999 resultados para Sus scrofa domesticus


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Borreliose aviária é uma doença septicêmica aguda, cosmopolita, que acomete diferentes espécies aviárias, sendo causada por Borrelia anserina Sakharoff, 1891. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as alterações hematológicas em Gallus gallus domesticus experimentalmente infectados por B. anserina via vetor Argas (Persicargas) miniatus. Um total de 27 aves da espécie G. g. domesticus com 67 dias de vida, foram divididas em três grupos inteiramente casualizados contendo nove animais cada. Um grupo foi exposto a carrapatos infectados por B. anserina (Grupo 1); outro a carrapatos livres deste agente (Grupo 2); além de um grupo não exposto aos carrapatos (Grupo 3). Realizaram-se esfregaços sangüíneos diariamente, a partir do primeiro dia de exposição ao vetor, até o 25º dia pós-exposição (DPE). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas 3 dias antes da exposição aos carrapatos, e 3, 8 e 18 dias pós-exposição (DPE), para a realização dos hemogramas. O exame dos esfregaços das aves do Grupo 1 revelou grande número de espiroquetas. Os esfregaços sangüíneos dos Grupos 2 e 3 mantiveram-se negativos durante todo o período experimental. De acordo com os resultados das avaliações hematológicas, as aves do Grupo 1 apresentaram um quadro de anemia normocítica normocrômica em oito DPE, além de leucocitose com heterofilia e monocitose que cursaram paralelamente ao período de espiroquetemia. Concluiu-se que a infecção por B. anserina determinou nas aves do Grupo 1 alterações hematológicas compatíveis com uma infecção bacteriana de moderada gravidade, evoluindo para auto-cura, nas condições experimentais estabelecidas neste trabalho.


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This paper aimed to identify Toxoplasma gondii infection in house sparrows (Passer domesticus, Linneaus 1758) coming from poultry farms in the "agreste" region of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. 151 sparrows (Passer domesticus) captured in eight broiler, egg layer and commercial laying poultry farms, were used. Indirect hemagglutination test was used to research anti-T. gondii antibodies. Animals that presented titration of 1:16 were destined to DNA research through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique, followed by Nested-PCR. It was observed that, from 151 analyzed samples. 91 (60.3%) were reagents and 60 (39.7%) were not reagents. It was verified, through analysis of the distribution of infected animals frequency per farm, that in only one farm (12.5%) no animal reagent to T. gondii was captured. It was also observed that three (30.00%) of the ten samples destined to DNA research for T. gondii were positive to PCR and four (40.00%) were positive to Nested-PCR. Anti-T gondii antibodies occurrence and the molecular identification of the agent confirmed natural T. gondii infection in sparrows from poultry farms in Brazil. Other studies must be carried out to highlight the real importance of these animals in the epidemiological chain and their efficiency in the transmission of the parasite to felines. Therefore, researches that use parasite isolation and molecular techniques to determine genomic profile of the agent present in these poultry farms are needed.


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The aim of this study was to research the occurrence of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli in feces samples of sparrows, as well as to identify the pathogenicity, cytotoxicity and sensitivity profile of the isolates to antimicrobial use. Two hundred and twenty eight sparrows were captured in eight farms. The in vitro pathogenicity test was performed by the isolates culture on congo red-magnesium oxalate Agar, whilst the in vivo pathogenicity test was performed in one day-old chicks. In order to study the cytotoxic effects of indicators, samples were inoculated into Vero cells. The results obtained for Escherichia coli isolation confirmed the presence of this microorganism in 30 (13.2%) of the evaluated samples. Out of those isolates, 10 (33.3%) presented the capacity of absorbing ongo red. As for in vivo pathogenicity a 68.0% of mortality rate of the evaluated samples was observed. Out of 20 isolates tested for cytotoxin production, none of them presented cytotoxic effect in the Vero cells. The Salmonella spp was isolated only in one sample (0.04%), and it was identified as Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae. Results obtained through this research indicate the need for new studies to identify other virulence factors of E. coli samples and to delineate the phylogenetic profile of the isolates in order to establish a relation with colibacillosis outbreaks in chickens and broilers in the studied region, as well as to analyze the critical points in the aviculture productive chain to identify the source of Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae.


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O timo é um órgão linfático primário que desenvolve sua atividade em organismos jovens. Apesar de sua função ser responsável por mecanismos fundamentais na aquisição das defesas e conseqüentes respostas orgânicas, ela ainda não está totalmente esclarecida, nem tampouco as bases morfológicas que respondem por tais funções, como o processo de desenvolvimento e involução do órgão. Objetivou-se analisar e caracterizar os aspectos morfológicos do timo, tais como seu tamanho e volume, e aspectos histológicos do timo em gatos, correlacionando o sexo e o desenvolvimento etário. Doze timos provenientes de fetos de gatos domésticos (Felis domesticus) sem raça definida (SRD), machos e fêmeas, separados em três grupos etários. O timo apresentou-se com uma coloração rosa-pálida e com duas porções, a torácica e a cervical, sendo que cada uma delas possuía um lobo direito e um lobo esquerdo em sua maioria. A porção torácica localizava-se em região de mediastino cranial, entre os pulmões e à base do coração. E a porção cervical estendia-se além das costelas em sentido cranial, estando localizada ventralmente à traqueia. A estrutura celular do timo demonstrou-se organizada com a presença de agregados concêntricos, os chamados corpúsculos tímicos, formados por células epiteliais, sustentada por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo de onde partiam septos que ao penetrar no órgão dividia-o em lóbulos. Ocorreram variações significativas quanto à lobação e as dimensões do timo entre indivíduos da mesma faixa etária, e entre sexos diferentes. Os valores relativos ao comprimento, espessura e largura, de maneira geral, apresentaram aumento, em conformidade ao desenvolvimento dos animais, mas com diferenças entre os sexos.


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The susceptibility of sparrows (Passer domesticus) and strains of mice (Swiss, BALB/c, C-57 and DB-A) to Lawsonia intracellularis infection was studied. Thirty-two sparrows were inoculated with pure culture of L. intracellularis and eleven received sham inoculum. Feces were collected on -1, 7, 14 and 21 days post infection (dpi) for detection of L. intracellularis by PCR. After 21 days, all sparrows were euthanized and the tissues processed for histology and immunohistochemistry (IHC). One hundred sixty mice of four different strains (n=40, per strain) were used. For each mouse strain, 16 animals received mucosa homogenate from a pig infected with L. intracellularis, 16 received pure culture of L. intracellularis and eight animals received sham inoculum. Two control and four inoculated mice from each group were euthanized on 7, 14, 21 and 28 dpi. Sections of intestine were collected for histologic analysis and IHC and pooled feces were collected for L. intracellularis PCR. None of the sparrows had any histologic lesions characteristic of proliferative enteropathy or antigen labeling by IHC. All sparrow fecal samples were negative by PCR. All mice strains studied had histopathological lesions typical of PE and IHC labeling consistent with L. intracellularis infection, especially those animals inoculated with pure culture. The most severe lesions were observed in DB-A and Swiss mice. Fecal shedding was detected in all mice strains, with peak at 14 dpi. We conclude that sparrows do not seem to be relevant in the epidemiology of L. intracellularis. The results showed variations in the lesions among the four mice strains used.


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Torque teno sus virus (TTSuV) infection is present in pig herds worldwide. It has been demonstrated that TTSuV might increase the severity of other important viral diseases with economic and public health impacts. At present, there is no information on the age distribution of pigs infected with TTSuV in Brazilian herds. This study evaluated the frequency of TTSuV infection in pigs at different stages of production. Fecal samples (n=190) from pigs at 1 to 24 weeks of age and from breeders at 6 farrow-to-weaning (up to 8 weeks of age) and 9 grower-to-finish (9 weeks of age onwards) farms in the western region of Paraná state, Brazil, were evaluated by PCR. Fragments of the 5' UTRs of TTSuV1 and/or TTSuVk2 DNAs were identified in 126 (66.3%) of the fecal samples. Significant differences were found with the percentages of positive samples for TTSuV1, TTSuVk2, and mixed infections by both genera between and within the different pig production stages. Fecal samples from the grower-to-finish farms had TTSuV detection rates (90.1%; 64/71) that were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those from the farrow-to-weaning farms (52.1%; 62/119). TTSuV detection was significantly (p<0.05) more frequent in finisher pigs than in the animals from the other stages. The UTR nucleotide sequences in this study presented higher similarities to strains from Norway (96%, TTSuV1), and Argentina and China (97.1%, TTSuVk2). These results suggest that TTSuV infection has spread to pigs of all production stages and that the viral infection rate increases with the age of the animals. In the western region of Paraná state, Brazil, TTSuV1 and TTSuVk2-induced infections were more frequently observed in suckling piglets and finisher pigs, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis pointed out the possibility of different strains of TTSuV1 and TTSuVk2 circulating in pig herds of Brazil.


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Muchos trabajos demuestran que los productos vegetales no solamente son fuentes de energía y nutrientes sino también fuentes de compuestos conocidos como fitoquímicos, que juegan un importante papel en la prevención de enfermedades como el cáncer, afecciones cardiovasculares y neurodegenerativas. Por otro lado, el aumento en la producción de manzana, determina también un aumento de la producción destinada al procesamiento industrial. En este sentido el conocer el contenido de de ciertas sustancias como polifenoles, antocianinas permiten conocer su potencial de uso industrial, como por ejemplo para la elaboración de jugos. En base a esto los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron realizar una caracterización físico-química de tres variedades de manzana; una de ellas de cultivo tradicional y muy extendido en Brasil y las otras dos mutaciones de esta última, de reciente explotación comercial. Fueron medidos al momento de cosecha la firmeza de la pulpa, acidez titulable (AT), los sólidos solubles totales (SST), el índice de yodo-almidón, los parámetros CIE "L*", "a*" y "b*" del color, polifenoles, antocianinas y azúcares reductores totales y vitamina C. Según los resultados, la variedad Fuji Kiku presentó una mayor firmeza de pulpa, AT, SST y vitamina C. En relación al color, la variedad Fuji Suprema mostró una coloración roja más intensa y mayor contenido de antocianinas. No fueron encontradas diferencias en los polifenoles y azúcares reductores totales.


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En este trabajo se presentan y discuten algunos ejemplos de la recepción crítica a las ideas de Jonas, en especial las de carácter ético. Se enfatiza que la posición ética de Jonas no es una propuesta utópica o ingenua, sino realista y conciente de sus limitaciones. Algunos críticos olvidan que el "principio de responsabilidad" jonasiano está ligado a una recuperación del organismo libre, concebido como el centro de la reflexión ética.