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This dissertation that includes most of the P. PH.D research work during 2001~2002 covers the large-scale distribution of continental earthquakes in mainland China, the mechanism and statistic features of grouped strong earthquakes related to the tidal triggering, some results in earthquake prediction with correlativity analysis methods, and the flushes from the two strong continental earthquakes in South Asia in 2001. Mainland China is the only continental sub-plate that is compressed by collision boundaries at its two sides, within which earthquakes are dispersive and distributed as seismic belts with different widths. The control capability of the continental block boundaries on the strong earthquakes and seismic hazards is calculated and analyzed in this dissertation. By mapping the distribution of the 31282 ML:3s2,0 earthquakes, I found that the depth of continental earthquakes depend on the tectonic zonings. The events on the boundaries of relatively integrated blocks are deep and those on the new-developed ruptures are shallow. The average depth of earthquakes in the West of China is about 5km deeper than that in the east. The western and southwestern brim of Tarim Basin generated the deepest earthquakes in mainland China. The statistic results from correlation between the grouped M7 earthquakes and the tidal stress show that the strong events were modulated by tidal stress in active periods. Taking Taiwan area as an example, the dependence of moderate events on the moon phase angles (£>) is analyzed, which shows that the number of the earthquakes in Taiwan when D is 50° ,50° +90° and 50° +180° is more than 2 times of standard deviation over the average frequency at each degree, corresponding to the 4th, 12th and 19th solar day after the new moon. The probability of earthquake attack to the densely populated Taiwan island on the 4th solar day is about 4 times of that on other solar days. On the practice of earthquake prediction, I calculated and analyzed the temporal correlation of the earthquakes in Xinjinag area, Qinghai-Tibet area, west Yunnan area, North China area and those in their adjacent areas, and predicted at the end of 2000 that it would be a special time interval from 2001 to 2003, within which moderate to strong earthquakes would be more active in the west of China. What happened in 2001 partly validated the prediction. Within 10 months, there were 2 great continental earthquakes in south Asia, i.e., the M7.8 event in India on Jan 26 and M8.1 event in China on Nov. 14, 2001, which are the largest earthquake in the past 50 years both for India and China. No records for two great earthquakes in Asia within so short time interval. We should speculate the following aspects from the two incidences: The influence of the fallacious deployment of seismic stations on the fine location and focal mechanism determination of strong earthquakes must be affronted. It is very important to introduce comparative seismology research to seismic hazard analysis and earthquake prediction research. The improvement or changes in real-time prediction of strong earthquakes with precursors is urged. Methods need to be refreshed to protect environment and historical relics in earthquake-prone areas.


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The Tiezhai intrusive complex is located in the north of the Luxi block, Shandong province, eastern China. It lies ~30 km west of the Tanlu fault, and is at the cross of the Wujing and Jiushan faults. The Tiezhai complex was formed about 120~130 Ma, when large-scale magmatism was active in eastern part of North China. This paper carries out petrochemical and geochemical study on the Tiezhai intrusive complex, and discusses its genesis in detail. The Tiezhai intrusive complex can be subdivided into three rock series. The first is the gabbro-diorite series formed in early stage. Its composition variation shows 01 and Cpx fractional crystallization trend. The second is the porphyritic diorite and monzonite series, showing dominating Hb fractional differentiation. Their composition variation shows Hb fractional crystallization trend. The third is the porphyritic quartz monzonite with K-feldspar megacrysts, showing weakly Hb and Bi fractional crystallization trend. All types of rocks in the Tiezhai complex are belonging to the high-K cac-alkaline series. They have elevated Sr (450-1660 ppm), Ba (210-1780 ppm) and relatively low Rb (30-100 ppm). For the gabbro-dioritic rocks in the early stage, the abundances of Ni (20-250 ppm), Cr (50-350 ppm), V(l30-250 ppm) and Co (20-40 ppm) are high, indicating a mantle origin. All rocks have negative anormalies of Nb, Ta, Ti and P, and enriched LREE and strong differentiated REE patterns. The porphyritic monzonites and quartz monzonites have very low HREE, Yb and Y contents and positive Eu anormalies, similar to adakite. Most rocks have lowε_(Nd)(t) of-1.5~-10.9, and high (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i of 0.704~0.709. The data have characters of enriched lithosphere mantle (EMI). In summary, the Tiezhai intrusive complex was inferred to be generated by a mantle derived magma through fractional crystallization. When the primary magma gathered in some place between crust and mantle, the crystallization started and causing magma evolution. The remaining / evolved magma ascended and emplaced again and again in the upper crust in Tiezhai area. Then Tiezhai complex formed. The porphyritic monzonites and quartz monzonites have major and trace element characters of typical adakite, but they are likely to be generated by Hb fractional crystallization.


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Maddrell, John, 'What we have discovered about the Cold War is what we already knew: Julius Mader and Western Espionage during the Cold War', Cold War History (2005) 5(2) pp.235-258 RAE2008


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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On January 11, 2008, the National Institutes of Health ('NIH') adopted a revised Public Access Policy for peer-reviewed journal articles reporting research supported in whole or in part by NIH funds. Under the revised policy, the grantee shall ensure that a copy of the author's final manuscript, including any revisions made during the peer review process, be electronically submitted to the National Library of Medicine's PubMed Central ('PMC') archive and that the person submitting the manuscript will designate a time not later than 12 months after publication at which NIH may make the full text of the manuscript publicly accessible in PMC. NIH adopted this policy to implement a new statutory requirement under which: The Director of the National Institutes of Health shall require that all investigators funded by the NIH submit or have submitted for them to the National Library of Medicine's PubMed Central an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for publication to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after the official date of publication: Provided, That the NIH shall implement the public access policy in a manner consistent with copyright law. This White Paper is written primarily for policymaking staff in universities and other institutional recipients of NIH support responsible for ensuring compliance with the Public Access Policy. The January 11, 2008, Public Access Policy imposes two new compliance mandates. First, the grantee must ensure proper manuscript submission. The version of the article to be submitted is the final version over which the author has control, which must include all revisions made after peer review. The statutory command directs that the manuscript be submitted to PMC 'upon acceptance for publication.' That is, the author's final manuscript should be submitted to PMC at the same time that it is sent to the publisher for final formatting and copy editing. Proper submission is a two-stage process. The electronic manuscript must first be submitted through a process that requires input of additional information concerning the article, the author(s), and the nature of NIH support for the research reported. NIH then formats the manuscript into a uniform, XML-based format used for PMC versions of articles. In the second stage of the submission process, NIH sends a notice to the Principal Investigator requesting that the PMC-formatted version be reviewed and approved. Only after such approval has grantee's manuscript submission obligation been satisfied. Second, the grantee also has a distinct obligation to grant NIH copyright permission to make the manuscript publicly accessible through PMC not later than 12 months after the date of publication. This obligation is connected to manuscript submission because the author, or the person submitting the manuscript on the author's behalf, must have the necessary rights under copyright at the time of submission to give NIH the copyright permission it requires. This White Paper explains and analyzes only the scope of the grantee's copyright-related obligations under the revised Public Access Policy and suggests six options for compliance with that aspect of the grantee's obligation. Time is of the essence for NIH grantees. As a practical matter, the grantee should have a compliance process in place no later than April 7, 2008. More specifically, the new Public Access Policy applies to any article accepted for publication on or after April 7, 2008 if the article arose under (1) an NIH Grant or Cooperative Agreement active in Fiscal Year 2008, (2) direct funding from an NIH Contract signed after April 7, 2008, (3) direct funding from the NIH Intramural Program, or (4) from an NIH employee. In addition, effective May 25, 2008, anyone submitting an application, proposal or progress report to the NIH must include the PMC reference number when citing articles arising from their NIH funded research. (This includes applications submitted to the NIH for the May 25, 2008 and subsequent due dates.) Conceptually, the compliance challenge that the Public Access Policy poses for grantees is easily described. The grantee must depend to some extent upon the author(s) to take the necessary actions to ensure that the grantee is in compliance with the Public Access Policy because the electronic manuscripts and the copyrights in those manuscripts are initially under the control of the author(s). As a result, any compliance option will require an explicit understanding between the author(s) and the grantee about how the manuscript and the copyright in the manuscript are managed. It is useful to conceptually keep separate the grantee's manuscript submission obligation from its copyright permission obligation because the compliance personnel concerned with manuscript management may differ from those responsible for overseeing the author's copyright management. With respect to copyright management, the grantee has the following six options: (1) rely on authors to manage copyright but also to request or to require that these authors take responsibility for amending publication agreements that call for transfer of too many rights to enable the author to grant NIH permission to make the manuscript publicly accessible ('the Public Access License'); (2) take a more active role in assisting authors in negotiating the scope of any copyright transfer to a publisher by (a) providing advice to authors concerning their negotiations or (b) by acting as the author's agent in such negotiations; (3) enter into a side agreement with NIH-funded authors that grants a non-exclusive copyright license to the grantee sufficient to grant NIH the Public Access License; (4) enter into a side agreement with NIH-funded authors that grants a non-exclusive copyright license to the grantee sufficient to grant NIH the Public Access License and also grants a license to the grantee to make certain uses of the article, including posting a copy in the grantee's publicly accessible digital archive or repository and authorizing the article to be used in connection with teaching by university faculty; (5) negotiate a more systematic and comprehensive agreement with the biomedical publishers to ensure either that the publisher has a binding obligation to submit the manuscript and to grant NIH permission to make the manuscript publicly accessible or that the author retains sufficient rights to do so; or (6) instruct NIH-funded authors to submit manuscripts only to journals with binding deposit agreements with NIH or to journals whose copyright agreements permit authors to retain sufficient rights to authorize NIH to make manuscripts publicly accessible.


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The Irish stoat, Mustela erminea hibernica (Thomas and Barrett-Hamilton), has been regarded as an intermediate between the British stoat and the weasel. In this study Irish stoats, mainly from road casualties, were collected and studied. A small number were also live-trapped and radio-tracked. Thus information was gathered on the stoat’s ecology, in particular its form (size and coat colours), reproduction, food habits, parasites, habitat utilisation mortality and predation. The Irish stoats studied were clearly not intermediate in size between British stoats and weasels. They showed considerable size overlap with British stoats, and marked size variation within Ireland. It is argued that size of stoats is determined by food supply early in life. The ventral coat pattern of Irish stoats is apparently unique in the Palaearctic, being similar to that of some stoats found on the west coast of North America. It is argued that this is an example of parallel evolution resulting from adaptation to similar climatic conditions. The stoats were reproductively active in spring and summer. Food consisted mainly of rabbits, but rats, birds, shrews mice and voles were also consumed. Mites were the most numerous ectoparasites, followed by lice, ticks and fleas. Damage by the parasitic nematode Skrjabingylus nasicola was found more frequently in female stoat skulls. Stoats were frequently found in a variety of habitats, both open and wooded. Some of the radio-tracked stoats climbed trees. Dens used were often rat holes. Only one home range, that of a breeding female, was considered to have been accurately measured. It was 22 ha. in size. Mortality is known to have been caused by road accidents and domestic carnivores. It is argued that predation by raptorial birds is important to stoat populations. Results of this study are compared with information available from elsewhere.


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BACKGROUND: Women with hormone-responsive metastatic breast cancer (MBC) may respond to or have stable disease with a number of hormone therapies. We explored the efficacy and safety of the steroidal aromatase inactivator exemestane as first-line hormonal therapy in MBC in postmenopausal women. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with measurable disease were eligible if they had received no prior hormone therapy for metastatic disease and had hormone receptor positive disease or hormone receptor unknown disease with a long disease-free interval from adjuvant therapy. They were randomized to tamoxifen 20 mg/day or exemestane 25 mg/day in this open-label study. RESULTS: Blinded independently reviewed response rates for exemestane and tamoxifen were 41% and 17%, respectively. Fifty-seven per cent of exemestane- and 42% of tamoxifen-treated patients experienced clinical benefit, defined as complete or partial response, or disease stabilization lasting at least 6 months. There was a low incidence of severe flushing, sweating, nausea and edema in women who received exemestane. One exemestane-treated patient had a pulmonary embolism with grade 4 dyspnea. CONCLUSIONS: Exemestane is well tolerated and active in the first-line treatment of hormone-responsive MBC. An ongoing EORTC phase III trial is comparing the efficacy, measuring time-to-disease progression, of exemestane and tamoxifen.


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The first phase in the sign, development and implementation of a comprehensive computational model of a copper stockpile leach process is presented. The model accounts for transport phenomena through the stockpile, reaction kinetics for the important mineral species, oxgen and bacterial effects on the leach reactions, plus heat, energy and acid balances for the overall leach process. The paper describes the formulation of the leach process model and its implementation in PHYSICA+, a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software environment. The model draws on a number of phenomena to represent the competing physical and chemical features active in the process model. The phenomena are essentially represented by a three-phased (solid liquid gas) multi-component transport system; novel algorithms and procedures are required to solve the model equations, including a methodology for dealing with multiple chemical species with different reaction rates in ore represented by multiple particle size fractions. Some initial validation results and application simulations are shown to illustrate the potential of the model.


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Cerebral palsy is a relatively rare condition affecting approximately 2-2.5 children in every 1,000 (Parkes et al 2001). It is a leading cause of physical disability in childhood and is often associated with severe motor and other impairments (Table 1). Improved survival of small and premature babies who are particularly at risk of developing the condition raises concerns about increasing numbers of children with cerebral palsy possibly with more severe forms. In the UK, information about the number and needs of children with CP is not collected routinely. The most reliable sources of information on CP in the UK comes from five dedicated case registers which have monitored live births in their respective geographically defined areas since the 1960s and 1970s. These registers have formed a collaborative network called the United Kingdom Collaboration of Cerebral Palsy Registers (or UKCP) and are listed in Table 2. All five registers are currently funded and all are active in surveillance activities and research.


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There is a substantial literature on the relationship between gender and access to finance. However, most studies have been concerned with access to debt finance. More recently, the focus of this research has broadened to examine women and venture capital. This article extends the focus further by examining the role of women in the business angel market, which is more important than the formal venture capital market in terms of both the number of ventures supported and total capital flows. Based on a detailed analysis of business angels in the U.K., the study concludes that women investors who are active in the market differ from their male counterparts in only limited respects. Future research into women business angels, and the possible existence of gender differences, needs to be based on more fully elaborated standpoint epistemologies that focus on the experience of the woman angel investor per se, and center on the examination of the role of homophily, social capital, networking, and competition in investment behavior.


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beta-Defensins are antimicrobial peptides that contribute to the innate immune responses of eukaryotes. At least three defensins, human beta-defensins 1, 2, and 3 (HBD-1, -2, and -3), are produced by epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract and are active toward Gram-positive (HBD-3) and Gram-negative (HBD-1, -2, and -3) bacteria. It has been postulated that the antimicrobial activity of defensins is compromised by changes in airway surface liquid composition in lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), therefore contributing to the bacterial colonization of the lung by Pseudomonas and other bacteria in CF. In this report we demonstrate that HBD-2 and HBD-3 are susceptible to degradation and inactivation by the cysteine proteases cathepsins B, L, and S. In addition, we show that all three cathepsins are present and active in CF bronchoalveolar lavage. Incubation of HBD-2 and -3 with CF bronchoalveolar lavage leads to their degradation, which can be completely (HBD-2) or partially (HBD-3) inhibited by a cathepsin inhibitor. These results suggest that beta-defensins are susceptible to degradation and inactivation by host proteases, which may be important in the regulation of beta-defensin activity. In chronic lung diseases associated with infection, overexpression of cathepsins may lead to increased degradation of HBD-2 and -3, thereby favoring bacterial infection and colonization.


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Results from a joint experimental and theoretical study of electron attachment to chloroform (CHCl3) molecules in the gas phase are reported. In an electron swarm study involving a pulsed Townsend technique with equal gas and electron temperatures, accurate attachment rate coefficients were determined over the temperature range 295-373 K; they show an Arrhenius-type rise with increasing temperature, corresponding to an activation energy of 0.11 (1) eV. In a high resolution electron beam experiment involving two versions of the laser photoelectron attachment method, the relative cross section for Cl- formation from CHCl3 over the energy range 0.001-1.25 eV at the gas temperature T-G = 300 K was measured. It exhibits clear downward cusp structure at the threshold for excitation of one quantum of the vibrational symmetric deformation mode nu(3), indicating that this mode is active in the primary attachment process. With reference to our thermal attachment rate coefficient k(T = 300 K) = 3.9(2) x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1), a new highly resolved absolute attachment cross section for T-G = 300 K was determined. This cross section is extended to higher energies by measurements, carried out with a pulsed electron beam apparatus which also provided new data for the distinctly weaker fragment anions HCl2- and CCl2-. The resulting total absolute cross section for anion formation is used to calculate the dependence of the attachment rate coefficient k(T-e;T-G) on electron temperature T-e over the range 50-15000 K at the fixed gas temperature T-G = 300 K. In addition, we report the dependence of the relative cross section for Cl- formation on gas temperature T-G = 310-435 K). For comparison with the experimental data, R-matrix calculations have been carried out for the dominant anion channel Cl-. The results recover the main experimental observations and predict the dependence of the DEA cross section on the initial vibrational level nu(3) and on the vibrational temperature. Our results are compared with those of previous electron beam and electron swarm experiments.


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There is a gulf between the enormous information content of the various genome projects and the understanding of the life of the parasite in the host. In vitro studies with adult Schistosoma mansoni using several substrates suggest that the excretory system contains both P-glycoproteins and multiresistance proteins. If both these families of protein were active in vivo, they could regulate parasite metabolism and be responsible for the excretion of drugs. During skin penetration, membrane-impermeant molecules of a wide range of molecular weights can be taken into the cercaria and schistosomulum through the nephridiopore, through the surface membrane or through both. We speculate that this uptake process might stimulate novel signalling pathways involved in growth and development.


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The tachykinins hylambatin and (Thr)11-hylambatin have been isolated from the defensive skin secretion of the African hyperoliid frog, Kassina maculata,. Hylambatin (DPPDPNRFYGMMamide) is revised in structure from the original sequence by a single site substitution (Asn/Asp at position 6), and (Thr)11-hylambatin, a novel tachykinin, differs in structure from hylambatin by a single Thr/Met substitution. (Thr)11-hylambatin is five- to ten-fold more abundant than hylambatin in secretions. Synthetic replicates of both peptides were active in smooth muscle preparations including the rat tail artery, rat ileum and bovine trachea. While hylambatin displayed activity consistent with an NK1-receptor ligand, (Thr)11-hylambatin was more active than either substance P or neurokinin A in both NK1- and NK-2 receptor rich preparations. Incorporation of a threoninyl residue rather than the canonical leucyl residue at the penultimate position in both substance P and neurokinin A, generated active ligands in both arterial and intestinal smooth muscle preparations. Hylambatin precursor cDNAs, designated HYBN-1 and HYBN-2, respectively, were cloned from a skin library by 3'- and 5'-RACE reactions. Both were highly-homologous containing open-reading frames of 66 amino acids encoding single copies of either hylambatin or (Thr)11-hylambatin. These data reveal a hitherto unrecognized structure/activity attribute of mammalian tachykinin receptors revealed though discovery of a novel amphibian skin-derived, site-substituted peptide ligand.