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A tese analisa a dinâmica curricular da educação física na Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC) a partir dos pressupostos do ciclo de políticas curriculares de Ball e Bowe (1992). A fim de compreender a amplitude das políticas curriculares da SEEDUC, o estudo investiga os contextos da dinâmica curricular e o modo com o qual se articulam. Para o contexto das influências, as notícias e informes publicados no site da SEEDUC e da Secretaria de Estado de Esporte e Lazer constituem as nossas fontes. Foram catalogados e analisados 117 documentos. Para o contexto da construção curricular foram realizadas entrevistas com três dos professores que foram responsáveis pela construção do Currículo Mínimo para a educação física da SEEDUC, publicado no ano de 2012. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise de todos os documentos curriculares prescritivos que compõem o Currículo Mínimo. Para o contexto da prática curricular foram entrevistados oito professores de educação física e duas de língua portuguesa que estavam, no momento das entrevistas, atuando como professores de escolas da SEEDUC. As análises dos dados nos permitem as seguintes inferências: as políticas curriculares da SEEDUC se direcionam primordialmente para a obtenção de melhorias nos índices de qualidade da educação no estado, aferidos através de avaliações externas de larga escala; essas políticas estão associadas ao regime de verdade da performaticidade (BALL, 2005), uma vez que têm como pressupostos básicos a padronização, o controle e a meritocracia; a vinculação com a pedagogia das competências complementa esse pacote de performatividades; as disposições críticas do grupo de professores de educação física que construiu o Currículo Mínimo concorreram com e, em alguma medida, subverteram as políticas da performatividade da SEEDUC, de tal modo que os documentos prescritivos têm a marca da ambivalência do controle e da diversidade; os professores de educação física que lidam com a prática curricular não compartilham as disposições críticas dos professores que construíram as prescrições, e fazem suas traduções curriculares influenciados pelas problemáticas inerentes do cotidiano; entre elas, se destaca o traço da cultura escolar que toma os tempos e espaços da educação física na escola como os lugares do gosto e da liberdade; a comparação das traduções curriculares dos professores de educação física com as de língua portuguesa contribuiu para iluminar algumas características da dinâmica curricular da educação física, especialmente os impactos distintos que as sistematizações curriculares tiveram no cotidiano; para as professoras de língua portuguesa as novas sistematizações presentes no Currículo Mínimo repercutiram em desestabilizações de tradições, para os de educação física significaram a possibilidade de um norte.
O objetivo precípuo da pesquisa que ora se apresenta consiste em analisar as políticas e reformas da educação no que concerne à Formação de Professores da década de 1990, considerando o intenso barateamento e a precarização, que vem ocorrendo nas últimas décadas, nessa formação. Buscamos entender em que medida as políticas são contingentes e elaboradas para atender aos problemas emergenciais e porque não trazem em seu bojo a construção de ações que visam à transformação da formação e da própria sociedade. Busca, ainda, compreender se a Teoria Reflexiva, cujos expoentes são John Dewey e Donald Schön, que fundamenta o trabalho de alguns professores formadores, é uma extensão das políticas e reformas empreendidas no Brasil nas últimas décadas. De igual modo, visa a analisar se palavras de ordem como flexibilização, polivalência, habilidades e competência, que compõem a agenda neoliberal, foram aderidas ao pacote para a Formação de Professores da Teoria Reflexiva. Pretende contrapor os fundamentos da Teoria Reflexiva àqueles da Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica. Utiliza, nesta etapa da investigação, a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental pertinente e levanta informações sobre o Curso de Pedagogia no Brasil por meio da pesquisa empírica, que ocorreu em três Universidades: Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG), Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) e Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE-Câmpus Cascavel). Analisa o Projeto Político-Pedagógico de cada uma para detectar qual Referencial Teórico pautou sua construção e realiza entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores do Curso de Pedagogia, buscando meios que possibilitou realizar o levantamento do possível Referencial Teórico que pauta o trabalho desses professores
Two tutorial examples are presented which illustrate different methods of designing practical multivariable control systems using frequency-domain techniques. In the first case eigenvector alignment techniques are used to manipulate and shape the generalized Nyquist diagrams, while in the second case LQG theory in conjunction with singular value plots is employed. In both cases the designs are carried out on a modern computer-aided control-system design package.
A suite of computer subroutines is described which allows rapid analysis of most types of planar mechanism by the writing of a simple computer programme. The analytical techniques of these subroutines are explained, and a worked example is presented to illustrate the use of the package, and to demonstrate its advantages in the calculation of inertia forces within a mechanism.
The GTO model presented in this paper uses analytical expressions to describe the internal physics of the device. It has been implemented to run as compiled code in the SPICE simulation package and as a MAST template in the Saber simulator. A rigorous comparison of measured simulated waveforms and performance parameters (including turn-off energies) for a 3000A device is described and discussed.
An analysis of growth of scad and mackerels on Sofala Bank, Mozambique, was performed using data collected from commercial vessels during the year 1986-87, using the "Compleat Elefan" software package. Updated estimates of growth parameters of Decapterus russelli, D. macrosoma (Carangidae), and Rastrelliger kanagurta (Scombridae) were obtained which take seasonal growth oscillations into account. Preliminary growth parameter estimates are also presented for Selar crumenophthalmus (Carangidae) and Saurida undosquamis (Synodontidae).
Some basic concepts of fishery economics and management, and fish population dynamics are recalled, as presented during a course held at the Instituto de Investigaçāo Pesqueira from 23 February to 15 March 1988 in Maputo, Mozambique. Also, some basic elements of length-based stock assessment are reviewed, with emphasis on their implementation through the “Compleat Elefan" package, used extensively during this course, when the participants analyzed their data and wrote first draft of manuscripts incorporating the results of these analyses. Some problems relative to sampling and to seasonal growth oscillations are discussed with special reference to conditions in Mozambique.
Three-phase induction motors offer significant advantages over commutator motors in some domestic appliances. Models for wide speed range three-phase induction motors for use in a horizontal axis washing machine have been developed using the MEGA finite element package with an external formulation for calculating iron losses. Motor loss predictions have been verified using a novel high accuracy calorimeter. Good agreement has been observed over a wide speed range at different loadings. The model is used to predict motor temperature rise under typical washing machine loading conditions to ensure its limiting temperature is not exceeded and enables alternative designs to be investigated without recourse to physical prototypes. © 2005 IEEE.
The report covers the status of: the economic and ecological values of Lake Victoria; priority issues; the vision of the Fisheries Research Component; the objectives of the Fisheries Research Component under LVEMP to generate, package and disseminate scientific knowledge and build capacity.
The software package Dymola, which implements the new, vendor-independent standard modelling language Modelica, exemplifies the emerging generation of object-oriented modelling and simulation tools. This paper shows how, in addition to its simulation capabilities, it may be used as an embodiment design tool, to size automatically a design assembled from a library of generic parametric components. The example used is a miniature model aircraft diesel engine. To this end, the component classes contain extra algebraic equations calculating the overload factor (or its reciprocal, the safety factor) for all the different modes of failure, such as buckling or tensile yield. Thus the simulation results contain the maximum overload or minimum safety factor for each failure mode along with the critical instant and the device state at which it occurs. The Dymola "Initial Conditions Calculation" function, controlled by a simple software script, may then be used to perform automatic component sizing. Each component is minimised in mass, subject to a chosen safety factor against failure, over a given operating cycle. Whilst the example is in the realm of mechanical design, it must be emphasised that the approach is equally applicable to the electrical or mechatronic domains, indeed to any design problem requiring numerical constraint satisfaction.
Zinc oxide is a versatile II-VI naturally n-type semiconductor that exhibits piezoelectric properties. By controlling the growth kinetics during a simple carbothermal reduction process a wide range of 1D nanostructures such as nanowires, nanobelts, and nanotetrapods have been synthesized. The driving force: for the nanostructure growth is the Zn vapour supersaturation and supply rate which, if known, can be used to predict and explain the type of crystal structure that results. A model which attempts to determine the Zn vapour concentration as a function of position in the growth furnace is described. A numerical simulation package, COMSOL, was used to simultaneously model the effects of fluid flow, diffusion and heat transfer in a tube furnace made specifically for ZnO nanostructure growth. Parameters such as the temperature, pressure, and flow rate are used as inputs to the model to show the effect that each one has on the Zn concentration profile. An experimental parametric study of ZnO nanostructure growth was also conducted and compared to the model predictions for the Zn concentration in the tube. © 2008 Materials Research Society.
A novel type of linear extensometer with exceptionally high resolution of 4 nm based on MEMS resonant strain sensors bonded on steel and operating in a vacuum package is presented. The tool is implemented by means of a steel thin bar that can be pre-stressed in tension within two fixing anchors. The extension of the bar is detected by using two vacuum-packaged resonant MEMS double- ended tuning fork (DETF) sensors bonded on the bar with epoxy glue, one of which is utilized for temperature compensation. Both sensors are driven by a closed loop self-oscillating transresistance amplifier feedback scheme implemented on a PCB (Printed Circuit Board). On the same board, a microcontroller-based frequency measurement circuit is also implemented, which is able to count the square wave fronts of the MEMS oscillator output with a resolution of 20 nsec. The system provides a frequency noise of 0.2 Hz corresponding to an extension resolution of 4 nm for the extensometer. Nearly perfect temperature compensation of the frequency output is achieved in the temperature range 20-35 C using the reference sensor. © 2011 IEEE.
Mandrel peel tests with mandrels or rollers of varying diameters have been carried out using Mylar backing of several thicknesses and a commercial synthetic acrylic adhesive. The results are critically compared with the numerical predictions of the peeling software package ICPeel. In addition, a finite element model of the mandrel peeling process has been completed which gives good agreement with experiment provided appropriate mechanical properties of adherend and adhesive are used which must include the effects of adherent constraint. The influence of the thickness of the backing is also considered and both experiment and analysis confirm that there is a backing thickness at which the peel force for a laminate of this sort will show a maximum. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Finding an appropriate turbulence model for a given flow case usually calls for extensive experimentation with both models and numerical solution methods. This work presents the design and implementation of a flexible, programmable software framework for assisting with numerical experiments in computational turbulence. The framework targets Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes models, discretized by finite element methods. The novel implementation makes use of Python and the FEniCS package, the combination of which leads to compact and reusable code, where model- and solver-specific code resemble closely the mathematical formulation of equations and algorithms. The presented ideas and programming techniques are also applicable to other fields that involve systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. We demonstrate the framework in two applications and investigate the impact of various linearizations on the convergence properties of nonlinear solvers for a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
It is well known that the chemokine receptor CCR5 plays very important roles in HIV-1 virus infection. A three-dimensional molecular model of human CCR5 was generated by SYBYL, a distance geometry-based homologous modeling package, using the corresponding transmembrane domain of bacteriorhodopsin as the template. On the basis of human CCR5 model, we also built 18 3D molecular models of CCR5 in primates from Pongo pygmaeus, Pygathrix nemaeus, Macaca assameniss, Trachy-pithecus phayrei, T. francoisi, M. arotoides, Rhinopithecus roxellance, R, bieti, R. avunculus, Hylobates leucogenys, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, Cercopithecus aethiops 1, C. aethiops 2, Papio hamadryas M. mulatta, M. fascicularis and M. nemestrina. Structural analyses and statistics results suggested that the main-chains of the primate CCR5 were similar to that of the human CCR5 and that the fit-RMS deviation values of these primate CCR5 were less than 0.1 Angstrom. Moreover, the structures of these CCR5 proteins, except those of the African green monkey 1 (C.aet1), do not have a remarkable difference. It is proved that the 14th residue is possibly very important in the inhibition infections by M-tropic HIV-1, and it is also demonstrated that the 13th residue of human CCR5 was changed from asparagine into aspartic acid in all these primates. It means that the primate CCR5 no longer depend on CD4 for efficient entry, but human CCR5 may have evolved subsequently due to the use of CD4 as a receptor, allowing the high-affinity chemokine receptor-binding site of HIV to be sequestered from host immune surveillance. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.