1000 resultados para St. Ephraemi opera
Ilex paraguariensis is a native plant in Southern Brazil, whose leaves are utilized in beverages such as chimarrão and tererê. This study investigated variations of total methylxanthines in leaves from two Ilex populations collected at one-month intervals over the course of one year. The levels varied from 1.92 to 10.37 mg/g (IjuÃ) and 1.77 to 9.17 mg/g (Santa Maria). Statistical analysis indicated a significative variation in the contents of all samples analysed, confirming seasonal fluctuations. These results show that the period of harvest might decisively influence the organoleptic characteristics of raw material used in industry and therefore in commercial products.
Ilex paraguariensis A. St. -Hil. is a native species of southern South America. The caffeine content in Ilex paraguariensis leaves has been considered an important quality parameter for maté-derived products. In this work different extraction methods for the determination of these methylxantines are compared. The influence of the extraction conditions on the methylxanthine yields was evaluated. Extraction by decoction with acidic aqueous solution (H2SO4 4N) presented the higher efficiency in the theobromine extraction. The extraction in a Soxhlet with acidic aqueous solution and decoction with acidic aqueous solution showed the highest caffeine yield. For the concomitant theobromine and caffeine quantification, the decoction with acidic aqueous solution is suggested.
Background:The direct-acting platelet P2Y receptor antagonist ticagrelor can reduce the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events when administered at hospital admission to patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Whether prehospital administration of ticagrelor can improve coronary reperfusion and the clinical outcome is unknown. Methods: We conducted an international, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study involving 1862 patients with ongoing STEMI of less than 6 hours' duration, comparing prehospital (in the ambulance) versus in-hospital (in the catheterization laboratory) treatment with ticagrelor. The coprimary end points were the proportion of patients who did not have a 70% or greater resolution of ST-segment elevation before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and the proportion of patients who did not have Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction flow grade 3 in the infarct-related artery at initial angiography. Secondary end points included the rates of major adverse cardiovascular events and definite stent thrombosis at 30 days. Results: The median time from randomization to angiography was 48 minutes, and the median time difference between the two treatment strategies was 31 minutes. The two coprimary end points did not differ significantly between the prehospital and in-hospital groups. The absence of ST-segment elevation resolution of 70% or greater after PCI (a secondary end point) was reported for 42.5% and 47.5% of the patients, respectively. The rates of major adverse cardiovascular events did not differ significantly between the two study groups. The rates of definite stent thrombosis were lower in the prehospital group than in the in-hospital group (0% vs. 0.8% in the first 24 hours; 0.2% vs. 1.2% at 30 days). Rates of major bleeding events were low and virtually identical in the two groups, regardless of the bleeding definition used
Phytochemical investigation of this species, popularly known as tinguaciba and used in traditional medicine to various diseases, resulted in the isolation of 15 substances: 2 alkaloids - norchelerythrine and arnottianamide; 1 lignan - sesamin; 4 terpenoids - citronellyl acetate, lupeol, α-bisabolol and spatulenol; 5 coumarins described for the first time - xanthotoxin, isopimpinelin, O-prenylumbelliferone, imperatorin and aurapten, 1 protoalkaloid - methyl N-methylanthranilate and 2 steroids - stigmasterol and β-sitosterol. The structures of the compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses and compared with literature data.
Invocatio: I.H.I.N.
Invocatio: I.H.I.N.
From the aerial parts of Sidastrum micranthum (A. St.-Hil.) Fryxell (Malvaceae) were isolated m-methoxy-p-hydroxy-benzaldehyde, o-hydroxy-benzoic acid, acacetin, quercetin, 7,4′-Di-O-methylisoscutellarein, genkwanin and tiliroside. These compounds were identified by data analyses of spectroscopic methods. Although acacetin and 7,4′-Di-O-methylisoscutellarein did not display relevant antibacterial activity (MIC = 256 µg/mL), they modulated the activity of antibiotics, i.e. in combination with antibiotics at 64 µg/mL (¼ MIC), a two-fold reduction in the MIC was observed for norfloxacin and ethidium bromide; regarding tetracycline and erythromycin a two-fold reduction in the MIC was observed only with 7,4′-Di-O-methylisoscutellarein.
Macrosiphonia petraea (A. St.-Hil.) Kuntze is a plant popularly known as "velame". Its root infusion is used in the folk medicine of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Phytochemical investigation of the roots of this species led to the identification of 17 compounds belonging to four different classes: two pregnanes, 12β-hydroxypregna-4,6,16-triene-3,20-dione, neridienone A, and 12β-hydroxypregna-4,6-diene-3,20-dione, cybisterol, one hydroxylated fatty acid, 5-hydroxy-octadeca-6(E)-8(Z)dienoic acid, two lignoids, pinoresinol and 8a-hydroxypinoresinol, ten pentacyclic triterpenoids, and two steroids.
Polygala cyparissias is a plant widespread in Southern Latin America. Recently, we demonstrated the gastroprotective activity of the extract, as well as for one of the isolated metabolites-1,7-dihydroxy-2,3-methylenedioxyxanthone (MDX). In this study, a HPLC method for the quantification of MDX was validated. The HPLC method was linear (0.5-24 µg mL-1 of MDX) with good accuracy, precision and robustness. The content of MDX in the extracts from whole and different parts of the plant ranged from 0 to 5.4 mg g-1 and the gastroprotective index ranged from 72.1 to 99.1%. Thus, the method might be used for the standardization of the extracts based on the MDX marker.
The phytochemical investigation of Erythroxylum pulchrum St. Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) led to the isolation of three known flavonoid glycosides quercetin-3-O-α-L-rhaminoside, ombuin-3-ruthinoside and ombuin-3-ruthinoside-5-glucoside. These flavonoids are being described for the first time in this E. pulchrum. The structures of the compounds were determined by analysis of IR, MS and NMR data, as well as by comparison with literature data. The methanolic extract of leaves from E. pulchrum inhibited the growth of the Bacillus subtilis CCT 0516, Escherichia coli ATCC 2536, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 8027, P. aeruginosa ATCC 25619, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, S. aureus ATCC 25925, Streptococcus sanguinis ATCC 15300, S. salivarius ATCC 7073, S. mutans ATCC 25175 and Streptococcus ATCC. S. aureus ATCC 25925 was the most sensitive among the other S. sanguinis while S. salivarius proved the most resistant.
Mitoitukseen on olemassa standardoitu laskentamenetelmä, mutta se ei yksistään ole riittävä jäähdytettävän lattiarakenteen suunnitteluun. Rakenteen lämpötilajakaumaa jäähdytystilanteessa tutkittiin lisäksi FDM-ohjelmistolla tehdyillä simuloinneilla. Lattiajäähdytyksessä kosteuden tiivistymisen riski ja mukavuustekijät rajoittavat käytettävissä olevaa lämpötilaa. Saavutettavissa olevan teho on puolestaan suoraan riippuvainen jäähdytettävän tilan ja jäähdyttävän pinnan välisestä lämpötilaerosta. Kirjallisuudesta, standardeista ja aiemmasta tutkimuksesta etsittiin tietoa jäähdytetyn lattian vaikutuksesta asumismukavuuteen sekä kosteusteknisessä mielessä käytettävissä oleva lämpötila-alue. Asuintiloissa lattiapinnan minimilämpötila on 19 °C, millä lattiarakenteesta ja materiaaleista riippuen päästään 20 - 30 W/m2 jäähdytystehoihin. Järjestelmän säätömahdollisuuksia selvitettiin kirjallisuudesta ja vaihtoehtoisia toteutustapoja, sekä niihin tarvittavia komponentteja on esitelty työn loppuosassa.  
Huoli ympäristön tilasta ja fossiilisten polttoaineiden hinnan nousu ovat vauhdittaneet tutkimusta uusien energialähteiden löytämiseksi. Polttokennot ovat yksi lupaavimmista tekniikoista etenkin hajautetun energiantuotannon, varavoimalaitosten sekä liikennevälineiden alueella. Polttokenno on tehonlähteenä kuitenkin hyvin epäideaalinen, ja se asettaa tehoelektroniikalle lukuisia erityisvaatimuksia. Polttokennon kytkeminen sähköverkkoon on tavallisesti toteutettu käyttämällä galvaanisesti erottavaa DC/DC hakkuria sekä vaihtosuuntaajaa sarjassa. Polttokennon kulumisen estämiseksi tehoelektroniikalta vaaditaan tarkkaa polttokennon lähtövirran hallintaa. Perinteisesti virran hallinta on toteutettu säätämällä hakkurin tulovirtaa PI (Proportional and Integral) tai PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative) -säätimellä. Hakkurin epälineaarisuudesta johtuen tällainen ratkaisu ei välttämättä toimi kaukana linearisointipisteestä. Lisäksi perinteiset säätimet ovat herkkiä mallinnusvirheille. Tässä diplomityössä on esitetty polttokennon jännitettä nostavan hakkurin tilayhtälökeskiarvoistusmenetelmään perustuva malli, sekä malliin perustuva diskreettiaikainen integroiva liukuvan moodin säätö. Esitetty säätö on luonteeltaan epälineaarinen ja se soveltuu epälineaaristen ja heikosti tunnettujen järjestelmien säätämiseen.
Sibelius-Akatemian konserttisarja 12.2.1981.