811 resultados para crowdfunding,equity-based crowdfunding,financial forecasting
Parametric term structure models have been successfully applied to innumerous problems in fixed income markets, including pricing, hedging, managing risk, as well as studying monetary policy implications. On their turn, dynamic term structure models, equipped with stronger economic structure, have been mainly adopted to price derivatives and explain empirical stylized facts. In this paper, we combine flavors of those two classes of models to test if no-arbitrage affects forecasting. We construct cross section (allowing arbitrages) and arbitrage-free versions of a parametric polynomial model to analyze how well they predict out-of-sample interest rates. Based on U.S. Treasury yield data, we find that no-arbitrage restrictions significantly improve forecasts. Arbitrage-free versions achieve overall smaller biases and Root Mean Square Errors for most maturities and forecasting horizons. Furthermore, a decomposition of forecasts into forward-rates and holding return premia indicates that the superior performance of no-arbitrage versions is due to a better identification of bond risk premium.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to econometric forecasting of stationary and ergodic time series within a panel-data framework. Our key element is to employ the (feasible) bias-corrected average forecast. Using panel-data sequential asymptotics we show that it is potentially superior to other techniques in several contexts. In particular, it is asymptotically equivalent to the conditional expectation, i.e., has an optimal limiting mean-squared error. We also develop a zeromean test for the average bias and discuss the forecast-combination puzzle in small and large samples. Monte-Carlo simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the feasible bias-corrected average forecast in finite samples. An empirical exercise based upon data from a well known survey is also presented. Overall, theoretical and empirical results show promise for the feasible bias-corrected average forecast.
This paper proposes unit tests based on partially adaptive estimation. The proposed tests provide an intermediate class of inference procedures that are more efficient than the traditional OLS-based methods and simpler than unit root tests based on fully adptive estimation using nonparametric methods. The limiting distribution of the proposed test is a combination of standard normal and the traditional Dickey-Fuller (DF) distribution, including the traditional ADF test as a special case when using Gaussian density. Taking into a account the well documented characteristic of heavy-tail behavior in economic and financial data, we consider unit root tests coupled with a class of partially adaptive M-estimators based on the student-t distributions, wich includes te normal distribution as a limiting case. Monte Carlo Experiments indicate that, in the presence of heavy tail distributions or innovations that are contaminated by outliers, the proposed test is more powerful than the traditional ADF test. We apply the proposed test to several macroeconomic time series that have heavy-tailed distributions. The unit root hypothesis is rejected in U.S. real GNP, supporting the literature of transitory shocks in output. However, evidence against unit roots is not found in real exchange rate and nominal interest rate even haevy-tail is taken into a account.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to econometric forecasting of stationary and ergodic time series within a panel-data framework. Our key element is to employ the bias-corrected average forecast. Using panel-data sequential asymptotics we show that it is potentially superior to other techniques in several contexts. In particular it delivers a zero-limiting mean-squared error if the number of forecasts and the number of post-sample time periods is sufficiently large. We also develop a zero-mean test for the average bias. Monte-Carlo simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of this new technique in finite samples. An empirical exercise, based upon data from well known surveys is also presented. Overall, these results show promise for the bias-corrected average forecast.
In this paper we revisit the relationship between the equity and the forward premium puzzles. We construct return-based stochastic discount factors under very mild assumptions and check whether they price correctly the equity and the foreign currency risk premia. We avoid log-linearizations by using moments restrictions associated with euler equations to test the capacity of our return-based stochastic discount factors to price returns on the relevant assets. Our main finding is that a pricing kernel constructed only using information on American domestic assets accounts for both domestic and international stylized facts that escape consumption based models. In particular, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the foreign currency risk premium has zero price when the instrument is the own current value of the forward premium.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to econometric forecasting of stationary and ergodic time series within a panel-data framework. Our key element is to employ the (feasible) bias-corrected average forecast. Using panel-data sequential asymptotics we show that it is potentially superior to other techniques in several contexts. In particular, it is asymptotically equivalent to the conditional expectation, i.e., has an optimal limiting mean-squared error. We also develop a zeromean test for the average bias and discuss the forecast-combination puzzle in small and large samples. Monte-Carlo simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the feasible bias-corrected average forecast in finite samples. An empirical exercise, based upon data from a well known survey is also presented. Overall, these results show promise for the feasible bias-corrected average forecast.
Our research agenda consists in showing this strong relation between these puzzles based on evidences that both empirical failures are related to the incapacity of the canonical CCAPM to provide a high volatile intertemporal marginal rate of substitution with reasonable values for the preferences parameters.
The 2008 global financial crisis was the consequence of the process of financialization, or the creation of massive fictitious financial wealth, that began in the 1980s, and of the hegemony of a reactionary ideology, namely, neoliberalism, based on selfregulated and efficient markets. Although capitalism is intrinsically unstable, the lessons from the stock-market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s were transformed into theories and institutions or regulations that led to the “30 glorious years of capitalism” (1948–77) and that could have avoided a financial crisis as profound as the present one. It did not because a coalition of rentiers and “financists” achieved hegemony and, while deregulating the existing financial operations, refused to regulate the financial innovations that made these markets even more risky. Neoclassical economics played the role of a meta-ideology as it legitimized, mathematically and “scientifically”, neoliberal ideology and deregulation. From this crisis a new capitalism will emerge, though its character is difficult to predict. It will not be financialized but the tendencies present in the 30 glorious years toward global and knowledge-based capitalism, where professionals will have more say than rentier capitalists, as well as the tendency to improve democracy by making it more social and participative, will be resumed.
Em 1985, Mehra e Prescott levantaram uma questão que até hoje não foi respondida de forma satisfatória: o prêmio de risco das ações americanas é muito maior do que poderia ser explicado pelo “paradigma neoclássico de finanças econômicas” (financial economics) representado pelo modelo C-CAPM. E, a partir de então, este problema não resolvido ficou conhecido como o “Equity Premium Puzzle” (EPP) ou o “Enigma do Prêmio (de risco) das Ações”. Este enigma estimulou a produção de uma série de artigos, dissertações e teses que tentaram ajustar os modelos intertemporais de utilidade esperada aos dados dos mercados financeiros. Dentro deste contexto, esta tese busca (i) revisar a evolução histórica da teoria dos modelos de maximização da utilidade intertemporal dos agentes, (ii) analisar os pressupostos e conceitos chaves desses modelos, (iii) propor um novo modelo que seja capaz de solucionar o EPP, (iv) aplicar este modelo proposto aos dados históricos anuais entre 1929 e 2004 e (v) validar a lógica deste modelo através das metodologias Mehra-Prescott e Hansen-Jagannathan. Esta tese faz uma crítica de que os estudos até aqui desenvolvidos tentaram explicar a dinâmica de um mercado financeiro altamente sofisticado, através de um modelo de economia não-monetária e de subsistência. Assim, a sua contribuição consiste na alteração desse pressuposto de uma economia de subsistência, considerando que a renda disponível do setor privado não seja integralmente consumida, mas que também possa ser poupada. Assumindo que as pessoas obtêm satisfação (utilidade) tanto pelo consumo atual como pela poupança atual (que será o consumo futuro), será deduzido que a utilidade marginal de consumir é igual à de poupar, em todo e qualquer período. Com base nisso, a utilidade marginal a consumir é substituída pela utilidade marginal de poupar dentro do modelo básico do C-CAPM. Para reforçar a idéia de que o modelo desta tese usa dados de poupança em vez de consumo, ao longo do trabalho ele será chamado de Sanving-CAPM, ou S-CAPM. Este novo modelo mostrou-se capaz de solucionar o EPP quando submetidas às abordagens Mehra-Prescott e Hansen-Jagannathan.
Nas economias desenvolvidas, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, a indústria de Private Equity & Venture Capital, que vive o seu segundo ciclo de expansão no Brasil, representa importante fonte de crescimento e dinamização da atividade econômica, através do fomento do empreendedorismo e da inovação tecnológica. Como tal, o estudo da adaptabilidade deste mecanismo a diferentes ambientes jurídico-institucional merece crescente atenção. A complexidade dos chamados contratos incompletos pelas incertezas e assimetrias de informações intrínsecas a estas operações, aliado ao estabelecimento de estruturas de incentivos ótimas que remunerem e protejam adequadamente tanto o investidor quanto o empreendedor, pode ser um fator limitante da expansão do modelo de PE/VC em determinadas geografias. Estas limitações seriam maiores nos países com sistemas legais e instituições menos adaptáveis ao modelo norte-americano de PE/VC. O objetivo central deste trabalho é estudar modelos de financial contract praticados no Brasil entre fundos de PE/VC e empresas investidas em diferentes estágios de maturação; visando a identificar como, se é que existem, condições impeditivas do nosso ambiente jurídico-institucional à celebração de contratos mais eficientes. À luz das teorias em financial contracting e das peculiaridades do ambiente jurídico-institucional brasileiro avaliar-se-á a adequação das estruturas contratuais mais utilizadas em operações de PE/VC no Brasil comparadas aos modelos e às estruturas contratuais mais praticados internacionalmente. De posse destes insights, aplicar-se-á questionário junto a operadores da indústria (gestores de fundos de PE/VC) para identificar suas percepções no tocante às limitações impostas pelo ambiente jurídico-institucional. E se há, na visão deles, um modelo / estrutura de contrato mais recomendado para operações de PE/VC.
The present work seeks to investigate the dynamics of capital account liberalization and its impact on short run capital flows to Brazil in the period of 1995-2002, considering different segments such as the monetary, derivative and equity markets. This task is pursued by developing a comparative study of financial flows and examining how it is affected by the uncovered interest parity, country risk and the legislation on portfolio capital flows. The empirical framework is based on a vector autoregressive (VAR) analysis using impulse-response functions, variance decomposition and Granger causality tests. In general terms the results indicate a crucial role played by the uncovered interest parity and the country risk to explain portfolio flows, and a less restrictive (more liberalized) legislation is not significant to attract such flows.
The recently released "Educational PAC" attempts to place basic education at the center of the social debate. We have subsidized this debate, offering a diagnosis of how different education levels can impact individuals' lives through broad and easily interpreted indicators. Initially, we analyze how much each educational level reaches the poorest population. For example, how are those in the bottom strata of income distribution benefited by childcare centers, private secondary education, public university or adult education. The next step is to quantify the return of educational actions, such as their effects on employability and an individual's wages, and even health as perceived by the individual, be that individual poor, middle class or elite. The next part of the research presents evidence of how the main characters in education, aka mothers, fathers and children, regard education. The site available with the research presents a broad, user-friendly database, which will allow interested parties to answer their own questions relative to why people do not attend school, the time spent in the educational system and returns to education, which can all be cross-sectioned with a wide array of socio-demographic attributes (gender, income, etc.) and school characteristics (is it public, are school meals offered, etc.) to find answers to: why do young adults of a certain age not attend school? Why do they miss classes? How long is the school day? Aside from the whys and hows of teaching, the research calculates the amount of time spent in school, resulting from a combination between absence rates, evasion raters and length of the school day. The study presents ranks of indicators referring to objective and subjective aspects of education, such as the discussion of the advantages and care in establishing performance based incentives that aim at guiding the states in the race for better educational indicators.
We build a pricing kernel using only US domestic assets data and check whether it accounts for foreign markets stylized facts that escape consumption based models. By interpreting our stochastic discount factor as the projection of a pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicate that a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a long way toward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets. We address predictability issues associated with the forward premium puzzle by: i) using instruments that are known to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associated with Euler equations, and; ii) by pricing Lustig and Verdelhan (2007)'s foreign currency portfolios. Our results indicate that the relevant state variables that explain foreign-currency market asset prices are also the driving forces behind U.S. domestic assets behavior.
A governança corporativa define um conjunto de regras que busca alinhar ação do agente em relação às decisões estratégicas da empresa, assim maximizando os benefícios gerados aos seus stakeholders, em especial aos acionistas. Para pequena média empresa demandante de recursos, tal ferramental extremamente importante para aumentar sua capacidade de captação dos recursos necessários ao seu crescimento desenvolvimento, uma vez que reduz assimetria informacional entre esta seus principais agentes financiadores: credores novos investidores. Esta dissertação visou compreender quais as principais questões de governança corporativa de pequenas médias empresas brasileiras, especialmente aquelas em expansão, buscando definir partir destas algumas contribuições das boas práticas de governança corporativa para esse segmento. Na revisão bibliográfica foram levantados, segundo teoria da agência e teorias complementares, os principais conceitos ligados governança corporativa. Também realizada uma análise destes conceitos segundo captação de recursos estrutura de capital da companhia, dado que pressupõe entrada de novos investidores credores. Para validação desse referencial foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com técnicos gestores das relacionados as atividades de venture private equity realizadas pela BNDESPAR. Por meio deste, foi possível definir, segundo os problemas suas causas, algumas diretrizes de melhores práticas de governança para pequenas médias empresas brasileiras.
Este estudo exploratório objetivou investigar aspectos contábeis-financeiros relacionados ao processo de capitalização de empresas através dos recursos provenientes da conversão da dívida externa brasileira. Procurou-se conhecer os motivos da captação e a utilização dada aos recursos da conversão da divida, as modificações ocorridas no grau de alavancagem financeira (GAF) após a utilização desses recursos e a forma pela qual as emeresas evidenciaram seu recebimento, em suas demonstrações contábeis (Capitulo I). A revisão da literatura buscou contextualizar a conversão da divida externa. Adicionalmente foram abordados assuntos relacionados à estrutura de capital de uma empresa e à evidenciação de informações contábeis (Capítulo II). O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o "estudo de casos". Como instrumentos de pesquisa foram usados o questionário e o exame das demonstrações contábeis (Capitulo III). Os casos pesquisados foram descritos separadamente (Capitulo IV) e posteriormente foi feita a análise dos resultados (Capitulo V) . Finalmente são apresentados o sumário e as conclusões da pesquisa à luz dos fundamentos teóricos e são formuladas recomendações e sugestões para novas pesquisas (Capítulo VI.