1000 resultados para Small mesoscopics


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The continuous production of vascular tissues through secondary growth results in radial thickening of plant organs and is pivotal for various aspects of plant growth and physiology, such as water transport capacity or resistance to mechanical stress. It is driven by the vascular cambium, which produces inward secondary xylem and outward secondary phloem. In the herbaceous plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), secondary growth occurs in stems, in roots and in the hypocotyl. In the latter, radial growth is most prominent and not obscured by parallel ongoing elongation growth. Moreover, its progression is reminiscent of the secondary growth mode of tree trunks. Thus, the Arabidopsis hypocotyl is a very good model to study basic molecular mechanisms of secondary growth. Genetic approaches have succeeded in the identification of various factors, including peptides, receptors, transcription factors and hormones, which appear to participate in a complex network that controls radial growth. Many of these players are conserved between herbaceous and woody plants. In this review, we will focus on what is known about molecular mechanisms and regulators of vascular secondary growth in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl.


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We consider the linearized semiclassical Einstein equations for small deviations around de Sitter spacetime including the vacuum polarization effects of conformal fields. Employing the method of order reduction, we find the exact solutions for general metric perturbations (of scalar, vector and tensor type). Our exact (nonperturbative) solutions show clearly that in this case de Sitter is stable with respect to small metric deviations and a late-time attractor. Furthermore, they also reveal a breakdown of perturbative solutions for a sufficiently long evolution inside the horizon. Our results are valid for any conformal theory, even self-interacting ones with arbitrarily strong coupling.


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In August of 2012 the Iowa State Office of Rural Health (SORH) conducted a survey to determine the value of the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) in Iowa. This survey was distributed to the 84 participating hospitals however, because some hospitals network their SHIP funds we only asked the contract administrators of the contracts to complete the survey. 58 of the 78 SHIP contract administrators completed the survey (74%). Background: SHIP brings in roughly $750,000.00 annually to Iowa to assist small Iowa hospitals. Average distribution of approximately $7,500 per hospital. Seventy three of ninety nine Iowa counties are represented.


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To complement the existing treatment guidelines for all tumour types, ESMO organises consensus conferences to focus on specific issues in each type of tumour. The 2nd ESMO Consensus Conference on Lung Cancer was held on 11-12 May 2013 in Lugano. A total of 35 experts met to address several questions on non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in each of four areas: pathology and molecular biomarkers, first-line/second and further lines of treatment in advanced disease, early-stage disease and locally advanced disease. For each question, recommendations were made including reference to the grade of recommendation and level of evidence. This consensus paper focuses on first line/second and further lines of treatment in advanced disease.


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Prospective comparative evaluation of patent V blue, fluorescein and (99m)TC-nanocolloids for intraoperative sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping during surgery for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ten patients with peripherally localised clinical stage I NSCLC underwent thoracotomy and peritumoral subpleural injection of 2 ml of patent V blue dye, 1 ml of 10% fluorescein and 1ml of (99m)Tc-nanocolloids (0.4 mCi). The migration and spatial distribution pattern of the tracers was assessed by direct visualisation (patent V blue), visualisation of fluorescence signalling by a lamp of Wood (fluorescein) and radioactivity counting with a hand held gamma-probe ((99m)Tc-nanocolloids). Lymph nodes at interlobar (ATS 11), hilar (ATS 10) and mediastinal (right ATS 2,4,7; left ATS 5,6,7) levels were systematically assessed every 10 min up to 60 min after injection, followed by lobectomy and formal lymph node dissection. Successful migration from the peritumoral area to the mediastinum was observed for all three tracers up to 60 min after injection. The interlobar lympho-fatty tissue (station ATS 11) revealed an early and preferential accumulation of all three tracers for all tumours assessed and irrespective of the tumour localisation. However, no preferential accumulation in one or two distinct lymph nodes was observed up to 60 min after injection for all three tracers assessed. Intraoperative SLN mapping revealed successful migration of the tracers from the site of peritumoral injection to the mediastinum, but in a diffuse pattern without preferential accumulation in sentinel lymph nodes.


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We study the determining factors of cience-based cooperation in the case of small and micro firms. In this research, we propose an analytical framework based on the resource-based view of the firm and we identify a set of organisational characteristics, which we classify as internal, external and structural factors. Each factor can be linked to at least one reason, from the firm¿s point of view, to cooperate with universities and public research centres. Each reason can, in turn, be used as an indicator of a firm¿s organisational needs or organisational capacities. In order to validate the theoretical model, we estimate a logistic regression that models the propensity to participate in science-based cooperation activities within a sample of 285 small and micro firms located in Barcelona. The results show the key role played by the absorptive capacity of new and small companies.


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BACKGROUND: Patients with BM rarely survive .6 months and are commonly excluded from clinical trials. We aimed at improving outcome by exploring 2 combined modality regimens with at the time novel agents for which single-agent activity had been shown. METHODS: NSCLC patients with multiple BM were randomized to WBRT (10 × 3 Gy) and either GFT 250 mg p.o. daily or TMZ 75 mg/m2 p.o. daily ×21/28 days, starting on Day 1 of RT and to be continued until PD. Primary endpoint was overall survival, a Simon's optimal 2-stage design was based on assumptions for the 3-month survival rate. Cognitive functioning and quality of life were also evaluated. RESULTS: Fifty-nine patients (36 M, 23 F; 9 after prior chemo) were included. Median age was 61 years (range 46-82), WHO PS was 0 in 18 patients, 1 in 31 patients, and 2 in 10 patients. All but 1 patients had extracranial disease; 33 of 43 (TMZ) and 15 of 16 (GFT) had adenocarcinoma histology. GFT arm was closed early after stage 1 analysis when the prespecified 3-mo survival rate threshold (66%) was not reached, causes of death were not GFT related. Main causes of death were PD in the CNS 24%, systemic 41%, both 8%, and toxicity 10% [intestinal perforation (2 patients), pneumonia (2), pulmonary emboli (1), pneumonitis NOS (1), seizure (1)]. We summarize here other patients' characteristics for the 2 trial arms: TMZ (n ¼ 43)/GFT (n ¼ 16); median treatment duration: 1.6 /1.8 mo; Grade 3-4 toxicity: lymphopenia 5 patients (12%)/0; fatigue 8 patients (19%)/2 patients (13%). Survival data for TMZ/GFT arms: 3-month survival rate: 58.1% (95% CI 42.1-73)/62.5% (95% CI 35- 85); median OS: 4.9 months (95% CI 2.5-5.6)/6.3 months (95% CI 2.2- 14.6); median PFS: 1.8 months (95% CI 1.5-1.8)/1.8 (95% CI 1.1-3.9); median time to neurol. progr.: 8.0 months (95% CI 2.2-X)/4.8 (95% CI 3.9-10.5). In a model to predict survival time including the variables' age, PS, number of BM, global QL, total MMSE score, and subjective cognitive function, none of the variables accounted for a significant improvement in survival time. CONCLUSIONS: The combinations of WBRT with GFT or TMZ were feasible. However, in this unselected patient population, survival remains poor and a high rate of complication was observed. Four patients died as a result of high-dose corticosteroids. Preliminary evaluation of cognitive function andQL failed to show significant improvement. Indications and patient selection for palliative treatment should be revisited and careful monitoring and supportive care is required. Research and progress for this frequent clinical situation is urgently needed. Trial partly supported by AstraZeneca (Switzerland), Essex Chemie (Switzerland) and Swiss Federal Government.


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Résumé Les études épidémiologiques indiquent que la restriction intra-utérine confère un risque accru de développement de diabète de type 2 au cours de la vie. Certaines études ont documenté la présence d'une résistance à l'insuline chez les jeunes adultes ou les adolescents nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel. Comme la plupart des études ont impliqués des individus post-pubères et comme la puberté influence de manière marquée le métabolisme énergétique, nous avons évalué le devenir du glucose administré oralement dans un groupe incluant essentiellement des enfants pré-pubères ou en début de puberté avec restriction intra-utérine, et chez des enfants matchés pour l'âge et pour le poids. Tous les enfants ont eu une évaluation de leur composition corporelle par mesure des plis cutanés. Ils ont ensuite été étudiés dans des conditions standardisées et ont reçu 4 charges consécutives orales de glucose à raison de 180 mg/kg de poids corporel jusqu'à atteindre un état d'équilibre relatif. La dépense énergétique et l'oxydation des substrats ont été évaluées durant la quatrième heure par calorimétrie indirecte. Comparativement avec les enfants matchés pour l'âge et le poids, les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel avaient une plus petite stature. Leur dépense énergétique n'était pas significativement abaissée, mais leur oxydation du glucose était plus basse. Ces résultats indiquent que des altérations métaboliques sont présentes précocement chez les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel, et qu'elles sont possiblement reliées à des altérations de la composition corporelle. Abstract: Epidemiological studies indicate that intrauterine growth restriction confers an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in subsequent life. Several studies have further documented the presence of insulin resistance in young adults or adolescent children born small for gestational age. Since most studies addressed postpubertal individuals, and since puberty markedly affects energy metabolism, we evaluated the disposal of oral glucose in a group including mainly prepubertal and early pubertal children with intrauterine growth restriction and in healthy age- and weight-matched control children. All children had an evaluation of their body composition by skinfold thickness measurements. They were then studied in standardized conditions and received 4 consecutive hourly loads of 180 mg glucose/kg body weight to reach a near steady state. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation were evaluated during the fourth hour by indirect calorimetry. Compared to both age- and weight-matched children, children born small for gestational age had lower stature. Their energy expenditure was not significantly decreased, but they had lower glucose oxidation rates. These results indicate that metabolic alterations are present early in children born small for gestational age, and are possibly related to alterations of body composition.


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Abstract Purpose Iridectomy of suspicious pigmented tumors provides the presumed advantage of both a histopathological diagnosis and treatment of the lesion. We present 2 patients that developed an iris melanoma with extrascleral extension at the site of their iridectomy of a histopathologically proven nevus, 46 and 2.5 years later. Methods Retrospective, clinicopathological small case series of 2 patients. Results Two patients underwent iridectomy for a suspicious tumor, the first in 1963 and the second in 2006. Pathological diagnosis was a benign and a borderline nevus respectively. In 2009, both patients presented with a recurrent melanocytic iridociliary tumor with an extrascleral extension adjacent to the surgical scar. Pathological examination confirmed melanoma. Consequently, the two patients underwent proton beam therapy of the whole anterior segment, with limbus deposition and reposition. Conclusion Iridectomy of a histopathologically proven nevus doesn't exclude the possibility of a metadifferentiation of remaining nevus cells into melanoma, even after 46 years. Additionally, treatment in case of a recurrence is more complicated than a primary radiotherapy of the unbiopsied iris tumor, with clinical proof of growth, would have been.


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The interleukin-6 cytokines, acting via gp130 receptor pathways, play a pivotal role in the reduction of cardiac injury induced by mechanical stress or ischemia and in promoting subsequent adaptive remodeling of the heart. We have now identified the small proline-rich repeat proteins (SPRR) 1A and 2A as downstream targets of gp130 signaling that are strongly induced in cardiomyocytes responding to biomechanical/ischemic stress. Upregulation of SPRR1A and 2A was markedly reduced in the gp130 cardiomyocyte-restricted knockout mice. In cardiomyocytes, MEK1/2 inhibitors prevented SPRR1A upregulation by gp130 cytokines. Furthermore, binding of NF-IL6 (C/EBPbeta) and c-Jun to the SPRR1A promoter was observed after CT-1 stimulation. Histological analysis revealed that SPRR1A induction after mechanical stress of pressure overload was restricted to myocytes surrounding piecemeal necrotic lesions. A similar expression pattern was found in postinfarcted rat hearts. Both in vitro and in vivo ectopic overexpression of SPRR1A protected cardiomyocytes against ischemic injury. Thus, this study identifies SPRR1A as a novel stress-inducible downstream mediator of gp130 cytokines in cardiomyocytes and documents its cardioprotective effect against ischemic stress.