987 resultados para nasal carriers


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Objective To determine the efficacy and toxicity of chemotherapy in the treatment of canine nasal tumours. Design Retrospective clinical study Procedure Eight dogs with histologically confirmed nasal tumours were staged by means of complete blood count, serum biochemical analysis, cytological analysis of fine needle aspirate of the regional lymph nodes, thoracic radiographs and computed tomography scan of the nasal cavity. All dogs were treated with alternating doses of doxorubicin, carboplatin and oral piroxicam. All dogs were monitored for side effects of chemotherapy and evaluated for response to treatment by computed tomography scan of the nasal cavity after the first four treatments. Results Complete remission was achieved in four dogs, partial remission occurred in two dogs and two had stable disease on the basis of computed tomography evaluation. There was resolution of clinical signs after one to two doses of chemotherapy in all dogs. Conclusions This chemotherapy protocol was efficacious and well tolerated in this series of eight cases of canine nasal tumours.


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A 12-year-old male castrated Samoyed dog was presented with left-sided epistaxis and sneezing. Diagnostic procedures included haematology and biochemistry testing, thoracic radiography, fine needle aspiration of regional lymph nodes, CT, rhinoscopy, incisional biopsy and histopathology. Squamous cell carcinoma of the rostral nasal cavity was diagnosed, with no evidence of metastatic disease. External beam radiation was not an accessible treatment option. Complete surgical resection of the tumour would have required a larger, more disfiguring resection of nasal planum and maxilla than the owner was prepared to accept and may have been associated with an unacceptable morbidity. As an alternative, the extent of disease was reduced using a combination of carboplatin, doxorubicin and piroxicam chemotherapy. This allowed a less extensive nasal planum removal to be performed to remove residual disease with clean margins. The patient achieved a 14 month disease free interval from the time of surgery to the time of local recurrence. Survival time from diagnosis to eventual euthanasia for progressive local disease was 18 months.


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E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion protein that is trafficked and delivered to the basolateral cell surface. Membrane-bound carriers for the post-Golgi exocytosis of E-cadherin have not been characterized. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged E-cadherin (Ecad-GFP) is transported from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the recycling endosome on its way to the cell surface in tubulovesicular carriers that resemble TGN tubules labeled by members of the golgin family of tethering proteins. Here, we examine the association of golgins with tubular carriers containing E-cadherin as cargo. Fluorescent GRIP domains from golgin proteins replicate the membrane binding of the full-length proteins and were coexpressed with Ecad-GFP. The GRIP domains of p230/golgin-245 and golgin-97 had overlapping but nonidentical distributions on the TGN; both domains were on TGN-derived tubules but only the golgin-97 GRIP domain coincided with Ecad-GFP tubules in live cells. When the Arl1-binding endogenous golgins, p230/golgin-245 and golgin-97 were displaced from Golgi membranes by overexpression of the p230 GRIP domain, trafficking of Ecad-GFP was inhibited. siRNA knockdown of golgin-97 also inhibited trafficking of Ecad-GFP. Thus, the GRIP domains of p230/golgin-245 and golgin-97 bind discriminately to distinct membrane subdomains of the TGN. Golgin-97 is identified as a selective and essential component of the tubulovesicular carriers transporting E-cadherin out of the TGN.


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A number of recent studies have provided new insights into the complexity of the endocytic pathways originating at the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. Many of the molecules involved in clathrin coated pit internalization are now well understood but other pathways are less well defined. Caveolae appear to represent a low capacity but highly regulated pathway in a restricted set of tissues in vivo. A third pathway, which is both clathrin- and caveolae-independent, may constitute a specialized high capacity endocytic pathway for lipids and fluid. The relationship of this pathway, if any, to macropinocytosis or to the endocytic pathways of lower eukaryotes remains an interesting open question. Our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms and molecular components involved in this pathway are at a relatively primitive stage. In this review, we will consider some of the characteristics of different endocytic pathways in high and lower eukaryotes and consider some of the common themes in endocytosis. One theme which becomes apparent from comparison of these pathways is that apparently different pathways can share common molecular machinery and that pathways considered to be distinct actually represent similar basic pathways to which additional levels of regulatory complexity have been added. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied loss of heterozygosity at the BRCA1 and BRCA2 loci in 992 normal cell clones derived from topographically defined areas of normal tissue in four samples from BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers. The frequency of loss of heterozygosity in the clones was low ( 1.01%), but it was found in all four samples, whether or not a tumour was present. Topographical mapping revealed that the genetic changes were clustered in some breast samples. Our study confirms the previous finding that a field of genetic instability can exist around a tumour, suggesting that sufficient tissue must be removed at surgery to avoid local recurrence. We also demonstrate that such a field of genetic change can exist in morphologically normal tissue before a tumour develops and, for the first time, we demonstrate that the field is of a size greater than one terminal duct-lobular unit. The genetic changes are not identical, however, which suggests that genetic instability in these regions may play an early role in tumour development. We also confirm and extend our original observation of loss of the wild-type BRCA1 allele in some clones, and loss of the mutant allele in others, demonstrating that loss of either allele is a stochastic event.


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Cellular delivery involving the transfer of various drugs and bio-active molecules (peptides, proteins and DNAs, etc.) through the cell membrane into cells has attracted increasing attention because of its importance in medicine and drug delivery. This topic has been extensively reviewed. The direct delivery of drugs and biomolecules, however, is generally inefficient and suffering from problems such as enzymic degradation of DNAs. Therefore, searching for efficient and safe transport vehicles (carriers) to delivery genes or drugs into cells has been challenging yet exciting area of research. In past decades, many carriers have been developed and investigated extensively which can be generally classified into four major groups: viral carriers, organic cationic compounds, recombinant protiens and inorganic nanoparticles. Many inorganic materials, such as calcium phosphate, gold, carbon materials, silicon oxide, iron oxide and layered double hydroxide (LDH), have been studied. Inorganic nanoparticles show low toxicity and promise for controlled delivery properties, thus presenting a new alternative to viral carriers and cationic carriers. Inorganic nanoparticles generally possess versatile properties suitable for cellular delivery, including wide availability, rich functionality, good biocompatibility, potential capability of targeted delivery (e.g. selectively destroying cancer cells but sparing normal tissues) and controlled release of carried drugs. This paper reviews the latest advances in inorganic nanoparticle applications as cellular delivery carriers and highlights some key issues in efficient cellular delivery using inorganic nanoparticles. Critical proper-ties of inorganic nanoparticles, surface functionalisation (modification), uptake of biomolecules, the driving forces for delivery, and release of biomolecules will be reviewed systematically. Selected examples of promising inorganic nanoparticle delivery systems, including gold, fullerences and carbon nanotubes, LDH and various oxide nanoparticles in particular their applications for gene delivery will be discussed. The fundamental understanding of properties of inorganic nanoparticles in relation to cellular delivery efficiency as the most paramount issue will be highlighted. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is currently, no ideal system for studying nasal drug delivery in vitro. The existing techniques such as the Ussing chamber and cell culture all have major disadvantages. Most importantly, none of the existing techniques accurately represent the interior of the nasal cavity, with its airflow and humidity; neither do they allow the investigation of solid dosage forms.The work in this thesis represents the development of an in vitro model system in which the interior characteristics of the nasal cavity are closely represented, and solid or minimal volume dosage forms can be investigated. The complete nasal chamber consists of two sections: a lower tissue, viability chamber and an upper nasal chamber. The lower tissue viability chamber has been shown, using existing tissue viability monitoring techniques, to maintain the viability of a number of epithelial tissues, including porcine and rabbit nasal tissue, and rat ileal and Payers' patch tissue. The complete chamber including the upper nasal chamber has been shown to provide tissue viability for porcine and rabbit nasal tissue above that available using the existing Ussing chamber techniques. Adaptation of the complete system, and the development of the necessary experimental protocols that allow aerosol particle-sizing, together with videography, has shown that the new factors investigated, humidity and airflow, have a measurable effect on the delivered dose from a typical nasal pump. Similarly, adaptation of the chamber to fit under a confocal microscope, and the development of the necessary protocols has shown the effect of surface and size on the penetration of microparticulate materials into nasal epithelial tissues. The system developed in this thesis has been shown to be flexible, in allowing the development of the confocal and particle-sizing systems. For future nasal drug delivery studies, the ability to measure such factors as the size of the delivered system in the nasal cavity, the depth of penetration of the formulation into the tissue are essential. Additionally, to have access to other data such as that obtained from drug transport in the same system, and to have the tissue available for histological examination represents a significant advance in the usefulness of such an in vitro technique for nasal delivery.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive disorder affecting Caucasian populations. The pathophysiology of this disorder predisposes the lungs of affected patients to chronic infection, typically by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is the main cause of morbidity and mortality. Recently, attention has focused on aerosolised polymyxins, which are given prophylactically in an effort to limit infection and subsequent lung damage. This class of antimicrobial compounds is highly active against P. aeruginosa and possess the advantage that resistance rarely develops. However, the rapid lung clearance of antibiotics is a well documented phenomenon and it was postulated that polymyxin treatment could be further improved by liposomal encapsulation. As part of the development of liposomal polymyxin B, analytical methodology (radiolabelling, HPLC and protein assay) applicable to liposomal formulations was established. Liposomes were prepared by the dehydration-rehydration method and encapsulation efficiencies were determined for a number of phospholipid compositions. Vesicles were characterised with respect to size, zeta potential, morphology and release characteristics. The surface hydrophobicity of vesicles was quantified by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and it was found that this method produced comparable results to techniques conventionally used to assess this property. In vivo testing of liposomal polymyxins demonstrated that encapsulation successfully prevented the rapid pulmonary clearance of PXB. Antimicrobial activity of liposomal formulations was quantified and found to be dependent on both the vesicle surface characteristics and their release profile. Investigation of the interaction of PXB with lipopolysaccharide was undertaken and results demonstrated that PXB caused significant structural distortion of the lipid A region. This may be sufficient to abrogate the potentiating action of LPS in the inflammatory cascade.


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The nasal absorption of larger peptide and protein drugs is generally low. The importance of the mucus layer and enzymic degradation in reducing absorption were investigated. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were developed to assay a variety of compounds. Pig gastric mucus (PGM) was selected to investigate the importance of the mucus layer. A method of treating and storing PGM was developed and evaluated which was representative of the gel in vivo. The nature of the mucus barrier was evaluated in vitro with three-compartment diffusion cells and a series of compounds with differing physicochemical properties. Mucus retarded the diffusion of all the compounds with molecular weight and charge exerting a marked effect. Binding to mucus was investigated by a centrifugation method. All of the compounds tested were found to bind to mucus with the exception of the negatively charged molecule benzoic acid. The small peptides did not demonstrate greater binding to mucus than any of the other compounds evaluated. The effect of some absorption enhancers upon the rate of diffusion of tryptophan through mucus was determined in vi tro. At the concentrations employed the enhancers EDTA, N-acetylcysteine and taurodeoxycholic acid exerted no effect, whilst taurocholic acid and cholic acid, were found to slightly reduce the rate of diffusion. The intracellular and luminal proteolytic activity of the nose was investigated in the sheep animal model with a nasal mucosal homogenate and a nasal wash preparation respectively and a series of chemically similar peptides. Hydrolysis was also investigated with the proteolytic enzymes carboxypeptidase A, cytosolic leucine aminopeptidase and microsomal leucine aminopeptidase. Sheep nasal mucosa possesses significant peptide hydrolase activity capable of degrading all the substrates tested. Considerable variation in susceptibility was observed. Degradation occurred excl us i ve ly at the pept ide bond between the aromatic amino ac id and glycine, indicating some specificity for aromatic amino acids. Hydrolysis profiles indicated the presence of both aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase enzymes. The specific activity of the microsomal fraction was found to be greater than the cytosolic fraction. Hydrolysis in the nasal wash indicated the presence of either luminal or loosely-bound proteases, which can degrade peptide substrates. The same specificity for aromatic amino acids was observed and aminopeptidase activity demonstrated. The specific activity of the nasal wash was smaller than that of the homogenate.


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This study investigated optimizing the formulation parameters for encapsulation of a model mucinolytic enzyme, a-chymotrypsin (a-CH), within a novel polymer; poly(ethylene glycol)-co-poly(glycerol adipate-co-?-pentadecalactone), PEG-co-(PGA-co-PDL) which were then applied to the formulation of DNase I. a-CH or DNase I loaded microparticles were prepared via spray drying from double emulsion (w(1)/o/w(2)) utilizing chloroform (CHF) as the organic solvent, l-leucine as a dispersibility enhancer and an internal aqueous phase (w(1)) containing PEG4500 or Pluronic(®) F-68 (PLF68). a-CH released from microparticles was investigated for bioactivity using the azocasein assay and the mucinolytic activity was assessed utilizing the degradation of mucin suspension assay. The chemical structure of PEG-co-(PGA-co-PDL) was characterized by (1)H NMR and FT-IR with both analyses confirming PEG incorporated into the polymer backbone, and any unreacted units removed. Optimum formulation a-CH-CHF/PLF68, 1% produced the highest bioactivity, enzyme encapsulation (20.08±3.91%), loading (22.31±4.34µg/mg), FPF (fine particle fraction) (37.63±0.97%); FPD (fine particle dose) (179.88±9.43µg), MMAD (mass median aerodynamic diameter) (2.95±1.61µm), and the mucinolytic activity was equal to the native non-encapsulated enzyme up to 5h. DNase I-CHF/PLF68, 1% resulted in enzyme encapsulation (17.44±3.11%), loading (19.31±3.27µg/mg) and activity (81.9±2.7%). The results indicate PEG-co-(PGA-co-PDL) can be considered as a potential biodegradable polymer carrier for dry powder inhalation of macromolecules for treatment of local pulmonary diseases.


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We report an investigation into the high-frequency conductivity of optically excited charge carriers far from equilibrium with the lattice. The investigated samples consist of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films grown on a thin film of silicon oxide on top of a silicon substrate. For the investigation, we used an optical femtosecond pump-probe setup to measure the reflectance change of a probe beam. The pump beam ranged between 580 and 820nm, whereas the probe wavelength spanned 770 to 810nm. The pump fluence was fixed at 0.6mJ/cm2. We show that at a fixed delay time of 300fs, the conductivity of the excited electron-hole plasma is described well by a classical conductivity model of a hot charge carrier gas found at Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, while Fermi-Dirac statics is not suitable. This is corroborated by values retrieved from pump-probe reflectance measurements of the conductivity and its dependence on the excitation wavelength and carrier temperature. The conductivity decreases monotonically as a function of the excitation wavelength, as expected for a nondegenerate charge carrier gas.