988 resultados para PIN diodes


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) has been used to investigate hole traps in the depletion region of Schottky barrier diodes formed from electropolymerised poly(3-methylthiophene). The capacitance transients appear to be composed of a fast and a slow component. Analysis of the slower component using the ''rate window'' technique yields isochronal differential capacitance curves that depend on temperature in the manner predicted by theory.


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Evidence is presented which shows that anomalies in the I-V characteristics of Schottky diodes formed from electrodeposited poly(3-methylthiophene) are related to the time films are held under vacuum prior to deposition of the rectifying aluminium electrode. For short times (similar to 15 mins) a plateau appears in the forward bias characteristic which disappears leading to a significant voltage offset as the device ages or is driven into high forward bias.


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Schottky-barrier devices were formed from electropolymerised films of poly (3-methylthiophene) (PMeT). Thermal annealing of a partially undoped film led to diodes with rectification ratios as high as 5900 at 1 V and 50,000 at 2.5 V and ideality factors slightly above 2. The temperature dependence of ac loss tangent and forward currents are identical suggesting that bulk effects dominate device behaviour event at very low forward voltages. Below 250 K forward currents are essentially independent of temperature. Preliminary TSC measurements show the presence of at least two trapping levels in the devices. © 1993.


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The photocurrent action spectrum of a Schottky diode formed from electrodeposited poly(3-methylthiophene) is shown to follow closely the UV-visible absorption spectrum. At low forward bias, the peak photocurrent asymptotes to the expected square-root dependence on total potential, V-t, across the depletion region. At high reverse bias the superlinear dependence of the photocurrent on V-t suggests that internal photoemission from the rectifying aluminium electrode may be the dominant process.


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The present work reports some experimental results on the electrical AC behaviour of metal-undoped diamond Schottky diodes fabricated with a free-standing MPCVD diamond film (5 mum thick). The metals are gold for the ohmic contact and aluminium for the rectifier. The capacitance and loss tangent vs, frequency shows that capacitance presents a relaxation maximum at frequencies near 10 kHz at room temperature. Although the simple model (small equivalent circuit) can justify the values for the relaxation, it cannot justify the departure from the Debye model, also verified in the Cole-Cole plot. Taking into account the existence of traps in the depletion region, a best fit to the experimental results was obtained. The difference between the Fermi level and the band edge of 0.2-0.3 eV is in agreement with the activation energy found from the loss tangent analysis. The capacitance with applied voltage (Mott-Schottky plots) gives a defect density of 10(16) cm(-3) with contact potentials near 0.5 V and the profile of defect density obtained shows a major density (approx. 10(17) cm(-3)) in a layer with a thickness less than 50 nm from the junction, decreasing by one order of magnitude with increasing distance. Finally a structural model is proposed to explain the AC behaviour found. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Schottky barrier diodes based on Al/poly(3-methylthiophene)/Au have been fabricated and their electrical behaviour investigated. I-V characteristics revealed a dependence on the fabrication conditions, specifically on the time under vacuum prior to evaporation of the rectifying contact and post-metal annealing at elevated temperature. The available evidence is consistent with the formation of a thin insulating layer between the metal and the polymer following these procedures. Long periods under vacuum prior to deposition of the aluminium electrode reduced the likelihood of such a layer forming. Capacitance-voltage plots of the devices were stable to voltage cycling, so long as the forward voltage did not exceed similar to 1 V. Above this a small degree of hysteresis was observed, which is attributed to the filling/emptying of interface states or traps in the polymer.


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La Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) se define como la disminución de la función renal, donde se reduce el filtrado glomerular (FG) estimado < 60 ml/min/1,73m2 o como la presencia de daño renal de forma persistente durante al menos tres meses. La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) es una patología progresiva que afecta cada vez más a la población, el daño renal aumenta con el paso del tiempo, siendo su resultado el tratamiento renal sustitutivo, trasplante o incluso la muerte, el gran problema es que en ocasiones no hay síntomas hasta que esta instaurada. Las causas de la ERC son complejas e incluyen enfermedades comunes, como la hipertensión, el síndrome metabólico (conjunto de varios factores como HTA, obesidad), la diabetes y otras patologías que afectan al riñón. Desde la clasificación de ERC en 5 fases, los clínicos pueden diagnosticar precozmente, incluso en estadios iniciales. Para frenar la progresión de la enfermedad es recomendable la disminución de ingesta de proteica. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar una intervención nutricional (PIN) sobre la función renal, valorando la ingesta, vigilando el estado renal y nutricional en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica sin tratamiento sustitutorio. Se siguieron los criterios de las quías KDIGO/KDOQI, y los diferentes Documentos de Consenso de las Sociedades Científicas. Se diseñó un estudio longitudinal aleatorizado de 86 participantes, de los 43 que componían el grupo estudio (E) finalizaron el programa de intervención nutricional 90,69% de la muestra inicial, y 38 de los participantes del grupo control (C) (88,37%). La duración del ensayo fue de 12 meses. El estado nutricional se evaluó mediante la valoración global subjetiva (VSG), datos antropométricos, dietéticos y analíticos. Se realizó los análisis estadísticos con el programa SPSS. A los doce meses, se ha observado un aumento de FG y una disminución de otros parámetros que agravan la enfermedad. Además, se ha producido un control de la ingesta proteica y de la ingesta energética. Conclusión: Mediante una intervención nutricional mantenida en el tiempo, se puede controlar el estado nutricional y se evita la progresión de la enfermedad renal, influyendo positivamente en algunos parámetros de riesgo. Por lo que podemos concluir que la utilización de programas de intervención nutricional (PIN) en las consultas de enfermería nefrológica para pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica, podría evitar, en ocasiones, el paso del paciente a diálisis, trasplante o a la muerte.


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Freestanding semipolar (11–22) indium gallium nitride (InGaN) multiplequantum-well light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting at 445 nm have been realized by the use of laser lift-off (LLO) of the LEDs from a 50- m-thick GaN layer grown on a patterned (10–12) r -plane sapphire substrate (PSS). The GaN grooves originating from the growth on PSS were removed by chemical mechanical polishing. The 300 m × 300 m LEDs showed a turn-on voltage of 3.6 V and an output power through the smooth substrate of 0.87 mW at 20 mA. The electroluminescence spectrum of LEDs before and after LLO showed a stronger emission intensity along the [11–23]InGaN/GaN direction. The polarization anisotropy is independent of the GaN grooves, with a measured value of 0.14. The bandwidth of the LEDs is in excess of 150 MHz at 20 mA, and back-to-back transmission of 300 Mbps is demonstrated, making these devices suitable for visible light communication (VLC) applications.


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This paper presents an analysis of greenside sand bunker shots in golf to identify the key parameters in a given situation to achieve the desired distance to the pin. Different depths and corresponding entry distances of a down swing were measured in order to analyse the situation. Experiments for taking the required data were conducted in a sand bunker of a golf course. Samples were taken from different golfers whose handicaps are ranging from 5 to 25. Results can be used to train amateur golfers, especially for reaching different distances towards the pin from greenside sand bunkers.


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In conventional fabrication of ceramic separation membranes, the particulate sols are applied onto porous supports. Major structural deficiencies under this approach are pin-holes and cracks, and the dramatic losses of flux when pore sizes are reduced to enhance selectivity. We have overcome these structural deficiencies by constructing hierarchically structured separation layer on a porous substrate using lager titanate nanofibers and smaller boehmite nanofibers. This yields a radical change in membrane texture. The resulting membranes effectively filter out species larger than 60 nm at flow rates orders of magnitude greater than conventional membranes. This reveals a new direction in membrane fabrication.


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Computer aided joint replacement surgery has become very popular during recent years and is being done in increasing numbers all over the world. The accuracy of the system depends to a major extent, on accurate registration and immobility of the tracker attachment devices to the bone. This study was designed to asses the forces needed to displace the tracker attachment devices in the bone simulators. Bone simulators were used to maintain the uniformity of the bone structure during the study. The fixation devices tested were 3mm diameter self drilling, self tapping threaded pin, 4mm diameter self tapping cortical threaded pin, 5mm diameter self tapping cancellous threaded pin and a triplanar fixation device ‘ortholock’ used with three 3mm pins. All the devices were tested for pull out, translational and rotational forces in unicortical and bicortical fixation modes. Also tested was the normal bang strength and forces generated by leaning on the devices. The forces required to produce translation increased with the increasing diameter of the pins. These were 105N, 185N, and 225N for the unicortical fixations and 130N, 200N, 225N for the bicortical fixations for 3mm, 4mm and 5mm diameter pins respectively. The forces required to pull out the pins were 1475N, 1650N, 2050N for the unicortical, 1020N, 3044N and 3042N for the bicortical fixated 3mm, 4mm and 5mm diameter pins. The ortholock translational and pull out strength was tested to 900N and 920N respectively and still it did not fail. Rotatory forces required to displace the tracker on pins was to the magnitude of 30N before failure. The ortholock device had rotational forces applied up to 135N and still did not fail. The manual leaning forces and the sudden bang forces generated were of the magnitude of 210N and 150N respectively. The strength of the fixation pins increases with increasing diameter from three to five mm for the translational forces. There is no significant difference in pull out forces of four mm and five mm diameter pins though it is more that the three mm diameter pins. This is because of the failure of material at that stage rather than the fixation device. The rotatory forces required to displace the tracker are very small and much less that that can be produced by the surgeon or assistants in single pins. Although the ortholock device was tested to 135N in rotation without failing, one has to be very careful not to put any forces during the operation on the tracker devices to ensure the accuracy of the procedure.


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Biotribology, the study of lubrication, wear and friction within the body, has become a topic of high importance in recent times as we continue to encounter debilitating diseases and trauma that destroy function of the joints. A highly successful surgical procedure to replace the joint with an artificial equivalent alleviates dysfunction and pain. However, the wear of the bearing surfaces in prosthetic joints is a significant clinical problem and more patients are surviving longer than the life expectancy of the joint replacement. Revision surgery is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and has a far less successful outcome than primary joint replacement. As such, it is essential to ensure that everything possible is done to limit the rate of revision surgery. Past experience indicates that the survival rate of the implant will be influenced by many parameters, of primary importance, the material properties of the implant, the composition of the synovial fluid and the method of lubrication. In prosthetic joints, effective boundary lubrication is known to take place. The interaction of the boundary lubricant and the bearing material is of utmost importance. The identity of the vital active ingredient within synovial fluid (SF) to which we owe the near frictionless performance of our articulating joints has been the quest of researchers for many years. Once identified, tribo tests can determine what materials and more importantly what surfaces this fraction of SF can function most optimally with. Surface-Active Phospholipids (SAPL) have been implicated as the body’s natural load bearing lubricant. Studies in this thesis are the first to fully characterise the adsorbed SAPL detected on the surface of retrieved prostheses and the first to verify the presence of SAPL on knee prostheses. Rinsings from the bearing surfaces of both hip and knee prostheses removed from revision operations were analysed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to determine the presence and profile of SAPL. Several common prosthetic materials along with a novel biomaterial were investigated to determine their tribological interaction with various SAPLs. A pin-on-flat tribometer was used to make comparative friction measurements between the various tribo-pairs. A novel material, Pyrolytic Carbon (PyC) was screened as a potential candidate as a load bearing prosthetic material. Friction measurements were also performed on explanted prostheses. SAPL was detected on all retrieved implant bearing surfaces. As a result of the study eight different species of phosphatidylcholines were identified. The relative concentrations of each species were also determined indicating that the unsaturated species are dominant. Initial tribo tests employed a saturated phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and the subsequent tests adopted the addition of the newly identified major constituents of SAPL, unsaturated phosphatidylcholine (USPC), as the test lubricant. All tribo tests showed a dramatic reduction in friction when synthetic SAPL was used as the lubricant under boundary lubrication conditions. Some tribopairs showed more of an affinity to SAPL than others. PyC performed superior to the other prosthetic materials. Friction measurements with explanted prostheses verified the presence and performance of SAPL. SAPL, in particular phosphatidylcholine, plays an essential role in the lubrication of prosthetic joints. Of particular interest was the ability of SAPLs to reduce friction and ultimately wear of the bearing materials. The identification and knowledge of the lubricating constituents of SF is invaluable for not only the future development of artificial joints but also in developing effective cures for several disease processes where lubrication may play a role. The tribological interaction of the various tribo-pairs and SAPL is extremely favourable in the context of reducing friction at the bearing interface. PyC is highly recommended as a future candidate material for use in load bearing prosthetic joints considering its impressive tribological performance.


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Ceramic membranes are of particular interest in many industrial processes due to their ability to function under extreme conditions while maintaining their chemical and thermal stability. Major structural deficiencies under conventional fabrication approach are pin-holes and cracks, and the dramatic losses of flux when pore sizes are reduced to enhance selectivity. We overcome these structural deficiencies by constructing hierarchically structured separation layer on a porous substrate using larger titanate nanofibres and smaller boehmite nanofibres. This yields a radical change in membrane texture. The differences in the porous supports have no substantial influences on the texture of resulting membranes. The membranes with top layer of nanofibres coated on different porous supports by spin-coating method have similar size of the filtration pores, which is in a range of 10–100 nm. These membranes are able to effectively filter out species larger than 60 nm at flow rates orders of magnitude greater than conventional membranes. The retention can attain more than 95%, while maintaining a high flux rate about 900 L m-2 h. The calcination after spin-coating creates solid linkages between the fibres and between fibres and substrate, in addition to convert boehmite into -alumina nanofibres. This reveals a new direction in membrane fabrication.


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The ‘particle size effect’ and its manifestation in abrasion still attracts considerable debate as to its origins and the ranking of its likely causes. Experiments have been conducted to study the important contribution that the formation of wear debris can have on the progression of wear. The experiments consist of unlubricated (dry) pin-on-disk tests with silicon carbide coated paper of varying particle size, with different pin material, diameter and loads. It has been observed that the influence of debris formation on wear rate is more pronounced for fine abrasives and soft-wearing materials. Consequently, it is proposed that the particle size effect can be explained in terms of geometrical scaling and the evolution of third-body effects with diminishing particle diameter.