929 resultados para Socio-cultural factors
Schizotypy in relatives of patients with schizophrenia. Previous studies indicate that relatives of patients with schizophrenia are more likely to present characteristics of schizotypal personality than the general population. Few transcultural studies of schizotypy have been carried out. Most instruments constructed to measure schizotypy have been applied in specific cultures; conceivably, in other populations its components may be distributed in different ways. These cultural differences may affect the relations between schizotypy and schizophrenia. The objective of this study is to obtain data on schizotypy in relatives of patients with schizophrenia and relatives of patients with other disorders in a Latin American rural population. The results suggest that cultural factors must be taken into account in order to establish the relationship between schizotypy and schizophrenia.
Opinnäytetyö on kuvaus Lahden kaupungin nuorisopalveluiden Dynamo-hankkeen draamapajan toiminnasta. Kirjoittaja on työskennellyt draamapajan työvalmentajana Dynamon ensimmäisellä projektikaudella vuosina 2006-2008. Nuorten seudullinen työllisyyshanke Dynamo on Lahden nuorisopalveluiden hallinnoima ESR-rahoitteinen projekti. Dynamo tarjoaa tuettua työharjoittelua Lahden kaupunkiseudun 17-24-vuotiaille työttömille nuorille. Työharjoittelu kestää viisi kuukautta draama-, media-, sisustus- tai remonttipajassa. Opinnäytetyö on hankkeistettu Lahden kaupungin nuorisopalveluille. Draamapajassa nuoret tutustuvat taiteen ja kulttuurin tekemiseen. Opinnäytetyössä avataan ja tutkitaan draamapajan tavoitteita ja toiminnan muotoja. Draamapajan toimintaa lähestytään kolmesta teoreettisesta näkökulmasta, jotka ovat sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen, draamakasvatus ja soveltava teatteri. Draamapajan työskentely on luonteeltaan prosessinomaista. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään tapausesimerkkinä yksi draamapajan loppuprojekteista; devising-esitys Delirium tremensis eli kuinka jokerit sinä meiltä pimität. Esityksen syntyprosessin kuvauksessa havainnoillistetaan työtapoja käytännössä. Opinnäytetyön luvussa seitsemän tarkastellaan, millaisia välineitä teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaajan koulutus tarjoaa työvalmentajana toimimiseen. Kirjoituksessa pohditaan työvalmennuksen pedagogisia haasteita esittävän taiteen koulutuksen näkökulmasta. Loppupäätelmissä draamapaja nähdään soveltavan teatterin, draamakasvatuksen ja sosiokulttuurisen innostamisen sulatusuunina, jossa draaman eri lajityyppien väliset rajat ovat häilyviä. Toiminnassa sovelletaan erilaisia draamallisia ja toiminnallisia menetelmiä. Työskentelyn tavoitteena on mahdollistaa taiteeseen ja kulttuuriin tutustuminen sekä työharjoittelijan omien tavoitteiden saavuttaminen. Työvalmentajan tehtävä työskentelyssä on luoda tilaa osallistujien omalle merkityksenannolle. Parhaimmillaan merkityksenanto draamatyöskentelyssä voi saada aikaan uudelleenrakentumista nuoren ajattelussa ja toiminnassa.
The purpose of the METKU Project (Development of Maritime Safety Culture) is to study how the ISM Code has influenced the safety culture in the maritime industry. This literature review is written as a part of the Work Package 2 which is conducted by the University of Turku, Centre for Maritime Studies. The maritime traffic is rapidly growing in the Baltic Sea which leads to a growing risk of maritime accidents. Particularly in the Gulf of Finland, the high volume of traffic causes a high risk of maritime accidents. The growing risks give us good reasons for implementing the research project concerning maritime safety and the effectiveness of the safety measures, such as the safety management systems. In order to reduce maritime safety risks, the safety management systems should be further developed. The METKU Project has been launched to examine the improvements which can be done to the safety management systems. Human errors are considered as the most important reason for maritime accidents. The international safety management code (the ISM Code) has been established to cut down the occurrence of human errors by creating a safety-oriented organizational culture for the maritime industry. The ISM Code requires that a company should provide safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment and establish safeguards against all identified risk. The fundamental idea of the ISM Code is that companies should continuously improve safety. The commitment of the top management is essential for implementing a safety-oriented culture in a company. The ISM Code has brought a significant contribution to the progress of maritime safety in recent years. Shipping companies and ships’ crews are more environmentally friendly and more safety-oriented than 12 years ago. This has been showed by several studies which have been analysed for this literature research. Nevertheless, the direct effect and influence of the ISM Code on maritime safety could not be isolated very well. No quantitative measurement (statistics/hard data) could be found in order to present the impacts of the ISM Code on maritime safety. In this study it has been discovered that safety culture has emerged and it is developing in the maritime industry. Even though the roots of the safety culture have been established there are still serious barriers to the breakthrough of the safety management. These barriers could be envisaged as cultural factors preventing the safety process. Even though the ISM Code has been effective over a decade, the old-established behaviour which is based on the old day’s maritime culture still occurs. In the next phase of this research project, these cultural factors shall be analysed in regard to the present safety culture of the maritime industry in Finland.
The research we present here forms part of a two-phase project - one quantitative and the other qualitative - assessing the use of primary health care services. This paper presents the qualitative phase of said research, which is aimed at ascertaining the needs, beliefs, barriers to access and health practices of the immigrant population in comparison with the native population, as well as the perceptions of healthcare professionals. Moroccan and sub-Saharan were the immigrants to who the qualitative phase was specifically addressed. The aims of this paper are as follows: to analyse any possible implications of family organisation in the health practices of the immigrant population; to ascertain social practices relating to illness; to understand the significances of sexual and reproductive health practices; and to ascertain the ideas and perceptions of immigrants, local people and professionals regarding health and the health system. Methods: qualitative research based on discursive analysis. Data gathering techniques consisted of discussion groups with health system users and semi-structured individual interviews with healthcare professionals. The sample was taken from the Basic Healthcare Areas of Salt and Banyoles (belonging to the Girona Healthcare Region), the discussion groups being comprised of (a) 6 immigrant Moroccan women, (b) 7 immigrant sub-Saharan African women and (c) 6 immigrant and native population men (2 native men, 2 Moroccan men and 2 sub-Saharan men); and the semi-structured interviews being conducted with the following healthcare professionals: (a) 3 gynaecologists, (b) 3 nurses and 1 administrative staff. Results: use of the healthcare system is linked to the perception of not being well, knowledge of the healthcare system, length of time resident in Spain and interiorization of traditional Western medicine as a cure mechanism. The divergences found among the groups of immigrants, local people and healthcare professionals with regard to healthcare education, use of the healthcare service, sexual and reproductive healthcare and reticence with regard to being attended by healthcare personnel of the opposite sex demonstrate a need to work with the immigrant population as a heterogeneous group. Conclusions: the results we have obtained support the idea that feeling unwell is a psycho-social process, as it takes place within a specific socio-cultural situation and spans a range of beliefs, perceptions and ideas regarding symptomology and how to treat it
La idea primera d'aquest projecte d’investigació, sobre les escripturesexposades del Claustre de la Catedral de Santa Maria de Girona, va sorgir d'unsenzill treball de classe de doctorat. Es tractava de fer un estudi que tractés sobre elmón de la mort: el ritual, la cerimònia, l'enterrament, el dol, etc. Tot el que envolta elsprimers dies de la mort d'un individu i com el seu record pretén ser etern. Si bél'època històrica que tractaven era l'antiguitat, el treball que jo pretenia dur a termeera d'una època diferent la qual cosa ja presentava una sèrie de reptes com el fet detractar-se d'un estudi inèdit degut al plantejament que pretenia portar a la pràctica.Es tractava, doncs, de l'anàlisi de l'actitud socio-cultural de la dona i l'home davant lamort a partir dels testimonis escrits en les seves tombes. Amb la qual cosa es podiaveure l'evolució del pensament humà en vers un dels temes que més va preocupar ipreocupa i interessa al llarg de tots els temps històrics
Mobile technology plays an increasing role in interpersonal communication,representing a useful resource for different age cohorts. While the usage ofmobile communication by younger people has received a wide attention fromcommunication scholars, its usage by older people is less explored. Thegoal of our research project is to analyse the usage of mobile phones by theelderly in Italy. We conducted 51 semi-structured interviews in Rome and in amid-range town located in Umbria, between October 2013 and February 2014.Our study explores older users¿ motivations and usage practices, their perceptions of mobile phones, theiradoption and domestication of mobile phones, their usage skills. More specifically,our analysis focuses on: - personal characteristics - personal networks (personalnetwork composition, self-perceived social life, communication channels) -adoption of mobile telephone - consumption patterns of mobile devices - usedmobile services - location and mobility of mobile telephone - current mobilecharacteristics - attitude and opinions towards mobile technology Our preliminaryresults show major differences in users¿ behaviours and perceptions, that canbe related to age cohorts (younger olds vs older olds); socio-cultural levels;vital trajectories (in terms of professional and familiar status); and gender.
Music is one of the most pleasant human experiences, even though it has no direct biological advantage. However little is known about individual differences in how people experience reward in music-related activities. The goal of the present study was to describe the main facets of music experience that could explain the variance observed in how people experience reward associated with music. To this end we developed the Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ), which was administrated to three large samples. Our results showed that the musical reward experience can be decomposed into five reliable factors: Musical Seeking, Emotion Evocation, Mood Regulation, Social Reward, and Sensory-Motor. These factors were correlated with socio-demographic factors and measures of general sensitivity to reward and hedonic experience. We propose that the five-factor structure of musical reward experience might be very relevant in the study of psychological and neural bases of emotion and pleasure associated to music.
My presupposition, that learning at some level deals with life praxis, is expressed in four metaphors: space, time, fable and figure. Relations between learning,knowledge building and meaning making are linked to the concept of personal knowledge. I present a two part study of learning as text in a drama pedagogical rooted reading where learning is framed as the ongoing event, and knowledge, as the product of previous processes, is framed as culturally formed utterances. A frame analysis model is constructed as a topological guide for relations between the two concepts learning and knowledge. It visualises an aesthetic understanding, rooted in drama pedagogical comprehension. Insight and perception are linked in an inner relationship that is neither external nor identical. This understanding expresses the movement "in between" connecting asymmetrical and nonlinear features of human endeavour and societal issues. The performability of bodily and oral participation in the learning event in a socio-cultural setting is analysed as a dialogised text. In an ethnographical case study I have gathered material with an interest for the particular. The empirical material is based on three problem based learning situations in a Polytechnic setting. The act of transformation in the polyphony of the event is considered as a turning point in the narrative employment. Negotiation and figuration in the situation form patterns of the space for improvisation (flow) and tensions at the boundaries (thresholds) which imply the logical structure of transformation. Learning as a dialogised text of "yes" and "no", of structure and play for the improvised, interrelate in that movement. It is related to both the syntagmic and the paradigmatic forms of thinking. In the philosophical study, forms of understanding are linked to the logical structure of transformation as a cultural issue. The classical rhetorical concepts of Logos, Pathos, Ethos and Mythos are connected to the multidimensional rationality of the human being. In the Aristotelian form of knowledge, phronesis,a logic structure of inquiry is recognised. The shifting of perspectives between approaches, the construction of knowledge as context and the human project of meaning making as a subtext, illuminates multiple layers of the learning text. In an argumentation that post-modern apprehension of knowledge, emphasising contextual and situational values, has an empowering impact on learning, I find pedagogical benefits. The dialogical perspective has opened lenses that manage to hold in aesthetic doubling the individual action of inquiry and the stage with its cultural tools in a three dimensional reading.
The home is an important societal arena for upbringing and learning. A child can experience a feeling of participation in the household he or she belongs to very early in life. In this manner, the home environment constitutes an essential foundation for instruction in the subject of Home Economics. At school, Home Economics pupils should fulfill the intentions that school curriculum has for the subject, that is to say develop the knowledge, skills, and values that allow pupils to be able to take responsibility for their health, finances, comfort, and safety in their close environment. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, the study aims to examine what knowledge and attitudes children and teenagers have acquired from their home environment, close environment, as well as school. Secondly, the study aims to evaluate the effects of instruction in Home Economics, at the 7th grade level, as regards diet and health, consumption and private finances, as well as household and the environment. The study’s methodological foundation focuses on pupils’ understanding of the surrounding world. A phenomenographical approach to the research phenomenon basis itself on the supposition that knowledge is fixed in human beings’ consciousness and experiences. Furthermore, the study stresses individual variations in conjunction with the experienced phenomenon. The empirical portion of the study is based on semistructured interviews of 30 pupils divided into two reference groups. The pupils were interviewed before instruction in the subject of Home Economics started and upon completing instruction. The interview data was analyzed and interpreted in accordance with the “multistage model”. The study results show that upbringing in the home environment is determinative as pertains to understanding of the socio-cultural household environment. Mealtime traditions, for example, are deeply ingrained but nonetheless influenced by lifestyle changes. The study shows that a didactic challenge exists to draw attention to the consequences of poor mealtime habits and stress for everyone raising or educating children and teenagers. Despite good knowledge of what a healthy diet is, the majority of pupils choose fast-food and junk-food when they eat out to save time and money. Studies of pupils’ preparedness for consumption show that a purposeful upbringing in the home in combination with relevant instruction in Home Economics, results in knowledgeable consumers. This study also shows that upbringing in the home environment and instruction in Home Economics requires an intense and conscious focus on the consequences of a household not run in accordance with nature, where the household lifestyle is nonsustainable. Pupils’ understanding is often based on the disregarding of the survival perspective for a comfort perspective. Parents and Home Economics teachers should be able to bring up and teach children and teenagers in a manner that allows children and teenagers to take responsibility for their health, private finances, as well as comfort and safety in the close environment. The method is conscious nurturing and instruction.
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vanhempien havaintoja ja käsityksiä lapsen sosiaalisesta kompetenssista. Lapsen sosiaalisesta kompetenssista tarkastelun kohteena ovat erityisesti vertaissuhteet, sosiaaliset taidot ja sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen. Tarkoituksena on selvittää vanhempien näkemyksiä lapsen sosiaalisesta verkostosta ja lapsesta sosiaalisena toimijana. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on myös, miten vanhemmat vaikuttamaan lapsen sosiaaliseen kompetenssiin. Vanhempien vaikutuksessa voidaan erottaa epäsuora ja suora vaikutus. Vanhempien epäsuoraan vaikutukseen kuuluvat perheen sosioekonomiset tekijät, vanhemmuuteen ja lastenkasvatukseen liittyvät käytännöt sekä lapsen ja vanhemman välinen vuorovaikutus. Suora vaikutus sisältää vanhempien eri roolit ja tehtävät sosiaalisen kompetenssin edistämiseksi. Vanhempien epäsuorilla ja suorilla vaikutustavoilla on havaittu olevan merkittävää vaikutusta lapsen sosiaalisen kompetenssiin muotoutumiseen ja sen laatuun. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään vertaissuhdeongelmaisten ja ei-ongelmaisten lasten vanhempien välisiä eroja näissä vaikutustavoissa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään kyselylomake- ja haastatteluaineistoja. Kyselylomakeaineisto (N=156) kerättiin ”Origins of Exclusion in Early Childhood”-tutkimusprojektissa, jossa tutkittiin lasten vertaissuhteita, sosiaalisia taitoja sekä sosiaalista käyttäytymistä kolmen vuoden seurantatutkimuksena päiväkodista kouluun. Perhekysely toteutettiin lasten ollessa kuusivuotiaita. Vanhempien haastatteluaineisto (N=55) koostuu projektissa mukana olleiden lasten vanhempien teemahaastatteluista. Perhekyselyä analysoidaan tilastollisin analyysimenetelmin. Laadullisen aineiston analyysimenetelmänä käytetään sisällönanalyysia. Vanhempien käsityksissä lasten sosiaalinen verkosto rakentui kotiympäristössä, koulussa, päiväkodissa sekä suvun ja harrastusten parissa muodostuneista suhteista. Tutkimustulosten perusteella on havaittavissa, että vertaissuhdeongelmaisten ja ei-ongelmaisten lasten sosiaaliset verkostot ovat osin erilaiset. Vanhempien arviointien mukaan myös lasten sosiaalisissa taidoissa, käyttäytymisessä, asennoitumisessa sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen sekä ryhmään ja leikkeihin liittyvissä strategioissa on eroavaisuuksia. Tutkimuksen pohjalta voidaan todeta, että vanhemmat pystyvät arvioimaan hyvin yksityiskohtaisesti lapsensa sosiaalisia taitoja ja käyttäytymistä. Kaikilla vanhemmilla ei kuitenkaan ollut riittävästi tietoa lasten kaveripiiristä tai sen laadusta eikä lasten sosiaalisesta orientaatiosta. Vanhempien epäsuorissa vaikutustavoissa oli eroja, mutta myös yhtäläisyyksiä. Sosioekonomisia tekijöitä koskevan tarkastelun perusteella vertaissuhdeongelmaisten lasten perheiden taloudelliset ongelmat, isien työttömyys ja lapsen erityisen tuen tarve olivat yhteydessä lapsen sosiaalisten suhteiden ongelmiin. Lähes kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet vanhemmat kokivat vanhemmuuden ja kasvatustehtävän kuitenkin hyvin myönteisenä ja tyytyväisyyttä tuottavana asiana elämässä. Valtaosa vanhemmista piti lapsen ja aikuisen välistä vuorovaikutusta positiivisena, vaikka lapsen kanssa ei aina ollutkaan helppoa tulla toimeen. Tyytyväisyydestä huolimatta äidit näkivät itsessään enemmän kehittymisen tarpeita vanhempana kuin isät. Vanhemmuudessa korostuivat ohjaaminen ja kontrolli, mutta myös hoiva, lämpö ja vastavuoroisuus. Hoiva ja lämpö sekä rajojen asettaminen askarruttivat vanhempia suuresti. Vertaissuhdeongelmaisten lasten vanhemmat tarvitsisivat opastusta ohjaavan vanhemmuuden löytämiseksi. Vertaissuhdeongelmaisten lasten vanhemmat kuvasivat kasvatuksen kuormittavuutta, ajan puutetta sekä muuntuvaa isyyttä ja äitiyttä ei-ongelmaisten lasten vanhempia enemmän. Työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen vaikeus tuli myös esille vanhempien kuvauksissa. Kyvykkään vanhemmuuden kannalta epävirallinen läheisistä muodostunut tukiverkosto on tärkeä vanhemman apu ja kasvatuksen turva. Ensisijaisena tukitahona on epävirallinen verkosto, joka koostuu ystävistä, tuttavista, työtovereista, puolisosta ja omista vanhemmista. Vertaissuhdeongelmaisten lasten vanhempien mukaan arjen tukea ei kuitenkaan ole aina saatavilla, eikä tukiverkosto tyydyttänyt vanhempia. Vanhempien käsityksissä perheen vuorovaikutus sujui hyvin ja vastuu kodista ja kasvatustehtävästä oli molemmilla vanhemmilla tasavertaisesti. Käytännön vastuu kasvatuksesta sekä erilaisten taitojen opettamisesta lapsille kuului äitien tehtäviin. Vanhempien näkemyksissä lapsen sosiaalinen maailma rakentui lähiympäristön tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista. Vanhempien suoriin vaikutustapoihin liittyvien tulosten mukaan vanhemmat pitävät harrastuksia merkittävänä sosiaalista kompetenssia edistävänä tekijänä. Ei-ongelmaisilla lapsilla oli enemmän ja monipuolisempia harrastuksia kuin ongelmaisilla lapsilla. Vaikka vanhemmat eivät mieltäneetkään omaa toimintaansa kaveripiiriin ohjaamiseksi, heillä useinkin oli runsaasti erilaisia rooleja ja tehtäviä sosiaalisten suhteiden ja sosiaalisten taitojen opettamisessa. Lapsen sosiaalisten suhteiden organisoinnissa, ohjaamisessa, valvonnassa ja neuvonnassa oli vanhempiryhmien välillä eroja. Vertaissuhdeongelmaisten lasten vanhemmat eivät olleet riittävän hyvin perillä lapsen taidoista ja kyvykkyydestä tuottaakseen oikea-aikaista ohjausta ja tukeakseen lasta riittävästi sopivilla tavoilla. Vanhempien toimintaa näyttää ohjaavan vakaasti se uskomus, että lapsen kaverisuhteet ovat pelkästään hänen oma asiansa. Vanhemmat arvostivat paljon sosiaalisia taitoja ja pyrkivät opettamaan niitä lapsilleen systemaattisesti. Ohjaamisen tavoissa vanhemmat poikkesivat toisistaan. Tutkimus antaa viitteitä, että eiongelmaisten lasten vanhemmat ovat sensitiivisempiä, vastavuoroisempia ja lapsen näkökulmaa ja tarpeita lähtökohtanaan pitäviä sekä tunnetaitoihin ja tunnetilan käsittelyyn keskittyvämpiä kuin ongelmaisten lasten vanhemmat. Vanhempien ja lasten vuorovaikutuksen vaikeudet, ylimalkainen ja epäjohdonmukainen sosiaalisten taitojen, käyttäytymisen sekä suhteiden ohjaus sekä monet perheen voimavarojen puutteet voivat haitata vakavasti lapsen sosiaalisen kompetenssin kehittymistä. Vanhemmilla on kuitenkin taitoa arvioida lapsensa sosiaalista kyvykkyyttä ja halua toimia hyvin kasvatustehtävässään. Vanhemmuuden tukemisessa olisivatkin tärkeitä epävirallisen tukiverkoston lisäksi lähiympäristön perheille ja lapsille suunnatut palvelut, monitahoinen yhteistyö perheiden, lasten ja heidän kanssaan työskentelevien ammattilaisten kesken sekä yhteiskunnan perheitä koskevat säädökset ja tukitoimet.
Syftet med avhandlingen är att studera lärarstuderandes samtal om simulerad skolverksamhet för att söka förstå möjligheter och begränsningar med simulerade dilemman som medierande redskap för reflektion över lärares arbete. Undersökningen är genomförd under seminarier i svensk och finländsk lärarutbildning. Forskningsprocessen består av tre faser; en konstruktionsfas, en prövningsfas och en undersökningsfas. Under konstruktionsfasen producerades simuleringar på basen av en narrativ analys av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyutbildade lärare. Simuleringarna testades med lärare och lärarstuderande i prövningsfasen. I undersökningsfasen utarbetades reflektionsfrågor och studiens empiriska data samlades in genom videoobservation. Totalt femton samtal filmades vid fem seminarier och tre olika lärosäten, två i Sverige och ett i Svenskfinland. De studerande som förekommer i datamaterialet befann sig i början, mitten och i slutet av sin lärarutbildning. Analysen bygger på Schöns olika reflektionsbegrepp och ett sociokulturellt perspektiv som bygger på den ryska kulturhistoriska skolan. Resultaten visar att de studerande engagerade sig starkt i samtalen i de flesta fall och att engagemanget var relaterat till deras uppfattningar om simuleringens autenticitet. Simuleringarna och reflektionsfrågorna användes både som sekundära och tertiära artefakter. Bland simuleringarnas modaliteter framstod ljudet som den viktigaste för nyanser av förståelse och engagemang och reflektionsfrågorna fungerade som kommunikativt stöd och strukturell scaffolding. När de studerande använde simuleringen för dekontextualisering i en öppen dialog förekom en tertiär dialog, i vilken förhandling av ny mening ägde rum. Kreativ reflektion – att se dilemmat ur olika perspektiv och reciprok reflektion – öppen utmanande dialog förekom flitigt i vilka en didaktiskanalytisk praktikgemenskap skapades. Slutsatserna är att simulerade skoldilemman kan utgöra en potential för lärarstuderandes utveckling av reflektionsförmåga när de används i mindre samtalsgrupper och den didaktiska inramningen relateras till aktuellt kursinnehåll. Om simuleringens innehåll inte upplevs som autentiskt finns dock risk för att förutfattade meningar om lärares arbete förstärks om de inte utmanas av medstuderande eller lärarutbildare.
The purpose of the study is to analyse lateral rigidity in the framework of pre-internationalisation to find out its reflections on managerial decision making. The interest of the study lies in the intersection of the meaningful but relatively stagnant concept of lateral rigidity, and the pre-internationalisation phase of companies that has received only a limited amount of research attention. The theoretical basis for the study is drawn from managerial decision making and internationalisation literatures. Firstly, the study aims to define the concept of lateral rigidity in order to secondly find out how it influences managers’ pre-internationalisation decision making. The study is theoretical in nature, and is based solely on literature examination. Concept analysis method is used to determine the attributes of lateral rigidity for the purpose of recognising the concept in the pre-internationalisation framework. The attributes that are found to comprise lateral rigidity are culture, know-how, uncertainty and attitude. Furthermore, these attributes are more specifically found to consist of environmental, personal and operational matters. Through the analysis of the pre-internationalisation literature it is discovered that all the attributes appear there, and present a variety of influences on pre-internationalisation decision making that can be characterised as being negative. The study finds that culture influences managers’ decision making via subjective reasoning and behaviour that stem from a domestic inclination, and via unfamiliarity with foreign markets. Against assumption, home cultural factors, e.g. values and customs, do not appear to have an influence. Know-how is found to influence decision making via managers’ previous experiences, subjective abiding perceptions, and the usage of previous operation patterns. Uncertainty, then again, influences managers’ risk perception, unfamiliarity avoidance, and the scope of potential international operations. Attitude is found to have a robust influence on managerial decision making via the usage of familiar processes and decision regimes, subjective preference of convention, and plausible results of operations. Ergo, the effects of lateral rigidity on managers show to represent an encumbrance in the pre-internationalisation phase; even though internationalisation would take place, the related decisions and actions are highly constrained. Especially the subjectivity of managers is seen to have a meaningful role in the decision making process.
Objective of the study The aim of this study is to understand the institutional implications in Abenomics in a spatial context, the contemporary economic reform taking place in Japan, which is to finally end over two decades of economic malaise. For theoretical perspective of choice, this study explores a synthesis of institutionalism as the main approach, complemented by economies of agglomeration in spatial economics, or New Economic Geography (NEG). The outcomes include a narrative with implications for future research, as well as possible future implications for the economy of Japan, itself. The narrative seeks to depict the dialogue between public discourse and governmental communication in order to create a picture of how this phenomenon is being socially constructed. This is done by studying the official communications by the Cabinet along with public media commentary on respective topics. The reform is studied with reference to historical socio-cultural, economic evolution of Japan, which in turn, is explored through a literature review. This is to assess the unique institutional characteristics of Japan pertinent to reform. Research method This is a social and exploratory qualitative study – an institutional narrative case study. The methodological approach was kept practical: in addition to literature review, a narrative, thematic content analysis with structural emphasis was used to construct the contemporary narrative based on the Cabinet communication. This was combined with practical analytic tools borrowed from critical discourse analysis, which were utilized to assess the implicit intertextual agenda within sources. Findings What appears to characterize the discourse is status quo bias that comes in multiple forms. The bias is also coded in the institutions surrounding the reform, wherein stakeholders have vested interests in protecting the current state of affairs. This correlates with uncertainty avoidance characteristic to Japan. Japan heeds the international criticism to deregulate on a rhetorical level, but consistent with history, the Cabinet solutions appear increasingly bureaucratic. Hence, the imposed western information-age paradigm of liberal cluster agglomeration seems ill-suited to Japan which lacks risk takers and a felicitous entrepreneur culture. The Japanese, however, possess vast innovative potential ascribed to some institutional practices and traits, but restrained by others. The derived conclusion is to study the successful intrapreneur cases in Japanese institutional setting as a potential benchmark for Japan specific cluster agglomeration, and a solution to its structural problems impeding growth.
The objective of this study is to understand how employer branding can be strategically supported by inbound marketing in Russia. Furthermore, the aim is to examine the special features of inbound marketing in Russia, as well as to learn what the most useful inbound marketing channels are in the Russian context. The theoretical background of this study is built from employer branding and inbound marketing literature. Inbound marketing is currently lacking a profound research on the topic and thus, this study contributes to the inbound marketing literature as well. The empirical data of this research is collected via three qualitative expert field interviews. The interviews were conducted between January and February 2014. Furthermore, a thematic content analysis was used in the process of analyzing the research results. Both the employer branding and inbound marketing are growing their importance in Russia. The results of this study suggest that a combination of employer branding and inbound marketing can bring companies competitive advantage over others in the Russian market. It is, however, crucial to first understand the peculiarities of the inbound marketing in Russia before taking it to the employer branding context. This study provides a framework for inbound marketing tools in Russia. The proposed framework takes into careful consideration the cultural factors affecting the selection of the inbound marketing tools in Russia. Furthermore, the results of this study suggest how inbound marketing could be successfully combined with employer branding in Russia in order to strengthen the employer brands in the Russian market. However, these results are mainly applicable in the Russian context. Therefore, additional research is needed in order to understand the relationship between the employer branding and inbound marketing in other cultural settings or in particular fields of business.
10-year old boys are writing texts in a National Test in the spring of 2009. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge in and understanding of boys’ writing skills through description, analysis and interpretation of the texts produced by the boys in the National Test in Swedish for junior level year three, taken in Sweden in 2009. The material consists of texts produced by boys and is focused on their ability to write. Through avoiding relating to texts produced by girls, it is possible to search, review, interpret and observe without simultaneously comparing the two genders. The aim of the test is to measure writing proficiency from a normative perspective, while I am investigating content, reception, awareness, and other aspects relevant when producing text. Genres are described through the instruction given in the test, which defines the work that takes place in the classroom and thereby my approach to the analysis. The latter is focused on finding patterns in the competence of the students rather than looking for flaws and limitations. When competence is searched for beyond the relationship to syllabi or the demands of the test in itself, the boys’ texts from the test provide a general foundation for investigating writing proficiency. Person, place and social group have been removed from the texts thereby avoiding aspects of social positioning. The texts are seen from the perspective of 10-year old boys who write texts in a National Test. The theoretical basis as provided by Ivaničs (2004; 2012) offers models for theory on writing. A socio-cultural viewpoint (Smidt, 2009; Säljö, 2000) including literacy and a holistic view on writing is found throughout. By the use of abdicative logic (see 4.4) material and theory work in mutual cooperation. The primary method hermeneutics (Gadamer 1997) and analytical closereading (Gustavsson, 1999) are used dependent on the requirements of the texts. The thesis builds its foundation through the analysis from theoretically diverse areas of science. Central to the thesis is the result that boys who write texts in the National Test, are able to write in two separate genres without conversion or the creating hybrids between the two. Furthermore, the boys inhibit extensive knowledge about other types of texts, gained from TV, film, computers, books, games, and magazines even in such a culturally bound context as a test. Texts the boy has knowledge of through other situations can implicitly be inserted in his own text, or be explicitly written with a name of the main character, title, as well as other signifiers. These texts are written to express and describe what is required in the topic heading of the test. In addition other visible results of the boys’ ability to write well occur though the multitude of methods for analysis throughout the thesis which both search, and find writing competence in the texts written by the boys.