956 resultados para Supergeometry LCQFT Supersimmetries Supermanifolds Lorentzian manifold Super-Cartan
Involutivity of the Hamilton-Cartan equations of a second-order Lagrangian admitting a first-order Hamiltonian formalism
This letter describes the procedure to manufacture high-performance surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators on AlN/diamond heterostructures working at frequencies beyond 10 GHz. In the design of SAW devices on AlN/diamond systems, the thickness of the piezoelectric layer is a key parameter. The influence of the film thickness on the SAW device response has been studied. Optimized thin films combined with advanced e-beam lithographic techniques have allowed the fabrication of one-port SAW resonators with finger width and pitch of 200 nm operating in the 10–14 GHz range with up to 36 dB out-of-band rejection.
Tít. tomado de Craviotto, I, 250
Craviotto, I, 248
Contiene: Primo tractatus contra iudeos ; Scdo expositio câtico[] ferialium ; Tercio expositiô câtici augustini. Te Deum laudamus.Qurto expositio sup cantica evangelica scilicet sup magnificat...
Villermaux & Pomeau (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 642, 2010, p. 147) analysed the motion of the interface of an inviscid liquid column released from rest in a vertical tube whose area expands gradually downwards, with application to an inverted conical container for which experimental measurements were carried out. An error in the analysis is found and corrected in the present investigation, which provides the new governing equation for the super-accelerated interface motion down gradually varying tubes in general, and integrated results for interface trajectories, velocities and accelerations down a conical tube in particular. Interestingly, the error does not affect any of the conclusions given in the 2010 paper. Further new results are reported here such as the equation governing the centre of mass and proof that the end point acceleration is exactly that of gravity
The previous publications (Miñano et al, 2011 and Gonzalez et al, 2012) have shown that using a Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW) it can be achieved the super-resolution up to λ/3000, which is far below the classic Abbe diffraction limit, close to a set of discrete microwave frequencies. The SGW was designed and simulated in COMSOL as a thin geodesic waveguide bounded by an ideal and lossless metal. Herein we present the experimental results for a manufactured SGW, slightly modified due to fabrication requirements, showing the super-resolution up to λ/105.
Autor tomado de la h. 2
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Quarta pars abulensis Super Mattheum a duodecimo usqz ad decimumseptimum capitulum inclusive (XVI/198).
Texto fechado en Valencia, 25 de septiembre 1741
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