928 resultados para crotalaria month
We prospectively follow up 80 mentally healthy women at menacme age, with chronic epilepsy and had had least one seizure in the month preceding the study. We selected 59 patients from whom we were able to observe at least three regular menstrual cycles with seizures. We defined regular, irregular cycle, perimenstrual and ovulation period. According to our concepts we have got 19, 30 and 6 patients with respectively severe, moderate and mild exacerbation of perimenstrual seizures. Using our definitions 6, 20 and 17 patients showed severe, moderate and mild accentuation of seizures during ovulation, while 15 patients showed no ovulatory accentuation. Our attention was drawn to the great number of perimenstrual and ovulatory exacerbation of seizures, according to our criteria. From 55 patients with perimenstrual accentuation of seizures 44 (74.54%) showed exacerbation during the ovulatory period. In our opinion, these data speak out in favor of the hormonal theory to explain these occurrences. We discuss these data based on the avaiable literature. We think the strogen peak is probably the main cause of the increased frequency of epileptic seizures during the ovulation period. New studies, documenting objectively the ovulation and seizures are mandatory to clarify the relationship of these aspects of the female endocrine reproductive physiology in epileptics.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Two clinical cases in which Portland cement (PC) was applied as a medicament after pulpotomy of mandibular primary molars in children are presented. Pulpotomy using PC was carried out in two mandibular first molars and one mandibular second molar, which were further followed-up. At the 3, 6 and 12-month follow-up appointments, clinical and radiographic examinations of the pulpotomized teeth and their periradicular area revealed that the treatments were successful in maintaining the teeth asymptomatic and preserving pulpal vitality. Additionally, the formation of a dentin bridge immediately below the PC could be observed in the three molars treated. PC may be considered as an effective alternative for primary molar pulpotomies, at least in a short-term period. Randomized clinical trials with human teeth are required in order to determine the suitability of PC before unlimited clinical use can be recommended.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations comparing two minimally invasive methods in permanent teeth after 12 months. Fifty pregnant women (second trimester of pregnancy), mean age 22 ± 5.30 years, were treated by two previously trained operators. The treatment approaches tested were: chemomechanical method (CarisolvTM; MediTeam) and atraumatic restorative treatment (ART). A split-mouth study design was used in which the two treatments were randomly placed in 50 matched pairs of permanent teeth. The chemomechanical method (CM) was the test group and the ART was the control group. The treatments were performed in Public Health Centers. The tested restorative material was a high-strength GIC (Ketac Molar; 3M/ESPE). The restorations were placed according to the ART guidelines. Two calibrated independent examiners evaluated the restorations in accordance with ART criteria. The inter-examiner kappa was 0.97. Data were analyzed using 95% confidence interval on the binomial distribution and Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level. In a 12-month follow-up, 86% of the restorations were evaluated. In the test group (CM), 100% (CI=93.3-100%) of the restorations were considered successful. In the control group (ART) 97.6% (CI=87.4-99.9%) of the restorations were considered successful and 2.4% unsuccessful (marginal defect >0.5 mm). There was no statistically significant difference between the 12-mounth success rate for both groups (Fisher's exact test: P=0.49) and between the two operators (Fisher's exact test: P=1.00). Both minimally invasive methods, chemomechanical method and ART, showed a similar clinical performance after 12 months of follow up.
Este estudo caracteriza-se epidemiológico-descritivo com objetivo de descrever a evolução temporal dos casos de dengue em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, no período de 1994 a 2003, segundo mês de ocorrência e sexo. Os dados foram obtidos junto às fichas de notificação compulsória fornecidas pela Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do município. Foram obtidos os coeficientes de incidência por 100.000 habitantes, segundo estimativas populacionais do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. O município viveu uma epidemia de dengue no ano de 2001, quando o coeficiente de incidência chegou a 619,65 casos/100.000 habitantes, sendo que dentre os 5.553 casos encontrados no período estudado, 0,07% ocorreram no ano de 1994, 3,68% em 1995, 4,52% em 1996, 2,40% em 1997, 1,82% em 1998, 5,73% em 1999, 3,75% em 2000, 57,37% em 2001, 6,25% em 2002 e, 14,39% em 2003 . Os meses do ano de maior ocorrência da doença foram de janeiro a maio. Em relação à variável sexo, a proporção entre o número de casos foi de aproximadamente 1:1, mostrando pequenas flutuações de casos de dengue entre homens e mulheres, para todo período estudado. Os resultados apontam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estudos sobre a temática e reforçam o papel das instituições de ensino na questão da dengue no nosso país.
OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the bone density gain and its relationship with the periodontal clinical parameters in a case series of a regenerative therapy procedure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Using a split-mouth study design, 10 pairs of infrabony defects from 15 patients were treated with a pool of bovine bone morphogenetic proteins associated with collagen membrane (test sites) or collagen membrane only (control sites). The periodontal healing was clinically and radiographically monitored for six months. Standardized pre-surgical and 6-month postoperative radiographs were digitized for digital subtraction analysis, which showed relative bone density gain in both groups of 0.034 ± 0.423 and 0.105 ± 0.423 in the test and control group, respectively (p>0.05). RESULTS: As regards the area size of bone density change, the influence of the therapy was detected in 2.5 mm² in the test group and 2 mm² in the control group (p>0.05). Additionally, no correlation was observed between the favorable clinical results and the bone density gain measured by digital subtraction radiography (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that the clinical benefit of the regenerative therapy observed did not come with significant bone density gains. Long-term evaluation may lead to a different conclusions.
A recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde é que todo recém nascido deva ser alimentado exclusivamente no seio materno até o sexto mês e, de forma complementar, até o segundo ano de vida. Assim, algumas técnicas são realizadas para facilitar a alimentação ao seio, dentre elas o uso do copo e, recentemente, a utilização da técnica "sonda-dedo". Tal prática é bastante controversa e há escassez de estudos na literatura sobre a descrição da técnica, sua indicação e uso. O objetivo do presente trabalho é relatar a experiência clínica para indicação e uso da técnica "sonda-dedo". A técnica "sonda-dedo" consiste no oferecimento do leite, de preferência humano, utilizando sonda gástrica conectada a uma seringa com êmbolo e fixada em dedo mínimo enluvado com fita adesiva. A sonda é posicionada na cavidade oral do recém nascido e deve servir como uma técnica de auxílio para adequação do padrão de sucção. Desta forma, sugere-se que sua indicação deve ser apenas nos casos em que seja caracterizada uma disfunção oral, seja em recém nascidos a termo ou pré-termo. Diante da avaliação específica, realizada pelo fonoaudiólogo, indica-se a técnica "sonda-dedo" com objetivo de adequar as alterações obtidas na avaliação da sucção não nutritiva ou em seio materno. Acredita-se que, para que a técnica "sonda-dedo" seja indicada como complemento do aleitamento materno, devam ser realizados novos estudos para esclarecer quais as repercussões da técnica "sonda-dedo" na prevalência do aleitamento materno e no desenvolvimento motor oral de recém nascidos.
Class III skeletal malocclusion may present several etiologies, among which maxillary deficiency is the most frequent. Bone discrepancy may have an unfavorable impact on esthetics, which is frequently aggravated by the presence of accentuated facial asymmetries. This type of malocclusion is usually treated with association of Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery for correction of occlusion and facial esthetics. This report presents the treatment of a patient aged 15 years and 1 month with Class III skeletal malocclusion, having narrow maxilla, posterior open bite on the left side, anterior crossbite and unilateral posterior crossbite, accentuated negative dentoalveolar discrepancy in the maxillary arch, and maxillary and mandibular midline shift. Clinical examination also revealed maxillary hypoplasia, increased lower one third of the face, concave bone and facial profiles and facial asymmetry with mandibular deviation to the left side. The treatment was performed in three phases: presurgical orthodontic preparation, orthognathic surgery and orthodontic finishing. In reviewing the patient's final records, the major goals set at the beginning of treatment were successfully achieved, providing the patient with adequate masticatory function and pleasant facial esthetics.