868 resultados para commitment, activity physical, sport, cystic fibrosis, career, trajectory, disease


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The intrinsic laryngeal muscles display unique structural and functional characteristics that distinguish them from the skeletal muscle of the trunk and limbs. These features include relatively small muscle fibers, super-fast contraction speed, and fatigue resistance. The molecular basis of tissue-specific functions and other characteristics is differential gene expression. Accordingly, we have investigated the molecular basis of the functional specialization of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles by examining the expression of two key genes in the larynx, known to be important for skeletal muscle development and function: (a) the muscle regulatory factor, Myf-5, and (b) the superfast-contracting myosin heavy chain (EO-MyHC). We have found that the adult thyroarytenoid muscles express much higher levels of both Myf-5 and EO-MyHC messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), compared to lower hindlimb skeletal muscle where Myf-5 mRNA levels are very low and EO-MyHC is not detectable. These findings suggest that the unique functional characteristics of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles may be based in laryngeal muscle-specific gene expression directed by a unique combination of muscle regulatory factors. Such laryngeal muscle-specific genes may allow the future development of new treatments for laryngeal muscle dysfunction.


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Several cystic fibrosis (CF) mouse models demonstrate an increased susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection, characterized by excessive inflammation and high rates of mortality. Here we developed a model of chronic P. aeruginosa lung disease in mice homozygous for the murine CF transmembrane conductance regulator G551D mutation that provides an excellent model for CF lung disease. After 3 days of infection with mucoid P. aeruginosa entrapped in agar beads, the G551D animals lost substantially more body weight than non-CF control animals and were less able to control the infection, harboring over 40-fold more bacteria in the lung. The airways of infected G551D animals contained altered concentrations of the inflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor-alpha, KC/N51, and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 during the first 2 days of infection, suggesting that an ineffective inflammatory response is partly responsible for the clearance defect.


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It has been reported that mutations in the quorum-sensing genes lasI and rhlI in Pseudomonas aeruginosa result in, among many other things, loss of twitching motility (A. Glessner, R. S. Smith, B. H. Iglewski, and J. B. Robinson, J. Bacteriol. 181:1623-1629, 1999). We constructed knockouts of lasI and rhlI and the corresponding regulatory genes lasR and rhlR and found no effect on twitching motility. However, twitching-defective variants accumulated during culturing of lasI and rhlI mutants. Further analysis showed that the stable twitching-defective variants of lasI and rhlI mutants had arisen as a consequence of secondary mutations in vfr and algR, respectively, both of which encode key regulators affecting a variety of phenotypes, including twitching motility. In addition, when grown in shaking broth culture, lasI and rhlI mutants, but not the wild-type parent, also accumulated unstable variants that lacked both twitching motility and swimming motility and appeared to be identical in phenotype to the S1 and S2 variants that were recently reported to occur at high frequencies in P. aeruginosa strains grown as a biofilm or in static broth culture (E. Deziel, Y. Comeau, and R. Villemur, J. Bacteriol. 183:1195-1204, 2001). These results indicate that mutations in one regulatory system may create distortions that select during subsequent culturing for compensatory mutations in other regulatory genes within the cellular network. This problem may have compromised some past studies of regulatory hierarchies controlled by quorum sensing and of bacterial regulatory systems in general.


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Purinergic stimulation of airway epithelial cells induces Cl- secretion and modulates Na+ absorption by an unknown mechanism. To gain insight into this mechanism, we used a perfused micro-Ussing chamber to assess transepithelial voltage (V-te) and amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (Isc-Amil) in mouse trachea. Exposure to apical ATP or UTP (each 100 mumol/l) caused a large initial increase in lumen negative V-te and I-sc corresponding to a transient Cl- secretion, while basolateral application of ATP/UTP induced only a small secretory response. Luminal, but not basolateral, application of nucleotides was followed by a sustained and reversible inhibition of Isc-Amil that was independent of extracellular Ca2+ or activation of protein kinase C and was not induced by carbachol (100 mumol/l) or the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin (1 mumol/l). Removal of extracellular Cl- or exposure to 200 muM DIDS reduced UTP-mediated inhibition of Isc-Amil Substantially. The phospholipase inhibitor U73122 (10 mumol/l) and pertussis toxin (PTX 200 ng/ml) both attenuated UTP-induced Cl- secretion and inhibition of Isc-Amil. Taken together, these data imply a contribution of Cl- conductance and PTX-sensitive G proteins to nucleotide-dependent inhibition of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ current in the mouse trachea.


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Proteinase-activated receptor (PAR) type 2 (PAR-2) has been shown to mediate ion secretion in cultured epithelial cells and rat jejunum. With the use of a microUssing chamber, we demonstrate the role of PAR-2 for ion transport in native human colonic mucosa obtained from 30 normal individuals and 11 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Trypsin induced Cl- secretion when added to the basolateral but not luminal side of normal epithelia. Activation of Cl- secretion by trypsin was inhibited by indomethacin and was further increased by cAMP in normal tissues but was not present in CF colon, indicating the requirement of luminal CF transmembrane conductance regulator. Effects of trypsin were largely reduced by low Cl-,by basolateral bumetanide, and in the presence of barium or clotrimazole, but not by tetrodotoxin. Furthermore, trypsin-induced secretion was inhibited by the Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid and in low-Ca2+ buffer. The effects of trypsin were almost abolished by trypsin inhibitor. Thrombin, an activator of PAR types 1, 3, and 4, had no effects on equivalent short-circuit currents. The presence of PAR-2 in human colon epithelium was confirmed by RT-PCR and additional experiments with PAR-2-activating peptide. PAR-2-mediated intestinal electrolyte secretion by release of mast cell tryptase and potentiation of PAR-2 expression by tumor necrosis factor-alpha may contribute to the hypersecretion observed in inflammatory processes such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease.


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Background: A asma condiciona o dia-a-dia do indivíduo asmático do ponto de vista clínico e emocional demonstrando-se muitas vezes como um subtractivo da qualidade de vida (QV). Alguns estudos, com particular incidência nos últimos dez anos, para além de demonstrarem os benefícios da actividade física na componente clínica da doença, têm analisado o seu efeito na QV dos asmáticos. Objectivo: Analisar os efeitos da actividade física na QV de indivíduos com asma tendo por base uma revisão da literatura actual. Métodos: Foi conduzida uma pesquisa dos randomized controlled trials (RCT) compreendidos entre Janeiro de 2000 e Agosto de 2010, bem como as citações e as referências bibliográficas de cada estudo nas principais bases de dados de ciências da saúde (Academic Search Complete, DOAJ, Elsevier – Science Direct, Highwire Press, PubMed, Scielo Global, Scirus, Scopus, SpringerLink, Taylor & Francis e Wiley Interscience) com as palavras-chave: asthma, quality of life, QoL, physical activity, exercise, breathing, training e programme em todas as combinações possíveis. Os estudos foram analisados independentemente por dois revisores quanto aos critérios de inclusão e qualidade dos estudos. Resultados: Dos 1075 estudos identificados apenas onze foram incluídos. Destes, seis apresentaram um score 5/10, três 6/10 e dois 7/10 segundo a escala PEDro. Cinco destes estudos foram realizados em crianças entre os 7 e os 15 anos e os restantes em adultos. Os programas de intervenção dividiram-se em programas de treino aeróbio e programas de exercícios respiratórios. Todos programas de treino aeróbio apresentaram melhorias na QV demonstrando uma influência positiva do treino aeróbio na asma. Principais conclusões: Há uma tendência notória do benefício dos programas de treino aeróbio na QV dos indivíduos asmáticos. Os programas de exercícios respiratórios foram poucos e heterogéneos impossibilitando uma conclusão positiva quanto à sua recomendação para a melhoria da QV nesta patologia. Há uma grande necessidade de mais RCT com rigor metodológico.


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Mestrado em Fisioterapia


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This paper reports on the analysis of tidal breathing patterns measured during noninvasive forced oscillation lung function tests in six individual groups. The three adult groups were healthy, with prediagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and with prediagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The three children groups were healthy, with prediagnosed asthma, and with prediagnosed cystic fibrosis, respectively. The analysis is applied to the pressure–volume curves and the pseudophaseplane loop by means of the box-counting method, which gives a measure of the area within each loop. The objective was to verify if there exists a link between the area of the loops, power-law patterns, and alterations in the respiratory structure with disease. We obtained statistically significant variations between the data sets corresponding to the six groups of patients, showing also the existence of power-law patterns. Our findings support the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry and tissue parameters, leading, in turn, to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.


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This paper presents the measurement, frequency-response modeling and identification, and the corresponding impulse time response of the human respiratory impedance and admittance. The investigated adult patient groups were healthy, diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The investigated children patient groups were healthy, diagnosed with asthma and cystic fibrosis, respectively. Fractional order (FO) models are identified on the measured impedance to quantify the respiratory mechanical properties. Two methods are presented for obtaining and simulating the time-domain impulse response from FO models of the respiratory admittance: (i) the classical pole-zero interpolation proposed by Oustaloup in the early 90s, and (ii) the inverse discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The results of the identified FO models for the respiratory admittance are presented by means of their average values for each group of patients. Consequently, the impulse time response calculated from the frequency response of the averaged FO models is given by means of the two methods mentioned above. Our results indicate that both methods provide similar impulse response data. However, we suggest that the inverse DFT is a more suitable alternative to the high order transfer functions obtained using the classical Oustaloup filter. Additionally, a power law model is fitted on the impulse response data, emphasizing the intrinsic fractal dynamics of the respiratory system.


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This paper presents the application of multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis to data emerging from noninvasive lung function tests, namely the input respiratory impedance. The aim is to obtain a geometrical mapping of the diseases in a 3D space representation, allowing analysis of (dis)similarities between subjects within the same pathology groups, as well as between the various groups. The adult patient groups investigated were healthy, diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The children patient groups were healthy, asthma and cystic fibrosis. The results suggest that MDS can be successfully employed for mapping purposes of restrictive (kyphoscoliosis) and obstructive (COPD) pathologies. Hence, MDS tools can be further examined to define clear limits between pools of patients for clinical classification, and used as a training aid for medical traineeship.


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Aspergillus fumigatus (Af) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) are leading fungal and bacterial pathogens, respectively, in many clinical situations. Relevant to this, their interface and co-existence has been studied. In some experiments in vitro, Pa products have been defined that are inhibitory to Af. In some clinical situations, both can be biofilm producers, and biofilm could alter their physiology and affect their interaction. That may be most relevant to airways in cystic fibrosis (CF), where both are often prominent residents. We have studied clinical Pa isolates from several sources for their effects on Af, including testing involving their biofilms. We show that the described inhibition of Af is related to the source and phenotype of the Pa isolate. Pa cells inhibited the growth and formation of Af biofilm from conidia, with CF isolates more inhibitory than non-CF isolates, and non-mucoid CF isolates most inhibitory. Inhibition did not require live Pa contact, as culture filtrates were also inhibitory, and again non-mucoid>mucoid CF>non-CF. Preformed Af biofilm was more resistant to Pa, and inhibition that occurred could be reproduced with filtrates. Inhibition of Af biofilm appears also dependent on bacterial growth conditions; filtrates from Pa grown as biofilm were more inhibitory than from Pa grown planktonically. The differences in Pa shown from these different sources are consistent with the extensive evolutionary Pa changes that have been described in association with chronic residence in CF airways, and may reflect adaptive changes to life in a polymicrobial environment.


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This contribution presents novel concepts for analysis of pressure–volume curves, which offer information about the time domain dynamics of the respiratory system. The aim is to verify whether a mapping of the respiratory diseases can be obtained, allowing analysis of (dis)similarities between the dynamical pattern in the breathing in children. The groups investigated here are children, diagnosed as healthy, asthmatic, and cystic fibrosis. The pressure–volume curves have been measured by means of the noninvasive forced oscillation technique during breathing at rest. The geometrical fractal dimension is extracted from the pressure–volume curves and a power-law behavior is observed in the data. The power-law model coefficients are identified from the three sets and the results show that significant differences are present between the groups. This conclusion supports the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry, tissue parameters, leading in turn to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.


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This paper reports on the analysis of tidal breathing patterns measured during noninvasive forced oscillation lung function tests in six individual groups. The three adult groups were healthy, with prediagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and with prediagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The three children groups were healthy, with prediagnosed asthma, and with prediagnosed cystic fibrosis, respectively. The analysis is applied to the pressure-volume curves and the pseudophase-plane loop by means of the box-counting method, which gives a measure of the area within each loop. The objective was to verify if there exists a link between the area of the loops, power-law patterns, and alterations in the respiratory structure with disease. We obtained statistically significant variations between the data sets corresponding to the six groups of patients, showing also the existence of power-law patterns. Our findings support the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry and tissue parameters, leading, in turn, to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.


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RESUMO: A monitorização da actividade física diária nos doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC) tem sido alvo de grande interesse nos últimos tempos. No entanto, ainda nenhum estudo reuniu o conjunto de factores – grau de obstrução, hiperinsuflação pulmonar, alteração das trocas gasosas, dispneia, dessaturação de oxigénio, capacidade de exercício, ansiedade e depressão – que podem afectar a sua realização, nem os correlacionou com os dados obtidos com o pedómetro e que reflectem o que cada doente realmente faz no seu dia-adia. O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal identificar os factores que influenciam a actividade física na vida diária dos doentes com DPOC. Estudaram-se 55 doentes do sexo masculino com idade média de 67 anos e um FEV1 médio de 50,8% do previsto, com DPOC moderada a muito grave (estadios II a IV), de entre os utentes do Laboratório de Fisiopatologia Respiratória do Centro Hospitalar de Torres Vedras. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros da escala de dispneia modificada do Medical Research Council (MMRC), escala London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL), escala de Ansiedade e Depressão Hospitalar (HADS), índice BODE, estudo funcional respiratório em repouso, teste de marcha de seis minutos e o número de passos por dia utilizando um pedómetro por um período de três dias. Observou-se que os doentes deram em média 4972 passos por dia e apresentaram uma cotação total média de 17,7 na LCADL, tendo existido diferenças estatisticamente significativas em função da gravidade da doença, sendo que os doentes mais graves são os que em média andam menos no seu dia-a-dia e apresentam maior limitação na realização das actividades de vida diária. O número de passos por dia apresentou correlações significativas com as variáveis idade, dispneia, depressão, hiperinsuflação monar, gravidade de obstrução (FEV1), trocas gasosas (DLCO), saturação arterial de oxigénio mínima e correlação mais forte com a distância percorrida no TM6m. Este estudo permitiu identificar que os factores determinantes da actividade física na vida diária de doentes com DPOC nos estadios II a IV, foram a dispneia e a distância percorrida no TM6m. Além disso, estes doentes constituem um grupo sedentário, particularmente a partir do estadio III, com níveis de actividade física diária baixos.-----------ABSTRACT There has been an increased interest in monitoring the daily physical activity in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). However, no specific study has been realized so far that has put the different factors which can affect the results obtained altogether, (such as the degree of obstruction, pulmonary hyperinflation, abnormal gas exchange, dyspnea, oxygen desaturation, exercise capacity, anxiety and depression) or correlated with data obtained from the pedometer, which reflect each patient actual activity in their daily life. This study aimed to identify the main factors that influence physical activity in daily life of patients with COPD. The scope of this study was 55 male patients with an average age of 67 years old and an average FEV1 of 50.8% predicted, with moderate to severe COPD (stages II to IV), among patients from the Respiratory Pathophysiology Laboratory of the Centro Hospitalar de Torres Vedras. Were evaluated the parameters of the modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale (MMRC), London Chest Activity of Daily Living scale (LCADL), Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS), BODE index, pulmonary function test at rest, six minute walk test (6MWT) and the number of steps per day using a pedometer for a period of three days. It was observed that patients have walked an average of 4972 steps per day and had a total score of 17.7 at LCADL, and statistically significant differences were stated depending on the severity of the disease. Whereas patients with a more severe degree of the disease have walked least in their daily life and show greater restraint in carrying out activities of daily living. The number of steps per day showed significant correlations with age, dyspnea, depression, lung hyperinflation, severity of obstruction (FEV1), gas exchange (DLCO), minimum arterial oxygen saturation and stronger correlation with distance walked on 6MWT. This study shows that the crucial factors of physical activity in daily life of COPD patients at stages II to IV were dyspnea and distance on 6MWT. Moreover, these patients constitute a sedentary group, particularly from the stage III, with lower levels of daily physical activity.