993 resultados para Plasmodium, Kinase, FRET, localization
RESUMESuite à un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ischémique, les cellules gliales ducerveau deviennent activées, de nombreuses cellules inflammatoires pénètrent dans letissu lésé et sécrètent une grande variété de cytokines et chémokines. Aujourd'hui, ilexiste des interrogations sur les effets bénéfiques ou délétères de cette inflammation surla taille de la lésion et le pronostic neurologique.Ce projet vise à évaluer l'effet d'un peptide neuroprotecteur, D-JNKI1, inhibiteur de lavoie pro-apoptotique de signalisation intracellulaire c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), surl'inflammation post-ischémique.Nous montrons d'abord que la microglie est largement activée dans toute la région lésée48 h après l'induction d'une ischémie chez la souris. Cependant, malgré l'inhibition dela mort neuronale par D-JNKI1 évaluée à 48 h, nous n'observons de modification ni del'activation de la microglie, ni de son nombre. Ensuite, nous montrons que le cerveaupeut être protégé même s'il y a une augmentation massive de la sécrétion de médiateursinflammatoires dans la circulation systémique très tôt après induction d'un AVCischémique. De plus, nous notons que la sécrétion de molécules inflammatoires dans lecerveau n'est pas différente entre les animaux traités par D-JNKI1 ou une solutionsaline, bien que nous ayons obtenu une neuroprotection significative chez les animauxtraités.En conclusion, nous montrons que l'inhibition de la voie de JNK par D-JNKI1n'influence pas directement l'inflammation post-ischémique. Ceci suggère quel'inhibition de l'inflammation n'est pas forcément nécessaire pour obtenir en hautdegré de neuroprotection du parenchyme lésé après ischémie cérébrale, et que lesmécanismes inflammatoires déclenchés lors d'une ischémie cérébrale ne sont pasforcément délétères pour la récupération du tissu endommagé.SUMMARYAfter cerebral ischemia, glial cells become activated and numerous inflammatory cellsinfiltrate the site of the lesion, secreting a large variety of cytokines and chemokines. Itis controversial whether this brain inflammation is detrimental or beneficial and how itinfluences lesion size and neurological outcome.This project was aimed at critically evaluating whether the neuroprotective peptide DJNKI,an inhibitor of the pro-apopotic c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway,modulates post-ischemic inflammation in animal models of stroke. Specifically, it wasasked whether JNK inhibition prevents microglial activation and the release ofinflammatory mediators.In the first part of this study, we showed that microglia was activated throughout thelesion 48 h after experimental stroke. However, the activation and accumulation ofmicroglia was not reduced by D-JNKI1, despite a significant reduction of the lesionsize. In the second part of this project, we demonstrated that neuroprotection measuredat 48 h occurs even though inflammatory mediators are released in the plasma veryearly after the onset of cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, we found that secretion ofinflammatory mediators in the brain was not different in groups treated with D-JNKI1or not, despite a significant reduction of the lesion size in the treated group.Altogether, we show that inhibition of the JNK pathway using D-JNKI1 does notinfluence directly post-stroke inflammation. Inhibition of inflammation is therefore notnecessarily required for neuroprotection after cerebral ischemia. Thus, post-strokeinflammation might not be detrimental for the tissue recovery.
PURPOSE: Tumor-associated TIE-2-expressing monocytes (TEM) are highly proangiogenic cells critical for tumor vascularization. We previously showed that, in human breast cancer, TIE-2 and VEGFR pathways control proangiogenic activity of TEMs. Here, we examine the contribution of these pathways to immunosuppressive activity of TEMs. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We investigated the changes in immunosuppressive activity of TEMs and gene expression in response to specific kinase inhibitors of TIE-2 and VEGFR. The ability of tumor TEMs to suppress tumor-specific T-cell response mediated by tumor dendritic cells (DC) was measured in vitro. Characterization of TEM and DC phenotype in addition to their interaction with T cells was done using confocal microscopic images analysis of breast carcinomas. RESULTS: TEMs from breast tumors are able to suppress tumor-specific immune responses. Importantly, proangiogenic and suppressive functions of TEMs are similarly driven by TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity. Furthermore, we show that tumor TEMs can function as antigen-presenting cells and elicit a weak proliferation of T cells. Blocking TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity induced TEMs to change their phenotype into cells with features of myeloid dendritic cells. We show that immunosuppressive activity of TEMs is associated with high CD86 surface expression and extensive engagement of T regulatory cells in breast tumors. TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity was also necessary to maintain high CD86 surface expression levels and to convert T cells into regulatory cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that TEMs are plastic cells that can be reverted from suppressive, proangiogenic cells into cells that are able to mediate an antitumoral immune response. Clin Cancer Res; 19(13); 3439-49. ©2013 AACR.
NK cell function is regulated by a dual receptor system, which integrates signals from triggering receptors and MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors. We show here that the src family kinase Fyn is required for efficient, NK cell-mediated lysis of target cells, which lack both self-MHC class I molecules and ligands for NKG2D, an activating NK cell receptor. In contrast, NK cell inhibition by the MHC class I-specific receptor Ly49A was independent of Fyn, suggesting that Fyn is specifically required for NK cell activation via non-MHC receptor(s). Compared to wild type, significantly fewer Fyn-deficient NK cells expressed the inhibitory Ly49A receptor. The presence of a transgenic Ly49A receptor together with its H-2(d) ligand strongly reduced the usage of endogenous Ly49 receptors in Fyn-deficient mice. These data suggest a model in which the repertoire of inhibitory Ly49 receptors is formed under the influenced of Fyn-dependent NK cell activation as well as the respective MHC class I environment. NK cells may acquire Ly49 receptors until they generate sufficient inhibitory signals to balance their activation levels. Such a process would ensure the induction of NK cell self-tolerance.
La proteïna CK2 és una Ser/Thr fosfotransferasa evolutivament conservada. Està formada per dues subunitats diferents, α (catalítica) i β (reguladora), que s’associen en un complex heterotetramèric (α2β2). L’activitat d’aquest enzim està regulada per varis mecanismes que la modulen diferencialment en funció del substrat, entre ells, la localització subcel·lular de les diferents subunitats. A partir de plantes transgèniques que contenen les subunitats de CK2 fusionades a una proteïna fluorescent (GFP o YFP) hem establert línies cel·lulars que permetran analitzar, en treballs futurs, els canvis de localització subcel·lular de les subunitats de CK2 provocats per diferents estímuls. La CK2 intervé en un gran nombre de processos cel·lulars, entre d’altres, metabolisme, transport a nucli, control del cicle cel·lular i reparació del DNA. Amb la finalitat d’estudiar el paper de la CK2 en el desenvolupament de les plantes, membres del grup van generar un mutant dominant negatiu per transformació estable de plantes d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Estudis previs mostraven que la pèrdua d’activitat CK2 en aquestes plantes provocava una alteració de l’activitat mitòtica i un bloqueig del cicle cel·lular. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball indiquen que aquests fenotips podrien ser conseqüència de la implicació de la CK2 en processos d’estructuració de la cromatina.
The preparation of a novel radioiodination reagent, the (aminooxy)acetyl derivative of (p-[125]-iodophenyl)ethylamine, is described. Conventional radioiodination of proteins involves the formation of iodotyrosine residues, but for in vivo applications such as thyroid or stomach immunoscintigraphy, the susceptibility of these residues to tissue dehalogenases constitutes a serious disadvantage. Using our new compound, which has a particularly nonreactive aromatic ring, we confirm and extend studies published by other workers indicating the much greater in vivo stability of iodophenyl compounds compared to the more conventional iodophenolic ones. In addition, the aminooxy group of our reagent gives a stable and specific linkage to aldehyde groups formed by periodate oxidation on the sugar moiety of antibody molecules. In vitro, favorable binding activity and high stability was obtained with a (([125I]iodoaryl)amino)oxy labeled monoclonal antibody directed against carcinoembryonic antigen. In vivo, using paired labeling experiments in nude mice bearing colon carcinoma xenografts, the (([125I]iodoaryl)amino)oxy-MAb (MAb = monoclonal antibody) was compared with the same MAb 131I-labeled by conventional chloramine-T method. Tumor 125I concentration of (arylamino)oxy MAb (measured as percent injected dose per gram) was significantly higher as compared to values obtained with a conventionally labeled 131I antibody. Additionally, thyroid uptake, an indicator of iodine release from the antibody, was up to 25 times lower after injection of 125I-MAb obtained by the new method as compared to the conventionally iodinated 131I-MAb.
During 1992-1994, 33 malaria cases were reported in two regions in Brazil where few sporadic atypical cases occur, most of them in home owners, who are weekenders, while home caretakers live there permanently. Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT), with Plasmodium vivax, and Enzime Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with repeat peptides of the circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of the 3 known P. vivax variants and P. malarie/P. brasilianum, were performed on 277 sera, obtained within a 5 to 10 km range of malaria cases. Very rarely did any of these donors recall typical malaria episodes. Blood smears of all but 5 were negative. One of the 5 malaria cases included in our serology was of a home owner, 1 of a permanent resident, 3 from Superintendência de Controle de Endemias employees who went there to capture mosquitoes. In Region 1 the prevalence of IFAT positive sera was 73% and 28% among caretakers, 18% and 9.6% among home owners. In Region 2 (3 localities) no distinction was possible between caretakers and home owners, IFAT positivity being 38%, 28% and 7%. The relative percentage of positive anti-CS repeats ELISA, differed for each of the peptides among localities. Dwellings are in the vicinity of woods, where monkeys are frequently seen. The origin of these malaria cases, geographical differences and high seropositivity is discussed
We have analyzed the compositional properties of coding (protein encoding) and non-coding sequences of Plasmodium falciparum, a unicellular parasite characterized by an extremely AT-rich genome. GC% levels, base and dinucleotide frequencies were studied. We found that among the various factors that contribute to the properties of the sequences analyzed, the most relevant are the compositional constraints which operate on the whole genome
Nitric oxide (NO) and NO-derived reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are present in the food vacuole (FV) of Plasmodium falciparum trophozoites. The product of PFL1555w, a putative cytochrome b(5), localizes in the FV membrane, similar to what was previously observed for the product of PF13_0353, a putative cytochrome b(5) reductase. These two gene products may contribute to NO generation by denitrification chemistry from nitrate and/or nitrite present in the erythrocyte cytosol. The possible coordination of NO to heme species present in the food vacuole was probed by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The spectroscopic data revealed that in situ generated NO interacts with heme inside the intact FVs to form ferrous heme nitrosyl complexes that influence intra-vacuolar heme solubility. The formation of heme nitrosyl complexes within the FV is a previously unrecognized factor that could affect the equilibrium between soluble and crystallized heme within the FV in vivo.
Little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the release of merozoites from malaria infected erythrocytes. In this study membranous structures present in the culture medium at the time of merozoite release have been characterized. Biochemical and ultrastructural evidence indicate that membranous structures consist of the infected erythrocyte membrane, the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane and a residual body containing electron dense material. These are subcellular compartments expected in a structure that arises as a consequence of merozoite release from the infected cell. Ultrastructural studies show that a novel structure extends from the former parasite compartment to the surface membrane. Since these membrane modifications are detected only after merozoites have been released from the infected erythrocyte, it is proposed that they might play a role in the release of merozoites from the host cell
Les médicaments anticancéreux sont souvent caractérisés par une importante variabilité pharmacocinétique interindividuelle, des relations entre concentration et réponse clinique et une marge thérapeutique étroite. Pourtant, le suivi thérapeutique des concentrations de ces médicaments (TDM) est encore rare en oncologie. Les bases scientifiques justifiant un TDM des nouvelles thérapies ciblées orales sont encore très hétérogènes. Cependant, d'assez solides évidences existent pour l'imatinib et certaines apparaissent progressivement pour d'autres composés. A côté de cela, le TDM est aussi pratiqué dans des situations spécifiques de traitement par certaines chimiothérapies conventionnelles. Des efforts considérables restent toutefois à réaliser pour mieux caractériser la pharmacocinétique de ces médicaments, pour préciser leurs relations concentration-effet et pour conduire des études prospectives randomisées évaluant le bénéfice clinique de l'approche TDM en oncologie.
This communication reports the specific induction of calmodulin kinase IV by the thyroid hormone 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner at a very early stage of brain differentiation using a fetal rat telencephalon primary cell culture system, which can grow and differentiate under chemically defined conditions. The induction of the enzyme that can be observed both on the mRNA and on the protein level is T3-specific, i.e. it cannot be induced by retinoic acid or reverse T3, and can be inhibited on both the transcriptional and the translational level by adding to the culture medium actinomycin D or cycloheximide, respectively. The earliest detection of calmodulin kinase IV in the fetal brain tissue of the rat is at days E16/E17, both on the mRNA as well as on the protein level. This is the first report in which a second messenger-dependent kinase involved in the control of cell regulatory processes is itself controlled by a primary messenger, the thyroid hormone.
The merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) locus of Plasmodium falciparum codes for a major asexual blood-stage antigen currently proposed as a major malaria vaccine candidate. The protein, however, shows extensive polymorphism, which may compromise its use in sub-unit vaccines. Here we compare the patterns of allelic diversity at the MSP-1 locus in wild isolates from three epidemiologically distinct malaria-endemic areas: the hypoendemic southwestern Brazilian Amazon (n = 54), the mesoendemic southern Vietnam (n = 238) and the holoendemic northern Tanzania (n = 79). Fragments of the variable blocks 2, 4a, 4b and 6 or 10 of this single-copy gene were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, and 24 MSP-1 gene types were defined as unique combinations of allelic types in each variable block. Ten different MSP-1 types were identified in Brazil, 23 in Vietnam and 13 in Tanzania. The proportion of genetically mixed infections (isolates with parasites carrying more than one MSP-1 version) ranged from 39% in Brazil to 44% in Vietnam and 60% in Tanzania. The vast majority (90%) of the typed parasite populations from Brazil and Tanzania belonged to the same seven most frequent MSP-1 gene types. In contrast, these seven gene types corresponded to only 61% of the typed parasite populations from Vietnam. Non-random associations were found between allelic types in blocks 4a and 6 among Vietnamese isolates, the same pattern being observed in independent studies performed in 1994, 1995 and 1996. These results suggest that MSP-1 is under selective pressure in the local parasite population. Nevertheless, the finding that similar MSP-1 type frequencies were found in 1994 and 1996 argues against the prominence of short-term frequency-dependent immune selection of MSP-1 polymorphisms. Non-random associations between MSP-1 allelic types, however, were not detected among isolates from Brazil and Tanzania. A preliminary analysis of the distribution of MSP-1 gene types per host among isolates from Tanzania, but not among those from Brazil and Vietnam, shows significant deviation from that expected under the null hypothesis of independent distribution of parasites carrying different gene types in the human hosts. Some epidemiological consequences of these findings are discussed