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西太平洋暖池汇集着世界上开阔海洋中温度最高的海水,它的维持和变化对全球天气和气候的变化起着关键性的作用。从海洋学角度全面而系统地研究西太平洋暖池的纬向变异特征、机制以及暖池纬向变异对ENSO的影响等科学问题,对深入了解发生在暖池区的海气耦合过程,全面认识暖池变异在ENSO循环及在全球气候变化中的作用是不可缺少的,该项研究具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 本文根据长时间序列的海洋和大气资料,利用EOF、小波等分析方法较系统地研究了西太平洋暖池整层暖水纬向运移特征、暖池水体的时空振荡及暖池纬向的运移、时空振荡对ENSO的影响,分析了西太平洋暖池和东太平洋暖池对ENSO的联合影响,探讨了风场和流场对西太平洋暖池纬向变异的影响,并用一个简单的海洋模式,对暖池纬向变异的动力机制进行了诊断分析。主要研究内容及结果如下: 利用加权平均法,建立了一个表征整体暖池纬向运移的指标序列,分析了暖池纬向运移的时频特征以及暖池内部暖水在纬向运移上的差异,并探讨了暖池的纬向运移对赤道西太平洋海平面高度和温跃层深度的影响以及与ENSO的关系。结果显示:暖池的纬向运移具有显著的2-7a的年际变化和10-16a的年代际变化,并于1976年前后经历了一次气候跃变。暖池内部大致可以50m深度水层为界分为上、下两部分,暖池的上半部分纬向运移幅度非常大,而下半部分则相对较小。暖池的纬向运移不仅是赤道西太平洋海平面高度和温跃层深度异常变化的一个非常重要的直接因素,而且对ENSO的形成与发展有非常重要的作用。 为进一步了解暖池整体的时空振荡及其影响,分别对暖池厚度场、热带太平洋风应力场、海表面高度和热含量场进行了EOF分析。结果显示,西太平洋暖池水体具有大致以赤道为横轴的经向“跷跷板”式季节性反位相振荡和大致以 170o E为纵轴的纬向“跷跷板”式年际反位相振荡。纬向振荡是暖池厚度异常场年际变率的的主导模态。西太平洋暖池暖水的纬向运移是造成暖池水体纬向振荡的主要原因。热带太平洋海表面高度与热含量异常场有着非常相似的ENSO时间尺度的振荡特征:即大致以5o N为横轴的经向“跷跷板”式反位相振荡和大致以170o W为纵轴的纬向“跷跷板”式反位相振荡。而与ENSO密切相关的热带太平洋风应力异常场也存在着纬向和经向两种主要模态,分别表现为近赤道的纬向风异常和远赤道的经向风异常。西太平洋暖池的纬向振荡对风应力异常存在滞后1个月左右的响应和显著的相互作用关系。西太平洋暖池纬向振荡能够造成热带太平洋水体质量与热量的重新分配,并通过强烈的海气相互作用对ENSO循环形成与发展起着重要的作用。 西太平洋暖池和东太平洋暖池是热带太平洋两个重要的暖水区。在系统分析西太平洋暖池的纬向变异和东太平洋暖池的经向变异特征基础上,提出了两暖池对ENSO循环联合影响的新观点,并建立了一个联合影响指数。结果显示,当联合指数达1.6时,则预示着一次新El Nino的发生。这为ENSO的研究和预测提供了一个新线索。 数据分析显示,赤道中太平洋的纬向风应力及上层纬向流异常是暖池纬向运移的两个重要的动力因素,且两者对暖池的纬向运移有良好的预报意义。利用一个简单的海洋模式模拟结果,分析了风驱动下的上层纬向流异常、波动(Kelvin波和Rossby波)及其在边界的反射效应对暖池纬向运移的动力影响。模式结果显示:中太平洋上层纬向流异常是西太平洋暖池纬向运移的主要驱动机制。暖池的纬向运移对波模态流具有滞后约4个月的响应,而风漂流对暖池纬向运移的影响则比较适时。波动在太平洋东、西两边界的反射效应对暖池西缩的影响较大。
温度跃层是反映海洋温度场的重要物理特性指标,对水下通讯、潜艇活动及渔业养殖、捕捞等有重要影响。本文利用中国科学院海洋研究所“中国海洋科学数据库”在中国近海及西北太平洋(110ºE-140ºE,10ºN-40ºN)的多年历史资料(1930-2002年,510143站次),基于一种改进的温跃层判定方法,分析了该海域温跃层特征量的时空分布状况。同时利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM),对中国近海,特别是东南沿海的水文结构进行了模拟,研究了海洋水文环境对逆温跃层的影响。最后根据历史海温观测资料,利用EOF分解统计技术,提出了一种适于我国近海及毗邻海域,基于现场有限层实测海温数据,快速重构海洋水温垂直结构的统计预报方法,以达到对现场温跃层的快速估计。 历史资料分析结果表明,受太阳辐射和风应力的影响,20°N以北研究海域,温跃层季节变化明显,夏季温跃层最浅、最强,冬季相反,温跃层厚度的相位明显滞后于其他变量,其在春季最薄、秋季最厚。12月份到翌年3月份,渤、黄及东海西岸,呈无跃层结构,西北太平洋部分海域从1月到3月份,也基本无跃层结构。在黄海西和东岸以及台湾海峡附近的浅滩海域,由于风力搅拌和潮混合作用,温跃层出现概率常年较低。夏季,海水层化现象在近海陆架海域得到了加强,陆架海域温跃层强度季节性变化幅度(0.31°C/m)明显大于深水区(约0.05°C/m),而前者温跃层深度和厚度的季节性变化幅度小于后者。20°N以南研究海域,温跃层季节变化不明显。逆温跃层主要出现在冬、春季节(10月-翌年5月)。受长江冲淡水和台湾暖流的影响,东南沿海区域逆温跃层持续时间最长,出现概率最大,而在山东半岛北及东沿岸、朝鲜半岛西及北岸,逆温跃层消长过程似乎和黄海暖流有关。多温跃层结构常年出现于北赤道流及对马暖流区。在黑潮入侵黄、东、南海的区域,多温跃层呈现明显不同的季节变化。在黄海中部,春季多温跃层发生概率高于夏季和秋季,在东海西部,多跃层主要出现在夏季,在南海北部,冬季和春季多温跃层发生概率大于夏季和秋季。这些变化可能主要受海表面温度变化和风力驱动的表层流的影响。 利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM),对中国东南沿海逆温跃层结构进行了模拟,模拟结果显示,长江冲淡水的季节性变化以及夏季转向与实际结果符合较好,基本再现了渤、黄、东海海域主要的环流、温盐场以及逆温跃层的分布特征和季节变化。通过数值实验发现,若无长江、黄河淡水输入,则在整个研究海域基本无逆温跃层出现,因此陆源淡水可能是河口附近逆温跃层出现的基本因素之一。长江以及暖流(黑潮和台湾暖流)流量的增加,均可在不同程度上使逆温跃层出现概率及强度、深度和厚度增加,且暖流的影响更加明显。长江对东南沿海逆温跃层的出现,特别是秋季到冬季初期,有明显的影响,使长江口海域逆温跃层位置偏向东南。暖流对于中国东南沿海的逆温跃层结构,特别是初春时期,有较大影响,使长江口海域的逆温跃层位置向东北偏移。 通过对温跃层长期变化分析得出,黄海冷水团区域,夏季温跃层强度存在3.8年左右的年际变化及18.9年左右的年代际变化,此变化可能主要表现为对当年夏季和前冬东亚地区大气气温的热力响应。东海冷涡区域,夏季温跃层强度存在3.7年的年际变化,在El Nino年为正的强度异常,其可能主要受局地气旋式大气环流变异所影响。谱分析同时表明,该海域夏季温跃层强度还存在33.2年的年代际变化,上世纪70年代中期,温跃层强度由弱转强,而此变化可能与黑潮流量的年代际变化有关。 海洋水温垂直结构的统计预报结果显示,EOF分解的前四个主分量即能够解释原空间点温度距平总方差的95%以上,以海洋表层附近观测资料求解的特征系数推断温度垂直结构分布的结果最稳定。利用东海陆架区、南海深水区和台湾周边海域三个不同区域的实测CTD样本廓线资料,对重构模型的检验结果表明,重构与实测廓线的相关程度超过95%的置信水平。三个区重构与实测温度廓线值的平均误差分别为0.69℃,0.52℃,1.18℃,平均重构廓线误差小于平均气候偏差,统计模式可以很好的估算温度廓线垂直结构。东海陆架海区温度垂直重构廓线与CTD观测廓线获得的温跃层结果对比表明,重构温跃层上界、下界深度和强度的平均绝对误差分别为1.51m、1.36m和0.17℃/m,它们的平均相对误差分别为24.7%、8.9%和22.6%,虽然温跃层深度和强度的平均相对误差较大,但其绝对误差量值较小。而在南海海区,模型重构温跃层上界、下界和强度的平均绝对预报误差分别为4.1m、27.7m和0.007℃/m,它们的平均相对误差分别为16.1%、16.8%和9.5%,重构温跃层各特征值的平均相对误差都在20%以内。虽然南海区温跃层下界深度平均绝对预报误差较大,但相对于温跃层下界深度的空间尺度变化而言(平均温跃层下界深度为168m),平均相对误差仅为16.8%。因此说模型重构的温度廓线可以达到对我国陆架海域、深水区温跃层的较好估算。 基于对历史水文温度廓线观测资料的分析及自主温跃层统计预报模型,研制了实时可利用微机简单、快捷地进行温跃层估算及查询的可视化系统,这是迄今进行大范围海域温跃层统计与实时预报研究的较系统成果。
Ecological and physiological features of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus in the southern Yellow Sea in summer were studied to reveal its life history strategy. From the coastal shallow waters to the central part of the southern Yellow Sea, a shift of the stage composition occurs from being dominated by the egg-nauplius stage to being dominated by the fifth copepodite (CV) stage. Most CVs reside in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM), where both temperature and food abundance are low. CVs in the YSCWM have longer body lengths, heavier body weights and higher carbon contents than those outside the YSCWM. Onboard incubations show that the development of CVs in the YSCWM is suspended. Energy conservation, development suspension and lack of diel vertical migration (DVM) behavior suggest a diapause status for the CVs in the YSCWM, although vertical distribution patterns indicate the CV individuals are not fully synchronous in physiology and development. This adaptive oversummering strategy would help C. sinicus to live through the warm and food-limited summer in the central part of the southern Yellow Sea; both low temperature and low food supply are necessary for CV to maintain the resting state in the YSCWM. Calanus sinicus exhibits different life history strategies in different regions of the southern Yellow Sea in summer.
Copepod communities in onshore and offshore waters show a gradient from primarily near shore to primarily oceanic species. Understanding the transition between these communities is fundamental to determining the range of coastal influence. Copepod communities in the northern South China Sea (nSCS) were studied based on samples collected by vertically towing a net in 10 February-6 March (winter) and 26 August-6 September (summer) of 2004. Calanoida species richness, total copepod abundance, Shannon-Weaver diversity index, and onshore-offshore occurrence of dominant species showed obvious change from onshore to offshore waters. Although the offshore stations had lower abundance than the shelf stations, they had more species and larger diversity index. Abundance of some species (groups) with dominance index > 5% (Calanus sinicus, Euchaeta spp., Temora spp., Paracalanus parvus, and Subeucalanus subtenuis) declined from onshore to offshore waters. Warm water species (Pleuromamma abdominalis, P. gracilis, and P. robusta) occurred in offshore waters in both cruises. Station (q-type) cluster analysis in winter and summer separated copepod community into onshore and offshore communities at similar to 40% level of similarity. The two communities were divided at the position of similar to 100-m isobath. In summer, C. sinicus occurred in the upwelling area east of Hainan Island, indicating the presence of an oversummering stock of this species.
Spatial distribution of some large tintinnid species (nominally > 76 mu m) is investigated on samples vertically towed in the southern Yellow Sea in winters of 2001 to 2004. Nine tintinnid species are recorded: Codonellopsis morchella, Stenosemella pacifica, S. steini, Tintinnopsis schotti, T. radix, T. karajacensis, Eutintinnus tenuis, Parafavella sp., Leprotintinnus neriticus, of which C. morchella and T. radix dominated in the warm tongue-shaped zone of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), and S. pacifica is the next in abundance. Our study shows that these tintinnids occur repeatedly in certain special distribution patterns.
Response of the diatom flora in Jiaozhou Bay, China to environmental changes during the last century
The diatom flora in a 164 cm long sediment core obtained from Jiaozhou Bay (Yellow Sea, China) was analyzed in order to trace the response of diatoms to environmental changes over the past 100 years. The sediment core was dated by Pb-210 and Cs-137 and represented approximately 100 years (1899-2001 A.D.). The flora was mainly composed of centric diatoms (59-96%). The concentration of diatoms declined sharply above 30 cm (after similar to 1981 A.D.), while the dominant species changed from Thalassiosira anguste-lineatus, Thalassiosira eccentria, Coscinodiscus excentricus, Coscinodiscus concinnus and Diploneis gorjanovici to Cyclotella stylorum and Paralia sulcata. Species richness decreased slightly, and the cell abundance of warm-water species increased. We argue that these floral changes were probably caused by climate change in combination with eutrophication resulting from aquaculture and sewage discharge. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The impact of transient wind events on an established zooplankton community was observed during a, field survey in a, coastal region off northern Norway in May 2002. A transient wind event induced a coastal jet/filament intrusion of warm, saline water into our survey area where a semi-permanent eddy was present. There was an abrupt change in zooplankton community structure within 4-7 days of the wind event, with a change in the size structure, an increase in lower size classes less than 1 mm in equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) and a decrease in larger size classes greater than 1.5 mm in ESD. The slope of zooplankton biovolume spectra changed from -0.6 to -0.8, consistent with the size shifting towards smaller size classes. This study shows that even well established zooplankton communities are susceptible to restructuring during transient wind events, and in particular when wind forcing induces horizontal currents or filaments.
Fed fish farms produce large amounts of wastes, including dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. In China, fish mariculture in coastal waters has been increasing since the last decade. However, there is no macroalgae commercially cultivated in north China in warm seasons. To exploit fish-farm nutrients as a resource input, and at the same time to reduce the risk of eutrophication, the high-temperature adapted red alga Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson from south China was co-cultured with the fish Sebastodes fuscescens in north China in warm seasons. Growth and nutrient removal from fish culture water were investigated in laboratory conditions in order to evaluate the nutrient bioremediation capability of G. lemaneiformis. Feasibility of integrating the seaweed cultivation with the fed fish-cage aquaculture in coastal waters of north China was also investigated in field conditions. Laboratory seaweed/fish co-culture experiments showed that the seaweed was an efficient nutrient pump and could remove most nutrients from the system. Field cultivation trials showed that G. lemaneiformis grew very well in fish farming areas, at maximum growth rate of 11.03% day(-1). Mean C, N, and P contents in dry thalli cultured in Jiaozhou Bay were 28.9 +/- 1.1%, 4.17 +/- 0.11 % and 0.33 +/- 0.01 %, respectively. Mean N and P uptake rates of the thalli were estimated at 10.64 and 0.38 mu mol g(-1) dry weight h(-1), respectively. An extrapolation of the results showed that a 1-ha cultivation of the seaweed in coastal fish fanning waters would give an annual harvest of more than 70 t of fresh G. lemaneiformis, or 9 t dry materials; 2.5 t C would be produced, and simultaneously 0.22 t N and 0.03t P would be sequestered from the seawater by the seaweed. Results indicated that the seaweed is suitable as a good candidate for seaweed/fish integrated mariculture for bioremediation and economic diversification. The integration can benefit economy and environment in a sustainable manner in warm seasons in coastal waters of north China. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is a need for methodology to warm open-field plots in order to study the likely effects of global warming on ecosystems in the future. Herein, we describe the development of arrays of more powerful and efficient infrared heaters with ceramic heating elements. By tilting the heaters at 45 degrees from horizontal and combining six of them in a hexagonal array, good uniformity of warming was achieved across 3-m-diameter plots. Moreover, there do not appear to be obstacles (other than financial) to scaling to larger plots. The efficiency [eta(h) (%); thermal radiation out per electrical energy in] of these heaters was higher than that of the heaters used in most previous infrared heater experiments and can be described by: eta(h) = 10 + 25exp(-0.17 u), where u is wind speed at 2 m height (m s(-1)). Graphs are presented to estimate operating costs from degrees of warming, two types of plant canopy, and site windiness. Four such arrays were deployed over plots of grass at Haibei, Qinghai, China and another at Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA, along with corresponding reference plots with dummy heaters. Proportional integral derivative systems with infrared thermometers to sense canopy temperatures of the heated and reference plots were used to control the heater outputs. Over month-long periods at both sites, about 75% of canopy temperature observations were within 0.5 degrees C of the set-point temperature differences between heated and reference plots. Electrical power consumption per 3-m-diameter plot averaged 58 and 80 kW h day(-1) for Haibei and Cheyenne, respectively. However, the desired temperature differences were set lower at Haibei (1.2 degrees C daytime, 1.7 degrees C night) than Cheyenne (1.5 degrees C daytime, 3.0 degrees C night), and Cheyenne is a windier site. Thus, we conclude that these hexagonal arrays of ceramic infrared heaters can be a successful temperature free-air-controlled enhancement (T-FACE) system for warming ecosystem field plots.
This study attempts to model alpine tundra vegetation dynamics in a tundra region in the Qinghai Province of China in response to global warming. We used Raster-based cellular automata and a Geographic Information System to study the spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. The cellular automata model is implemented with IDRISI's Multi-Criteria Evaluation functionality to simulate the spatial patterns of vegetation change assuming certain scenarios of global mean temperature increase over time. The Vegetation Dynamic Simulation Model calculates a probability surface for each vegetation type, and then combines all vegetation types into a composite map, determined by the maximum likelihood that each vegetation type should distribute to each raster unit. With scenarios of global temperature increase of I to 3 degrees C, the vegetation types such as Dry Kobresia Meadow and Dry Potentilla Shrub that are adapted to warm and dry conditions tend to become more dominant in the study area.
The loess-paleosol sequences in China are among the best continental records of paleoclimate changes. Although numerous sedimentological and geochemical studies have contributed greatly to the understanding of past climate changes during this period, it is still necessary to decipher more details through investigating these sequences using various approaches including biological analyses. In this study, we analyze the mollusk fossil assemblages preserved in the upper part of the Xifeng section, from the fifth loess layer (L5) to the Holocene soil (S0), with the sampling interval of 10 cm. The main results and conclusions obtained are as follows: 1. A continuous terrestrial mollusk fossil record, covering the past 500 ka, has been obtained from the Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence, which provides important biological data for the study of paleoenvironmental changes in the Loess Plateau and its comparison with marine record during this period. A total of 475 mollusk assemblages were studied, and twenty-one species have been identified among the 210,000 mollusk individuals counted. Among these species, most have modern representatives and are found in previous terrestrial mollusk studies of Chinese loess-paleosol sequences. Thus, they can be grouped into cold-aridiphilous, thermo-humidiphilous, oriental, and cool-humidiphilous ecological groups, as defined by previous studies. 2. Comparison of mollusk assemblages between the last five glacials and four interglacials and Holocene shows very different climate conditions. The warmest period occurred at MIS 11, MIS 5e, and Holocene, respectively. The coldest period is the Last Glacial Maximam, rather than the MIS 12. 3. Our mollusk record provides insight into the climate conditions in the Loess Plateau during the MIS 11, interpreted as the closest analog to the present interglacial. S4 paleosol, equivalent of MIS 11, developed under two major different climate regimes: ranging from the very warm–humid early phase to the mild-cool late interval. Furthermore, a cooling spell has been documented at the interglacial optimum, reflecting unstable climate conditions. The early warm–humid conditions lasted over 30 ka, supporting that MIS 11 is a unique long interglacial in the Quaternary climate history. 4. Comparison of MIS 11 and Holocene climates based on the mollusk species compositions indicates major differences. The climate at the early part of MIS 11 was warmer and more humid than during the Holocene optimum period, but the conditions during the late part of MIS 11 were similar to or cooler than late Holocene. Our study indicates that the extent of warming during the Holocene might be significantly less than the conditions that prevailed during the early part of MIS 11 interglacial period. 5. Two strong summer monsoon events were observed during the MIS 12 and MIS 10. They correspond to the maximam values of insolation gradient between low and high latitudes, suggesting a causal linkage. 6. Our study, combined with the previously investigated Luochuan land snail record, reveals that the climate in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3 experienced three stages: relatively warm, humid climate prevailed during MIS 3c, relatively cold, dry climate during MIS 3b, and relatively warm-humid period during MIS 3a. Climate at this time fluctuated frequently in Luochuan, and changed from warm-cool to cold-dry in Xifeng. Our results reveal that the relatively warm-humid climate during MIS 3c may be resulted from an increasing insolation gradient controlled by obliquity. Our result also reveals that obvious regional difference existed in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3. A greater climate gradient occurred during this time compared with today’s climate pattern in the Loess Plateau.
The black rock series of the Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian in Yangtze area are important source rocks and have exceptional characteristics of sediment, biology, element geochemistry, carbon and oxygen isotope, organic geochemistry and etc. These characteristics are the reflection of important geology events. Due to scarce system research, many problems that relate to the development mechanism of source rocks are not solved. And this restricts the exploration of Oil and gas in South China. In this paper, author studied the palaeo-climate, palaeo-structure and palaeo-environment of the Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian in Yangtze area by sedimentology, palaeobiology and geochemistry, especially the element geochemistry and isotope geochemistry. The environment model of source rocks is established and some conclusions are drawn. The Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian sediment types in Yangtze area are mostly black shales, next, mudstone, shell limestone and siltystone. During the Late Ordovician and Earily Silurian periods, a series of big upheaval and depressed are distributed in Yangtze area, and the strata pattern of interphase upheaval and depressed led to Yangtze palaeosea isolated with outside sea. So the stagnant and anoxic environment that are the favorable factor of rich organic black shales sediment is formed in Yangtze area. That Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values of the lower Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation exhibits moderate chemistry weathering suggests they were deposited under the circumstances of the warm and humid climate. However, the large difference of the CIA values of N.extraordinarius-N.ojsuensis biozone suggests that climate is changeful. Therefore, there were two different kinds of climates in the course of the deposition of the Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation. During the Late Ordovician - Earily Silurian periods, in Yangtze palaeosea, the surface water which is full of rich nutriment and abundant bacterium - algae has high palaeo-productivity that is obvious difference in the different space – time. The content of sulphate changes gradually from the surface water columns to the deep water columns. That is, salinity in the surface water columns is serious low and the salinity in deep water columns is normal. Salinity delamination is favor of the forming of deep anoxic environment. During Wufeng period, the oxidated and low sulfate environment exists in the upper Yangtze palaeosea, while the anoxic and normal salinity environment occurs in the lower Yangtze palaeosea. During the Late Wufeng and Guanyinqiao periods, the steady anoxic environment is replaced by oxidated environment. During the Longmaxi period, layered and anoxic environment recur. In Yangtze area, studies of δ13C of sedimentary organic carbon show a positive δ13C excursion up to 4‰ in the Guanyinqiao stage and then, acute negative excursion in the earily Longmaxi stage. These organic carbon isotopes curve are not only efficient measure of carving up strata borderline, but also reflected the change of originality productivity. These organic carbon isotopes curves showed the process of the enhanced embedding of the global organic carbon. Anoxic event is the main factor of increasing organic carbon embedding speed. And the reduced organic carbon embedding in Hirnantian stage is due to the water column with abundant oxygen. The δ34S values are gradually positive excursion from P.pacificus biozone to N.extraordinarius biozone, and reach the maximum in the Upper Hirnantian stage. Then, the δ34S values are negative excursion. The excursions of δ13C and δ34S reflect the acute change of environment. The formation of source rocks is largely dependent on the nature of organisms from which kerogen is derived and the preservation conditions of organic matter, which are fundamentally dependent on a favourable combination of various elements in which organisms live and are subsequently buried. These elements include palaeoclimate, palaeostructure and palaeoenvironmental conditions. Based on above mentioned circumstance, the coupling connection of source rock and the palaeoclimate, and of palaeostructure and palaeoenvironmental conditions are confirmed, and the “anoxic-marginal depression-photosynthesis” environemental model is established. It is indicated that anoxic played important role in production of organic matter. The produced organic matter was accumulated in marginal depression of the Yangtze area. The photosynthesis is favor of the high productivity. Source rocks have a good perspective, like that of “hot shale” deposited in North Africa.
It is known that global climate changed from the early Tertiary “Green House” to the Quaternary “Ice House” of cyclic glacial-interglacial climatic changes. Since the middle Pleistocene, the climate cycles changed from 40 kyr to 100 kyr, and the amplitudes of climatic fluctuations increased significantly. Therefore, it is important to study the climate changes since the middle Pleistocene. The loess-paleosol sequence in China is considered as one of the most continuous continental records of the last 2.58 Ma. Paleoclimatic and environmental changes have been widely extracted through various climatic parameters. However, the history of paleovegetation on the Loess Plateau still remains unclear. Did an extensive broadleaf forest ever exist on the Loess Plateau? Pollen preserved in the loess and paleosol provides a direct record for vegetation and paleoenvironmental change on the Plateau. However, because it is difficult to extract sufficient pollen grains from loess, the pollen record since the middle Pleistocene especially in the central part of the Chinese Loess Plateau has not been well studied. So we preliminarily focus on the palynological records of the loess-paleosol sequence spanning the last 630 kyr at Luochuan and aim to understand the evolution of vegetation and climate change on the Chinese Loess Plateau. The main results and conclusions are as follows: 1. The palynological results show that the grassland has been a dominant vegetation in the Luochuan area since 630 kyr, even during the intervals of relatively warm and wet climatic conditions. 2. The pollen concentration of Luochuan section sharply decreases from the bottom of S1 to downward depth. This decrease can be attributed to depositional environment rather than climate change. In loess, not only oxidation, but also the PH of deposits and bacteria or fungi have been able to degrade sporopollenin. 3. The paleoclimatic condition during S4 stage, characterized with warmer condition during the early stage, was warmer and wetter than that during S5 in Luochuan area. Paleoclimate was warmer and wetter during the early stage of S5 and became colder and drier later. The special pedogenic features of S5-I can be attributed to a prolonged pedogenic duration rather than a warm-wet climate. 4. Evidence from pollen assemblage suggests that the Holocene vegetation has been affected by human impacts, especially after the Yangshao Culture. 5. The present steppe environment on the loess plateau is mainly due to natural conditions. Temperature, seasonal precipitation and soil structure are three important factors which control the vegetation type. 6. The vegetation on the loess plateau is characterized with zonal or azonal distribution. So local conditions should be taken into account when recover natural vegetation. Finally, the restoration and reconstruction of ecosystem on the loess plateau area should be focused on planting grassland rather than forests.
The alkenone unsaturation paleothermometer is an important proxy to reconstruct water temperature, and is widely applied to reconstructing sea surface temperature in most oceanographic settings. Recent research indicates that long chain alkenone is preserved in lacustrine sediments, and the alkenone unsaturation has good relationship with mean annual temperature in studied lakes. Thus, the alkenone unsaturation could be used as a temperature proxy to reconstruct temperature in limnic systems. In this study, we analyzed long chain alkenone from the varved sediments in Lake Sihailongwan, northeastern China. Based on the counting varves, we established time scale during the past 1500 years. The distribution pattern in the sediment is similar with the previous study in lacustrine environment. The ratio of C37:4 methyl ketone to the sum of C37 alkenones is high. Based on the published temperature- alkenone unsaturation equation, we reconstructed the mean air temperature and July water temperature during the past 1500 years. Three major cold periods are in AD560-950, AD 1540-1600 and AD1800-1920. Three major warm periods are AD450-550, AD 950-1400 and AD 1600-1800. The Medieval Warm Period was a significant warm periods. However, the traditional “Little Ice Age” was not a persistent cold period, and interrupted by relative longer warm period. The temperature variations in this study show a general similar pattern with the summer temperature reconstruction from Shihua Cave and the winter temperature from historical documents. The temperature variations from long chain alknone record show a good agreement with solar activity (10Be data from ice core and sunspot number from tree rings). It may suggest that solar activity is most important forcing in the studied area.