984 resultados para Spotted tilapia


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Sectors of the forest plantation industry in Australia are set to expand in the near future using species or hybrids of the spotted gums (Corymbia, Section Politaria). Plantations of these taxa have already been introduced across temperate and subtropical Australia, representing locally exotic introductions from native stands in Queensland and New South Wales. A literature review was undertaken to provide insights into the potential for pollen-mediated gene flow from these plantations into native populations. Three factors suggest that such gene flow is likely; (1) interspecific hybridisation within the genus has frequently been recorded, including between distantly related species from different sections, (2) apparent high levels of vertebrate pollinator activity may result in plantation pollen being moved over hundreds of kilometres, (3) much of the plantation estate is being established among closely related taxa and therefore few barriers to gene flow are expected. Across Australia, 20 of the 100 native Corymbia taxa were found to have regional level co-occurrence with plantations. These were located most notably within regions of north-east New South Wales and south-east Queensland, however, co-occurrence was also found in south-west Western Australia and eastern Victoria. The native species found to have co-occurrence were then assessed for the presence of reproductive barriers at each step in the process of gene flow that may reduce the number of species at risk even further. The available data suggest three risk categories exist for Corymbia. The highest risk was for gene flow from plantations of spotted gums to native populations of spotted gums. This was based on the expected limited existence of pre- and post-zygotic barriers, substantial long-distance pollen dispersal and an apparent broad period of flowering in Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata plantations. The following risk category focussed on gene flow from Corymbia torelliana × C. c. variegata hybrid plantations into native C. c. variegata, as the barriers associated with the production and establishment of F1 hybrids have been circumvented. For the lowest risk category, Corymbia plantations may present a risk to other non-spotted gum species, however, further investigation of the particular cross-combinations is required. A list of research directions is provided to better quantify these risks. Empirical data will need to be combined within a risk assessment framework that will not only estimate the likelihood of exotic gene flow, but also consider the conservation status/value of the native populations. In addition, the potential impacts of pollen flow from plantations will need to be weighed up against their various economic and environmental benefits.


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We examined the effect of surface-applied treatments on the above-ground decay resistance of the tenon of mortice-and-tenon timber joints designed to simulate joinery that is exposed to the weather. Joints made from untreated radiata pine, Douglas-fir, brush box, spotted gum and copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) treated radiata pine were exposed to the weather for 9 y on above-ground racks at five sites throughout eastern Australia. Results indicate (1) a poorly maintained external paint film generally accelerated decay, (2) a brush coat of water-repellent preservative inside the joints often extended serviceability (in some cases by a factor of up to seven times that of untreated joints) and (3) the level of protection provided by a coat of primer applied inside the joint varied and in most cases was not as effective as the water-repellent preservative treatment.


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The detection, distribution, molecular and biological properties, vector relations and control of tospoviruses present in Australia, including Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) and Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV), are reviewed. TSWV occurs throughout Australia where it has caused serious sporadic epidemics since it was first described in the 1920s. The frequency and distribution of outbreaks has increased in the 1990s, with the arrival and dispersal of the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) being one factor favouring this situation. The crops most frequently and severely affected are capsicum, lettuce, tomato, potato and several species of ornamentals. Minimal differences were found between the nucleocapsid (N) gene amino acid sequences of Australian isolates and these were most closely related to a clade of northern European isolates. CaCV was first detected in Australia in 1999 and is most closely related to Watermelon silver mottle virus, a serogroup IV tospovirus. The natural hosts include capsicum, tomato, peanut and Hoya spp. The virus also occurs in Thailand and Taiwan. IYSV was first found in Australia in 2003, infecting onion and leek, with the distribution in three States suggesting that the virus has been present for some time.


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A rust causing leaf spotting and distortion of twigs and branches of Caesalpinia scortechinii in Queensland is described as the new species Bibulocystis gloriosa. Uredinia and telia occur on spotted pinnules, and pycnia, aecial uredinia and telia on galled and twisted leaf rachides, twigs and branches. B. gloriosa is similar to Bibulocystis viennotii on Albizia granulosa in New Caledonia in having a macrocyclic life cycle with all spore states, and teliospores with two fertile cells and two cysts. It differs in having aecial urediniospores and urediniospores with uniformly thickened walls and several scattered germ pores, rather than the apically thickened walls and equatorial germ pores of B. viennotii. Teliospores in the two species are similar in size, but those of B. gloriosa have proportionally larger fertile cells and smaller cysts than in B. viennotii. To date, B. gloriosa is known from only two localities in south-eastern Queensland. Comparison with the type specimen of Spumula caesalpiniae on Caesalpinia nuga from Indonesia has shown that the two rusts are generically distinct.


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This paper describes the establishment of provenance seedling seed orchards of three spotted gums and cadaga (all species of Corymbia ex Eucalyptus). It also discusses the limitations of growing the spotted gums as pure species including: lack of mass flowering, susceptibility to a fungal shoot blight and low amenability to vegetative propagation. These limitations, together with observation of putative natural hybrids of the spotted gums with cadaga, and the early promise of manipulated hybrids, led to an intensive breeding and testing program. Many hybrid families have significant advantages in growth and tolerance to disease, insects and frost, and can be vegetatively propagated. They also exhibit broad environmental plasticity, allowing the best varieties to be planted across a wider range of sites than the spotted gums, resulting in more land being suitable for plantation development.


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Sw-5 is an important disease resistance gene of tomato, providing broad resistance to Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). A cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker, closely linked to the gene, has been reported. Although the Sw-5 locus has been characterised, a gene-specific marker has not been developed. This paper presents a PCR-based marker-system that consists of the co-amplification of a dominant marker representing the Sw-5 gene sequence, and the modified CAPS marker as a positive control and indicator of genotype.


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In Australia, disease caused by betanodavirus has been reported in an increasing number of cultured finfish since the first report of mortalities in 1990. Partial coat protein gene sequences from the T2 or T4 regions of 8 betanodaviruses from barramundi Lates calcarifer, sleepy cod Oxyeleotris lineolata, striped trumpeter Latris lineata, barramundi cod Cromileptes altivelis, Australian bass Macquaria novemaculata and gold-spotted rockcod Epinephelus coioides from several Australian states were determined. Analysis of the 606 bp nucleotide sequences of the T2 region of 4 isolates demonstrated the close relationship with isolates from the red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV) genotype and the Cluster Ia subtype. Comparison of a smaller 289 bp sequence from the T4 region identified 2 distinct groupings of the Australian isolates within the RGNNV genotype. Isolates from barramundi from the Northern Territory, barramundi, sleepy cod, barramundi cod and gold-spotted rockcod from Queensland, and striped trumpeter from Tasmania shared a 96.2 to 99.7%, nucleotide identity with each other. These isolates were most similar to the RGNNV genotype Cluster Ia. Isolates from Australian bass from New South Wales and from barramundi from South Australia shared a 98.6% sequence identity with each other. However, these isolates only shared an 85.8 to 87.9%, identity with the other Australian isolates and representative RGNNV isolates. The closest nucleotide identity to sequences reported in the literature for the New South Wales and South Australian isolates was to an Australian barramundi isolate (Ba94Aus) from 1994. These 2 Australian isolates formed a new subtype within the RGNNV genotype, which is designated as Cluster Ic.


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The introduction describes productive forest in Queensland and summaries the principles of native forest management that achieve optimum productivity. Case study 1 deals with thinning an even-aged regrowth forest. It shows how thinning the stand actively manages the future composition and structure to improve productivity in the best stems and increase the commercial value of the next harvest. Case study 2 describes restoring productivity in a high-graded spotted gum - ironbark forest. It shows that defective and non-saleable trees should be removed so they do not repress the future stand; and that regeneration should be thinned, retaining the best trees in adequate growing space. Case study 3 discusses on-farm value adding for hardwood forests. It shows how long-term viability and maximum productivity and returns depend on the best management practices and knowing how to obtain the best returns from a range of forest products. Case study 4 examines integrated harvesting in a eucalypt forest. It shows how integrating the harvest enables the full range of timber products are harvested and sold for their maximum value while reducing the amount of waste.


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The spotted gum species complex represents a group of four eucalypt hardwood taxa that have a native range that spans the east coast of Australia, with a morphological cline from Victoria to northern Queensland. Of this group, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV) is widespread in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. It is currently the most commonly harvested native hardwood in Queensland. However, little basic knowledge of the reproductive biology of the species is available to inform genetic improvement and resource management programmes. Here we take an integrative approach, using both field and molecular data, to identify ecological factors important to mating patterns in native populations of CCV. Field observation of pollinator visitation and flowering phenology of 20 trees showed that foraging behaviour of pollinator guilds varies depending on flowering phenology and canopy structure. A positive effect of tree mean flowering effort was found on insect visitation, while bat visitation was predicted by tree height and by the number of trees simultaneously bearing flowers. Moreover, introduced honeybees were observed frequently, performing 73% of detected flower visits. Conversely, nectar-feeding birds and mammals were observed sporadically with lorikeets and honeyeaters each contributing to 11% of visits. Fruit bats, represented solely by the grey-headed flying fox, performed less than 2% of visits. Genotyping at six microsatellite markers in 301 seeds from 17 families sampled from four of Queensland's native forests showed that CCV displays a mixed-mating system that is mostly outcrossing (tm = 0.899 ± 0.021). Preferential effective pollination from near-neighbours was detected by means of maximum-likelihood paternity analysis with up to 16% of reproduction events resulting from selfing. Forty to 48% of fertilising pollen was also carried from longer distance (>60 m). Marked differences in foraging behaviour and visitation frequency between observed pollinator guilds suggests that the observed dichotomy of effective pollen movement in spotted gums may be due to frequent visit from introduced honeybees favouring geitonogamy and sporadic visits from honeyeaters and fruit bats resulting in potential long-distance pollinations.


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Spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata and C. maculata) is a valuable source of commercial timber and suitable for a wide range of different soil types in eastern Australia. The main biological constraint to further expansion of spotted gum plantations is Quambalaria shoot blight caused by the fungus Quambalaria pitereka. Surveys conducted to evaluate the impact of Quambalaria shoot blight have shown that the disease is present in all spotted gum plantations and on a range of Corymbia species and hybrids in subtropical and tropical regions surveyed in eastern Australia. More recently, Q. eucalypti has also been identified from a range of Eucalyptus species in these regions. Both pathogens have also been found associated with foliage blight and die-back of amenity trees and Q. pitereka in native stands of Corymbia species, which is the probable initial infection source for plantations. Infection by Q. pitereka commonly results in the repeated destruction of the growing tips and the subsequent formation of a bushy crown or death of trees in severe cases. In comparison, Q. eucalypti causes small, limited lesions and has in some cases been associated with insect feeding. It has not been recorded as causing severe shoot and stem blight. A better understanding of factors influencing disease development and host-pathogen interactions is essential in the development of a disease management strategy for these poorly understood but important pathogens in the rapidly expanding eucalypt (Corymbia and Eucalyptus spp.) plantation industry in subtropical and tropical eastern Australia.


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Eighty six full-sib Corymbia F1 hybrid families (crosses between C. torelliana and four spotted gum taxa: C. citriodora subsp. variegata, C. citriodora subsp. citriodora, C. henryi and C. maculata), were planted in six trials across six disparate sites in south-eastern Queensland to evaluate their productivity and determine their potential utility for plantation forestry. In each trial, the best-growing 20% of hybrid families grew significantly faster (P=0.05) than open-pollinated seedlots of the parent species Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata, ranging from 107% to 181% and 127% to 287% of the height and diameter respectively. Relative performance of hybrid families growing on more than one site displayed consistency in ranking for growth across sites and analysis showed low genotype-by-environment interaction. Heritability estimates based on female and male parents across two sites at age six years for height and diameter at breast height, were high (0.62±0.28 to 0.64±0.35 and 0.31±0.21 to 0.69±0.37 respectively), and low to moderate (0.03±0.04 to 0.33±0.22) for stem straightness, branch size, incidence of ramicorns, and frost and disease resistance traits at ages one to three years. The proportion of dominance variance for height and diameter had reduced to zero by age six years. Based on these promising results, further breeding and pilot-scale family forestry and clonal forestry deployment is being undertaken. These results have also provided insights regarding the choice of a future hybrid breeding strategy.


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There are more than 10,000 small-scale fish farms in PNG producing tilapia, carp or trout for home consumption and sale. Interest in aquaculture is growing rapidly, and the government has given high priority to aquaculture development, in recognition of its potential contribution to achieving food security particularly in the inland areas. Significant constraints include lack of capability within management agencies to identify appropriate sites for pond development, inadequate supply and poor quality of fingerlings, limited availability and high cost of pond fertilisers and suitable feeds, and a general lack of knowledge and training on aquaculture husbandry skills.


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Spotted gum nutrition in the Burnett Region of Queensland.


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• To undertake an audit of management systems used for tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in greenhouse and field production with the aim of improving disease management determining knowledge gaps in virus-vector relationships. • To investigate the basis for the development of resistance breaking strains of TSWV in capsicums and apply this to virus management in capsicums. • To further develop effective virus management systems in vegetable cucurbit crops. Aspects to be investigated include value of barrier crops, non-insecticide products and cultivar tolerance to virus. • To further develop and assess the adoption and impact of integrated viral disease management systems in field grown and protected cropping systems as part of the vegetable industry development plan.


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Four field trials were conducted with wood modified with dimethyloldihydroxy-ethyleneurea (DMDHEU) in contact with subterranean termites. Trials 1 to 3 were conducted with Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt); 1 and 2 in south-east Queensland, and 3 in northern Queensland, Australia. Trial 4 was conducted in northern Queensland with Mastotermes darwiniensis (Froggatt). Four timber species (Scots pine, beech, Slash pine and Spotted gum) and two levels (1.3 M and 2.3 M) of DMDHEU were used. The tests were validated. DMDHEU successfully prevented damage by C. acinaciformis in south-east Queensland, but not in northern Queensland. It also did not protect the wood against M. darwiniensis. Except for beech in trial 4, DMDHEU led to reduced mass losses caused by termite attack compared to the unmodified feeder stakes. Slash pine (in trials 1 and 3) and Spotted gum (in trial 1) presented low mass losses. Modification of Scots pine was more effective against termite damage than the modification of beech.