1000 resultados para composition operators


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Se llevó a cabo un experimento de 406 días en macetas para evaluar el nuevo inhibidor de la nitrificación, 3,4-dimetilpirazol fosfato (DMPP), añadido a purines de cerdo. Se utilizaron macetas que contenían tierra franca calcárea que fueron sujetas a los siguientes tratamientos: sin purín, 73,7; 147,3 y 221 cm3 de purín por maceta, todas con o sin tratamiento de DMPP. A los 18 días las macetas fueron sembradas con Lolium perenne L. El mayor rendimiento (36,3 g maceta-1) se obtuvo para el tratamiento con la dosis superior de purín y DMPP, siendo un 7,4% superior al mismo tratamiento sin inhibidor y un 46,1% superior al tratamiento control. Las plantas tratadas con dosis alta y mediana, más el DMPP, absorbieron el 70% del total del N durante la primera fase del experimento (104 días) mientras que sin inhibidor absorbieron el 55,3 y el 62% respectivamente. Se observó una reducción significativa del 17% en el N lixiviado en los tratamientos sin cultivo al aplicar DMPP. El inhibidor aumentó significativamente la eficiencia agronómica del purín (g materia seca g-1 N aplicado).


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The effect of caponisation on carcass composition by parts and tissues was examined. Twenty-eight castrated and twenty male Penedesenca Negra chicks reared under free-range conditions were slaughtered at 28 weeks of age. The birds were castrated at 4 or 8 weeks. The left sides of the carcasses were quartered (wing, breast, thigh and drumstick), and the parts dissected into the tissue components (skin, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat, muscle, bone and tendons). Capons showed more abdominal, intermuscular and subcutaneous fat than the cocks, both at the same slaughter age and at the same weight. The breast and thigh were heavier in the capons than in the cocks. However, the whole muscle mass in the breast was increased by caponisation. This favourable effect was achieved at the expense of decreasing the carcass yield. The age of castration up to 8 weeks did not affect the carcass composition of the parts and tissues.


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Among the traits of breeding interest for the common walnut tree Juglans regia L., characteristics such as timing of budbreak and leaf fall, water-use efficiency and growth performance are regarded as being of utmost relevance in Mediterranean conditions. The authors evaluated intraspecific variation in $\delta$13C (carbon isotope composition, surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency, WUE$_{\rm i}$) for 22 J. regia families grown in a progeny test under supplementary irrigation, and investigated whether such variation correlated with climatic indicators of native habitats. The genetic relationships between $\delta$13C, growth and phenology were also assessed during two consecutive years. Overall, the most water-use-efficient families (i.e. with higher $\delta$13C), which originated mainly from drought-prone provenance regions which have a high vapour pressure deficit and low rainfall, exhibited less height growth and smaller DBH. Using a stepwise regression procedure, $\delta$13C was included as the main explanatory variable of genotypic variation in growth traits, together with growing season duration (for DBH in both years) and flushing (for height in 2007). It was concluded that WUE$_{\rm i}$ is largely unconnected to phenology effects in the explanation of growth performance for J. regia, therefore suggesting the opportunity of simultaneously selecting for low WUE$_{\rm i}$ and extended growing period to maximise productivity in non-water-limited environments.


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Understanding how best to support immature writers in the development of their understanding of the writing process is an important concern for researchers and teachers. Social technologies have become key features of leisure and work place writing, yet knowledge about how to design educational settings that take full advantage of the affordances of web 2.0 technologies to support early writing is scarce. This paper presents a small scale study that investigated how writing in a wiki environment might facilitate and support students’ use of composition and revision strategies. Our findings show that wiki can enlarge young writers’ experience of the process of composition and revision both through their own efforts and by observing the process in others. In this study students employed a wide range of types of revisions both surface and text based changes. These revisions took place during the process of composition as well as at the end. It is argued here that writing in a wiki not only provides young writers with experience of a mode of composition prevalent in the contemporary work environment, but breaks up the process of writing in a way that may support students’ understanding of the processes of composition and revision.


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In order to evaluate the formation of adventitious buds and in vitro regeneration of sour orange plants (Citrus aurantium L.) two organogenesis-inducing experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, the induction and in vitro regeneration of adventitious buds were tested on epicotyl and internodal segments under the influence of BAP or KIN associated with NAA. The second experiment evaluated the in vitro regeneration of sour orange plants related to different explant types (epicotyls segments, internodal segments of in vitro germinated plantlets and internodal segments of greenhouse cultivated plants). Data collected on both experiments included the percentage of responsive explants (explants that formed buds), and the number of buds per explant. The addition of BAP showed the best organogenic response. In vitro germinated epicotyl segments and internodal segments are recommended as explants for sour orange in vitro organogenesis. Rooting of regenerated shoots was achieved without the need of auxin in the medium.


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The questions studied in this thesis are centered around the moment operators of a quantum observable, the latter being represented by a normalized positive operator measure. The moment operators of an observable are physically relevant, in the sense that these operators give, as averages, the moments of the outcome statistics for the measurement of the observable. The main questions under consideration in this work arise from the fact that, unlike a projection valued observable of the von Neumann formulation, a general positive operator measure cannot be characterized by its first moment operator. The possibility of characterizing certain observables by also involving higher moment operators is investigated and utilized in three different cases: a characterization of projection valued measures among all the observables is given, a quantization scheme for unbounded classical variables using translation covariant phase space operator measures is presented, and, finally, a mathematically rigorous description is obtained for the measurements of rotated quadratures and phase space observables via the high amplitude limit in the balanced homodyne and eight-port homodyne detectors, respectively. In addition, the structure of the covariant phase space operator measures, which is essential for the above quantization, is analyzed in detail in the context of a (not necessarily unimodular) locally compact group as the phase space.


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Selostus: Kypsennettyjen viljojen sulavuus ja ravitsemuksellinen arvo koirien ruokinnassa


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Selostus: Alsike-, puna- ja valkoapilan vaikutus laitumen tuottoon luonnonmukaisessa tuotannossa


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty Lappeenrannassa Telecom Business Research Centerin 5T-projektiin liittyen. Työssä tutkitaan matkaviestinnän lisäarvopalveluiden liiketoimintakonsepteja operaattoreiden näkökulmasta. Lisäarvopalvelut laajentavat operaattoreiden palveluvalikoimaa. Niiden osuuden telekommunikaatioalan yritysten ja erityisesti operaattoreiden tuotoista on ennustettu kasvavan huomattavasti. Työn tärkeimpänä tavoitteena on tuoda uusia näkökulmia ja lisätä ymmärrystä lisäarvopalveluiden liiketoimintakonseptin rakentamisprosessista. Tätä tietämystä käytetään edesauttamaan työn empiirisessä osuudessa tutkitun Content Gateway -tuotteen liiketoimintaa. Tarjoamalla nopean liitynnän ja laskutuskanavan ulkopuolisten palveluntarjoajien ja operaattorin välille tämä tuote mahdollistaa operaattorille ja palveluntarjoajille lisäarvopalveluiden liiketoiminnan käynnistämisen. Lisäarvopalveluiden arvonluontiprosessi vaatii lukuisia yhteistyötä tekeviä osapuolia, joiden yhteistoiminta on dynaamista ja tiedonvälitys avointa, interaktiivista ja nopeaa. Arvonluontiin liittyy myös monia konvergoituvia kehityssuuntia. Perinteinen arvoketjuajattelu on riittämätön uuteen, verkottuneeseen toimintaympäristöön ja sen tilalle on tullut modernimpi arvoverkostomalli. Arvoverkosto luo kilpailuetunsa muita verkostoja vastaan jakamalla resurssit ja kompetenssit optimaalisesti ja liittämällä strategisen ja operationaalisen johtamisen kulttuurit toisiinsa. Tässä työssä verrataan arvoverkoston teoreettisia tavoitteita kahteen lisäarvopalveluiden liiketoimintakonseptiin. Näistä ensimmäinen, i-mode –niminen konsepti on valittu vertailuun edistyksellisyytensä ja tulevaa kehitystä ennakoivien ominaispiirteidensä vuoksi. Toinen esimerkkikonsepti on rakennettu edellä mainitun Content Gateway -tuotteen ympärille. Tutkimus sisältää mm. liikekumppaneiden hankinnan, ansaintalogiikoiden ja verkostojen johtamisen analysoinnin. Työn tuloksena on saatu ohjeita siihen, miten operaattori voi rakentaa tällaista konseptia ja mitä seikkoja tulee ottaa huomioon erityisesti sanomapalveluihin liittyvässä liiketoiminnassa.