995 resultados para W. A. Mozart


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Wydzia Historyczny: Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej


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Wydzia Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa: Zakład Stosunków Międzynarodowych


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Zgodnie z definicją wypracowaw ramach ONZ, bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe istnieje gdy ludzie mają nieprzerwanie zapewniony „fizyczny i ekonomiczny dostęp do wystarczającej, bezpiecznej i bogatej w składniki odżywcze żywności”. Artykuł wyjania ksztatowanie się koncepcji bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego oraz wyodrębnienie jego trzech wymiarów – tj. międzynarodowego, narodowego i odnoszącego się do gospodarstwa domowego. Celem jest analiza międzyplemiennych konfliktów i wojny domowej w Darfurze w kontekście rywalizacji o zasoby zapewniające bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe mieszkacom tej sudaskiej prowincji.


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The Meteorological Section at the scientific camp 2009–2010 conducted a series of meteorological measurements in the region of Biaa Góra. The exploration area is located about 2 km east of Międzyzdroje, at the research station of the AMU Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences. Members of the section made measurements in the six selected points. The location of points had to reflect the specifics of the area (from the beach to the car park at the research station). The section focused on three basic measurements: air temperature (2009–2010), relative humidity (2009–2010) and atmospheric pressure (2009). This article aims to analyse a topoclimate section of cliff coast in the Wolin National Park. The compilation recognised the impact of various land surfaces, sea and altitude on the variability of air temperature and relative humidity. It notes the varied course of the daily meteorological elements analysed, which is directly related to the value of radiation balance dependent upon the intensity of direct solar radiation. In this article, particular emphasis is applied to the analysis of temperature amplitudes and humidity at different measuring points.


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Wydzia Biologii


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This article is a continuation of a four-piece work describing the condition of soil in what has been broadly defined as central Pozna. This article presents the content of active forms of six chemical elements which tend to be absorbed by plants in biggest quantities. Relations between these chemical elements are discussed and indications are made of how to counteract the negative effects of deficits as well as overdoses of specific chemical elements in the substrate.


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This article presents the physical structure of the land, organic substances content and the chemical composition of soil comprising subsoil of 21 urban greenery locations in the city of Pozna. As they tend to be commonly underestimated, they have also been presented with view to their vital functions in plants’ life processes. The analysed microelements are referred to their levels, the so-called geo-chemical background of Polish soils and the limit values for field soils with medium levels of nutrients.


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This article is the first one in the series of four publications describing the condition of soil environment in the area of broadly understood centre of Pozna. The paper presents the results of studies into a ph ph ph ysical structure of the soil collected around horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum), growing in various habitats in 21 locations in the area of Pozna. In the majority of cases, 75 per cent of them, the obtained data point to a deficient ph ph ysical structure of subsoils. Only in five cases, out of a general number of 21 locations, the roots of the trees developed in soil conditions that were favourable for the plants, and which enabled them the retention of precipitation water, oxygention of rhizosph ph ere and accumulation of humus.


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Wydzia Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Edukacji Artystycznej


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Wydzia Nauk Społecznych