the intermolecular interaction energies and the geometries for M ̄ thiophene, M ̄ pyrrole, M n+ ̄ thiophene, and M n+ ̄ pyrrole ͑with M = Li, Na, K, Ca, and Mg; and M n+ = Li+ , Na+ , K+ , Ca2+, and Mg2+͒ have been estimated using four commonly used density functional theory ͑DFT͒ methods: B3LYP, B3PW91, PBE, and MPW1PW91. Results have been compared to those provided by HF, MP2, and MP4 conventional ab initio methods. The PBE and MPW1PW91 are the only DFT methods able to provide a reasonable description of the M ̄ complexes. Regarding M n+ ̄ ␲ complexes, the four DFT methods have been proven to be adequate in the prediction of these electrostatically stabilized systems, even though they tend to overestimate the interaction energies.


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Different anchoring groups have been studied with the aim of covalently binding organic linkers to the surface of alumina ceramic foams. The results suggested that a higher degree of functionalization was achieved with a pyrogallol derivative - as compared to its catechol analogue - based on the XPS analysis of the ceramic surface. The conjugation of organic ligands to the surface of these alumina materials was corroborated by DNP-MAS NMR measurements.


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En este trabajo se pretende ofrecer una visión del sector Agroalimentario (SAA) catalán, y muy especialmente, de cual es su situación comparativa dentro del SAA español. Analizando por medio de las tablas input-output aquellas ramas del SAA que actúan como motor en cada una de las economías estudiadas, al mismo tiempo que se detectan las analogías o divergencias entre las dos realidades, la autónoma y la nacional. Los indicadores utilizados para el estudio de la tabla input-output son: Chenery-Watanabe, Rasmussen, Backward linkages, Forward linkdages, multiplicador renta y multiplicador de las importaciones.


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Selostus: Kauran trikotekeenipitoisuus virallisissa lajikekokeissa sekä typpilannoitus- ja luomulajikekokeissa


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Outcrops of old strata at the shelf edge resulting from erosive gravity-driven flows have been globally described on continental margins. The reexposure of old strata allows for the reintroduction of aged organic carbon (OC), sequestered in marine sediments for thousands of years, into the modern carbon cycle. This pool of reworked material represents an additional source of C-14-depleted organic carbon supplied to the ocean, in parallel with the weathering of fossil organic carbon delivered by rivers from land. To understand the dynamics and implications of this reexposure at the shelf edge, a biogeochemical study was carried out in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea) where erosive processes, driven by shelf dense water cascading, are currently shaping the seafloor at the canyon heads. Mooring lines equipped with sediment traps and current meters were deployed during the cascading season in the southwestern canyon heads, whereas sediment cores were collected along the sediment dispersal system from the prodelta regions down to the canyon heads. Evidence from grain-size, X-radiographs and Pb-210 activity indicate the presence in the upper slope of a shelly-coarse surface stratum overlying a consolidated deposit. This erosive discontinuity was interpreted as being a result of dense water cascading that is able to generate sufficient shear stress at the canyon heads to mobilize the coarse surface layer, eroding the basal strata. As a result, a pool of aged organic carbon (Delta C-14 = -944.5 +/- 24.7%; mean age 23,650 +/- 3,321 ybp) outcrops at the modern seafloor and is reexposed to the contemporary carbon cycle. This basal deposit was found to have relatively high terrigenous organic carbon (lignin = 1.48 +/- 0.14 mg/100 mg OC), suggesting that this material was deposited during the last low sea-level stand. A few sediment trap samples showed anomalously depleted radiocarbon concentrations (Delta C-14 = -704.4 +/- 62.5%) relative to inner shelf (Delta C-14 = -293.4 +/- 134.0%), mid-shelf (Delta C-14 = -366.6 +/- 51.1%), and outer shelf (Delta C-14 = -384 +/- 47.8%) surface sediments. Therefore, although the major source of particulate material during the cascading season is resuspended shelf deposits, there is evidence that this aged pool of organic carbon can be eroded and laterally advected downslope.


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The analysis of the shape of excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) is a relevant tool for exploring the origin, transport and fate of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in aquatic ecosystems. Within this context, the decomposition of EEMs is acquiring a notable relevance. A simple mathematical algorithm that automatically deconvolves individual EEMs is described, creating new possibilities for the comparison of DOM fluorescence properties and EEMs that are very different from each other. A mixture model approach is adopted to decompose complex surfaces into sub-peaks. The laplacian operator and the Nelder-Mead optimisation algorithm are implemented to individuate and automatically locate potential peaks in the EEM landscape. The EEMs of a simple artificial mixture of fluorophores and DOM samples collected in a Mediterranean river are used to describe the model application and to illustrate a strategy that optimises the search for the optimal output.


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The aim of this work was to determine the sugar, organic acid and mineral compositions of the whole fruit and fractions (skin, pulp and seed) of the Paulista (Plinia cauliflora) and Sabará (Plinia jaboticaba) jabuticaba tree genotypes, as well as the oil compositions of their skin and seeds. High levels of sugar, especially fructose, followed by glucose and sucrose, were encountered in the fruit. In the Paulista genotype, higher levels of total and reducing sugars were found in the pulp and skin, which was not observed when comparing the whole fruit of both genotypes. Five organic acids were found in the whole fruit and in the fractions of the two jabuticaba genotypes in quantitative order: citric acid > succinic acid > malic acid > oxalic acid > acetic acid. Potassium was the most abundant mineral found. This fruit was also shown to be rich in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and copper. The seed oil had nearly the same constitution as the oil extracted from the skin in both genotypes and the major compounds were an unidentified phytosterol, palmitic, linoleic and oleic acids, and squalene.


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Selostus: Alsike-, puna- ja valkoapilan vaikutus laitumen tuottoon luonnonmukaisessa tuotannossa