990 resultados para PN Sierra Mariola
A phytosociological study of the forests from Sierra Maestra is conducted, following the methodology of the Zurich- Montpelier School. They are transformed into a forest typology using the standards of the Institute of Agro-Forestry Research. In general, 35 types and/or subtypes are presented. From this group, the most abundant ones belong to semi-deciduous microphyll forest, followed by those from mangroves and mountain rainforest, respectively. Silvicultural treatments are needed; among them, the protection forests are those found above 800 m asl and mangroves.
En este artículo presentamos un balance de la Antropología de la Conservación en el Estado español. Durante las últimas décadas, la protección de los espacios naturales ha aumentado de una manera exponencial en todo el mundo. A la vez que se extendía esta patrimonialización de la naturaleza, los trabajos etnográficos sobre las áreas protegidas han ido ganando terreno dentro de la disciplina y, en particular, en el campo de la Antropología Ambiental. La mencionada bibliografía ha puesto de relieve los múltiples aspectos derivados de las nuevas políticas territoriales de regulación, apropiación y mercantilización de la ‘naturaleza’. En este trabajo realizamos una revisión exhaustiva de la producción generada a raíz de este interés por las áreas protegidas en nuestro país subrayando sus principales aportaciones, características y debilidades. De este modo pretendemos reflexionar acerca de su continuidad, con el fin de evitar la mera reiteración y favorecer el avance en sus resultados.
Since its excavation in the summer of 1973, El Niño cave has been considered a key site to understand the process of production economy and pottery technology introduction in South-eastern Iberian Peninsula, and especially to approach how such process could have affected people already settled in the Segura mountains. However, data from El Niño cave was very fragmentary, due to the lack of a broad study of Neolithic occupations of the site. In this paper, we present the analysis of pottery, lithic industry and faunal remains, as well as the existing dates from the site´s Holocene levels. The review of different evidence from the site allows suggesting that El Niño cave would have probably acted as a hunting and shepherding station, being a logistical site of larger places. However, limitations due to the fact that we are dealing with a 40- year-old excavation, prevent specifying how the process of Neolithic introduction in the Segura Mountains occurred.
In this paper we analyze the set of Bronze Age bone tools recovered at the archaeological site of El Portalón of Cueva Mayor in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos). The Bronze Age cultural period is the best represented in the cavity and its study has forced us to unify the different excavation and stratigraphical criteria undertaken from the earliest archaeological excavations developed by J.M. Apellániz during the 70s until the excavations of the current research team (EIA) since 2000. We propose here for the first time a relationship between the initial system of “beds” used by Apellániz and our recent sedimentary sequence that recognizes eleven stratigraphic levels radiometrically dated from the late Upper Pleistocene to the Middle Age. Within the bone industry assemblage we recognize a large variety of utensils and ornamental elements, with native and allochthonous features, that make evident a regional as well as long distance relationships of these populations of the interior of the Iberian Peninsula during the recent Prehistory.
Programa de doctorado: Traducción, comunicación y cultura
Constant false alarm rate (CFAR) techniques can be used in Pseudo-Noise (PN) code acquisition in Spread Spectrum (SS) communication systems, and all the CFAR techniques perform well in homogeneous background PN code acquisition. However, in non-homogeneous background, some CFAR techniques suffer rapid degradation. GO/SO (Greatest-of/Smallest-of) CFAR and adaptive censored mean level detector (ACMLD) are two adaptive CFAR techniques, which are analyzed and compared with other CFAR techniques. The simulation results show that GO/SO CFAR is superior to other CFAR techniques, it maintains short mean acquisition time (MAT) even at environment with strong clutter noise, and ACMLD is suitable for background with strong interfering targets
En el marco de la presente investigación y a partir del análisis bibliográfico es posible detectar que nos encontramos inmersos en un contexto signado por profundos cambios en los diversos planos existenciales que generan incertidumbre y la necesidad de encontrar paz interior. De allí que, en determinadas circunstancias las personas inician un viaje para satisfacer sus necesidades espirituales. De esta manera se analiza el turismo espiritual-de reflexión, una modalidad de escasa difusión en nuestro país, basado en el desarrollo interior de la persona a través de diversas prácticas con el fin de vivenciar una experiencia trascendental. En este contexto, en los últimos tiempos, han surgido asociaciones y fundaciones que entre sus objetivos atienden los requerimientos interiores de los individuos, tal es el caso de la Asociación Civil Calquín ubicada a cuatro kilómetros de la localidad de Sierra de la Ventana (Argentina), sobre la cual se focaliza el presente trabajo. [en] As part of this research and from the literature review is possible to detect that we are immersed in a context marked by profound changes in the various planes of existence that generate uncertainty and the need to find inner peace. Hence, in certain circumstances people start a journey to meet their spiritual needs. In this way is analyzed spiritual-reflection tourism, a type of tourism with limited distribution in our country, based on the inner development of the individual through various practices in order to feel a transcendental experience. In this context, in recent times, there have been associations and foundations among its objectives serve the inner needs of individuals, as in the case of Calquín Civil Association located four kilometers from the town of Sierra de la Ventana (Argentina) on which this paper focuses.
El presente trabajo de investigación es para determinar sistemáticamente los costos que se incurren en el procesamiento de café en la Asociación Agropecuaria Caficultora de la Sierra Lenca de Morazán de Responsabilidad Limitada (ACALEM, de R.L); así como identificar y clasificar cada uno de los costos que se incurren en cada una de las etapas del procesamiento del café, cuantificar cada uno de los costos que intervienen en el procesamiento de café y proponer instrumentos de control de materia prima directa, mano de obra directa y costos indirectos que se generan en cada uno de los procesos de producción del café. Conocer de forma previa los costos de producción representa una ventaja en cuanto a la generación de información útil y oportuna para la toma de decisiones. El sistema de costeo por órdenes específicas supone un tratamiento particular de la información generada en cada etapa del proceso productivo, esta información debe cumplir con los requerimientos técnicos, sin dejar al lado los requerimientos legales para su registro y control. En este contexto el desarrollo de esta investigación plantea una problemática orientada a determinar el costo de producción de una manera sistemática y consecuentemente razonable aplicando el método de costeo por órdenes específicas.
The development of the accounting professional in a postcolonial context: evidence from Sierra Leone
Despite increasing interest in the development of the accountancy profession and constitutive professional bodies in ex-colonies, little is known about the development of professional accountants as individuals. Similarly, although the continuing influence of the legacies of colonialism and imperialism on the accounting professionalisation trajectory in ex-colonies has been recognised, little attempt has been made to theorise such continuing colonial intervention as a postcolonial condition of accommodation and resistance, with implications for the development of professional accountants. This thesis fills this vacuum by employing four aspects of the critical lens of postcolonial theory – local-global nexus, psycho-existential complex, postcolonial hybridity and diaspora - to gain an insight into the development of accounting professionals in ex-colonies with specific reference to Sierra Leone. Specifically, it examines the current model of accounting professionalisation adopted in Sierra Leone and implications for the development of professional accountants in the country; investigates the historical and ideological legacies of colonialism that shaped and continue to influence the professionalisation trajectory in Sierra Leone; explores the perceptions of Sierra Leonean chartered and aspiring accountants of their professional identity in terms of their professional development within Sierra Leone; and explores the lived experiences of Sierra Leonean chartered and aspiring accountants in the diaspora and the diaspora effect on accountancy in Sierra Leone. The empirical evidence presented here emanated from two sources: a web-based survey and semi-structured interviews with Sierra Leonean chartered and aspiring accountants both within and outside the country at the time of the study. The model for developing professional accountants in Sierra Leone comprises a partnership between the local professional body, ICASL, and the British-based global body, the ACCA. A postcolonial analysis of the empirical evidence reveals that an unintended consequence of this model is that the local is co-opted within the global while the global becomes increasingly localised. The analysis also shows that the presence of a perceived global body ‘inferiorises’ the local body to the point of undesirability among local chartered and aspiring accountants. Thus the partnership has to date done little by way of developing ICASL’s capacity to ensure the development of a localised profession and professionals. Instead, it produces, within the Sierra Leone accountancy space, professional hybrids that at once pose as global as well as local accountants. This has significant implications for the local profession because many of the hybrid professional accountants who could potentially drive the local profession forward end up in the diaspora, which leaves the local profession in a weaker state. Also, given the established link between a robust accountancy profession and sustainable economic development, such professional diasporisation could negatively impact on the country’s economic development. In sum, Sierra Leone has failed to establish an accounting professionalisation model that develops professional accountants (through contextualised professional education and training) that meets the specific accounting needs of its growing economy.
El objetivo de este trabajo es ejecutar un modelo basado en herramientas SIG, LIDAR y datos de posición solar anual para el estudio del potencial fotovoltaico en el Municipio de Miraflores de la Sierra. Una vez se obtengan los resultados se realiza un análisis y una publicación de los mismos. El análisis consta de dos fases: Una primera en la que se estudian los distintos elementos resultantes por separado (Irradiación solar anual, Energía generada y Potencia instalada) y otra en la que se comparan la distribución de los resultados y las distintas tecnologías para módulos fotovoltaicos que se han estudiado. Los resultados se publican mediante una serie cartográfica de once mapas temáticos, en función de los elementos. También se crea un visor cartográfico online con parte de la información obtenida, donde se incluyen herramientas y funciones para mejorar la experiencia del usuario final del producto.