883 resultados para open access policies


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Na Amazônia Brasileira a principal atividade responsável pelo desmatamento é a pecuária. Esse trabalho analisa a evolução das causas imediatas do desmatamento da Amazônia, utilizando-se de regressões lineares com dados em painel. O modelo avalia a contribuição dos principais usos do solo na região ao desmatamento, de 2000 a 2006. Dados do PRODES de desmatamento, o número de cabeças bovinas de 782 municípios da Amazônia e área plantada de culturas perenes e temporárias foram utilizados para essa análise. O resultado mostrou que o desmatamento é fortemente correlacionado com a pecuária. A soja também aparece positivamente correlacionada com o desmatamento. Esta tendência é reforçada pelo crescimento nacional e internacional da demanda de carne. Políticas públicas eficazes para a redução do desmatamento devem, portanto, agir nas causas subjacentes da expansão da pecuária reduzindo a força dos processos que produzem a sua expansão na fronteira do desmatamento.


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Aborda os desafios do Estado na consolidação de uma sociedade da informação no Brasil. Esses desafios são representados pelo analfabetismo, pela necessidade de capacitação dos recursos humanos da burocracia do Estado e pela dificuldade do cidadão comum ao acesso às tecnologias de informação. Entende que a sociedade da informação é algo ambivalente para o Estado brasileiro. Ela representa os desafios e as oportunidades para o desenvolvimento em uma ordem informacional, caracterizada pela velocidade das mudanças no contexto da sociedade contemporânea. Portanto, o Estado precisa elaborar e aplicar políticas públicas comprometidas com a real superação desses desafios, para a construção de uma sociedade da informação mais eqüitativa no Brasil.


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O abuso de álcool tem alcançado proporções massivas, associado a uma série de consequências adversas, transformando-se num dos fenômenos mais generalizados das últimas décadas sendo, portanto o álcool, agente da doença alcoólica, um problema de saúde pública.Os jovens estão em fase de transição fisiológica e social, sendo a curiosidade, a pressão do grupo social, o modelo familiar, a propaganda e a falta de políticas públicas,os principais fatores de riscos que os conduzem para o consumo precoce de álcool. O adolescente uma vez que se encontra em fase de maturação apresenta seu sistema nervoso central (SNC) vulnerável às agressões causadas pelo consumo dessa droga. Sabe-se que o álcool promove uma série de alterações motoras do ponto de vista clínico e concomitantemente fisiológico. Estas alterações são consequentes da ação do álcool sobre o SNC, mais especificamente sobre o Cerebelo, e que mediante uso crônico da droga sofre (como os demais órgãos do SNC) algumas alterações.O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as alterações cerebelares decorrentes da exposição ao etanol da adolescência à fase adulta em ratos, sobre os padrões morfométricos observados no órgão, investigação da resposta tecidual e balanço oxidativo do órgão frente à injúria causada pelo tóxico. Ratos receberam a partir do 35° dia de vida pós-natal (período de puberdade), por gavagem, EtOH na dose de 6,5 g/kg/dia até completar 90 dias (fase adulta). Para visualização da injúria causada ao tecido, foi feito investigação morfométrica e análise bioquímica através de estresse oxidativo. Os resultados encontrados mostram que a massa cerebelar não é alterada, porém há uma redução no tamanho do órgão e houve um aumento na densidade da população celular nas camadas molecular e granular.No entanto ocorreu uma diminuição de células neuronais, contudo as alterações morfo-histológicas não foram acompanhadas de alterações na bioquímica oxidativa.


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O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar a política de assistência estudantil desenvolvida durante o governo Lula (2003-2010) para atendimento dos estudantes de graduação das Universidades Federais, especialmente, no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), identificando sua repercussão na permanência dos referidos estudantes. Partiu-se, centralmente, da indagação: como tem se desenvolvido a política de Assistência Estudantil no contexto da política de acesso e permanência na Educação Superior, em especial, nas universidades federais, durante o Governo Lula (2003-2010)? Partiu-se da perspectiva de que a compreensão desse processo pressupõe considerarmos o contexto de crise estrutural do capital, momento em que emerge, no plano político, o neoliberalismo e, no econômico, a reestruturação produtiva, com a redefinição do papel do Estado e das políticas sociais (entre as quais, a de assistência estudantil). A metodologia da pesquisa adotada foi bibliográfica e documental, sob o corte teórico do materialismo histórico. Neste sentido, analisou-se leis e decretos afetos ao objetivo delimitado, além de dados estatísticos e orçamentários da expansão do ensino superior (cursos de graduação), particularmente, na UFPA. Trabalhou-se com as categorias de análise contradição e mediação tal como abordadas no seio do materialismo histórico, como mediações para a compreensão da política de Assistência Estudantil subsumida nas políticas sociais e como as mesmas se relacionam com os dispositivos jurídicos que normatizam a assistência estudantil. Utilizou-se, ainda, como categoria relacionada à política de assistência a permanência, que constitui elemento central desse processo. Concluiu-se, dentre outros aspectos – do interior da metodologia adotada – que a Assistência Estudantil, como instaurada e institucionalizada no governo Lula (2003- 2010), por meio do PNAES (Programa Nacional de Assistência Estudantil), apresenta uma concepção limitada, fragmentada e focalizada nos segmentos sociais mais empobrecidos da população, haja vista a referida política adotar a lógica do menor recurso orçamentário para o maior quantitativo de atendimento. Essa lógica repercute, de modo negativo, relativamente à permanência dos estudantes na UFPA e, consequentemente, no insucesso referente à conclusão dos cursos, o que subtrai da Assistência Estudantil seu caráter de direito social universal.


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This paper addresses the relationship of copyright and the right of universities on scientific production. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are causing many changes in the system of scientific communication, such as the creation of Institutional Repositories that aim to gather scientific production in digital format. The University needs quicker ways of spreading academic production and many questions are emerging due to contexts such as the Open Access movement. Thus, this paper questions the positioning of Universities, especially Public Universities, which despite having policies related to intellectual property to protect the transferring forms of research results to society; many times do not have a positioning or a mechanism that regulates the self-deposit of scientific production in these Institutional Repositories. In order to develop this paper, the following issues are addressed: lack of interest of the University in storing scientific production; reports on the relationship of the library with scientific publishing houses; the participation of faculty members and students in supporting the Free Access movement; and initiatives aimed at greater flexibility of copyright to the context of scientific production. In order to follow the development of these issues at international level, it was opted for qualitative research with non-participating direct observation to carry out the identification and description of copyright policy of important publishers from the ROMEO SHERPA site; therefore, it can be observed that there are changes regarding the publishers' flexibility before self-archiving of authors in open access institutional repositories in their universities. Given this scenario, we presente reflections and considerations that involve the progress and mainly the integration of the University and its faculty members; the institution should recommend and guide its faculty members not to transfer their copyrights, but to defend their right of copy to Institutional Repositories along with Publishing Houses.


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Abstract Background The ongoing efforts to sequence the honey bee genome require additional initiatives to define its transcriptome. Towards this end, we employed the Open Reading frame ESTs (ORESTES) strategy to generate profiles for the life cycle of Apis mellifera workers. Results Of the 5,021 ORESTES, 35.2% matched with previously deposited Apis ESTs. The analysis of the remaining sequences defined a set of putative orthologs whose majority had their best-match hits with Anopheles and Drosophila genes. CAP3 assembly of the Apis ORESTES with the already existing 15,500 Apis ESTs generated 3,408 contigs. BLASTX comparison of these contigs with protein sets of organisms representing distinct phylogenetic clades revealed a total of 1,629 contigs that Apis mellifera shares with different taxa. Most (41%) represent genes that are in common to all taxa, another 21% are shared between metazoans (Bilateria), and 16% are shared only within the Insecta clade. A set of 23 putative genes presented a best match with human genes, many of which encode factors related to cell signaling/signal transduction. 1,779 contigs (52%) did not match any known sequence. Applying a correction factor deduced from a parallel analysis performed with Drosophila melanogaster ORESTES, we estimate that approximately half of these no-match ESTs contigs (22%) should represent Apis-specific genes. Conclusions The versatile and cost-efficient ORESTES approach produced minilibraries for honey bee life cycle stages. Such information on central gene regions contributes to genome annotation and also lends itself to cross-transcriptome comparisons to reveal evolutionary trends in insect genomes.


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Abstract Background The occurrence of preterm birth remains a complex public health condition. It is considered the main cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality, resulting in a high likelihood of sequelae in surviving children. With variable incidence in several countries, it has grown markedly in the last decades. In Brazil, however, there are still difficulties to estimate its real occurrence. Therefore, it is essential to establish the prevalence and causes of this condition in order to propose prevention actions. This study intend to collect information from hospitals nationwide on the prevalence of preterm births, their associated socioeconomic and environmental factors, diagnostic and treatment methods resulting from causes such as spontaneous preterm labor, prelabor rupture of membranes, and therapeutic preterm birth, as well as neonatal results. Methods/Design This proposal is a multicenter cross-sectional study plus a nested case-control study, to be implemented in 27 reference obstetric centers in several regions of Brazil (North: 1; Northeast: 10; Central-west: 1; Southeast: 13; South: 2). For the cross sectional component, the participating centers should perform, during a period of six months, a prospective surveillance of all patients hospitalized to give birth, in order to identify preterm birth cases and their main causes. In the first three months of the study, an analysis of the factors associated with preterm birth will also be carried out, comparing women who have preterm birth with those who deliver at term. For the prevalence study, 37,000 births will be evaluated (at term and preterm), corresponding to approximately half the deliveries of all participating centers in 12 months. For the case-control study component, the estimated sample size is 1,055 women in each group (cases and controls). The total number of preterm births estimated to be followed in both components of the study is around 3,600. Data will be collected through a questionnaire all patients will answer after delivery. The data will then be encoded in an electronic form and sent online by internet to a central database. The data analysis will be carried out by subgroups according to gestational age at preterm birth, its probable causes, therapeutic management, and neonatal outcomes. Then, the respective rates, ratios and relative risks will be estimated for the possible predictors. Discussion These findings will provide information on preterm births in Brazil and their main social and biological risk factors, supporting health policies and the implementation of clinical trials on preterm birth prevention and treatment strategies, a condition with many physical and emotional consequences to children and their families.


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Abstract Background An upper limb arteriovenous (AV) fistula is the access of choice for haemodialysis (HD). There have been few reports of saphenofemoral AV fistulas (SFAVF) over the last 10-20 years because of previous suggestions of poor patencies and needling difficulties. Here, we describe our clinical experience with SFAVF. Methods SFAVFs were evaluated using the following variables: immediate results, early and late complications, intraoperative and postoperative complications (up to day 30), efficiency of the fistula after the onset of needling and complications associated to its use. Results Fifty-six SFAVF fistulas were created in 48 patients. Eight patients had two fistulas: 8 patent (16%), 10 transplanted (20%), 12 deaths (24%), 1 low flow (2%) and 20 thrombosis (39%) (first two months of preparation). One patient had severe hypotension during surgery, which caused thrombosis of the fistula, which was successfully thrombectomised, four thrombosed fistulae were successfully thrombectomised and revised on the first postoperative day. After 59 months of follow-up, primary patency was 44%. Conclusion SFAVF is an adequate alternative for patients without the possibility for other access in the upper limbs, allowing efficient dialysis with good long-term patency with a low complication rate.


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Abstract Background Antioxidant nutrient intake and the lesser formation of free radicals seem to contribute to chronic diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the intake profile of the main dietary antioxidants in a representative sample of the adult Brazilian population and discuss the main consequences of a low intake of these micronutrients on overall health. Methods The sample comprised 2344 individuals aged 40 years or older from 150 cities and was based on a probabilistic sample from official data. The research was conducted through in-home interviews administered by a team trained for this purpose. Dietary intake information was obtained through 24-h recall. The Nutrition Data System for Research software program was used to analyze data on the intake of vitamins A, C and E, selenium and zinc, which was compared to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). Differences in intake according to sex, anthropometrics, socioeconomic status and region were also evaluated. The SPSS statistical package (version 13) was used for the statistical analysis. P-values < 0.05 were considered significant. Results Higher proportions of low intake in relation to recommended values were found for vitamin E (99.7%), vitamin A (92.4%) and vitamin C (85.1%) in both genders. Intake variations were found between different regions, which may reflect cultural habits. Conclusion These results should lead to the development of public health policies that encourage educational strategies for improving the intake of micronutrients, which are essential to overall health and prevention of non-communicable diseases.


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Abstract Background Large inequalities of mortality by most cancers in general, by mouth and pharynx cancer in particular, have been associated to behaviour and geopolitical factors. The assessment of socioeconomic covariates of cancer mortality may be relevant to a full comprehension of distal determinants of the disease, and to appraise opportune interventions. The objective of this study was to compare socioeconomic inequalities in male mortality by oral and pharyngeal cancer in two major cities of Europe and South America. Methods The official system of information on mortality provided data on deaths in each city; general censuses informed population data. Age-adjusted death rates by oral and pharyngeal cancer for men were independently assessed for neighbourhoods of Barcelona, Spain, and São Paulo, Brazil, from 1995 to 2003. Uniform methodological criteria instructed the comparative assessment of magnitude, trends and spatial distribution of mortality. General linear models assessed ecologic correlations between death rates and socioeconomic indices (unemployment, schooling levels and the human development index) at the inner-city area level. Results obtained for each city were subsequently compared. Results Mortality of men by oral and pharyngeal cancer ranked higher in Barcelona (9.45 yearly deaths per 100,000 male inhabitants) than in Spain and Europe as a whole; rates were on decrease. São Paulo presented a poorer profile, with higher magnitude (11.86) and stationary trend. The appraisal of ecologic correlations indicated an unequal and inequitably distributed burden of disease in both cities, with poorer areas tending to present higher mortality. Barcelona had a larger gradient of mortality than São Paulo, indicating a higher inequality of cancer deaths across its neighbourhoods. Conclusion The quantitative monitoring of inequalities in health may contribute to the formulation of redistributive policies aimed at the concurrent promotion of wellbeing and social justice. The assessment of groups experiencing a higher burden of disease can instruct health services to provide additional resources for expanding preventive actions and facilities aimed at early diagnosis, standardized treatments and rehabilitation.


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Background: Angola is one of the African countries with the highest morbidity and mortality rates and a devastating lack of human resources for health, including nursing. The World Health Organization stimulates and takes technical cooperation initiatives for human resource education and training in health and education, with a view to the development of countries in the region. The aim in this study was to identify how nurses affiliated with nursing education institutions perceive the challenges nursing education is facing in Angola. Methods: After consulting the National Directory of Human Resources in Angola, the nurse leaders affiliated with professional nursing education institutions in Angola were invited to participate in the study by email. Data were collected in February 2009 through the focus group technique. The group of participants was focused on the central question: what are the challenges faced for nursing education in your country? To register and understand the information, besides the use of a recorder, the reporters elaborated an interpretative report. Data were coded using content analysis. Results: Fourteen nurses participated in the meeting, most of whom were affiliated with technical nursing education institutions. It was verified that the nurse leaders at technical and higher nursing education institutions in Angola face many challenges, mainly related to the lack of infrastructure, absence of trained human resources, bureaucratic problems to regularize the schools and lack of material resources. On the opposite, the solutions they present are predominantly centered on the valuation of nursing professionals, which implies cultural and attitude changes. Conclusions: Public health education policies need to be established in Angola, including action guidelines that permit effective nursing activities. Professional education institutions need further regularizations and nurses need to be acknowledged as key elements for the qualitative enhancement of health services in the country.


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Abstract Background In a classical study, Durkheim noted a direct relation between suicide rates and wealth in the XIX century France. Since that time, several studies have verified this relationship. It is known that suicide rates are associated with income, although the direction of this association varies worldwide. Brazil presents a heterogeneous distribution of income and suicide across its territory; however, evaluation for an association between these variables has shown mixed results. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between suicide rates and income in Brazil, State of São Paulo (SP), and City of SP, considering geographical area and temporal trends. Methods Data were extracted from the National and State official statistics departments. Three socioeconomic areas were considered according to income, from the wealthiest (area 1) to the poorest (area 3). We also considered three regions: country-wide (27 Brazilian States and 558 Brazilian micro-regions), state-wide (645 counties of SP State), and city-wide (96 districts of SP city). Relative risks (RR) were calculated among areas 1, 2, and 3 for all regions, in a cross-sectional approach. Then, we used Joinpoint analysis to explore the temporal trends of suicide rates and SaTScan to investigate geographical clusters of high/low suicide rates across the territory. Results Suicide rates in Brazil, the State of SP, and the city of SP were 6.2, 6.6, and 5.4 per 100,000, respectively. Taking suicide rates of the poorest area (3) as reference, the RR for the wealthiest area was 1.64, 0.88, and 1.65 for Brazil, State of SP, and city of SP, respectively (p for trend <0.05 for all analyses). Spatial cluster of high suicide rates were identified at Brazilian southern (RR = 2.37), state of SP western (RR = 1.32), and city of SP central (RR = 1.65) regions. A direct association between income and suicide were found for Brazil (OR = 2.59) and the city of SP (OR = 1.07), and an inverse association for the state of SP (OR = 0.49). Conclusions Temporospatial analyses revealed higher suicide rates in wealthier areas in Brazil and the city of SP and in poorer areas in the State of SP. We further discuss the role of socioeconomic characteristics for explaining these discrepancies and the importance of our findings in public health policies. Similar studies in other Brazilian States and developing countries are warranted.


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Background Longitudinal epidemiological studies involving child/adolescent mental health problems are scarce in developing countries, particularly in regions characterized by adverse living conditions. We examined the influence of psychosocial factors on the trajectory of child/adolescent mental health problems (CAMHP) over time. Methods A population-based sample of 6- to 13-year-olds with CAMHP was followed-up from 2002–2003 (Time 1/T1) to 2007–2008 (Time 2/T2), with 86 out of 124 eligible children/adolescents at T1 being reassessed at T2 (sample loss: 30.6%). Outcome: CAMHP at T2 according to the Child Behavior Checklist/CBCL’s total problem scale. Psychosocial factors: T1 variables (child/adolescent’s age, family socioeconomic status); trajectory of variables from T1 to T2 (child/adolescent exposure to severe physical punishment, mother exposure to severe physical marital violence, maternal anxiety/depression); and T2 variables (maternal education, child/adolescent’s social support and pro-social activities). Results Multivariate analysis identified two risk factors for child/adolescent MHP at T2: aggravation of child/adolescent physical punishment and aggravation of maternal anxiety/depression. Conclusions The current study shows the importance of considering child/adolescent physical punishment and maternal anxiety/depression in intervention models and mental health care policies.


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L'obiettivo della ricerca è di compiere un'analisi dell'impatto della cosiddetta cultura "open" alla luce dell'attuale condizione del World Wide Web. Si prenderà in considerazione, in particolare, la genesi del movimento a partire dalle basi di cultura hacker e la relativa evoluzione nella filosofia del software libero, con il fine ultimo di identificare il ruolo attuale del modello open source nello scenario esistente. L'introduzione al concetto di Open Access completerà la ricerca anche considerando la recente riaffermazione della conoscenza come bene comune all'interno della Società dell'Informazione