688 resultados para lip
La labioschisi con o senza palatoschisi non-sindromica (NSCL/P) è tra le più frequenti alterazioni dello sviluppo embrionale, causata dall’interazione di fattori genetici e ambientali, moti dei quali ancora ignoti. L'obiettivo del mio progetto di Dottorato consiste nell’identificazione di fattori di rischio genetico in un processo a due stadi che prevede la selezione di geni candidati e la verifica del loro coinvolgimento nella determinazione della malformazione mediante studi di associazione. Ho analizzato alcuni polimorfismi a singolo nucleotide (SNPs) dei geni RFC1 e DHFR, appartenenti alla via metabolica dell’acido folico, evidenziando una debole associazione tra alcuni degli SNPs indagati e la NSCL/P nella popolazione italiana. Presso il laboratorio della Dott.ssa Mangold dell’Università di Bonn, ho valutato il ruolo di 15 diverse regioni cromosomiche nel determinare la suscettibilità alla malattia, evidenziando una significativa associazione per i marcatori localizzati in 8q24 e 1p22. Ho quindi rivolto la mia attenzione al ruolo del complesso Polycomb nell’insorgenza della schisi. Nell’uomo i due complessi Polycomb, PRC1 e PRC2, rimodellano la cromatina agendo da regolatori dei meccanismi trascrizionali alla base della differenziazione cellulare e dello sviluppo embrionale. Ho ipotizzato che mutazioni a carico di geni appartenenti a PRC2 possano essere considerati potenziali fattori di rischio genetico nel determinare la NSCL/P. Il razionale consiste nel fatto che JARID2, una proteina che interagisce con PRC2, è associata all’insorgenza della NSCL/P ed espressa a livello delle cellule epiteliali delle lamine palatine che si approssimano alla fusione. L’indagine condotta analizzando i geni di elementi o partner dei due complessi Polycomb, ha evidenziato un’associazione significativa con alcuni polimorfismi dei geni indagati, associazione ulteriormente confermata dall’analisi degli aplotipi. Le analisi condotte sui geni candidati mi hanno permesso di raccogliere dati interessanti sull’eziologia della malformazione. Studi indipendenti saranno necessari per poter validare l'associazione tra le varianti genetiche di questi geni candidati e la NSCL/P.
Staphylococcus carnosus ist ein fakultativ anaerobes Bakterium, das aerobe Atmung, anaerobe Nitratatmung und Gärungsstoffwechsel betreiben kann. Die Expression des Nitratstoffwechsels wird durch das Dreikomponentensystem NreABC reguliert.rnUnter anaeroben Bedingungen besitzt die Sensorhistidinkinase NreB in ihrer PAS-Domäne ein [Fe4S4]2+-Cluster. Das aktive (anaerobe) [Fe4S4]2+-NreB überträgt nach Autophosphorylierung die Phosphorylgruppe auf den Antwortregulator NreC, welcher dann die Expression der Gene der Nitratatmung aktiviert. Nitrat wirkt mit Hilfe des NreA-Proteins auf diese Gene induzierend. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass NreA ein GAF-Domänen-Protein und ein neuartiger Nitratrezeptor ist.rnDie Natur von NreA als GAF-Domänen-Protein bestätigte sich beim Vergleich der Kristallstruktur mit denen anderer GAF-Domänen. GAF-Domänen sind weit verbreitet und binden typischer Weise kleine Moleküle. Als physiologischer Ligand von NreA zeigte sich Nitrat, das innerhalb einer definierten Bindetasche gebunden wird. NreA bindet vermutlich in dimerer Form an dimeres NreB und inhibiert dadurch die Phosphorylierung der Sensorhistidinkinase NreB. Die Interaktion von NreA mit NreB wurde in vivo durch BACTH-Messungen und sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro durch Cross-Linking Experimente gezeigt. Nitrat reduziert den Ergebnissen nach die Interaktion von NreA mit NreB.rnDurch Sequenzvergleiche von NreA mit Homologen wurden konservierte Aminosäuren identifiziert. Über gerichtete Mutagenese wurden 25 NreA-Varianten hergestellt und bezüglich ihres Verhaltens in Abhängigkeit von Nitrat in narG-lip-Reportergenstudien getestet. Anhand ihres Phänotyps wurden sie als Wildtyp, NreA- und NreABC-Mutanten klassifiziert. Die Nitratbindetasche war in sechs Fällen betroffen. Die Phänotypen der Mutationen in der Peripherie lassen sich mit Auswirkungen auf die vermutete Konformationsänderung oder auf die Interaktion mit NreB erklären. Mutationen von konservierten, oberflächenexponierten Resten führten vermehrt zu NreA/ON-Varianten. Es ließen sich Bereiche auf der Proteinoberfläche identifizieren, die für NreA/NreA- oder NreA/NreB-Interaktionen wichtig sein könnten.rnDie Untersuchungen zeigten, dass NreA mit NreB interagiert und dass dadurch ein NreA/NreB-Sensorkomplex für die gemeinsame Erkennung von Nitrat und Sauerstoff gebildet wird.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the ratio of soft tissue to hard tissue in bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation or wire fixation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was performed using PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From the original 766 articles identified, 8 articles were included. Two articles were prospective and 6 retrospective. The follow-up period ranged from 1 year to 12.7 years for rigid internal fixation. Two articles on wire fixation were found to be appropriate for inclusion. RESULTS: The differences between short- and long-term ratios of the lower lip to lower incisors for bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation or wire fixation were quite small. The ratio was 1:1 in the long term and by trend slightly lower in the short term. No distinction was seen between the short- and long-term ratios for mentolabial fold. The ratio was found to be 1:1 for the mentolabial fold to point B. In the short term, the ratio of the soft tissue pogonion to the pogonion showed a 1:1 ratio, with a trend to be lower in the long term. The upper lip showed mainly protrusion, but the amount was highly variable. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review shows that evidence-based conclusions on soft tissue changes are difficult to draw. This is mostly because of inherent problems of retrospective studies, inferior study designs, and the lack of standardized outcome measurements. Well-designed prospective studies with sufficient samples and excluding additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, are needed.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the present systematic review was to evaluate the soft tissue/hard tissue ratio in bilateral sagittal split advancement osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation (RIF) or wire fixation (WF). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The databases PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta were searched. From the original 711 articles identified, 12 were finally included. Only 3 studies were prospective and 9 were retrospective. The postoperative follow-up ranged from 3 months to 12.7 years for RIF and 6 months to 5 years for WF. RESULTS: The short- and long-term ratios for the lower lip to lower incisor for BSSO with RIF or WF were 50%. No difference between the short- and long-term ratios for the mentolabial-fold to point B and soft tissue pogonion to pogonion could be observed. It was a 1:1 ratio. One exception was seen for the long-term results of the soft tissue pogonion to pogonion in BSSO with RIF; they tended to be greater than a 1:1 ratio. The upper lip mainly showed retrusion but with high variability. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a large number of studies on the short- and long-term effects of mandibular advancement by BSSO, the results of the present systematic review have shown that evidence-based conclusions on soft tissue changes are still unknown. This is mostly because of the inherent problems of retrospective studies, inferior study designs, and the lack of standardized outcome measures. Well-designed prospective studies with sufficient sample sizes that have excluded patients undergoing additional surgery (ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery) are needed.
BACKGROUND: Most prevalence studies on oral leukoplakia (OL) in China have been published in the Chinese language. The present review on the literature in Chinese aimed at making the data available to colleagues who are not familiar with the Chinese language. METHODS: The overall rate and 95% confidence interval of OL were calculated using Excel 2003. RESULTS: Overall prevalence of OL was 9.18% (95%CI = 9.06-9.30%). Gender ratio of prevalence was 8.03:1 (males/females). Prevalence was high in age groups over 40 years with the highest in the group aged 60-69 years (21.04%, 95%CI = 19.95-22.13%). The buccal mucosa was most commonly affected (47.08%, 95%CI = 46.52-47.64%), followed by lip (39.09%), palate (9.85%), gingiva (1.80%), and tongue (1.46%). The prevalence in smokers was 23.43% and in non-smokers 1.93%. Among three variants of smoking, the traditional Hanyan pipe smoking carried the highest risk for the development of OL followed by cigarette and Shuiyan water pipe smoking. The rate of alcohol drinkers with OL was 54.50% and 22.21% in individuals without OL. No case of oral cancer was found in six surveys. CONCLUSIONS: The present data on the prevalence of OL in China are comparable to those in other parts of the world. Some traditional smoking habits, however, are particular to certain regions of China.
We report a case of a 36-year old patient who suffered from a unilateral painless loss of vision. Ophthalmological examination in the context of a highly reactive syphilis serology revealed an acute syphilitic posterior placoide chorioretinitis (ASPPC). Additional clinical findings were a mucosal lesion on the upper lip, consistent with a plaque opaline and an alopecia specifica as manifestation of secondary syphilis. Treatment consisted in 6x 4 Mio. IE Penicillin G for 14 days and 50 mg Prednison for five days to prevent a Jarisch Herxheimer reaction. The diagnostic measures, therapy and follow up of syphilis, focusing on ocular involvement, are described.
To evaluate the current management, and adherence to recommendations, of patients on oral anticoagulation (OAC) undergoing coronary stent implantation (PCI-S).
Capuchin monkeys, Cebus sp., utilize a wide array of gestural displays in the wild, including facial displays such as lip-smacking and bare-teeth displays. In captivity, they have been shown to respond to the head orientation of humans, show sensitivity to human attentional states, as well as follow human gazes behind barriers. In this study, I investigated whether tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) would attend to and utilize the gestural cues of a conspecific to obtain a hidden reward. Two capuchins faced each other in separate compartments of an apparatus with an open field in between. The open field contained two cups with holes on one side such that only one monkey, a so-called cuing monkey, could see the reward inside one of the cups. I then moved the cups toward the other signal-receiving monkey and assessed whether it would utilize untrained cues provided by the cuing monkey to select the cup containing the reward. Two of four female capuchin monkeys learned to select the cup containing the reward significantly more often than chance. Neither of these two monkeys performed over chance spontaneously, however, and the other two monkeys never performed above chance despite many blocks of trials. Successful choices by two monkeys to obtain hidden rewards provided experimental evidence that capuchin monkeys attend to and utilize the gestural cues of conspecifics.
BACKGROUND: The time course of impairment of respiratory mechanics and gas exchange in the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains poorly defined. We assessed the changes in respiratory mechanics and gas exchange during ARDS. We hypothesized that due to the changes in respiratory mechanics over time, ventilatory strategies based on rigid volume or pressure limits might fail to prevent overdistension throughout the disease process. METHODS: Seventeen severe ARDS patients {PaO2/FiO2 10.1 (9.2-14.3) kPa; 76 (69-107) mmHg [median (25th-75th percentiles)] and bilateral infiltrates} were studied during the acute, intermediate, and late stages of ARDS (at 1-3, 4-6 and 7 days after diagnosis). Severity of lung injury, gas exchange, and hemodynamics were assessed. Pressure-volume (PV) curves of the respiratory system were obtained, and upper and lower inflection points (UIP, LIP) and recruitment were estimated. RESULTS: (1) UIP decreased from early to established (intermediate and late) ARDS [30 (28-30) cmH2O, 27 (25-30) cmH2O and 25 (23-28) cmH2O (P=0.014)]; (2) oxygenation improved in survivors and in patients with non-pulmonary etiology in late ARDS, whereas all patients developed hypercapnia from early to established ARDS; and (3) dead-space ventilation and pulmonary shunt were larger in patients with pulmonary etiology during late ARDS. CONCLUSION: We found a decrease in UIP from acute to established ARDS. If applied to our data, the inspiratory pressure limit advocated by the ARDSnet (30 cmH2O) would produce ventilation over the UIP, with a consequent increased risk of overdistension in 12%, 43% and 65% of our patients during the acute, intermediate and late phases of ARDS, respectively. Lung protective strategies based on fixed tidal volume or pressure limits may thus not fully avoid the risk of lung overdistension throughout ARDS.
Natal teeth have been defined as teeth which are present at birth, while neonatal teeth erupt during the first 30 days. Their occurrence is rare, the prevalence ranges from 1:2000 to 1:3000 with a higher frequency in the lip and palate clefts and syndroms. In about 85% natal or neonatal teeth are lower central incisors (60% in pairs), rare are upper teeth, molars and multiple teeth. In almost 90% they are part of the deciduous dentition. A lot of possible causes of early eruption are discussed, but only the relation to hereditary factors seems to be evident. An autosomal dominant trait is often described. The appearance of these teeth is dependent on the degree of maturity, but most of the time it is loose, small, discoloured and hypoplastic. Histologically, enamel hypoplasia with normal prism structure is apparent. No significant disturbances of the dentin structures are observed, only cervically dentin becomes atubular with spaces and enclosed cells. A large vascular pulp and failure of root formation are further investigations. Our microhardness measurements showed values from 24.3-32.4 KHN for enamel and 48.3-62.2 KHN for dentin, while normal deciduous teeth have an enamel hardness of 322.0 +/- 17.5 KHN. The thickness of enamel was never more than 280 microm compared to up to 1200 microm in normal teeth. This shows the retarded development of natal and neonatal teeth, because mineralization has not finished at the time of birth. In accordance with developmental age tooth structure and appearence are normal. In consideration of complications as Riga-Fede-disease, feeding problems, possibility of infection and hypermobility most of the time extraction is the treatment of choice, but in the interest of protecting the child this decision should be made carefully.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess long-term changes in position of soft tissue landmarks following mandibular advancement and setback surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-seven patients (14 women, 13 men; mean age, 36 years) who had undergone either mandibular advancement (15 patients) or setback surgery (12 patients), were available for a long-term follow-up an average of 12 years postoperatively. In all of these cases, lateral cephalometric radiographs taken immediately before operation, at 1 week, 14 months, and 12 years postoperatively, were studied. RESULTS: During the 14 months postoperatively, soft tissue chin and mentolabial fold followed its underlying hard tissue in all patients. A continuous skeletal relapse was observable 12 years after mandibular advancement, but soft tissue chin moved more in an anterior direction. After mandibular setback, soft and hard tissue landmarks remained almost unchanged. Over the entire observation period, a thickening of soft tissue at pogonion was generally seen, and particularly a thickening of the whole chin in the setback group. All patients showed a significant lengthening and thinning of the upper lip. In all except 2 males, the patient's body weight increased markedly. CONCLUSION: In contrast to the immediate postoperative stage, soft tissue changes observed an average of 12 years after the primary operation do not directly follow the movements of the underlying skeletal structure. The soft tissue profile changes observed over such a long term seem to be influenced not only by the underlying skeletal structure but also by other factors such as weight gain and aging process.