882 resultados para flexible manipulators


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A cikkben a szerzők először áttekintik a cafeteria-rendszer legfontosabb jellemzőit (célját, tipikus „stakeholdereit” és HR-stratégiai kérdéseit). Ezt követően megvizsgálják, milyen átalakuláson ment át a béren kívüli juttatások rendszere 1996-tól – az első ilyen rendszerek magyarországi megjelenésétől – napjainkig. Áttekintik azt is, milyen mozgatórugók idézték elő a főbb változásokat, és ezekhez a piaci szereplők hogyan alkalmazkodtak. Szintén vizsgálják a 2012-re vonatkozó legfőbb változásokat, és ezek lehetséges kihatásait a cégek juttatási politikájára, valamint elmutatnak néhány alternatívát az új feltételek közötti lehetőségekre és kihívásokra. Empirikus felméréseik tükrében kitérnek arra is, hogy főleg a szervezeti méret és kisebb részben a tulajdonforma szignifikánsan befolyásolja a cafeteria-rendszerek alkalmazását. _________ The authors review firstly the most important features of the cafeteria system (goals, typical “stakeholders” and strategic HR issues). Then they examine the evolution of the system of flexible benefits since 1996, the first appearance of such systems in Hungary. Authors also analyze how the main drivers caused the changes, and how the key players of the cafeteria systems adapted to these movements. The reader also can find insights about the major changes for 2012 and about the potential impact of these changes on benefit policies of Hungarian firms. The contribution shows some alternative opportunities and challenges driven by different influencing factors. They also touch upon the light of empirical surveys, that the cafeteria systems are significantly influenced to a lesser extent by the form of ownership and to a bigger extent by the organizational size.


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Conjugated polymers (CPs) are intrinsically fluorescent materials that have been used for various biological applications including imaging, sensing, and delivery of biologically active substances. The synthetic control over flexibility and biodegradability of these materials aids the understanding of the structure-function relationships among the photophysical properties, the self-assembly behaviors of the corresponding conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs), and the cellular behaviors of CPNs, such as toxicity, cellular uptake mechanisms, and sub-cellular localization patterns. Synthetic approaches towards two classes of flexible CPs with well-preserved fluorescent properties are described. The synthesis of flexible poly(p-phenylenebutadiynylene)s (PPBs) uses competing Sonogashira and Glaser coupling reactions and the differences in monomer reactivity to incorporate a small amount (~10%) of flexible, non-conjugated linkers into the backbone. The reaction conditions provide limited control over the proportion of flexible monomer incorporation. Improved synthetic control was achieved in a series of flexible poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s (PPEs) using modified Sonogashira conditions. In addition to controlling the degree of flexibility, the linker provides disruption of backbone conjugation that offers control of the length of conjugated segments within the polymer chain. Therefore, such control also results in the modulation of the photophysical properties of the materials. CPNs fabricated from flexible PPBs are non-toxic to cells, and exhibit subcellular localization patterns clearly different from those observed with non-flexible PPE CPNs. The subcellular localization patterns of the flexible PPEs have not yet been determined, due to the toxicity of the materials, most likely related to the side-chain structure used in this series. The study of the effect of CP flexibility on self-assembly reorganization upon polyanion complexation is presented. Owing to its high rigidity and hydrophobicity, the PPB backbone undergoes reorganization more readily than PPE. The effects are enhanced in the presence of the flexible linker, which enables more efficient π-π stacking of the aromatic backbone segments. Flexibility has minimal effects on the self-assembly of PPEs. Understanding the role of flexibility on the biophysical behaviors of CPNs is key to the successful development of novel efficient fluorescent therapeutic delivery vehicles.


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The estimation of pavement layer moduli through the use of an artificial neural network is a new concept which provides a less strenuous strategy for backcalculation procedures. Artificial Neural Networks are biologically inspired models of the human nervous system. They are specifically designed to carry out a mapping characteristic. This study demonstrates how an artificial neural network uses non-destructive pavement test data in determining flexible pavement layer moduli. The input parameters include plate loadings, corresponding sensor deflections, temperature of pavement surface, pavement layer thicknesses and independently deduced pavement layer moduli.


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In traditional electrical sensing applications, multiplexing and interconnecting the different sensing elements is a major challenge. Recently, many optical alternatives have been investigated including optical fiber sensors of which the sensing elements consist of fiber Bragg gratings. Different sensing points can be integrated in one optical fiber solving the interconnection problem and avoiding any electromagnetical interference (EMI). Many new sensing applications also require flexible or stretchable sensing foils which can be attached to or wrapped around irregularly shaped objects such as robot fingers and car bumpers or which can even be applied in biomedical applications where a sensor is fixed on a human body. The use of these optical sensors however always implies the use of a light-source, detectors and electronic circuitry to be coupled and integrated with these sensors. The coupling of these fibers with these light sources and detectors is a critical packaging problem and as it is well-known the costs for packaging, especially with optoelectronic components and fiber alignment issues are huge. The end goal of this embedded sensor is to create a flexible optical sensor integrated with (opto)electronic modules and control circuitry. To obtain this flexibility, one can embed the optical sensors and the driving optoelectronics in a stretchable polymer host material. In this article different embedding techniques for optical fiber sensors are described and characterized. Initial tests based on standard manufacturing processes such as molding and laser structuring are reported as well as a more advanced embedding technique based on soft lithography processing.


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This paper proposes conceptual designs of multi-degree(s) of freedom (DOF) compliant parallel manipulators (CPMs) including 3-DOF translational CPMs and 6-DOF CPMs using a building block based pseudo-rigid-body-model (PRBM) approach. The proposed multi-DOF CPMs are composed of wire-beam based compliant mechanisms (WBBCMs) as distributed-compliance compliant building blocks (CBBs). Firstly, a comprehensive literature review for the design approaches of compliant mechanisms is conducted, and a building block based PRBM is then presented, which replaces the traditional kinematic sub-chain with an appropriate multi-DOF CBB. In order to obtain the decoupled 3-DOF translational CPMs (XYZ CPMs), two classes of kinematically decoupled 3-PPPR (P: prismatic joint, R: revolute joint) translational parallel mechanisms (TPMs) and 3-PPPRR TPMs are identified based on the type synthesis of rigid-body parallel mechanisms, and WBBCMs as the associated CBBs are further designed. Via replacing the traditional actuated P joint and the traditional passive PPR/PPRR sub-chain in each leg of the 3-DOF TPM with the counterpart CBBs (i.e. WBBCMs), a number of decoupled XYZ CPMs are obtained by appropriate arrangements. In order to obtain the decoupled 6-DOF CPMs, an orthogonally-arranged decoupled 6-PSS (S: spherical joint) parallel mechanism is first identified, and then two example 6-DOF CPMs are proposed by the building block based PRBM method. It is shown that, among these designs, two types of monolithic XYZ CPM designs with extended life have been presented.


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This paper deals with the conceptual design of decoupled, compact, and monolithic XYZ compliant parallel manipulators (CPMs): CUBEs. Position spaces of compliant P (P: prismatic) joints are first discussed, which are represented by circles about the translational directions. A design method of monolithic XYZ CPMs is then proposed in terms of both the kinematic substitution method and the position spaces. Three types of monolithic XYZ CPMs are finally designed using the proposed method with the help of three classes of kinematical decoupled 3-DOF (degree of freedom) translational parallel mechanisms (TPMs). These monolithic XYZ CPMs include a 3-PPP XYZ CPM composed of identical parallelogram modules (a previously reported design), a novel 3-PPPR (R: revolute) XYZ CPM composed of identical compliant four-beam modules, and a novel 3-PPPRR XYZ CPM. The latter two monolithic designs also have extended lives. It is shown that the proposed design method can be used to design other decoupled and compact XYZ CPMs by using the concept of position spaces, and the resulting XYZ CPM is the most compact one when the fixed ends of the three actuated compliant P joints thereof overlap.


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Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies provide a means to significantly reduce carbon emissions from the existing fleet of fossil-fired plants, and hence can facilitate a gradual transition from conventional to more sustainable sources of electric power. This is especially relevant for coal plants that have a CO2 emission rate that is roughly two times higher than that of natural gas plants. Of the different kinds of CCS technology available, post-combustion amine based CCS is the best developed and hence more suitable for retrofitting an existing coal plant. The high costs from operating CCS could be reduced by enabling flexible operation through amine storage or allowing partial capture of CO2 during high electricity prices. This flexibility is also found to improve the power plant’s ramp capability, enabling it to offset the intermittency of renewable power sources. This thesis proposes a solution to problems associated with two promising technologies for decarbonizing the electric power system: the high costs of the energy penalty of CCS, and the intermittency and non-dispatchability of wind power. It explores the economic and technical feasibility of a hybrid system consisting of a coal plant retrofitted with a post-combustion-amine based CCS system equipped with the option to perform partial capture or amine storage, and a co-located wind farm. A techno-economic assessment of the performance of the hybrid system is carried out both from the perspective of the stakeholders (utility owners, investors, etc.) as well as that of the power system operator.

In order to perform the assessment from the perspective of the facility owners (e.g., electric power utilities, independent power producers), an optimal design and operating strategy of the hybrid system is determined for both the amine storage and partial capture configurations. A linear optimization model is developed to determine the optimal component sizes for the hybrid system and capture rates while meeting constraints on annual average emission targets of CO2, and variability of the combined power output. Results indicate that there are economic benefits of flexible operation relative to conventional CCS, and demonstrate that the hybrid system could operate as an energy storage system: providing an effective pathway for wind power integration as well as a mechanism to mute the variability of intermittent wind power.

In order to assess the performance of the hybrid system from the perspective of the system operator, a modified Unit Commitment/ Economic Dispatch model is built to consider and represent the techno-economic aspects of operation of the hybrid system within a power grid. The hybrid system is found to be effective in helping the power system meet an average CO2 emissions limit equivalent to the CO2 emission rate of a state-of-the-art natural gas plant, and to reduce power system operation costs and number of instances and magnitude of energy and reserve scarcity.


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This paper introduces a screw theory based method termed constraint and position identification (CPI) approach to synthesize decoupled spatial translational compliant parallel manipulators (XYZ CPMs) with consideration of actuation isolation. The proposed approach is based on a systematic arrangement of rigid stages and compliant modules in a three-legged XYZ CPM system using the constraint spaces and the position spaces of the compliant modules. The constraint spaces and the position spaces are firstly derived based on the screw theory instead of using the rigid-body mechanism design experience. Additionally, the constraint spaces are classified into different constraint combinations, with typical position spaces depicted via geometric entities. Furthermore, the systematic synthesis process based on the constraint combinations and the geometric entities is demonstrated via several examples. Finally, several novel decoupled XYZ CPMs with monolithic configurations are created and verified by finite elements analysis. The present CPI approach enables experts and beginners to synthesize a variety of decoupled XYZ CPMs with consideration of actuation isolation by selecting an appropriate constraint and an optimal position for each of the compliant modules according to a specific application.


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Much of what is known about word recognition in toddlers comes from eyetracking studies. Here we show that the speed and facility with which children recognize words, as revealed in such studies, cannot be attributed to a task-specific, closed-set strategy; rather, children's gaze to referents of spoken nouns reflects successful search of the lexicon. Toddlers' spoken word comprehension was examined in the context of pictures that had two possible names (such as a cup of juice which could be called "cup" or "juice") and pictures that had only one likely name for toddlers (such as "apple"), using a visual world eye-tracking task and a picture-labeling task (n = 77, mean age, 21 months). Toddlers were just as fast and accurate in fixating named pictures with two likely names as pictures with one. If toddlers do name pictures to themselves, the name provides no apparent benefit in word recognition, because there is no cost to understanding an alternative lexical construal of the picture. In toddlers, as in adults, spoken words rapidly evoke their referents.


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A novel method to fabricate chemically linked conducting polymer–biopolymer composites that are intrinsically flexible and conducting for functional electrode applications is presented. Polypyrrole was synthesised in situ during the cellulose regeneration process using the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid as a solvent medium. The obtained polypyrrole–cellulose composite was chemically blended and showed flexible polymer properties while retaining the electronic properties of a conducting polymer. Addition of an ionic liquid such as trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, enhanced the flexibility of the composite. The functional application of these materials in the electrochemically controlled release of a model drug has been demonstrated. This strategy opens up a new design for a wide spectrum of materials for smart electronic device applications wherein the functionality of doping and de-doping of conducting polymers is retained and their processability issue is addressed by exploiting an ionic liquid route.


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Die Automatisierung logistischer Prozesse stellt aufgrund dynamischer Prozesseigenschaften und wirtschaftlicher Anforderungen eine große technische Herausforderung dar. Es besteht der Bedarf nach neuartigen hochflexiblen Automatisierungs- und Roboterlösungen, die in der Lage sind, variable Güter zu handhaben oder verschiedene Prozesse bzw. Funktionalitäten auszuführen. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages wird die Steigerung der Flexibilität anhand von zwei konkreten Beispielen aus den Bereichen Stückguthandhabung und Materialflusstechnik adressiert.