Management of virus diseases in vegetables

Autoria(s): Persley, Denis.

• To undertake an audit of management systems used for tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in greenhouse and field production with the aim of improving disease management determining knowledge gaps in virus-vector relationships. • To investigate the basis for the development of resistance breaking strains of TSWV in capsicums and apply this to virus management in capsicums. • To further develop effective virus management systems in vegetable cucurbit crops. Aspects to be investigated include value of barrier crops, non-insecticide products and cultivar tolerance to virus. • To further develop and assess the adoption and impact of integrated viral disease management systems in field grown and protected cropping systems as part of the vegetable industry development plan.


Persley, Denis. Management of virus diseases in vegetables. Lead Agency: Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI).


Palavras-Chave #Pest control and treatment of diseases. Plant protection #Vegetables #Plant pathology

Research in Progress
