971 resultados para Wilson, Karin
Dendritic cells (DCs) have been thought to follow a life history, typified by Langerhans cells (LCs), with 2 major developmental stages: an immature stage that captures antigens in the periphery and a mature stage that presents those antigens in the lymphoid organs. However, a systematic assessment of the maturity of lymphoid organ DCs has been lacking. We have analyzed the maturity of the DC types found in the steady state in the spleen, lymph nodes (LNs), and thymus. The DCs that migrate into the iliac, mesenteric, mediastinal, or subcutaneous LNs from peripheral tissues were mature and therefore could not process and present newly encountered antigens. However, all the other DC types were phenotypically and functionally immature: they expressed low levels of surface major histocompatibility complex class 11 (MHC 11) and CD86, accumulated MHC 11 in their endosomes, and could present newly encountered antigens. These immature DCs could 1346 induced to mature by culture in vitro or by Inoculation of inflammatory stimuli in vivo. Therefore, the lymphoid organs contain a large cohort of immature DCs, most likely for the maintenance of peripheral tolerance, which can respond to infections reaching those organs and mature in situ. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.
Dendritic cells (DC) undergo complex developmental changes during maturation. The MHC class H (MHC H) molecules of immature DC accumulate in intracellular compartments, but are expressed at high levels on the plasma membrane upon DC maturation. It has been proposed that the cysteine protease inhibitor cystatin C (CyC) plays a pivotal role in the control of this process by regulating the activity of cathepsin S, a protease involved in removal of the MHC H chaperone E, and hence in the formation of MHC H-peptide complexes. We show that CyC is differentially expressed by mouse DC populations. CD8(+) DC, but not CD4(+) or CD4(-)CD8(-) DC, synthesize CyC, which accumulates in MHC II(+)Lamp(+) compartments. However, II processing and MHC H peptide loading proceeded similarly in all three DC populations. We then analyzed MHC H localization and Ag presentation in CD8(+) DC, bone marrow-derived DC, and spleen-derived DC lines, from CyC-deficient mice. The absence of CyC did not affect the expression, the subcellular distribution, or the formation of peptide-loaded MHC II complexes in any of these DC types, nor the efficiency of presentation of exogenous Ags. Therefore, CyC is neither necessary nor sufficient to control MHC II expression and Ag presentation in DC. Our results also show that CyC expression can differ markedly between closely related cell types, suggesting the existence of hitherto unrecognized mechanisms of control of CyC expression.
Attempts to understand why people with adequate communication skills do not always perform well have focused on personality or personal style variables. This research focuses on the situational context and the difficulty inherent in particular encounters. This paper reports two studies concerned with what makes difficult face-to-face communication in work settings difficult or demanding. The first study (Study 1) identifies the types of face-to-face communication encounters that people find difficult to manage in the workplace. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered to define 41 difficult communication situations representing situations difficult for superiors, colleagues and subordinates, as well as generically difficult situations. In Study 2, quantitative data were analysed using multidimensional scaling techniques to reveal the underlying structure of the situations. Four dimensions were identified: protection/approach, vulnerability, self-management, and involvement/engagement. The results provide insight into the ways in which people construe these types of situations and also provide a taxonomy of difficult communication situations in the workplace. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
The in vitro inhibitory activity of crude EtOH/H(2)O extracts from the leaves and stems of Rosmarinus officinalis L. was evaluated against the following microorganisms responsible for initiating dental caries: Streptococcus mutans, salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mitts 5 sanguinis, and Enterococcus faecalis. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined with the broth microdilution method. The bioassay-guided fractionation of the leaf extract, which displayed the higher antibacterial activity than the stem extract, led to the identification of carnosic acid (2) and carnosol (3) as the major compounds in the fraction displaying the highest activity, as identified by HPLC analysis. Rosmarinic acid (1), detected in another fraction, did not display any activity against the selected microorganisms. HPLC Analysis revealed the presence of low amounts of ursolic acid (4) and oleanolic acid (5) in the obtained fractions. The results suggest that the antimicrobial activity of the extract from the leaves of R. officinalis may be ascribed mainly to the action of 2 and 3.
A sensitive and reproducible stir bar-sorptive extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography-UV detection (SBSE/HPLC-UV) method for therapeutic drug monitoring of carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide, phenytoin and phenobarbital in plasma samples is described and compared with a liquid:liquid extraction (LLE/HPLC-UV) method. Important factors in the optimization of SBSE efficiency such as pH, extraction time and desorption conditions (solvents, mode magnetic stir, mode ultrasonic stir, time and number of steps) assured recoveries ranging from 72 to 86%, except for phenytoin (62%). Separation was obtained using a reverse phase C-18 column with UV detection (210 nm). The mobile phase consisted of water: acetonitrile (78:22, v/v). The SBSE/HPLC-UV method was linear over a working range of 0.08-40.0 mu g mL(-1) for carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide and phenobarbital and 0.125-40.0 mu g mL(-1) for phenytoin, The intra-assay and inter-assay precision and accuracy were studied at three concentrations (1.0, 4.0 and 20.0 mu g mL(-1)). The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) for all compounds were less than 8.8% and all inter-CVs were less than 10%. Limits of quantification were 0.08 mu g mL(-1) for carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide and phenobarbital and 0.125 mu g mL(-1) for phenytoin. No interference of the drugs normally associated with antiepileptic drugs was observed. Based on figures of merit results, the SBSE/HPLC-UV proved adequate for antiepileptic drugs analyses from therapeutic levels. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of real samples and was as effective as the LLE/HPLC-UV method. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A sensitive and reproducible stir bar-sorptive extraction and high performance liquid chromatography-UV detection (SBSE/HPLC-UV) method for therapeutic drug monitoring of rifampicin in plasma samples is described and compared with a liquid:liquid extraction (LLE/HPLC-UV) method. This miniaturized method can result in faster analysis, higher sample throughput, lower solvent consumption and less workload per sample while maintaining or even improving sensitivity. Important factors in the optimization of SBSE efficiency such as pH, temperature, extraction time and desorption conditions (solvents, mode magnetic stir, mode ultrasonic stir, time and number of steps) were optimized recoveries ranging from 75 to 80%. Separation was obtained using a reverse phase C(8) column with UV detection (254 nm). The mobile phase consisted of methanol:0.25 N sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (58:42, v/v). The SBSE/HPLC-UV method was linear over a working range of 0.125-50.0 mu g mL(-1). The intra-assay and inter-assay precision and accuracy were studied at three concentrations (1.25, 6.25 and 25.0 mu g mL(-1)). The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) for all compounds were less than 10% and all inter-CVs were less than 10%. Limits of quantification were 0.125 mu g mL(-1). Stability studies showed rifampicin was stable in plasma for 12 h after thawing; the samples were also stable for 24 h after preparation. Based on the figures of merit results, the SBSE/HPLC-UV proved to be adequate to the rifampicin analyses from therapeutic to toxic levels. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of real samples and was as effective as the LLE/HPLC-UV method. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC) funds projects intended to improve the quality of teaching and learning in specific disciplinary areas. The project brief for 'Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Development in Psychology' for 2004/2005 was to 'produce an evaluative overview of courses ... with a focus on the specification and assessment of learning outcomes and ... identify strategic directions for universities to enhance teaching and learning'. This project was awarded to a consortium from The University of Queensland, University of Tasmania, and Southern Cross University. The starting point for this project is an analysis of the scientist-practitioner model and its role in curriculum design, a review of current challenges at a conceptual level, and consideration of the implications of recent changes to universities relating to such things as intemationalisation of programs and technological advances. The project will seek to bring together stakeholders from around the country in order to survey the widest possible range of perspectives on the project brief requirements. It is hoped also to establish mechanisms for fiiture scholarly discussion of these issues, including the establishment of an Australian Society for the Teaching of Psychology and an annual conference.
Offspring size is thought to strongly affect offspring fitness and many studies have shown strong offspring size/fitness relationships in marine and terrestrial organisms. This relationship is strongly mitigated by local environmental conditions and the optimal offspring size that mothers should produce will vary among different environments. It is assumed that offspring size will consistently affect the same traits among populations but this assumption has not been tested. Here I use a common garden experiment to examine the effects of offspring size on subsequent performance for the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina using larvae from two very different populations. The local conditions at one population (Williamstown) favour early reproduction whereas the other population (Pt. Wilson) favours early growth. Despite being placed in the same habitat, the effects of parental larval size were extremely variable and crossed generations. For larvae from Williamstown, parental larval size positively affected initial colony growth and larval size in the next generation. For larvae from the other population, parental larval size positively affected colony fecundity and negatively affected larval size in the next generation. Traditionally, exogenous factors have been viewed as the sole source of variation in offspring size/fitness relationship but these results show that endogenous factors (maternal source population) can also cause variation in this crucial relationship. It appears offspring size effects can be highly variable among populations and organisms can adapt to local conditions without changing the size of their offspring.
This study reports avian malaria caused by Plasmodium relictum in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Sao Paulo Zoo. The disease was highly infective among the birds and was clinically characterized by its acute course and high mortality. The penguins of Sao Paulo Zoo were housed for at least 2 years without malaria; however, they had always been maintained in an enclosure protected from mosquito exposure during the night period. When they presented pododermatitis, they were freed at night for a short period. sao Paulo Zoo is located in one of the last forest remnants of the city, an area of original Atlantic forest. In the winter, the space destined for Zoo birds is shared with migratory species. Hence the possibility exists that the disease was transmitted to the penguins by mosquitoes that had previously bitten infected wild birds. Avian malaria parasites are transmitted mainly by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Culex, common vectors in the Atlantic forest. In this study, one Culex (Cux.) sp. was found, infected with P. relictum. There are diverse problems in housing distinct species of animals in captivity, principally when occupying the same enclosure, since it facilitates the transmission of diseases with indirect cycles, as is the case of Plasmodium spp., because certain species that cause discrete infections in some bird species can become a serious danger for others, especially penguins, which do not possess natural resistance. Thus, serious implications exist for periodically testing and administrating malaria therapy in captive penguins potentially exposed to mosquitoes during the night period, as well as other captive birds from Sao Paulo Zoo. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe the preliminary results of prophylactic temporary balloon occlusion of the internal iliac arteries for bleeding control in patients with placenta accreta during cesarean hysterectomy. Methods From May 2006 to March 2010, 21 patients diagnosed with placenta accreta using ultrasound and/or magnetic resonance imaging were submitted to prophylactic balloon occlusion before hysterectomy. Fluoroscopy, balloon occlusion time, surgical duration, intraoperative blood loss, transfusion volume, and procedure complications were analyzed. Results The mean age was 30.5 years with a mean of 3.6 previous gestations. Imaging studies revealed that all patients had placenta accreta and all were submitted to cesarean hysterectomy. One hysterectomy was due to previous diagnosis of fetal death and another due to cesarean with uterine curettage. Mean fluoroscopy time was 7.5 min, balloon occlusion time was 164 min, and surgery duration was 260 min. Estimated blood loss was 1,671.5 ml with mean reposition fluids of 3,538 ml of crystalloids, 309.5 ml of colloids, and 1.24 ml of packed red blood cells. Two patients were submitted to thromboembolectomy due to prolonged surgical time. There was no maternal or fetal mortality related to the procedure. Conclusions The results demonstrated that prophylactic balloon occlusion of internal iliac artery is a safe method and appears to reduce blood loss and transfusion requirements in patients diagnosed with placenta accreta who undergo cesarean hysterectomy. Antenatal imaging diagnosis of placenta accreta enables preoperative planning.
PURPOSE: To compare changes in corneal hysteresis (CH) and the corneal resistance factor (CRF) in myopic and hyperopic laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and evaluate their relationship to the number of photoablative pulses delivered, a surrogate for ablation volume. SETTING: Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. METHODS: Preoperative and 1-week postoperative Ocular Response Analyzer measurements in eyes that had femtosecond-assisted LASIK were studied retrospectively. Changes in CH and CRF were compared and tested for correlation with the number of excimer laser pulses. RESULTS: Thirteen myopic eyes and 11 hyperopic eyes were evaluated. Preoperative corneal thickness, CH, CRF, programmed correction magnitude, flap thickness, and total number of fixed spotsize photoablative pulses were similar in the 2 groups (P>.1). Decreases in CH and CRF were greater after myopic LASIK than after hyperopic LASIK (P<.005), and changes in CRF were correlated with the number of excimer laser pulses in the myopic group only (r = -0.63, P = .02). Regardless of ablation profile, changes in CH were more strongly correlated with preoperative CH values than with attempted ablation volume. CONCLUSIONS: With comparable flap thickness and attempted ablation volumes, myopic photoablation profiles were associated with greater decreases in CRF and CH than hyperopic profiles. Results indicate that preoperative corneal biomechanical status, ablation volume, and the spatial distribution of ablation are important factors that affect corneal resistance and viscous dissipative properties differently. Preferential tissue removal in the natively thicker paracentral cornea in hyperopia may partially account for the rarity of ectasia after hyperopic LASIK.
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Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a known parameter that is related to arterial distensibility. However, its potential is hampered by the absence of appropriate techniques to estimate it noninvasively. PWV can be used as an assessment of increased arterial stiffness that is linked to systolic hypertension, excess cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.(1,2)