659 resultados para Universitários


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The effects of an intervention in social skills were assessed in four university students with ages between 19 and 31, with social phobia diagnosis. The performance in social skills as well as performance-compatible disorder was assessed before, after the intervention, and follow-up in four months later, by the instruments: SCID-I, Mini-SPIN, QACC-VU and IHS in a multiple baseline design among participants. The intervention programmed twelve weekly meetings in which the researcher discussed socially skilled alternatives to the described difficulties; leaded dialogued theoretical explanations about the theme of the meeting and also performed functional assessments and repertory training of the participants. It was observed deficits such as public speaking, starting and maintaining conversation in the participants’ social skills repertory, which are consistent with the criteria for social phobia and the difficulties into the adapting to university. After the intervention, the participants left difficulties in public speaking, performance characteristic compatible with the social phobia diagnosis and they also increased social repertory, although it is still necessary the improvement of other skills, such as expressing positive feeling.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of physical activity confronting to the real and ideal body image of 65 individuals of both gender (27 women and 38 men) aged between 18 and 37 years old, all students of a Physical Education College of Santo André´s City - SP. The instruments used were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Short version (IPAQ, 2005) and Test for assessment of Body Image proposed by Stunkard et al., (1983) and adapted by Marsh and Roche (1996). According to the results, male subjects are more actives compared with female, as well as for the real and ideal body image males showed no significant difference, however, the females showed differences between the real and the ideal body image, between the gender no significant differences existed on the real and ideal body image. We can conclude that the students of this Physical Education College mostly presents in moderate or high level of physical activity, showing that the male are pleased with the real and ideal body image, and for a willing female body silhouette thinner ideal than real, with no significant differences between genders, and thus leading us to believe that the physical education College lead the students to experience practical activities becoming them lifestyle most active in search of a better quality of life and wellness.


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This article presents part of a PhD research that investigated what are the limiting factors to be overcome by an initial training program for teachers of physics in order to achieve the identity profile of your proposed course on Pedagogical Project Course (PPC). From the survey of the intended ideal, the actions taken by professors, coordinators and managers seeking its implementation were analyzed. Data were collected from official documents, field notes taken during meetings between professors and interviews with the subjects belonging to the faculty of the course. This is a research in action grounded in Habermas principles. For data analysis, we used analytical devices of discourse analysis, using the French perspective of Pêcheux. The outline presented here seeks to highlight the intentions identified through the analysis of discourses present in the texts, in the speech of different subjects involved and the actions undertaken by them during this process. What one can conclude is that the intentions of the involved professors are permeated of contractions, since in some aspects they intend to give the program teacher's an identity (licenciature) and in other ones they try to maintain the status quo, that means, a teachers program which a bachelor’s profile.


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The world’s population is having more and more difficulties in performing their daily activities and leisure, becoming, this way, more sedentary. Sedentary lifestyle can be considered as a reduction or as a lack of physical activity, less than the minimum volume suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Physical activity changes the behavior and some environmental acts. This study aimed to identify the NAF of students in the area of Physical Education and Healt Nursing and compare it with identified students’ levels non-health areas, being Production Engineer and Pedagogy. Aimed to correlate the found volume of 15 participants, with the state of cardio respiratory fitness (VO2max). The study included 125 students of both sexes from a university located in São Paulo state country. We conducted a cross-sectional study from August to October of 2012. For the initial test of the volume of physical activity we used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long version. In order of assessing cardio respiratory fitness, the Katch and McArdle seat test (1981) was used. Data were analyzed according to Physical Activity Level (PAL) presented by the university students in sessions 1, 2, 3, 4 of the IPAQ, and 15 students’ results were correlated with VO2max test. From these results we can say that: IPAQ session 1 showed that students in the health area are statistically superior to the non-health students area to the high-active classification. In session 2 the results were significant and superior to the health area and very active in sedentary classification. The session 3 results were very similar to session 1, showing that the health area as high-active with statistics differences. In session 4 we can see very significant results for health area in high-active areas and irregular actives. A total of 4 sessions found significant results for very active and sedentary. When was the attempt of association between levels 15 participants found the IPAQ long version and test bank VO2max, the results showed no significant association. The results of this study show a need for policies to encourage physical activity in the University environment, emphasizing a greater need for students who do not work in healthcare.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The student residence is a subject widely discussed throughout Brazil. Academics across the country needing assistance. The evasion in universities is still large. IBGE data show that the most needy students coming from public schools, have attended higher education in private universities through programs that facilitate their entry, but still, has made difficult their permanence. The place of living variable, before access to the university, is the most important determinant in academic life, as many move from their family background to enter university. The city of Mogi das Cruzes, strongly presents the problem in question, mainly concerning student housing, where despite a high housing stock and the rest of the country, these are not available to students in general, much less needy because not with the presence of specific houses, and when yes, these are very distant and / or have poor conditions, and a high cost, fully weakening these students to remain in the city. So, is based on this student body and student assistance mainly in affirmative action that include programs in academic life, but do not guarantee its permanence, the present work aims to propose a new proposed student accommodation, which through programs, spaces and actions, consistent with the integrated academic life services, can provide a financial support of these needy students in relation to the costs of their stays at the university, and also benefit the university, since it does not invest in the project without a guaranteed return


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos de variáveis sobre o seguimento de regras, 24 estudantes universitários foram expostos a um procedimento de escolha de acordo com o modelo. A tarefa era apontar para os estímulos de comparação em sequência. Na Fase 1, a sequência correta era estabelecida por reforço diferencial em esquema de reforço contínuo. Nas Fases 2 e 3, as contingências de reforço eram mantidas inalteradas, enquanto as regras discrepantes de tais contingências (sugestão e ordem) eram manipuladas. Nas Condições 1 e 2, nas Fases 2 e 3, eram apresentadas a sugestão e a ordem, respectivamente. Nas Condições 3 e 4, era o inverso. Apenas na Fase 1 das Condições 1 e 3 eram feitas perguntas acerca do comportamento que produz reforço. 100% dos participantes não seguiram a sugestão e 60% não seguiram a ordem. Os resultados sugerem que a história do comportamento alternativo ao especificado pela regra, justificativas e perguntas são variáveis que podem interferir no comportamento de seguir regras discrepantes das contingências de reforço. Os resultados têm implicações para o esclarecimento das funções das contingências de reforço e de regras na explicação do comportamento.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de histórias pré-experimentais sobre o seguir regras, 16 estudantes universitários foram expostos a um procedimento informatizado de escolha segundo o modelo. A tarefa era apontar cada um dos três estímulos de comparação em sequência. Oito participantes, quatro flexíveis e quatro inflexíveis, foram submetidos a cada uma das duas condições de quatro fases. Na Fase 1, a sequência correta era estabelecida por contingências. Reforço para a emissão da sequência correta foi mantido durante as três fases - na Condição 1, o programa de reforço contínuo (CRF) e na Condição 2, a relação fixa de quatro (FR4). Em ambas as condições, a Fase 2 começou com a apresentação de uma regra discrepante, a Fase 3 começou com uma regra correspondente, e Fase 4 começou com uma regra discrepante. Seguindo a regra discrepante não produziu o reforço programado, mas seguindo a regra produzida correspondente reforço. Na Condição 1 (CRF) , os 8 participantes deixaram de seguir a regra discrepante, independentemente de serem ßexíveis ou inßexíveis. Na Condição 2 (FR4), os inßexíveis seguiram e os ßexíveis deixaram de seguir a regra discrepante. Sugere-se que os efeitos de histórias pré-experimentais são modulados por variáveis atuais.