998 resultados para SENAC SP


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As algas do gnero Nannochloropsis so microalgas marinhas que apresentam um perfil bioqumico nico, principalmente no que respeitante a lpidos, e uma vasta gama de compostos bioativos que possibilitam a sua aplicabilidade comercial em vrias reas biotecnolgicas, destacando-se a alimentao e nutrio humana, indstria cosmtica e farmacutica, produo de biocombustveis e a sua utilizao em aquacultura. Em aquacultura, so usadas maioritariamente microalgas vivas, cuja produo representa elevados custos. Tem havido assim uma pesquisa de dietas alternativas, entre as quais os concentrados de microalgas se apresentam promissores. Os desafios atuais das empresas produtoras de concentrados de microalgas prendem-se com a conservao e armazenamento destes concentrados. Assim, neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo da influncia da refrigerao, congelao e adio de conservantes a PhytoBloom Green Formula, concentrado de Nannochloropsis sp. comercializado pela empresa Necton S.A., com o objetivo de averiguar a variao de parmetros bioqumicos e organolticos com a exposio do concentrado aos diferentes mtodos de conservao. Pretendia-se assim observar se estes processos podem ser usados para aumentar o tempo de prateleira do concentrado em estudo. Para tal, foram avaliadas amostras recolhidas em trs pontos temporais e analisados os seguintes parmetros: perfil de cidos gordos, quantificao de hidroperxidos lipdicos, quantificao espectrofotomtrica de clorofila a e carotenides, bem como parmetros organolticos. Inicialmente, foi efetuada uma avaliao de diferentes parmetros organolticos, no se observando variaes relevantes entre amostras das diferentes condies. Assim, foi posteriormente realizada a avaliao bioqumica. Primeiramente, foi efetuada a quantificao de cidos gordos por GC-FID das diferentes amostras, nas quais no se observou diferenas significativas entre as condies experimentais. Foi tambm efetuado um ensaio de FOX II, que permitiu avaliar o grau de peroxidao lipdica de cada amostra por quantificao de hidroperxidos lipdicos formados. As amostras nas quais houve adio de conservantes apresentaram um teor menor de hidroproxidos lipdicos, permitindo inferir que a ao dos conservantes com propriedades antioxidantes permitiu uma melhor conservao da amostra. Quando se determinou a concentrao de clorofila a e de carotenides verificou-se que, em ambos os casos, a congelao conduziu a uma estabilizao da concentrao destes pigmentos. No entanto, os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a combinao de congelao com adio de conservantes. Estes resultados, embora promissores, carecem de uma confirmao por um novo estudo, completando com anlises com maior rigor e sensibilidade associados, no sentido de se verificar qual o mtodo mais vantajoso para a extenso do tempo de prateleira de PhytoBloom Green Formula.


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Dissertao mestr., Engenharia Biolgica, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertao de Mestrado, Engenharia Biolgica, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertao mest., Qualidade em Anlises, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Dissertao de mest., Cincias, Faculdade de Cincias do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2009


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We report the exploration of some unique metabolic pathways in Perkinsus olseni a marine protist parasite, responsible to significant mortalities in mollusks, especially in bivalves all around the world. In Algarve, south of Portugal carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus mortalities can reach up to 70%, causing social and economic losses. The objective of studying those unique pathways, is finding new therapeutic strategies capable of controlling/eliminating P. olseni proliferation in clams. In that sense metabolic pathways, were explored, and drugs affecting these cycles were tested for activity. The first step involved the identification of the genes behind those pathways, the reconstitution of the main steps, and molecular characterization of those genes and later on, the identification of possible targets within the genes studied. Metabolic cycles were screened due to the fact of not being present in host or differ in a critical way, such as the following pathways: shikimate, MEP- isoprenoids, Leloir cycle for chitin production, purine biosynthesis (unique among protists), the de novo synthesis of folates (absent in metazoa) and some unique genes like, the alternative oxidase (a branch of respiratory chain) and the hypoxia sensor HPH. All those pathways were covered and possible chemical inhibition using therapeutic drugs was tested with positive results. The relation between the common host Ruditapes decussatus and P. olseni was also explored in a dimension not possible some years ago. With the accessibility to second generation sequencers and microarray analysis platforms, genes involved in host defense or parasite virulence and resistance to the host were deciphered, allowing aiming to new targets (mechanisms and pathways), offering new possibilities for the control of Perkinsus in close environments. The thousands of genes, generated by this work, sequenced and analyzed from this commercial valuable clam and for Perkinsus olseni will be an important and value tool for the scientific community, allowing a better understanding of host-parasite interactions, promoting the usage of P. olseni as an emerging model for alveolata parasites.


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Dissertao de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas (Aquacultura), Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertao de mestrado, Engenharia Biolgica, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertao de mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Microbiana, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertao de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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We propose here the hypothesis that all of United Kingdom (UK) is likely to be affected by Ganoderma sp. spores, an important plant pathogen. We suggest that the main sources of this pathogen, which acts as a bioaerosol, are the widely scattered woodlands in the country, although remote sources must not be neglected. The hypothesis is based on related studies on bioaerosols and supported by new observations from a non-forest site and model calculations to support our hypothesis. Hourly concentrations of Ganoderma sp. spores were measured from 2006 to 2010 using a 7-day volumetric spore trap at the city of Worcester. The concentrations peak during the night and early in the morning. This suggests that the main spore sources are located a few hours away with respect to air masses transport and reach urban areas thanks to air masses transport. The back-trajectory analysis was applied to determine the location of Ganoderma sp. spore sources. The analysis of back-trajectories demonstrated that 78% of the air masses reached Worcester from a 180 arc direction from the East to West. Three episodes were selected for detailed investigation and they revealed that during the episodes air masses always passed main UK woodlands before the arrival in Worcester, independently of their origin, but the long distance transport under certain conditions might be possible. Our studies suggest that the sources of UK Ganoderma sp. spores are mainly to be found in UK. Hence our studies suggest that research and mitigation strategies in UK should give their main attention to national sources, without neglecting the contribution from long distance transport.


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We have analysed the pollen seasons in Worcester for the period 200512 for alder (Alnus), birch (Betula) and oak (Quercus) by using back trajectory calculations and produced the first detailed source maps for these three pollen types. The study shows considerable variations in the sourcereceptor relationship of three of the most important tree pollen types in England with respect to allergy. Long Distance Transport is observed for Quercus and Betula but not for Alnus. The new source maps show a number of high emitting areas for Betula and Quercus, mainly near London, in the Midlands and in Wales. The production of source maps is sensitive to the used type of land cover data and how well they incorporate small woodlands. Two satellite products, Corine Land Cover and Globcover, are compared with the detailed national land cover product Land Cover Map 2007. The broad scale satellite products show either up to 50% less woody coverage or a direct misplacement of woodlands. The Lagrangian back trajectory model, the pollen count observations and the source maps altogether suggest that small woodlands (below 25 ha) play a major role in the overall pollen load in urban areas in England.


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Three human clinical strains (W9323T , X0209T and X0394) isolated from lung biopsy, blood and cerebral spinal fluid, respectively, were characterized using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. Comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed the three strains belonged to two novel branches within the genus Kroppenstedtia : 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of W9323T showed closest sequence similarity to Kroppenstedtia eburnea JFMB- ATET (95.3 %), Kroppenstedtia guangzhouensis GD02T (94.7 %) and strain X0209T (94.6 %); sequence analysis of strain X0209T showed closest sequence similarity to K . eburnea JFMB- ATET (96.4 %) and K. guangzhouensis GD02T (96.0 %). Strains X0209T and X0394 were 99.9 % similar to each other by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The DNA- DNA relatedness was 94.6 %, confirming that X0209T and X0394 belong to the same species. Chemotaxonomic data for strains W9323T and X0209T were consistent with those described for the genus Kroppenstedtia : whole- cell peptidoglycan contained LL- diaminopimelic acid; the major cellular fatty acids were iso- C15 and anteiso- C15 ; and the major menaquinone was MK- 7. Different endospore morphology, carbon utilization profiles, and whole cell wall sugar patterns of strains W9323T and X0209T supported by phylogenetic analysis enabled us to conclude that the strains represent two new species within the genus Kroppenstedtia , for which the names Kroppenstedtia pulmonis sp. nov. (type strain W9323T = DSM 45752T = CCUG 68107T) and Kroppenstedtia sanguinis sp. nov. (type strain X0209T = DSM 45749T = CCUG 38657T) are proposed.


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Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Comunicao Social como parte dos requisitos para obteno de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimdia.