960 resultados para Purchase situation


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Introduction et recension des écrits : Récemment, les suicides de vétérans et d’athlètes professionnels ont attiré l’attention sur l’association entre le TCC et le suicide. Les lignes directrices concernant la prise en charge en santé mentale dans cette population demeurent fragmentaires. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de 1) déterminer si une association existe entre le TCC subi dans l’enfance et le suicide futur, 2) explorer si les personnes qui se sont suicidées ont consulté un psychiatre dans l’année précédant le suicide et évaluer si cela diffère selon que la personne ait eu un TCC ou non, 3) décrire et qualifier l’offre québécoise de santé mentale offerte en réadaptation aux enfants et aux adultes ayant subi un TCC. Méthodologie : Le volet épidémiologique consiste en une étude de cohorte rétrospective sur un échantillon de 135 703 enfants ayant reçu des services médicaux au Québec en 1987 et suivis jusqu’en 2008. Le volet qualitatif comprend un sondage auprès des gestionnaires des programmes de réadaptation TCC du Québec, des groupes de discussion avec des cliniciens et des entrevues avec des survivants de TCC et leurs proches. Résultats : Notre étude épidémiologique confirme une association significative entre le TCC subi dans l’enfance (HR 1,49 IC95% 1,04- 2,14), dans l’adolescence (HR 1,57, IC 95% 1,09-2,26) et à l’âge adulte (HR 2,53, IC95% 1,79-3,59) et le suicide. Malgré un risque de suicide plus élevé, les personnes avec un TCC et qui se sont suicidées n’ont pas consulté de psychiatre plus fréquemment que les personnes sans TCC (OR 1,29, IC 95% 0,75- 2,24). Par ailleurs, notre étude qualitative révèle que les forces du système actuel incluent une bonne qualité des services, mais qu’il existe des faiblesses au niveau de l’accès aux médecins spécialisés, du dépistage systématique et de l’accès aux services à long terme. Nos recommandations incluent le développement d’une approche coordonnée en santé mentale, l’implication automatique d’un gestionnaire de cas et l’amélioration des mécanismes d’accès après le congé.


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Les jeunes avec antécédents de placement sont surreprésentés parmi les jeunes adultes qui ont vécu un passage à la rue. Ce qui pourrait être interprété par certains comme un naufrage est vécu par d’autres comme une opportunité : l’expérience de la rue que font les jeunes est façonnée par leurs expériences antérieures. L’objectif de cette recherche était de combler un trou dans les connaissances concernant l’articulation entre l’expérience de placement et l’expérience de rue chez les jeunes. À partir de la méthodologie des récits de vie, j’ai rencontré six jeunes adultes en situation de rue qui, durant l’enfance ou l’adolescence, avaient fait l’objet d’un retrait du milieu familial en vertu de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse au Québec. Leur trajectoire a été étudiée sous l’angle de la « vulnérabilisation », un processus double d’appauvrissement matériel et de refoulement vers une position sociale dévalorisée. Les jeunes de mon étude ont vécu trois formes de vulnérabilisation dans le contexte du placement : la déliaison familiale, la disqualification professionnelle et sociale, et la stigmatisation. Les jeunes ont répondu à ces dynamiques en acceptant et en intériorisant la vulnérabilité, en la niant ou en la refusant, ou encore en la rationalisant et en la négociant. Cette étude permet de mieux comprendre l’articulation entre l’expérience du placement et celle de la rue chez les jeunes. Les résultats sont utiles pour informer d’autres études, ainsi que pour éclairer les pratiques auprès de cette population spécifique.


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For improving agricultural marketing, which has been discussed in the previous chapter, the Government has intervened in different ways. The direct regulatory role through the regulation of markets and market practices is one of the ways in which governmental intervention can improve agricultural marketing. This study is an enquiry of the direct regulatory role of the government through regulation of markets and market practices. By restructuring the operational methods and redesigning the existing physical markets, this system gives direct benefit to the cultivating class and protects them from the market manipulations of organised and powerful private traders. If traders do not continue their trade for the time being they will not be affected financially, because they are resourceful or financially solvent. On the other hand, Cultivators must sell their produce immediately after harvesting for the lack of additional facilities or to satisfy other needs for which finance is required. Another important reason is that Cultivators/farmers are not organised and because of lack of their organisation, they sell their produces individually. In this situation, a farmer is helpless when astute traders indulge in manipulations at the time of purchase of the produces. So it is the government's obligation to protect the interest of the farmers. Protection of the farmer/cultivator is necessary not only from the point of social justice but also from that of economic growth. If the farmers are assured of a remunerative or incentive price for their produce, they will get the inspiration to produce more and through more production, economy will be developed and the nation as a whole will be benefitted. This study will examine the management system of the markets through the direct regulatory role played by the governments to control markets and market practices in West Bengal and Bangladesh.


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This research work was to study the level of awareness of consumers about health insurance concept and market, consumer perceptions about health insurance providers, schemes and various factors that influence buying decision of health insurance. There is need to bring entire age group – high risk and low risk under health insurance cover. Widening the cover of health insurance calls for indepth understanding of consumer thinking and extensive marketing efforts based on that. Hence the study of consumer perceptions and the impact of different contributing factors on consumer purchase decision assume significance to the marketer. Understanding the consumer thinking on health insurance will also be of relevance to governmental/non governmental agencies, as affordable health care to all is a policy objective of the government and new schemes are being launched in this area.


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Automobile Industry in India is influenced by the presence of national and multi-national manufacturers. The presence of many manufacturers and brands in the state provides many choices to the customer. The current market for car manufacturers has been transformed from a monopoly of one or two manufacturers in the seventies to oligopoly of many manufacturers in the current marketing scenario. The main objective of the research paper is to explore and conceptualize various parameters and develop a model, which influence the purchase patterns of passenger cars in the State of Kerala. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to come up with a model, which shall facilitate further study on the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala, India. The author intends to undertake further quantitative analysis to verify and validate the model so developed. The main methods used for this paper are secondary research on available material, depth interview of car dealers, car financing agencies and car owners in the city of Cochin, in Kerala State in India. The depth interviews were conducted with the use of prepared questionnaire for car dealers, car customers and car financing agencies. The findings resulted in the identification of the parameters that influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger cars and the formulation of the model, which will be the basis for the further research of the author. The paper will be of tremendous value to the existing and new car manufacturers both indigenous and foreign, to formalize and strategies their policies towards an effective marketing strategy, so as to market their models in the State, which is known for its high literacy, consumerism and higher educational penetration


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Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990’s. World Leaders in automobile manufacturing such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a model with major variables, which influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala. Though there are innumerable studies conducted in other countries, there are very few thesis and research work conducted to study the consumer behaviour of the passenger car industry in India and specifically in the State of Kerala. The results of the research contribute to the practical knowledge base of the automobile industry, specifically to the passenger car segment. It has also a great contributory value addition to the manufacturers and dealers for customizing their marketing plans in the State


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Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990’s. World Leaders in automobile manufacturing such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to come up with the identification of possible parameters and a framework development, that influence the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala, so that further research could be done, based on the framework and the identified parameters.


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In this thesis, certain continuous time inventory problems with positive service time under local purchase guided by N/T-policy are analysed. In most of the cases analysed, we arrive at stochastic decomposition of system states, that is, the joint distribution of the system states is obtained as the product of marginal distributions of the components. The thesis is divided into ve chapters


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This research investigates what information German Fairtrade coffee consumers search for during pre-purchase information seeking and to what extent information is retrieved. Furthermore, the sequence of the information search as well as the degree of cognitive involvement is highlighted. The role of labeling, the importance of additional ethical information and its quality in terms of concreteness as well as the importance of product price and organic origin are addressed. A set of information relevant to Fairtrade consumers was tested by means of the Information Display Matrix (IDM) method with 389 Fairtrade consumers. Results show that prior to purchase, information on product packages plays an important role and is retrieved rather extensively, but search strategies that reduce the information processing effort are applied as well. Furthermore, general information is preferred over specific information. Results of two regression analyses indicate that purchase decisions are related to search behavior variables rather than to socio-demographic variables and purchase motives. In order to match product information with consumers’ needs, marketers should offer information that is reduced to the central aspects of Fairtrade.


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Esta tesis, pretende describir la situación actual del Sector Porcícola, los procedimientos desarrollados por las empresas en la adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM. Con una revisión confiable y el estudio de casos relacionados con el tema permitirán contrastar la realidad del sector con los conceptos claves que proponen los diferentes autores. Los resultados obtenidos le permitirán al sector y a los gerentes desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a la satisfacción y fidelización de sus clientes. En el campo académico, este estudio servirá de guía teórico-práctica para estudiantes y profesores del área que necesiten afianzar sus conocimientos en temas de marketing relacional, CRM, fidelización y servicio. El presente proyecto permitirá al futuro administrador enfrentar y asumir paradigmas en escenarios empresariales reales. La información estratégica acerca de los clientes es vital para las organizaciones, ayuda para la toma de decisiones, pronostica cambios en la demanda y establece un control sobre todos los procesos en los que está involucrado el cliente. La adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM ayuda a que la empresa esté más atenta a la manera como interactúa con sus clientes y por ende, mejorará la percepción que tenga el cliente de la organización. En el sector Porcícola hay tendencia a las economías de escala y es importante segmentar y especializar el servicio dependiendo el potencial del cliente. En un mercado tan competitivo encontrar nuevos clientes no es fácil, y menos retenerlos ya que los productos están logrando estándares similares y el cliente basa su decisión en el precio. Al no haber diferenciación debemos ofrecer valor en el servicio lo cual nos ayudará a que el cliente haga una segunda compra prefiriendo nuestra empresa en lugar de la competencia. Hoy en día las estrategias CRM definen el rumbo de una empresa, ayudando no solamente a adquirir nuevos clientes, sino también, a mantener felices a los clientes actuales, de este modo se logran más ventas, y una mayor rentabilidad en el negocio. Razones por las cuales el sector Porcícola se verá beneficiado y Frigocárnicos Monserrate por medio de las estrategias CRM podrá ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus clientes ayudando a las fidelización de estos.


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Verificar la viabilidad de que algunas actividades eje de la Agencia Logística de las Fuerzas Militares se involucraran en el comercio exterior, teniendo en cuenta que esta es la entidad encargada de proveer alimentos y suministros a los diferentes centros de abastecimiento y distribución a lo largo del territorio nacional. Para esto, se tuvieron en cuenta tres productos para hacer el análisis: lenteja, arveja verde seca y aceite de soya. Para estos casos en específico, se realiza un análisis de la situación actual, verificando como se lleva a cabo los procesos de compra y de aprovisionamiento y se hace una descripción detallada dependiendo de la zona de distribución en que se demanden. Por otro lado, se adelanto un proceso de análisis de los diferentes términos de negociación por medio de los cuales se podría llegar a beneficiar la agencia; y para cada Incoterm, se hizo el respectivo desglose de costes para luego compararlos con el método de compra realizado actualmente, evidenciando así, a través de cuáles mecanismos se obtienen ahorros y beneficios económicos en general. De igual manera se tuvo en cuenta la posición de oferta de los principales proveedores a nivel mundial de los productos mencionados anteriormente, por medio de una investigación a través de bases de datos del Ministerio de Comercio Exterior Colombiano. Finalmente se hacen las respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones, lo anterior con el fin de que la Agencia tenga la oportunidad de aprovechar las ventajas de ingresar directamente al mercado internacional sin necesidad de intermediarios.


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In this article we make a critical analysis about the situation of maternal mortality in Colombia, considering some of the most current rates of this problem and the public policy rules adopted in the last years to decrease its prevalence. We think that the rate of maternal mortality in Colombia is too hight because the State does not guarantee the right health care to Colombian women. In this way, the structure and resources distribution established by the policies on sexual and reproductive health have not reflected the population necessities, specially in the case of young mothers left aside by the social security system.


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The present paper presents the results of a transversal descriptive study which intended to estimate the contribution of the project “Caring for those who take care of people with disabilities” in the areas of: strength of personal and group competences, self care, life project, dexterity in the care process of people with disabilities, and communitarian auto management; that was implemented in 20 urban areas with caregivers of the city of Bogota in the year 2007. The study allowed the nresearches to acknowledge the little change perception that caregivers had in terms of self care, however, the caregivers perceived change in the four areas, although this were not statistically significant in comparison with the general population. There were only significant changes in the communitarian auto management area in 30% of the population. As a result, it is proposed that more extensive, continuous, and sustainable processes are implemented and that this process arises from contention spaces which can be created with the caregivers, from which they can be motivated to participate in other ´processes of collective and individual changes. Also there’s a need to rely on facilitators (professionals and change agents) who have stronger competences on the how to be and the how to interact competences, because there’s a need to manage the psychosocial components in this group of people. Also, we must make organizational processes and the social networks stronger, this is: collective actions are required, because disability is a social fact, and so, the individual issues are just a moment in the process of inclusion of the person with disability, his family and caregiver.