900 resultados para discrete element model


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The thymus is the site of T cell development. Several stromal and hematopoietic cell types are necessary for the proper function of thymic selection and eventually peripheral immunity. Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are essential for T cell lineage commitment, expansion, and maturation in the thymus. We were interested in developing an in vivo model in which exogenous gene expression could be transiently induced in embryonic TEC (Tet-On system). To this end, we have generated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mouse line in which the reverse tetracycline-dependent transactivator (rtTA) is expressed under the control of the Foxn1 promoter, a transcriptional factor indispensable for TEC development. To analyze the expression pattern and efficiency of this novel mouse model, we crossed the Foxn1-rtTA founder with a Tet-Responsive Element (TRE)-LacZ GFP mouse reporter to obtain a double transgenic mouse. In the presence of doxycycline, rtTA can interact with TRE and induce the expression of GFP and LacZ. In this double transgenic mouse, we observed that GFP expression was high, inducible and limited to TEC in fetal thymus. In contrast, in adult thymus, when TEC development and maturation is completed, GFP was barely detectable. Therefore, Foxn1-rtTA represents a new and efficient transgenic mouse model to induce genes of interest specifically in fetal thymic epithelium. genesis 51:717-724. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Integrative and conjugative elements (ICE) are in some ways parasitic mobile DNA that propagate vertically through replication with the bacterial host chromosome but at low frequencies can excise and invade new recipient cells through conjugation and reintegration (horizontal propagation). The factors that contribute to successful horizontal propagation are not very well understood. Here, we study the influence of host cell life history on the initiation of transfer of a model ICE named ICEclc in bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas. We use time-lapse microscopy of growing and stationary-phase microcolonies of ICEclc bearing cells in combination with physiological staining and gene reporter analysis in stationary-phase suspended cells. We provide evidence that cell age and cell lineage are unlikely to play a role in the decision to initiate the ICEclc transfer program. In contrast, cells activating ICEclc show more often increased levels of reactive oxygen species and membrane damage than nonactivating cells, suggesting that some form of biochemical damage may make cells more prone to ICEclc induction. Finally, we find that ICEclc active cells appear spatially at random in a microcolony, which may have been a selective advantage for maximizing ICEclc horizontal transmission to new recipient species.


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The technique to generate transgenic mosquitoes requires adaptation for each target species because of aspects related to species biology, sensitivity to manipulation and rearing conditions. Here we tested different parameters on the microinjection procedure in order to obtain a transgenic Neotropical mosquito species. By using a transposon-based strategy we were able to successfully transform Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz), which can be used as an avian malaria model. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the piggyBac transposable element as a transformation vector for Neotropical mosquito species and opens up new research frontiers for South American mosquito vectors.


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This paper examines a dataset which is modeled well by thePoisson-Log Normal process and by this process mixed with LogNormal data, which are both turned into compositions. Thisgenerates compositional data that has zeros without any need forconditional models or assuming that there is missing or censoreddata that needs adjustment. It also enables us to model dependenceon covariates and within the composition


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A joint distribution of two discrete random variables with finite support can be displayed as a two way table of probabilities adding to one. Assume that this table hasn rows and m columns and all probabilities are non-null. This kind of table can beseen as an element in the simplex of n · m parts. In this context, the marginals areidentified as compositional amalgams, conditionals (rows or columns) as subcompositions. Also, simplicial perturbation appears as Bayes theorem. However, the Euclideanelements of the Aitchison geometry of the simplex can also be translated into the tableof probabilities: subspaces, orthogonal projections, distances.Two important questions are addressed: a) given a table of probabilities, which isthe nearest independent table to the initial one? b) which is the largest orthogonalprojection of a row onto a column? or, equivalently, which is the information in arow explained by a column, thus explaining the interaction? To answer these questionsthree orthogonal decompositions are presented: (1) by columns and a row-wise geometric marginal, (2) by rows and a columnwise geometric marginal, (3) by independenttwo-way tables and fully dependent tables representing row-column interaction. Animportant result is that the nearest independent table is the product of the two (rowand column)-wise geometric marginal tables. A corollary is that, in an independenttable, the geometric marginals conform with the traditional (arithmetic) marginals.These decompositions can be compared with standard log-linear models.Key words: balance, compositional data, simplex, Aitchison geometry, composition,orthonormal basis, arithmetic and geometric marginals, amalgam, dependence measure,contingency table


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Recent isotopic and biochronologic dating has demonstrated that the Gets nappe contains remnants of the oldest part of the oceanic crust of the Alpine Tethys. The ophiolites are associated with deep sea sediments, platform carbonates and continental crustal elements suggesting a transitional environment between continental and oceanic crust. Therefore, the ophiolites from the Gets nappe provide the opportunity to assess the nature of mantle source and the magma evolution during the final rifting stage of the European lithosphere. Trace clement analyses of mafic rocks can he divided into two sets: (1) P, Zr and Y contents are consistent with those of mid-ocean ridge basalts and REE patterns have a P-MORB affinity. (2) P,Zr Ti and Y contents are compatible with within-plate basalts and are characterized by REE spectra similar to that of T-MORB. Both have Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of synrift magma of the Red Sea and to the Rhine Graben. The model ages are in agreement with an LREE-enriched subcontinental mantle source derived from depleted mantle 800 to 900 Ma ago. Minor, trace element and Sm-Nd compositions suggest that these rocks are basaltic relies of an earliest stage of oceanic spreading i.e. an embryonic ocean. Comparison between REE patterns, Nd and Sr isotope compositions, isotopic and biochronologic ages from different Alpine Tethys ophiolites shows that samples with enriched LREE are from the older ophiolitic suites and are relies of the embryonic ocean floor. Later phases of ocean spreading are characterized by basalts that are depleted in LREE.


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This paper studies the limits of discrete time repeated games with public monitoring. We solve and characterize the Abreu, Milgrom and Pearce (1991) problem. We found that for the "bad" ("good") news model the lower (higher) magnitude events suggest cooperation, i.e., zero punishment probability, while the highrt (lower) magnitude events suggest defection, i.e., punishment with probability one. Public correlation is used to connect these two sets of signals and to make the enforceability to bind. The dynamic and limit behavior of the punishment probabilities for variations in ... (the discount rate) and ... (the time interval) are characterized, as well as the limit payo¤s for all these scenarios (We also introduce uncertainty in the time domain). The obtained ... limits are to the best of my knowledge, new. The obtained ... limits coincide with Fudenberg and Levine (2007) and Fudenberg and Olszewski (2011), with the exception that we clearly state the precise informational conditions that cause the limit to converge from above, to converge from below or to degenerate. JEL: C73, D82, D86. KEYWORDS: Repeated Games, Frequent Monitoring, Random Pub- lic Monitoring, Moral Hazard, Stochastic Processes.


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Silencing of the transcriptional repressor REST is required for terminal differentiation of neuronal and beta-cells. In this study, we hypothesized that REST expression is controlled by hairy and enhancer of split 1 (HES-1), a transcriptional repressor that plays an important role in brain and pancreas development. We identified several N elements (CTNGTG) within the promoter of REST and confirmed that HES-1 associates with the endogenous promoter of REST. Moreover, using a cells model that overexpress HES-1 and a combination of experimental approaches, we demonstrated that HES-1 reduces endogenous REST expression. Taken together, these results indicate that HES-1 is an upstream negative regulator of REST expression.


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SummaryDiscrete data arise in various research fields, typically when the observations are count data.I propose a robust and efficient parametric procedure for estimation of discrete distributions. The estimation is done in two phases. First, a very robust, but possibly inefficient, estimate of the model parameters is computed and used to indentify outliers. Then the outliers are either removed from the sample or given low weights, and a weighted maximum likelihood estimate (WML) is computed.The weights are determined via an adaptive process such that if the data follow the model, then asymptotically no observation is downweighted.I prove that the final estimator inherits the breakdown point of the initial one, and that its influence function at the model is the same as the influence function of the maximum likelihood estimator, which strongly suggests that it is asymptotically fully efficient.The initial estimator is a minimum disparity estimator (MDE). MDEs can be shown to have full asymptotic efficiency, and some MDEs have very high breakdown points and very low bias under contamination. Several initial estimators are considered, and the performances of the WMLs based on each of them are studied.It results that in a great variety of situations the WML substantially improves the initial estimator, both in terms of finite sample mean square error and in terms of bias under contamination. Besides, the performances of the WML are rather stable under a change of the MDE even if the MDEs have very different behaviors.Two examples of application of the WML to real data are considered. In both of them, the necessity for a robust estimator is clear: the maximum likelihood estimator is badly corrupted by the presence of a few outliers.This procedure is particularly natural in the discrete distribution setting, but could be extended to the continuous case, for which a possible procedure is sketched.RésuméLes données discrètes sont présentes dans différents domaines de recherche, en particulier lorsque les observations sont des comptages.Je propose une méthode paramétrique robuste et efficace pour l'estimation de distributions discrètes. L'estimation est faite en deux phases. Tout d'abord, un estimateur très robuste des paramètres du modèle est calculé, et utilisé pour la détection des données aberrantes (outliers). Cet estimateur n'est pas nécessairement efficace. Ensuite, soit les outliers sont retirés de l'échantillon, soit des faibles poids leur sont attribués, et un estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance pondéré (WML) est calculé.Les poids sont déterminés via un processus adaptif, tel qu'asymptotiquement, si les données suivent le modèle, aucune observation n'est dépondérée.Je prouve que le point de rupture de l'estimateur final est au moins aussi élevé que celui de l'estimateur initial, et que sa fonction d'influence au modèle est la même que celle du maximum de vraisemblance, ce qui suggère que cet estimateur est pleinement efficace asymptotiquement.L'estimateur initial est un estimateur de disparité minimale (MDE). Les MDE sont asymptotiquement pleinement efficaces, et certains d'entre eux ont un point de rupture très élevé et un très faible biais sous contamination. J'étudie les performances du WML basé sur différents MDEs.Le résultat est que dans une grande variété de situations le WML améliore largement les performances de l'estimateur initial, autant en terme du carré moyen de l'erreur que du biais sous contamination. De plus, les performances du WML restent assez stables lorsqu'on change l'estimateur initial, même si les différents MDEs ont des comportements très différents.Je considère deux exemples d'application du WML à des données réelles, où la nécessité d'un estimateur robuste est manifeste : l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance est fortement corrompu par la présence de quelques outliers.La méthode proposée est particulièrement naturelle dans le cadre des distributions discrètes, mais pourrait être étendue au cas continu.


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We developed a procedure that combines three complementary computational methodologies to improve the theoretical description of the electronic structure of nickel oxide. The starting point is a Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulation to incorporate vibrorotational degrees of freedom into the material model. By means ofcomplete active space self-consistent field second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) calculations on embedded clusters extracted from the resulting trajectory, we describe localized spectroscopic phenomena on NiO with an efficient treatment of electron correlation. The inclusion of thermal motion into the theoretical description allowsus to study electronic transitions that, otherwise, would be dipole forbidden in the ideal structure and results in a natural reproduction of the band broadening. Moreover, we improved the embedded cluster model by incorporating self-consistently at the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) level a discrete (or direct) reaction field (DRF) in the cluster surroundings. The DRF approach offers an efficient treatment ofelectric response effects of the crystalline embedding to the electronic transitions localized in the cluster. We offer accurate theoretical estimates of the absorption spectrum and the density of states around the Fermi level of NiO, and a comprehensive explanation of the source of the broadening and the relaxation of the charge transferstates due to the adaptation of the environment


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The terminal differentiation of neuronal and pancreatic beta-cells requires the specific expression of genes that are targets of an important transcriptional repressor named RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST). The molecular mechanism by which these REST target genes are expressed only in neuronal and beta-cells and are repressed by REST in other tissues is a central issue in differentiation program of neuronal and beta-cells. Herein, we showed that the transcriptional factor Sp1 was required for expression of most REST target genes both in insulin-secreting cells and neuronal-like cells where REST is absent. Inhibition of REST in a non-beta and a non-neuronal cell model restored the transcriptional activity of Sp1. This activity was also restored by trichostatin A indicating the requirement of histone deacetylases for the REST-mediated silencing of Sp1. Conversely, exogenous introduction of REST blocked Sp1-mediated transcriptional activity. The REST inhibitory effect was mediated through its C-terminal repressor domain, which could interact with Sp1. Taken together, these data show that the inhibition of Sp1 by REST is required for the silencing of its target genes expression in non-neuronal and in non-beta-cells. We conclude that the interplay between REST and Sp1 determines the cell-specific expression of REST target genes.


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Purpose: Gene therapy of severe retinal dystrophies directly affecting photoreceptor is still a challenge in terms of clinical application. One of the main hurdles is to generate high transgene expression specifically in rods or cones. In the present study, we are investigating the possibility to drive hPDE6b expression in the Rd10 mouse retina using a specific sequence of the human PDE6b promoter. Methods: Two 5' flanking fragments of the human PDE6b gene: (-93 to +53 (146 bp) and -297 to +53 (350 bp, see Di Polo and Farber, 1995) were cloned in different plasmids in order to check their expression in vitro and in vivo. These elements drove the activity of either luciferase (pGL3 plasmids) or EGFP (AAV2/8 backbone). Then, an AAV2/8 vector carrying the PDE6b cDNA was tested with subretinal injections at P9 in the Rd10 eyes. Eye fundus, OCT, ERG recordings and histological investigations were performed to assess the efficacy of the gene transfer. Results: The short PDE6b promoter containing 146bp (-93 to +53) showed the highest activity in the Y-79 cells, as described previously (Di Polo and Farber, 1995). Subretinal administrations of AAV2/8-PDE6bpromoter-EGFP allowed a rapid expression specifically in rods and not in cones. The expression is faster than a vector containing the CMV promoter. The AAV2/8-PDE6bpromoter-PDE6b and the control vector were injected at P9 in the Rd10 mouse retina and investigated 5 weeks post-injection. Out of 14 eyes, 6 presented an increased rod sensitivity of about 300 fold, and increased a- and b-wave responses in ERG recordings. Flicker stimulations revealed that cones are also functional. OCT images and histological analyses revealed an increased ONL size in the injected area. The retina treated with the therapeutic vector presented 4-6 rows of photoreceptors with outersegments containing PDE6b. In the control eyes, only 2-4 rows of photoreceptors with almost no OS were observed . Conclusions: The 146 bp promoter sequence (-93 to + 53) is the shortest regulatory element described to date which allows to obtain efficient rod-specific expression in the context of somatic gene transfer. This first result is of great interest for AAV vector design in general allowing more space for the accommodation of transgenes of interest and good expression in rods. Moreover we showed the proof of principle of the efficacy of AAV2/8-PDE6bp-PDE6b vector in the Rd10 mouse model of severe photoreceptor degeneration without using neither AAV mutated capsids, nor self-complementary vectors.


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In the framework of the classical compound Poisson process in collective risk theory, we study a modification of the horizontal dividend barrier strategy by introducing random observation times at which dividends can be paid and ruin can be observed. This model contains both the continuous-time and the discrete-time risk model as a limit and represents a certain type of bridge between them which still enables the explicit calculation of moments of total discounted dividend payments until ruin. Numerical illustrations for several sets of parameters are given and the effect of random observation times on the performance of the dividend strategy is studied.


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Integrative and conjugating elements (ICE) are self-transferable DNAs widely present in bacterial genomes, which often carry a variety of auxiliary genes of potential adaptive benefit. One of the model ICE is ICEclc, an element originally found in Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 and known for its propensity to provide its host with the capacity to metabolize chlorocatechols and 2-aminophenol. In this work, we studied the mechanism and target of regulation of MfsR, a TetR-type repressor previously found to exert global control on ICEclc horizontal transfer. By using a combination of ICEclc mutant and transcriptome analysis, gene reporter fusions, and DNA binding assays, we found that MfsR is a repressor of both its own expression and that of a gene cluster putatively coding for a major facilitator superfamily efflux system on ICEclc (named mfsABC). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that mfsR was originally located immediately adjacent to the efflux pump genes but became displaced from its original cis target DNA by a gene insertion. This resulted in divergence of the original bidirectional promoters into two separated individual regulatory units. Deletion of mfsABC did not result in a strong phenotype, and despite screening a large number of compounds and conditions, we were unable to define the precise current function or target of the putative efflux pump. Our data reconstruct how the separation of an ancestor mfsR-mfsABC system led to global control of ICEclc transfer by MfsR.


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The work by Koglin et al. (Koglin, N., Kostopoulos, D., Reichmann, T., 2009. Geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Samothraki mafic Suite, NE Greece: Trace-element, isotopic and zircon age constraints. Tectonophysics 473, 53-68. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.10.028), where the authors have proposed to nullify the scenario presented by Bonev and Stampfli (Bonev, N., Stampfli, G., 2008. Petrology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of Jurassic island arc magmatism as revealed by mafic volcanic rocks in the Mesozoic low-grade sequence, eastern Rhodope, Bulgaria. Lithos 100, 210-233) is here Put under discussion. The arguments for this proposal are reviewed in the light of available stratigraphic and radiometric age constraints, geochemical signature and tectonics of highly relevant Jurassic ophiolitic suites occurring immediately north of the Samothraki mafic suite. Our conclusion is that the weak arguments and the lack of knowledge on the relevant constraints from the regional geologic information make inconsistent the Proposal and the model of these authors. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.