935 resultados para Schools of economics
As has been the case with other European languages, Spanish has welcomed the arrival of English words, in spite of all purist efforts to the contrary. Moreover, it has not only adopted and adapted true Anglicisms but it has also created other forms based on English patterns, such mechanisms particularly visible in the fashion jargon in Spanish. In this paper we focus on -ing forms in the Spanish language of fashion, which may at times be genuine Anglicisms (formal or semantic ones) or false Anglicisms (analogical creations, that is, English-looking lexical elements), found in Spanish editions of fashion magazines such as Vogue, Elle, InStyle, Grazia, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan. The main aim of this study is to qualitatively analyse and classify -ing Anglicisms and false Anglicisms in the aforementioned jargon in order to establish whether the impact of English in the Spanish fashion jargon is so important as to replace native words and expressions.
State and international entities can have profound effects on the development of a country’s nursing profession. Through a global health governance lens, this paper explores the development of nursing in Brazil during the early twentieth century, and its intersections with national and international interests. Accordingly, we will show how state policies established an environment that fostered the institutionalization of nursing as a profession in Brazil and supported it as a means to increase the presence of females in nation building processes. The State focused on recruiting elite women for nursing, in part due to the Rockefeller Foundation’s involvement in the country. Nurses who worked for Rockefeller came from well-educated classes within US society with specific ideas about who should be a nurse and the roles of nurses in a healthcare system. These women served as the primary vehicles for interacting with Brazilian health authorities responsible for health system development. Their early efforts did not, however, ensure a system capable of producing nursing human resources at a rate that, in present day Brazil, could meet the health needs of the country. Findings from this paper offer new avenues for historians to explore the early roots of professional nursing through a global health governance lens, improve the understanding of the intersection between international politics and professionalization, and highlight how these factors may impact nursing human resources production in the long term.
This paper aims to explore the issue of unintended consequences as the key underlying theme that explains the incremental integration of policies in the EU, with a particular focus on the issue of environmental protection. The theoretical background of the present research is provided by two of the main schools of thought that, in different historical contexts, have theorized unintended consequences as a relevant interpretative/analytical tool for European integration, namely neo-functionalism and neo-institutionalism. The paper focuses on three distinctive moments of the EU environmental policy: the first steps in the 1970s, the change of regulatory paradigm during the 1990s, and the EU leadership role in global environmental policy. The main argument is that while neo-functionalism can give a convincing account of the initial phases of EU environmental policy, neo-institutionalism offers a persuasive framework to understand the consolidation phases of the policy.
digdis tabulates the distribution of digits of the specified variables, performs goodness-of-fit tests against a reference distribution and, optionally, graphs the distributions. The default is to tabulate the first (nonzero) digit and to test against Benford's law. The moremata package and the mgof package, also available from SSC, are required.
mgof computes goodness-of-fit tests for the distribution of a discrete (categorical, multinomial) variable. The default is to perform classical large sample chi-squared approximation tests based on Pearson's X2 statistic and the log likelihood ratio (G2) statistic or a statistic from the Cressie-Read family. Alternatively, mgof computes exact tests using Monte Carlo methods or exhaustive enumeration. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for discrete data is also provided. The moremata package, also available from SSC, is required.
-adolist- creates, installs and uninstalls lists of user ado packages.
anogi computes the "Analysis of Gini" for population sub-groups proposed by Frick et al. (2006; Sociological Methods and Research 34/4).
fairlie computes the nonlinear decomposition of binary outcome differentials proposed by Fairlie (1999, 2003).
smithwelch computes decompositions of differences in mean outcome differentials. Smith and Welch (1989) used such decomposition techniques in their analysis of the change in the black-white wage differential over time. An alternative application would be the decomposition of country differences in the male-female wage gap.
jmpierce2 computes the decomposition of differences in mean outcome differentials proposed by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1991). An example is the decomposition of the change of the black-white or the male-female wage differential over time or the decomposition of differences in the male-female wage differential between countries. This routine was previously circulated as jmp2.
-cochran- performs a test for equality of two or more proportions in matched samples. The chi-squared calculated by -cochran- is known as Cochran's Q (Cochran 1950)
mrtab tabulates multiple responses which are held as a set of indicator variables or as a set of polytomous response variables.
wgttest performs a test proposed by DuMouchel and Duncan (1983) to evaluate whether the weighted and unweighted estimates of a regression model are significantly different.
Given the results from two regressions (one for each of two groups), decompose computes several decompositions of the outcome variable differential. The decompositions shows how much of the gap is due to differing endowments between the two groups, and how much is due to discrimination. Usually this is applied to wage differentials using Mincer type earnings equations.
In this paper, we estimate ERPT into imported input prices and export prices using disaggregated quarterly trade data for Switzerland over 2004–2011. We find evidence for high pass-through rates into imported input prices. This demonstrates the effectiveness of natural hedging. On the export side, ERPT exhibits substantial sectoral heterogeneity and changes in imported input costs are not transmitted to foreign consumers in most cases. This suggests the use of cheaper imported inputs to offset adverse effects of currency appreciation on export profit margins.