990 resultados para The Beatles - Historia
Este ensayo se refiere a varios procedimientos narrativos en la ficcionalización de la historia y lo hace a partir del análisis de la novela El entenado, del argentino Juan José Saer. Propone una reflexión acerca de tres aspectos claves en esta obra: 1. La representación del caníbal y su existencia en el tiempo mítico, 2. La memoria y la conciencia del exterminio, y 3. La figura del testigo como una voz históricamente autorizada en los relatos. La noción del tiempo, el desarrollo de la conciencia, la memoria y el lenguaje de un pueblo caníbal de la región del Río de la Plata son narrados por un joven marinero español del siglo XVI, que comparte esa vida durante diez años como prisionero. En esta novela Saer se embarca en un viaje ficcional y especulativo orientado a desentrañar la noción de la vida y la muerte en un pueblo y un tiempo míticos.
En este texto el autor se propone cotejar la historia de Nay y Sinar incluida en la novela María, de Jorge Isaacs (1867), con la de Bernabé en Sab (publicada en Madrid en 1841), de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda. Esta exploración busca, por un lado, crear un contrapunto de ambos textos, por otro lado, se propone pasar revista a temas como la construcción de lo masculino en los dos textos, la posición antiesclavista de las mismas y Madre Natura como antagonista y coadyuvante de los protagonistas. Para cerrar este trabajo el autor aplicará un par de ideas de Benedict Anderson intentando explicar lo siguiente: los personajes de Isaacs y Gómez de Avellaneda provienen de una comunidad imaginada perdida y se ven en la imposibilidad de reproducir en un contexto diferente los límites de ese reino que ya no existe o que quizá no existió, por ser parte de la imaginación comunitaria.
Este texto se propone evaluar los alcances y limitaciones de algunas fuentes que se pueden utilizar para medir la desigualdad económica en períodos pre-estadísticos, en especial los inventarios post-mortem y algunos censos económicos efectuados por motivos fiscales de pretensión más universal. Ambos han sido usados por los historiadores desde hace tiempo y presentan diversos problemas. En el caso de los censos se ha señalado sobre todo la subvaluación de los capitales y en el de los inventarios el fuerte sesgo social y etario. Sin embargo, ambos tienen una potencialidad irreemplazable ante la falta de alternativas, pero requieren de recaudos y estrategias metodológicas para corregir dichos defectos.
Este ensayo analiza el nacimiento y la caída de la historia marxista latinoamericana a lo largo del siglo XX. Se examinan dos casos representativos durante el resurgimiento de la misma en los últimos diez años: uno de ellos en Argentina y el otro en México. Casos similares se han dado en otros países de la región, pero el argentino y mexicano ilustran dos maneras opuestas de abordar el renacer de la historia marxista
Presenta las reseñas de los libros: Aymer Granados, coordinador. Las revistas en la historia intelectual de América Latina: redes, política, sociedad y cultura. México: Juan Pablos Editor / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Cuajimalpapa, 2012, 328 pp. -- Manuel Llorca-Jaña. The British Textile Trade in South America in The Nineteenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 380 pp . -- Adriana Puiggrós. De Simón Rodríguez a Paulo Freire. Educación para la integración iberoamericana. Bogotá: Convenio Andrés Bello, 2005, 131 pp. Lola Vásquez y otros, coordinadores, La presencia salesiana en Ecuador. Perspectivas históricas y sociales. Quito: Abya-Yala / Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2012, 765 pp.
Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: Eloy Alfaro. Narraciones históricas. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador / Corporación Editora Nacional, 2012, 368 pp . -- Adolfo León Atehortúa Cruz. Germán Colmenares. Una Nueva Historia. Cali: Universidad del Valle, 2013, 161 pp . -- Fernando Chuquimia Bonifaz. Las Sociedades de Socorros Mutuos y Beneficencia en La Paz, 1883-1920. La Paz: Centro de Estudios para la América Andina y Amazónica, 2013, 255 pp . -- Eliga H. Gould. Among the Powers of the Earth. The American Revolution and the Making of a New World Empire. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012, 301 pp.
The article thinks over the role of museums in the construction of scientific and historical representations and as a space that connects the forms of visualizing the past and the construction of historic knowledge. Also analyzes the museum as a setting of tension between the visualization and the generation of scientific or historical knowledge; and between the forms of evoking-representing and the sensitive cognitive processes that it activates in museum audiences. This oscillation takes place in the Museo Paulista.
This article examines a 14th-c. translation into Old Occitan prose of a late-antique life of Alexander the Great: Justin’s Epitome of the 'Historia Philippicae' of Pompeius Trogus. The article argues that it is the work of translators whose knowledge of pagan Latin materials was incomplete and whose use of their native tongue rested on non-literary bases. This text has not been edited before, and examining its uneven treatment of its source provides important new insights into the work of translators in the later Middle Ages. In conclusion, the article suggests some new approaches to the understanding of translation as a process of reconstruction and adaptation.
This article presents a group of women-authored testimonial texts published between 1959–1989 in revolutionary Cuba. Despite the recent scholarly debates within Latin American Cultural Studies regarding Latin American testimonio, these texts have received little or no critical or theoretical attention within or outside Cuba. The article therefore starts by situating them within the specific context of revolutionary culture, especially with reference to questions of gender, genre and publication. Having established that the texts as a whole privilege the collective revolutionary context and revolutionary experience over gendered or generic aspects, the seven texts are then grouped under a more specific contextual category, as narratives of voluntary work (participation and observation), in order to provide a clearer structure for their description and analysis. Each of the texts is then described within its sub-group, and the article ends by indicating how such texts challenge testimonio paradigms by positing a relational notion of subjectivity.
This article explores the relationship between the Crown, the French society and the king's financiers. It starts with a brief review of the discourses on the financiers and a survey of the work done by historians. Further to a description of the various groups of financiers, it analyses the nature of the contracts passed between the king and the traitants to pay for the Nine Years War, as well as the latter’s activities and profits. The article argues that the government supervised effectively the traitants and that, given the constraints of the Old Regime, these financiers provided essential services, but too costly to be sustainable.
Transforming the meaning of the term 'guerrilla' which had once meant feud or private warfare, and then irregular war conducted by special forces on behalf of a state or government, the Spanish Guerrilla (part of the Peninsular War) against Napoleon became the model to be emulated by insurgency movements across the world. Even though the term itself continued to be used, even in Spanish, for special operations, in henceforth became imbued with an ideological dimension, which is how it would be used especially in the 20th century.
The sub-Antarctic Magellanic ecoregion harbors a high diversity of bryophytes, greater than the species richness of vascular plants. Despite this fact, phenological studies on bryophytes are lacking for this ecoregion and Chile. Based on the study of the sporophytic phase of Tayloria dubyi, an endemic moss from the sub-Antarctic Magellanic ecoregion, we propose a methodology for phonological studies on austral bryophytes. We defined five phenophases, easily distinguishable with a hand-lens, which were monthly recorded during 2007 and 2008 in populations of T dubyi at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park and Mejillones Bay on Navarino Island (55 degrees S) in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. The sporophytic (or reproductive) phase of T. dubyi presented a clear seasonality. After growing in November, in three months (December-February) of the austral reproductive season the sporophytes mature and release their spores; by March they are already senescent. T. dubyi belongs to the Splachnaceae family for which entomochory (dispersal of spores by insects, specifically Diptera) has been detected in the Northern Hemisphere. The period of spores release in T. dubyi coincides with the months of highest activity of Diptera which are potential dispersers of spores; hence, entomochory could also take place in sub-Antarctic Magellanic ecoregion. In sum, our work: (i) defines a methodology for phenological studies in austral bryophytes, (ii) it records a marked seasonality ion the sporophyte phase of T dubyi, and (iii) it proposes to evaluate in future research the occurrence of entomochory in Splachnaceae species growing in the sub-Antarctic peatlands and forest ecosystems in the Southern Hemisphere.
Until the beginning of the 1900:th century the paper making process was handicraft. The paper machines that have been developed since then are as impressing in size as fascinating when it comes to the technique. The process has always been improved to give a better paper for lower costs, with as short manufacture time as possible. Stratified forming has been a reality since 1830. From the beginning it was applied to board and paperboard. Now it is also the most common method for making tissue and one paper mill in Austria use it for fine paper. Stratified forming can be categorized as separate forming or simultaneous forming. Separate forming means using several headboxes and sometimes even several wires. Simultaneous forming means using only one stratified headbox. This method has many advantages over separate forming, inter alia improved economy, quality, wood exchange and higher runability of the paper machine. Several experiments have been done with simultaneous forming of different fibres by placing a fibre with high bulk in the middle layer and a smooth fibre on the surface layers. The results has shown that by using this method both the bending stiffness and surface properties are improved, or a lower grammage paper is obtained with maintaining quality. Simultaneous forming can also be used to stratify fillers in layers where they are most efficient. In that way both paper quality and economy is improved. Simultaneous forming is also used for fractionated pulp. Fractionation means separating springwood fibre from summerwood fibre, and placing them in separate layers. Research results of fractionated pulp show about the same result as simultaneous forming of different fibres.