940 resultados para bell`s palsy
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
Spontaneous blinking is essential for maintaining a healthy ocular surface and clarity of vision. The spontaneous blink rate (SBR) is believed to reflect a complex interaction between peripheral influences mediated by the eye surface and the central dopaminergic activity. The SBR is thus extremely variable and dependent on a variety of psychological and medical conditions. Many different methods have been employed to measure the SBR and the upper eyelid kinematics during a blink movement. Each has its own merits and drawbacks, and the choice of a specific method should be tailored to the specific needs of the investigation. Although the sequence of muscle events that leads to a blink has been fully described, knowledge about the neural control of spontaneous blinking activity is not complete. The tear film is dynamically modified between blinks, and abnormalities of the blink rate have an obvious influence on the ocular surface.
The number of people aged 65 years or over in low-income rental households will more than double by 2026. The social housing system, at its current growth rate, will not meet their needs. This research involved demographic projections of older renters, examined their housing preferences, and analysed the supply capacity of the public and private rental sectors to respond.
The major proteins of baboon milk were identified as beta -lactoglobulin (beta LG), alpha -lactalbumin (alpha LA), lysozyme, lactoferrin, casein, and albumin by immobiline isoelectric focusing, SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting of gels with rabbit antisera to human alpha LA, lysozyme, and albumin and bovine beta LG and casein, and N-terminal sequencing of proteins blotted from gels. The first 30 N-terminal residues of baboon polymorphism at residue 2. The complete cDNA sequence and derived amino acid composition of beta LG were elucidated using RT-PCR amplification of poly(A)(+) mRNA purified from lactating mammary gland. Baboon beta LG identified to date. beta LG and alpha LA polymorphisms with three (A, B, and C) and two (A and B) variants, respectively, were detected by immobiline IEF, pH 4-6, of individual baboon milk samples at varying stages of lactation.
A new wavelet-based method for solving population balance equations with simultaneous nucleation, growth and agglomeration is proposed, which uses wavelets to express the functions. The technique is very general, powerful and overcomes the crucial problems of numerical diffusion and stability that often characterize previous techniques in this area. It is also applicable to an arbitrary grid to control resolution and computational efficiency. The proposed technique has been tested for pure agglomeration, simultaneous nucleation and growth, and simultaneous growth and agglomeration. In all cases, the predicted and analytical particle size distributions are in excellent agreement. The presence of moving sharp fronts can be addressed without the prior investigation of the characteristics of the processes. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
This study describes a series of evaluations of gender pairs of New Zealand English, Australian English, American English and RP-type English English voices by over 400 students in New Zealand, Australia and the U.S.A. Voices were chosen to represent the middle range of each accent, and balanced for paralinguistic features. Twenty-two personality and demographic traits were evaluated by Likert-scale questionnaires. Results indicated that the American female voice was rated most favourably on at least some traits by students of all three nationalities, followed by the American male. For most traits, Australian students generally ranked their own accents in third or fourth place, but New Zealanders put the female NZE voice in the mid-low range of all but solidarity-associated traits. All three groups disliked the NZE male. The RP voices did not receive the higher rankings in power/status variables we expected. The New Zealand evaluations downgrade their own accent vis-a`-vis the American and to some extent the RP voices. Overall, the American accent seems well on the way to equalling or even replacing RP as the prestige—or at least preferred—variety, not only in New Zealand but in Australia and some non-English-speaking nations as well. Preliminary analysis of data from Europe suggests this manifestation of linguistic hegemony as ‘Pax Americana’ seems to be prevalent over more than just the Anglophone nations.
The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which adults with Down syndrome (DS) are able to utilise advance information to prepare reach to grasp movements. The study comprised ten adults with DS; ten children matched to an individual in the group with DS on the basis of their intellectual ability, and twelve adult controls. The participants used their right hand to reach out and grasp illuminated perspex blocks. Four target blocks were positioned on a table surface, two to each side of the midsagittal plane. In the complete precue condition, participants were provided with information specifying the location of the target. In the partial precue condition, participants were given advance information indicating the location of the object relative to the midsagittal plane (left or right). In the null condition, advance information concerning the position of the target object was entirely ambiguous. It was found that both reaction times and movement times were greater for the participants with DS than for the adults without DS. The reaction times exhibited by individuals with DS in the complete precue condition were lower than those observed in the null condition, indicating that they had utilised advance information to prepare their movements. In the group with DS, when advance information specified only the location of the target object relative to the midline, reaction times were equivalent to those obtained when ambiguous information was given. In contrast, the adults without DS exhibited reaction times that were lower in both the complete and partial precue conditions when compared to the null condition. The pattern of results exhibited by the children was similar to that of the adults without DS. The movement times exhibited by all groups were not influenced by the precue condition. In summary, our findings indicate that individuals with DS are able to use advance information if it specifies precisely the location of the target object in order to prepare a reach to grasp movement. The group with DS were unable, however, to obtain the normal advantage of advance information specifying only one dimension of the movement goal (i.e., the position of an object relative to the body midline). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Despite reports that boron (B) requirements differ among plant species there is a shortage of critical evidence to demonstrate unequivocally whether species differ in internal or external B requirements or both. The present research was conducted to establish the external and internal B requirements of three contrasting species, a woody dicot (marri), an herbaceous dicot (sunflower) and a monocot (wheat) using B-buffered solution culture. Boron-buffered solution culture provided satisfactory control of external B concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 30 muM throughout the 20- (sunflower and wheat) or 40-day (marri) growth period. At low external B concentrations (less than or equal to 0.13 muM), the growth of marri and sunflower was severely depressed but by contrast the vegetative growth of wheat plants was satisfactory and free of B deficiency symptoms. Marri and sunflower plants achieved total maximum shoot growth at greater than or equal to1.2 muM B in solutions while wheat plants did so at greater than or equal to 0.6 muM B. The critical B concentrations (mg kg(-1) dry matter) in the youngest open leaf blades of marri, sunflower and wheat plants were 17.9, 19.7 and 1.2 on 20, 10 and 10 days after transplanting (DAT), respectively. Lower internal and external B requirements of wheat were matched by a lower uptake rate of B compared to marri and sunflower.
The Australian minerals industry, which is dominated by coal, gold, bauxite, iron ore, base metals and mineral sand operations, is widely scattered across a continent which has a wide range of climatic zones ranging from moist temperate in the south through hot deserts in the centre to moist tropical in the north. There is an emphasis at most mines on establishing native ecosystems after mining, and technologies have had to be developed to ensure successful establishment and stability of these ecosystems under often adverse climatic conditions. This paper describes some of the innovative practices used to establish native ecosystenms in bauxite, mineral sand and coal operations across diverse biogeographic zones. Additionally, brief reference is made to an ecosystem function analysis, which has been developed to assess the success of establishment of these ecosystems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Why do governments offload major instruments such as monetary policy to an independent central bank? This article answers this question in relation to the Australian case, a case which reflects wider global developments. The article challenges the methodology of quantitative approaches to explaining central bank independence and instead argues that a model of 'embedded statism' is the most fruitful explanatory approach.