903 resultados para calling sites
The contemporary culture is based in a logic of acceleration and shortening of the relationships, a logic that disseminates and lodges in the subjectivity, so as to affect the most varied spheres of life. The purpose of the present work is to examine the conflicts that emerge in love relationships lived in such context. Seventy-four queries submitted by the users of two love-consultancy websites were taken as the object of our analysis. The complaints presented by the users were collated to the paradigms of relationship produced in the contemporary days. It was possible to observe that the modes of subjectification predominant nowadays can be apprehended in the love sphere of the human life and that from those modes derive most of the affective conflicts reported by people who seek advice in those websites. The sentimental hardship of these subjects denounces the ills of our days.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
ObjectiveTo compare peri-implant tissue healing at implants installed in sites prepared with conventional drills or a sonic device.Material and methodsIn six Beagle dogs, the mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally. After 3 months, full-thickness muco-periosteal flaps were elevated and recipient sites were prepared in both sides of the mandible. In the right side (control), the osteotomies were prepared using conventional drills, while, at the left side (test), a sonic device (Sonosurgery((R))) was used. Two implants were installed in each side of the mandible. After 8weeks of non-submerged healing, biopsies were harvested and ground sections prepared for histological evaluation.ResultsThe time consumed for the osteotomies at the test was more than double compared to the conventional control sites. No statistically significant differences were found for any of the histological variables evaluated for hard and soft tissue dimensions. Although not statistically significant, slightly higher mineralized bone-to-implant contact was found at the test (65.4%) compared to the control (58.1) sites.ConclusionsSimilar healing characteristics in osseointegration and marginal hard tissue remodeling resulted at implants installed into osteotomies prepared with conventional drills or with the sonic instrument (Sonosurgery((R))).
ObjectiveTo study bone healing at implants installed with different insertion torques.Material and methodsIn six Labrador dogs, all mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted. After 4months of healing, flaps were elevated, and two implant sites were prepared at each side of the mandible. In the right side of the mandible, the distal sites were prepared conventionally, while the mesial sites were over-prepared by 0.2mm. As a consequence, a final insertion torque of similar to 30Ncm at the distal and a minimal insertion torque close to 0Ncm at the mesial sites were obtained. In the left sides of the mandible, however, the recipient sites were underprepared by 0.3mm resulting in an insertion torque of 70Ncm at both implants. Cover screws were applied, and flaps sutured to fully submerge the experimental sites. After 4months, the animals were sacrificed and ground sections obtained for histological evaluation.ResultsThe mineralized bone-to-implant contact was in the range of 55.2-62.1%, displaying the highest value at implants with similar to 30Ncm insertion torque and the lowest value at the implant sites with close to 0Ncm insertion torque. No statistically significant differences were revealed. Bone density was in the range of 43.4-54.9%, yielding the highest value at implants with 70Ncm insertion torque and the lowest at the implant sites with close to 0Ncm insertion torque. The difference between the sites of similar to 30Ncm and the corresponding 70Ncm insertion torque reached statistical significance.ConclusionsSimilar amounts of osseointegration were obtained irrespective of the insertion torque applied. Moreover, implants installed in sites with close to 0Ncm insertion torque may properly osseointegrate as well.
AimThe aim of this study was to evaluate the healing of autologous bone block grafts or deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) block grafts applied concomitantly with collagen membranes for horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation.Material and methodsIn six Labrador dogs, molars were extracted bilaterally, the buccal bony wall was removed, and a buccal box-shaped defect created. After 3months, a bony block graft was harvested from the right ascending ramus of the mandible and reduced to a standardized size. A DBBM block was tailored to similar dimensions. The two blocks were secured with screws onto the buccal wall of the defects in the right and left sides of the mandible, respectively. Resorbable membranes were applied at both sides, and the flaps sutured. After 3months, one implant was installed in each side of the mandible, in the interface between grafts and parent bone. After 3months, biopsies were harvested and ground sections prepared to reveal a 6-month healing period of the grafts.Results776.2% and 5.9 +/- 7.5% of vital mineralized bone were found at the autologous bone and DBBM block graft sites, respectively. Moreover, at the DBBM site, 63 +/- 11.7% of connective tissue and 31 +/- 15.5% of DBBM occupied the area analyzed. Only 0.2 +/- 0.4% of DBBM was found in contact with newly formed bone. The horizontal loss was in a mean range of 0.9-1.8mm, and 0.3-0.8mm, at the autologous bone and DBBM block graft sites, respectively.ConclusionsAutologous bone grafts were vital and integrated to the parent bone after 6months of healing. In contrast, DBBM grafts were embedded into connective tissue, and only a limited amount of bone was found inside the scaffold of the biomaterial.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The paper presents an ergonomic analysis of reading usability of electronic journals and the comparison with newspapers. As a method, it was adopted an evaluation of the user perception, from a printed questionnaire applied to a group of 41 people. Overall, the results indicate that on the analyzed newspapers there is need for greater care concerning the aspects of visual representation, involving more design application, usability, ergonomics, technology and communication.
O presente ensaio parte de pesquisa em desenvolvimento sobre a atração amorosa na Internet. Os sites de namoro são considerados lugar de encontro na rede, oferecendo aos seus usuários inúmeros recursos interativos para facilitar o conhecimento de possíveis parceiros amorosos. Aponta aspectos relacionados às estratégias utilizadas pelos sites para atrair pessoas. O design das páginas principais e anúncios são fonte de rico material de análise, reforçando mensagens atrativas que podem contribuir para o sucesso destes sites junto à sua clientela.
Liz Bryan begins her book with a description of the Canadian Plains:" . .. a voluptuous landscape of hills and valleys and plains, of lakes and tiny twinkling potholes, of flower-filled coulees and vast sand dunes." Her emphasis throughout on the landscape of southern Saskatchewan and Alberta is necessary since the ancient monuments she describes only truly resonate within this setting. Indeed, almost every page of this attractive book is adorned with at least two color images-of scenery, stone features, artifacts, and aboriginal events. She then proceeds to an eclectic overview of the archaeological record of the Plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta, including the earliest human evidence, such as the Clovis points from the Wally's Beach site, Alberta, where the trackways of mammoths, camels, and muskoxen were miraculously and briefly exposed in the late 1990s. There is one perplexing error, however-the attribution of the extinction of the ice age bestiary, about 12,000 years ago, to the meteorite that felled the dinosaurs!
Population structure and patterns of habitat use among ringed seals (Phoca hispida) are poorly known, in part because seasonal movements have not been adequately documented. We monitored the movements of 98 ringed seals in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas between 1990 and 2006 using three forms of telemetry. In the winter—spring period (when the seals were occupying shorefast ice), we used radio and ultra-sonic tags to track movements above and below the ice, respectively. We used satellite-linked transmitters in summer and fall (when the seals ranged away from their winter sites) to track at-sea movements. In the shorefast ice habitat, the home ranges of 27 adult males ranged from\1 to 13.9 km2 (median = 0.628) while the home ranges of 28 adult females ranged from \1 to 27.9 km2 (median = 0.652). The 3-dimensional volumes used by 9 seals tracked acoustically under the ice averaged 0.07 (SD = 0.04) km3 for subadults and adult males and 0.13 (SD = 0.04) km3 for adult females. Three of the radio-tracked seals and 9 tracked by satellite ranged up to 1,800 km from their winter/spring home ranges in summer but returned to the same small (1–2 km2) sites during the ice-bound months in the following year. The restricted movements of ringed seals during the ice-bound season— including the breeding season—limits their foraging activities for most of the year and may minimize gene flow within the species.