865 resultados para knowledge-based society


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Evolutionary selection of sequences is studied with a knowledge-based Hamiltonian to find the design principle for folding to a model protein structure. With sequences selected by naive energy minimization, the model structure tends to be unstable and the folding ability is low. Sequences with high folding ability have only the low-lying energy minimum but also an energy landscape which is similar to that found for the native sequence over a wide region of the conformation space. Though there is a large fluctuation in foldable sequences, the hydrophobicity pattern and the glycine locations are preserved among them. Implications of the design principle for the molecular mechanism of folding are discussed.


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En este artículo se analizan desde una perspectiva agronómica los contenidos de los discursos de los viticultores y técnicos en Uruguay para el periodo 1872-1900, presentes en la Revista de la Asociación Rural del Uruguay. Los contenidos se organizan según dimensiones del manejo de la viña en la etapa de campo. Se expresa la preponderancia de los primeros actores en la constitución de la temprana viticultura nacional -productores pertenecientes a una elite empresarial de inmigrantes- al adaptar sus conocimientos previos desde procesos de experimentación. Se indaga en el papel que cumplió la Asociación Rural del Uruguay en esta fase


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This paper presents the automatic extension to other languages of TERSEO, a knowledge-based system for the recognition and normalization of temporal expressions originally developed for Spanish. TERSEO was first extended to English through the automatic translation of the temporal expressions. Then, an improved porting process was applied to Italian, where the automatic translation of the temporal expressions from English and from Spanish was combined with the extraction of new expressions from an Italian annotated corpus. Experimental results demonstrate how, while still adhering to the rule-based paradigm, the development of automatic rule translation procedures allowed us to minimize the effort required for porting to new languages. Relying on such procedures, and without any manual effort or previous knowledge of the target language, TERSEO recognizes and normalizes temporal expressions in Italian with good results (72% precision and 83% recall for recognition).


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Feature selection is an important and active issue in clustering and classification problems. By choosing an adequate feature subset, a dataset dimensionality reduction is allowed, thus contributing to decreasing the classification computational complexity, and to improving the classifier performance by avoiding redundant or irrelevant features. Although feature selection can be formally defined as an optimisation problem with only one objective, that is, the classification accuracy obtained by using the selected feature subset, in recent years, some multi-objective approaches to this problem have been proposed. These either select features that not only improve the classification accuracy, but also the generalisation capability in case of supervised classifiers, or counterbalance the bias toward lower or higher numbers of features that present some methods used to validate the clustering/classification in case of unsupervised classifiers. The main contribution of this paper is a multi-objective approach for feature selection and its application to an unsupervised clustering procedure based on Growing Hierarchical Self-Organising Maps (GHSOMs) that includes a new method for unit labelling and efficient determination of the winning unit. In the network anomaly detection problem here considered, this multi-objective approach makes it possible not only to differentiate between normal and anomalous traffic but also among different anomalies. The efficiency of our proposals has been evaluated by using the well-known DARPA/NSL-KDD datasets that contain extracted features and labelled attacks from around 2 million connections. The selected feature sets computed in our experiments provide detection rates up to 99.8% with normal traffic and up to 99.6% with anomalous traffic, as well as accuracy values up to 99.12%.


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En el contexto actual de innovación tecnológica aparecen nuevas necesidades de aprendizaje y cobran particular relevancia los procesos pedagógicos. Los MOOC se posicionan como una alternativa educacional disruptiva y como puntos de encuentro educomunicativos abiertos a todos, a través de los cuales podemos acceder a esa inteligencia distribuida y accesible en la Red en la que formar redes relacionales externas e internas y tejer una construcción de conocimiento, a partir de nuevas ideas y de la inteligencia colectiva que se produce. Desde una perspectiva teórica, abordamos la acción educomunicativa inherente a los MOOC, partiendo de la necesidad de implementar una inteRmetodología, en la que el Factor Relacional sea determinante, que disponga de estrategias y prácticas para englobar a los discentes en sus diversas dimensiones, con el objetivo de construir conocimiento común en relación y conexión, desde una reflexión encaminada a la acción y participación, para llegar a una praxis holística.


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Tese de mestrado, Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016


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Network governance of collective learning processes is an essential approach to sustainable development. The first section of the article briefly refers to recent theories about both market and government failures that express scepticism about the way framework conditions for market actors are set. For this reason, the development of networks for collective learning processes seems advantageous if new solutions are to be developed in policy areas concerned with long-term changes and a stepwise internalisation of externalities. With regard to corporate actors’ interests, the article shows recent insights from theories about the knowledge-based firm, where the creation of new knowledge is based on the absorption of societal views. This concept shifts the focus towards knowledge generation as an essential element in the evolution of sustainable markets. This involves at the same time the development of new policies. In this context innovation-inducing regulation is suggested and discussed. The evolution of the Swedish, German and Dutch wind turbine industries are analysed based on the approach of governance put forward in this article. We conclude that these coevolutionary mechanisms may take for granted some of the stabilising and orientating functions previously exercised by basic regulatory activities of the state. In this context, the main function of the governments is to facilitate learning processes that depart from the government functions suggested by welfare economics.


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En este artículo se analizan desde una perspectiva agronómica los contenidos de los discursos de los viticultores y técnicos en Uruguay para el periodo 1872-1900, presentes en la Revista de la Asociación Rural del Uruguay. Los contenidos se organizan según dimensiones del manejo de la viña en la etapa de campo. Se expresa la preponderancia de los primeros actores en la constitución de la temprana viticultura nacional -productores pertenecientes a una elite empresarial de inmigrantes- al adaptar sus conocimientos previos desde procesos de experimentación. Se indaga en el papel que cumplió la Asociación Rural del Uruguay en esta fase


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En este artículo se analizan desde una perspectiva agronómica los contenidos de los discursos de los viticultores y técnicos en Uruguay para el periodo 1872-1900, presentes en la Revista de la Asociación Rural del Uruguay. Los contenidos se organizan según dimensiones del manejo de la viña en la etapa de campo. Se expresa la preponderancia de los primeros actores en la constitución de la temprana viticultura nacional -productores pertenecientes a una elite empresarial de inmigrantes- al adaptar sus conocimientos previos desde procesos de experimentación. Se indaga en el papel que cumplió la Asociación Rural del Uruguay en esta fase


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The design of liquid-retaining structures involves many decisions to be made by the designer based on rules of thumb, heuristics, judgement, codes of practice and previous experience. Structural design problems are often ill structured and there is a need to develop programming environments that can incorporate engineering judgement along with algorithmic tools. Recent developments in artificial intelligence have made it possible to develop an expert system that can provide expert advice to the user in the selection of design criteria and design parameters. This paper introduces the development of an expert system in the design of liquid-retaining structures using blackboard architecture. An expert system shell, Visual Rule Studio, is employed to facilitate the development of this prototype system. It is a coupled system combining symbolic processing with traditional numerical processing. The expert system developed is based on British Standards Code of Practice BS8007. Explanations are made to assist inexperienced designers or civil engineering students to learn how to design liquid-retaining structures effectively and sustainably in their design practices. The use of this expert system in disseminating heuristic knowledge and experience to practitioners and engineering students is discussed.


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Growth in the sophistication of information technology (IT) has led to the increasing importance of information accessibility in the workplace. The pervasiveness of the resultant knowledge-based economy has centered attention on issues of employee group identity. In this article we explore how employee perceptions of group membership guide the change outcomes of an organization implementing new information technology. Using a social identity framework, we investigate the salient intergroup relationships of two groups of employees (management and IT implementation teams) and how employees use their different group memberships to reframe positions of authority or knowledge around technology change. We discuss the extent to which perceptions of social identity legitimate institutional structures already in place despite the potential of new technology.


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Taiwan is embarking on a new phase in its approach to building its national innovative capacity, through building the infrastructure for a biotechnology industry. Rather than acting as a “fast follower” of trends developed elsewhere, Taiwan is seeking to evolve the elements of a national innovation system, including upgrading the role of universities in providing fundamental R&D, in providing incubators for new, knowledge-based firms, in developing new funding models, and in establishing new biotech-focused science parks. This paper reviews the progress achieved to date, and the prospects for this new phase in Taiwan’s transition from imitation to innovation


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This paper draws on Appadurai's (1996) concept of ethnoscapes — the global flow of people or what has become increasingly popularized as the global flow of talent. Singapore has initiated a foreign talent policy to compete for a global pool of talent to make up for its shortfall of indigenous work-force. The rationale for recruiting foreign talent is informed by a nationalist competitive ideology to sustain Singapore in the new knowledge-based economy. This paper examines the competing and dissenting discourses surrounding the foreign talent policy. It argues that the mobility of migratory flow has transformative and disruptive effects at the level of culture and the identity landscape of Singapore, where its discursive cultural boundaries are drawn according to a nationalist framework. Drawing on theories and concepts of ‘diaspora’, ‘hybridity’, and ‘third space’, these are the political and cultural issues that this paper attempts to tease out. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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A proposta desta pesquisa pressupõe que cada um de nós, e especificamente cada educador da associação em estudo, desenvolva sua ação educativa conforme suas convicções profundas sobre o ser humano, o mundo e a sociedade. Com qual consciência isso é vivido, é uma dúvida. Pode ocorrer que o indivíduo não tenha essa percepção. Pode ocorrer também que a pessoa pense fazer algo coerente, mas, na realidade, está agindo até contra suas próprias convicções, sem, contudo, ter consciência disso. Esta análise situa-se na perspectiva da educação popular não-formal que é desenvolvida pela Associação de Promoção Humana e Resgate da Cidadania, conhecida como Centro de Formação Profissional Padre Leo Commissari . Trata-se de uma pesquisa de pesquisa de tipo qualitativo para investigar o perfil dos educadores, e identificar sua concepção de ser humano, de mundo, de sociedade e de educação. O quadro teórico é alicerçado na visão de ser humano e de educação, segundo Paulo Freire, e na visão e identidade do ser brasileiro, de acordo com Darcy Ribeiro. A metodologia usada para a investigação é a observação participante, por meio dos jogos psicodramaticos do Psicodrama, de Jocob Levy Moreno, especialmente a teoria da Matriz de Identidade e da Ação. Tal analise permitiu identificar que os educadores participantes apresentam uma visão de ser humano contraditório, retraído e incompleto, reprodutor de uma sociedade dividida em classes. A educação, identificada como uma pilastra de garantia da vida, impregnada pela conserva cultural, parece contradizer uma vontade política de transformação.