915 resultados para Pro-poor
Firmado en el ámbito del Congreso Iberoamericano de Comunicación y Educación, 'Luces en el Laberinto Audiovisual', en Huelva (España), el 26 de octubre de 2003
Síntesis del estado en el que se encuentra la pintura artística en Alemania una vez acaba la II Guerra Mundial. Se mencionan los pintores alemanes que tiene una proyección internacional, que son pocos, ya que la mayoría del arte contemporáneo alemán no se conoce fuera de sus fronteras en este momento.
Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO
Se hace un análisis general del momento actual de las Asociaciones Pro Subnormales, sistematizado en tres apartados principales: La estructura de las asociaciones Pro Subnormales; la ideología de las mismas, así como los aspectos prácticos que desarrollan en sus actividades y programas. En un segundo bloque el texto hace hincapié en los mayores problemas con los cuales las asociaciones Pro Subnormales tropiezan en los tres apartados anteriormente mencionados.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO
Resumen en inglés. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Public Assistance to the poor in the United States was always been reluctant and especially cruel to women. A society that from the outset prized Kantian principles of individual freedom over Rousseau’s notions of social contract and that was dominated by a puritanical morality saw poverty as self-made. If individuals had freedom of choice, bad outcomes were necessarily caused by bad choices. The poor had themselves to blame.
This paper examines self-esteem issues with children who wear a cochlear implant.
Yarn minisett technique (YMT) has been promoted throughout West Africa since the 1980s as a sustainable means of producing clean yarn planting material, but adoption of the technique is Often reported as being patchy at best. While there has been much research Oil the factors that influence adoption of the technique, there have been no attempts to assess its economic viability under 'farmer-managed' as distinct from 'on station' conditions. The present paper describes the results of farmer-managed trials employing the YMT (white yarn: Dioscorea rotundata) at two villages in Igalaland, Kogi State, Nigeria. One of the villages (Edeke) is on the banks of the River Niger and represents it specialist yarn environment, whereas the other village (Ekwuloko) is inland, where farmers employ a more general cropping system. Four farmers were selected in each of the two villages and asked to plant a trial comprising two varieties of yam, their popular local variety its well its another variety grown in other parts of Igalaland, and to treat yarn setts (80-100 g) with either woodash or insecticide/nematicide + fungicide mix (chemical treatment). Results suggest that while chemical sett treatment increased yield and hence gross margin compared with woodash, if household labour is costed then YMT is not economically viable. However, the specialist yarn growers of Edeke were far more positive about the use of YMT as they tended to keep the yarn seed tubers for planting rather than sell them. Thus, great care needs to be taken with planning adoption surveys on the assumption that all farmers should adopt a technology.