973 resultados para immunization by contract
Jill Poole's immensely popular Textbook on Contract Law has been guiding students through contract law for many years. The accessible writing style and focus on key principles and developments in contract law make this text a favourite with students and lecturers alike. The author places the law of contract clearly within its wider context before proceeding to provide detailed yet accessible treatment of all the key areas encountered when studying contract law. Key features: · Key points, illustrative examples and questions encourage a deeper understanding of the central facts and issues · Each chapter begins with a summary of key issues, providing an overview of key themes and points of law, and concludes with suggestions for further reading, guiding you towards the most relevant texts and articles · An attractive page design highlights headings, case summaries, case extracts and a variety of learning features, making navigation through the text easy Fully supported by an Online Resource Centre, which provides: Student Resources Regular updates on new legislation, cases, and other important developments Guidance on answering questions in contract law Self-test questions and answers linked with Casebook on Contract Law Lecturer Resources A test bank of 300 multiple choice questions with answers and feedback
This tenth edition of the established Textbook on Contract Law by Jill Poole provides a wide-ranging and straightforward exposition of contract law. The text opens with an overview of the main issues surrounding contract law, which places the subject in its wider context, then goes on to give a clear explanation of all the major areas of contract law encountered on undergraduate courses. Features of the book include chapter summaries to draw key themes and issues together; examples and questions to encourage a deeper understanding of the often complex points of law; and extensive further reading lists of both texts and articles to guide students towards the most relevant and up-to-date resources available. Online resource centre Lecturer resources - Testbank of multiple choice questions Student resources - Guidance on answering problem-style questions in contract law - Self test questions and answers - Student questions - Updates - 'Ask the Author' section
Contract Law Concentrate is a high quality revision guide which covers the main topics found on undergraduate courses. The clear, succinct coverage of key legal points within a specific topic area, including key cases, enables students to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of Contract law. Written by Jill Poole, an experienced teacher and examiner and author of Textbook on Contract Law and Casebook on Contract law. The book focuses on the needs of students to pass their exams with a number of pedagogical features which help with the preparation for exams and suggest ways to improve marks. Endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy and exam advice. Online Resource Centre Interactive flashcards Glossary Exam and revision guidance.
•The introductory chapter provides valuable guidance on how to use a casebook to help develop the essential skills of reading and analysing cases • Cases are accompanied by succinct author commentary designed to highlight the key elements of each case • Thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop an in-depth understanding of the subject •The book is easy to use and navigate through as the case extracts are clearly distinguished from author commentary Jill Poole's bestselling Casebook on Contract Law provides students with a comprehensive selection of case law which addresses all aspects of the subject encountered on undergraduate courses. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the courts and to show how legal principles are developed. The cases can either be analysed and discussed independently or, taken as a whole, the cases form chapters that provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. The casebook is fully supported by an Online Resource Centre, which provides: -Exercises and guidance on reading cases -Guidance on answering questions in contract law -Self-test questions and answers
Dedicated to the memory of S.M. Dodunekov (1945–2012)Abstract. Geometric puncturing is a method to construct new codes. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): E.4.
Contract Law Concentrate is a high quality revision guide which covers the main topics found on undergraduate courses. The clear, succinct coverage of key legal points within a specific topic area, including key cases, enables students to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of contract law. Written by Jill Poole, an experienced teacher and examiner and author of Textbook on Contract Law and Casebook on Contract Law, the book focuses on the needs of students to pass their exams. A number of pedagogical features help with the preparation for exams and suggest ways to improve marks. This guide has been rigorously reviewed and is endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy, and exam advice. Packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more, Contract Law Concentrate is also supported by extensive online resources to take your learning further (www.oxford.com/lawrevision/): · Test your knowledge with the multiple choice questions and receive feedback on your answers. · Revise the facts and discussions of key cases using the interactive flashcards. · Learn the important terms and definitions using the interactive glossary. · Check that you have covered the main points of a topic using the key facts lists. · Achieve better marks following the advice on revision and exam technique by experienced examiner Nigel Foster.
A szerződések teljesülése a magyar élelmiszerláncban (Contract fulfilments in Hungarian food chains)
A tanulmány célja, hogy azonosítsa azokat a tényezőket, amelyek befolyásolják az élelmiszer-gazdasági kis- és közepes vállalkozások szerződéseinek teljesülését a Közép-magyarországi régióban. Számításaink megerősítik Guo-Jolly [2008] eredményeit, amely szerint a szerződések tartalmi elemeinek kulcsszerepük van a szerződések teljesülésében. Továbbá a vállalatvezetői képességek, a vállalati és tranzakciós jellemzők szintén jelentős hatást gyakorolnak a szerződések teljesülésére. Érdekes módon az ágazatspecifikus jellemzőknek csak korlátozott szerepük van a szerződések teljesülésének magyarázatában. / === / The paper analyses the contractual relations and contract fulfilment of small and medium-sized firms along the food chain, in the central region of Hungary, using survey data. The estimates also reveal that contract fulfilment is significantly affected by the design of the contract. They confirm that an important role in contract fulfilment is played by corporate and managerial attributes and transaction characteristics. Interestingly, branch-specific characteristics play only a limited role in explaining contract fulfilment.
This study tested whether contract farming or farmers professional cooperatives (FPCs) improved the social benefit of pork production and income of breeding farmers in China. The main concern of this study is whether institutional arrangement like contract farming or FPCs actually improved the welfare of farmers as expected. To answer this question accurately, we estimated the differentiated market demand of pork products in order to quantify the benefit by transaction types. Our study finds that contract farming or FPCs improved the benefits of pork products, but farmer's income remained lower than that of traditional transaction types. This finding is new in terms of quantifying distribution of the economic values among sales outlets, agro-firms and farmers. It is more reliable because it explicitly captures impacts from both demand side and supply side by structural estimation. In practice, we need to keep it mind the bargaining power of small farmers will not improve instantly even when the contract farming or FPCs are introduced.
Acknowledgements. This study is a product of the Andes Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group consortium (http://www.andesconservation.org/). The authors would like to acknowledge the agencies that funded this research; the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC; joint grant references NE/G018278/1, NE/H006583, NE/H007849 and NE/H006753) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad; via a sub-contract to Yit Arn Teh managed by the Amazon Conservation Association). Patrick Meir was also supported by an Australian Research Council Fellowship (FT110100457). Javier Eduardo Silva Espejo, Walter Huaraca Huasco and the ABIDA NGO provided critical fieldwork and logistical support. Angus Calder, Michael Mcgibbon, Vicky Munro and Nick Morley provided invaluable laboratory support. Thanks to Adrian Tejedor and the Amazon Conservation Association (http://www.amazonconservation.org/), who provided assistance with access and plot selection at Hacienda Villa Carmen. This publication is a contribution from the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (http://www.sages.ac.uk). Edited by: E. Veldkamp
We present a serological assay for the specific detection of IgM and IgG antibodies against the emerging human coronavirus hCoV-EMC and the SARS-CoV based on protein microarray technology. The assay uses the S1 receptor-binding subunit of the spike protein of hCoV-EMC and SARS-CoV as antigens. The assay has been validated extensively using putative cross-reacting sera of patient cohorts exposed to the four common hCoVs and sera from convalescent patients infected with hCoV-EMC or SARS-CoV.
Privity of contract has lately been criticized in several European jurisdictions, particu-larly due to the onerous consequences it gives rise to in arrangements typical for the modern exchange such as chains of contracts. Privity of contract is a classical premise of contract law, which prohibits a third party to acquire or enforce rights under a contract to which he is not a party. Such a premise is usually seen to be manifested in the doctrine of privity of contract developed under common law, however, the jurisdictions of continental Europe do recognize a corresponding starting point in contract law. One of the traditional industry sectors affected by this premise is the construction industry. A typical large construction project includes a contractual chain comprised of an employer, a main contractor and a subcontractor. The employer is usually dependent on the subcontractor's performance, however, no contractual nexus exists between the two. Accordingly, the employer might want to circumvent the privity of contract in order to reach the subcontractor and to mitigate any risks imposed by such a chain of contracts. From this starting point, the study endeavors to examine the concept of privity of con-tract in European jurisdictions and particularly the methods used to circumvent the rule in the construction industry practice. For this purpose, the study employs both a com-parative and a legal dogmatic method. The principal aim is to discover general principles not just from a theoretical perspective, but from a practical angle as well. Consequently, a considerable amount of legal praxis as well as international industry forms have been used as references. The most important include inter alia the model forms produced by FIDIC as well as Olli Norros' doctoral thesis "Vastuu sopimusketjussa". According to the conclusions of this study, the four principal ways to circumvent privity of contract in European construction projects include liability in a chain of contracts, collateral contracts, assignment of rights as well as security instruments. The contempo-rary European jurisdictions recognize these concepts and the references suggest that they are an integral part of the current market practice. Despite the fact that such means of circumventing privity of contract raise a number of legal questions and affect the risk position of particularly a subcontractor considerably, it seems that the impairment of the premise of privity of contract is an increasing trend in the construction industry.
Partial migration has never been studied in pelagic seabirds, but investigating old unresolved questions in new contexts can provide useful fresh insights. We used geolocators and stable isotopes to investigate this phenomenon in a migratory pelagic seabird, the Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). Although most birds migrated to the southern hemisphere, 8.1% of studied birds (N = 172) remained close to the breeding colony (Selvagem Grande, Madeira, Portugal), foraging within the Canary current. Almost all resident birds were males, while age or body size did not predict migratory status. Despite displaying a high repeatability (R = 0.72) in the choice of wintering area, residency was not a fixed strategy and individuals could switch between migrating and staying in the Canary current in different years. The predictions resulting from the “body size” and the “social dominance” hypotheses, in which larger individuals or dominant individuals, respectively, remain closer to the breeding areas, were not supported by our data. Resident males were able to occupy the nesting burrows much earlier than migratory males and arrival time in this species is known to affect the probability of engaging in a reproductive attempt. The selective pressure to arrive early at the colony is therefore the most likely explanation for the maintenance of this partial migration system.
These charts show which vaccinations you should have at what ages and by what health condition.
Background: Improper handling has been identified as one of the major reasons for the decline in vaccine potency at the time of administration. Loss of potency becomes evident when immunised individuals contract the diseases the vaccines were meant to prevent. Objective: Assessing the factors associated with vaccine handling and storage practices. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Three-stage sampling was used to recruit 380 vaccine handlers from 273 health facilities from 11 Local Government areas in Ibadan. Data was analysed using SPSS version 16 Results: Seventy-three percent were aware of vaccine handling and storage guidelines with 68.4% having ever read such guidelines. Only 15.3% read a guideline less than 1 month prior to the study. About 65.0% had received training on vaccine management. Incorrect handling practices reported included storing injections with vaccines (13.7%) and maintaining vaccine temperature using ice blocks (7.6%). About 43.0% had good knowledge of vaccine management, while 66.1% had good vaccine management practices. Respondents who had good knowledge of vaccine handling and storage [OR=10.0, 95%CI (5.28 – 18.94), p < 0.001] and had received formal training on vaccine management [OR=5.3, 95%CI (2.50 – 11.14), p< 0.001] were more likely to have good vaccine handling and storage practices. Conclusion: Regular training is recommended to enhance vaccine handling and storage practices.
Ergosterol, a molecule with high commercial value, is the most abundant mycosterol in Agaricus bisporus L. To replace common conventional extraction techniques (e.g. Soxhlet), the present study reports the optimal ultrasound-assisted extraction conditions for ergosterol. After preliminary tests, the results showed that solvents, time and ultrasound power altered the extraction efficiency. Using response surface methodology, models were developed to investigate the favourable experimental conditions that maximize the extraction efficiency. All statistical criteria demonstrated the validity of the proposed models. Overall, ultrasound-assisted extraction with ethanol at 375 W during 15 min proved to be as efficient as the Soxhlet extraction, yielding 671.5 ± 0.5mg ergosterol/100 g dw. However, with n-hexane extracts with higher purity (mg ergosterol/g extract) were obtained. Finally, it was proposed for the removal of the saponification step, which simplifies the extraction process and makes it more feasible for its industrial transference.