954 resultados para Wallin, Sten Anders
Variantti A.
Invokaatio: Deo Duce.
Dedikaatio: Christianus Melartopoeus, Gabriel Fortelius, Johannes Amnell, Christianus Welin, Johannes Hornaeus, Nicolaus Pipping, Jacobus Chydenius, Jacobus Salmen, Johannes Hellenius, Joachimus Danieli Brander, Gabriel Welin.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Dedikaatio: Andreas Mathesius, Bartholdus Vaehl, Ericus Cajanus, Birgerus Bratt, Isaacus Wasbohm, Gabriel Werander.
Invokaatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.S.
Invokaatio: D.D.
Invokaatio: Q.B.D.V.
Invokaatio: Q.B.V.
Symbolic dynamics is a branch of mathematics that studies the structure of infinite sequences of symbols, or in the multidimensional case, infinite grids of symbols. Classes of such sequences and grids defined by collections of forbidden patterns are called subshifts, and subshifts of finite type are defined by finitely many forbidden patterns. The simplest examples of multidimensional subshifts are sets of Wang tilings, infinite arrangements of square tiles with colored edges, where adjacent edges must have the same color. Multidimensional symbolic dynamics has strong connections to computability theory, since most of the basic properties of subshifts cannot be recognized by computer programs, but are instead characterized by some higher-level notion of computability. This dissertation focuses on the structure of multidimensional subshifts, and the ways in which it relates to their computational properties. In the first part, we study the subpattern posets and Cantor-Bendixson ranks of countable subshifts of finite type, which can be seen as measures of their structural complexity. We show, by explicitly constructing subshifts with the desired properties, that both notions are essentially restricted only by computability conditions. In the second part of the dissertation, we study different methods of defining (classes of ) multidimensional subshifts, and how they relate to each other and existing methods. We present definitions that use monadic second-order logic, a more restricted kind of logical quantification called quantifier extension, and multi-headed finite state machines. Two of the definitions give rise to hierarchies of subshift classes, which are a priori infinite, but which we show to collapse into finitely many levels. The quantifier extension provides insight to the somewhat mysterious class of multidimensional sofic subshifts, since we prove a characterization for the class of subshifts that can extend a sofic subshift into a nonsofic one.
This research is looking to find out what benefits employees expect the organization of data governance gains for an organization and how it benefits implementing automated marketing capabilities. Quality and usability of the data are crucial for organizations to meet various business needs. Organizations have more data and technology available what can be utilized for example in automated marketing. Data governance addresses the organization of decision rights and accountabilities for the management of an organization’s data assets. With automated marketing it is meant sending a right message, to a right person, at a right time, automatically. The research is a single case study conducted in Finnish ICT-company. The case company was starting to organize data governance and implementing automated marketing capabilities at the time of the research. Empirical material is interviews of the employees of the case company. Content analysis is used to interpret the interviews in order to find the answers to the research questions. Theoretical framework of the research is derived from the morphology of data governance. Findings of the research indicate that the employees expect the organization of data governance among others to improve customer experience, to improve sales, to provide abilities to identify individual customer’s life-situation, ensure that the handling of the data is according to the regulations and improve operational efficiency. The organization of data governance is expected to solve problems in customer data quality that are currently hindering implementation of automated marketing capabilities.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää kotitalouksien sijoituskohteiden valinnan rationaalisuutta Helsingin pörssissä. Lisäksi pyrkimyksenä on ymmärtää kotitalouksien sijoituspäätösten taustalla vaikuttavia ilmiöitä. Tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa selvitetään, korreloivatko kotitalouksien sijoitusmäärät Helsingin pörssissä yhtiöiden tunnuslukuperusteisen kannattavuuden kanssa. Lisäksi selvitetään, miten kotitalouksien sijoitukset ovat aktuaalisesti tuottaneet verrattuna rahoitus- ja vakuutuslaitoksiin ja miten kotitaloudet ovat allokoineet varallisuuttaan sijoituskohteiden välillä.
Cassava starch factories produce residues that can be commercialized as food ingredients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological safety of cassava peel and bagasse during storage, with and without chemical treatment. The bagasse was acidified with lactic acid, and the peel was immersed in a sodium hypochlorite solution. The microbiological analyses were carried out for 72 h after harvest. All of the samples showed the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, and the acidification and sanitization were effective in controlling total coliforms. Cassava bagasse and peel samples can be considered safe for consumption by humans as ingredients for other food products.