943 resultados para P300 latency


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The demographic and epidemiological transition process caused by a declining in birth rates and in mortality, also changes occurred in morbidity and mortality is represented by the increasing of the aging population and the raising of chronic diseases. These diseases are characterized by multiple etiologies, risk factors, long latency period, a prolonged evolution, non-infectious origin and it has association with functional impairment and disability. Thus, elderly with chronic non-communicable disease has priority because they belong to a vulnerable group to get affection of comorbidities in aging, with increased demand and spending on health services. This study is aimed to analyse the understanding of elderly people with chronic non comunicable disease in the medium complexity service as a contribution to the improvement of health care in the city of Natal / RN. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a quantitative approach, carried out at the Specialized Center for Elderly Health Care and at the Pescadores Hospital. The population was composed of 4,180 persons with a sample of 124 elderly aged above 60 years, attended in these medium complexity services. The instrument, a structured form, adapted from a questionnaire for monitoring risk and protective factors for chronic disease of the Ministry of Health. To collect data was was used the interview form containing demographic data, habits, health status and health care services. The results were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Science, version 18.0, analyzed by simple statistics. It was found that most seniors were female, predominantly between 70 and 74 years old, married, with a brown skin tone and Catholic religion, more than half had incomplete basic education, family income between one to two minimum wages and living with their families. Regarding the interviewers lifestyle, 94.4%, of them ate chicken and 97.6%, fruits, it was observed a reduction in smoking, alcoholism habits and physical activity according to the increasing age, 58.1 and 18.5% had insomnia18,5 % used sleeping pills. The elderly (51.6%) reported using services in times of sickness, seeking primary care at first (30.6%), 52% did not receive referral and was looking for free demand (38.7%). The most reported morbidity was hypertension, followed by musculoskeletal disorders. Regarding the difficulties in seeking health services, the delay in treatment and the waiting line were the most cited by the elderly. Almost all of them reported no activities to promote health in these services and those who received individual counseling on chronic diseases. Almost always, the health professionals who care of them, were mostly doctors followed by nurses. Based on the results presented, it is considered that the health services of medium complexity must undergone a more continuous dialogue with other attention level and focus on actions of health promotion and prevention. It is also recommended the necessity for qualified professionals to delivery health care to elderly and the implementation of protocols by a multidisciplinary health team, intending to provide better and continous care for the elderly with chronic diseases. The healthcare professionals who served them, were mostly physicians, followed by nurses. Through the results presented, it is considered that the medium complexity healthcare services need to perform a more continuous dialogue with the other levels of attention focusing attention to the health promotion and prevention actions. It is also recommended the necessity for qualified professionals to delivery healthcare for the elderly, in addition, a protocol implementation for the multidisciplinary health care team, to provide better care, and also the care continuity to elderly with chronic diseases


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The probiotics are live microorganisms, in latency state, that benefices the development of the animals. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the Bacillus subtilis in different doses about the growing, survival and immunological and hematological analyses in the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) froglets. The test was developed in Experimental Frog farm of Agriculture Department, Pindamonhangaba, SP. Three doses of probiotics were tested (T1 - 2.5 g/Kg, T2 - 5 g/Kg and T3 - 10 g/Kg of food). The test was carried out with three simultaneous replicates, plus control group. The products were added to froglet's diet and mixed to the meal. The animals were previously feed with this diet for a period of 14 days and accompanied for about 42 days after metamorphose. Biometrics were performed every 7 days. It was evaluated the final weight, the survival, phagocytic capacity, phagocytic index and hematological analyses as hematocrit, hemoglobin level, erythrocyte number, absolute indices hematimetrycs (MCV and MCHC), differential counting of leucocytes and total counting of leucocytes and trombocytes. The results had shown that the doses of the probiotics had produced none effect on the final weight and survival. The immunological analyses had shown that the probiotics have presented immunostimulator effect, but haven't influenced the hematological parameters of the animals.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The elevated T-maze has been developed as an animal model of anxiety to generate both conditioned and unconditioned fears in the same rat. This study explores a version of the elevated T-maze fit for mice. Inhibitory (passive) avoidance-conditioned fear-is measured by recording the latency to leave the enclosed arm during three consecutive trials. One-way escape-unconditioned fear-is measured by recording the time to withdraw from open arms. The results showed that mice do not appear to acquire inhibitory avoidance in the standard T-maze, since their latencies to leave enclosed arm did not increase along trials. Nevertheless, the open arms seemed to be aversive for mice, because the latency to leave the enclosed arm after the first trial was lower in a T-maze with the three enclosed arms than in the standard elevated T-maze, In agreement, the exposure of mice to an elevated T-maze without shield, that reduces the perception of openness, increased significantly the latencies to leave the enclosed arm, However, the absence of the shield also increased the time taken to leave the open arms when compared to that recorded in standard T-maze. Systematic observation of behavioral items in the enclosed arm has shown that risk assessment behavior decreases along trials while freezing increases. In the open arms, freezing did not appear to influence the high latency to leave this compartment, since mice spend only about 8% of their time exhibiting this behavior, These results suggest that mice acquire inhibitory avoidance of the open arms by decreasing and increasing time in risk assessment and freezing, respectively, along three consecutive trials, However, one-way escape could not be characterized. Therefore, there are important differences between mice (present results) and rats (previously reported results) in the performance of behavioral tasks in the elevated T-maze. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V.


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Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a term used to characterize an ischemic or hemorrhagic vascular injury, which has got as main clinic manifestations, the motor and reflex function disturbance. In the first stage there is flaccidity and loss of voluntary movements that afterwards is substituted by mass patterns and spasticity. The spasticity brings with itself functional deficits and can generate negative impacts in various motor patterns. The aim of this research was to investigate the hyperreflexia and identify the immediate effects of transcutaneous nervous stimulation (TENS) and cryotherapy in the spasticity and electromyographic activity of hemiparetic subjects. The study is characterized as an almost experimental type, in which were selected, to compose the sample, 16 patients of both sex with CVA sequel. These individuals were evaluated by collecting the amplitude peak to peak and H reflex latency, Motor response (M response) in solear muscle and the electromyography (EMG) of the injured and healthy legs anterior tibial muscles. In the injured limb the evaluations occurred in different days for cryotherapy, TENS and control, in two moments, before and after the interventions. The healthy limb was evaluated one single time to serve as baseline, for comparison with the injured limb. It was used an statistic analysis, the t paired student test to identify the H reflex differences, latency and EMG of the injured and healthy limbs and to compare the results before and after the recourses application. The ANOVA for related samples was used to identify the differences among the recourses used. It was attributed for the statistic tests a significance level of 5%. The amplitude peak to peak of normalized maximum H reflex through the maximum motor response (Hmax/Mmax), showed itself significantly increased in the injured limb (p=0.0245). The H reflex latency was presented reduced in the injured limb (p=0, 0375). The electromyographic activity was showed decreased in the injured limb (p< 0.0001). After the TENS there was a Hmáx/Mmáx ratio decrease (0.60±0.16 versus 0.49.±0.18; P = 0.0006). Nonetheless, Just after the cryotherapy application there was an increase of Hmáx/Mmáx ratio (0.58 ± 0,15 to 0.77 ± 0.13, P=0,0007) and increase of signal latency (30.41 ± 1.87 versus 33.24 ± 2.19; P=0.0001). The electromyographic activity wasn t altered significantly by any resource. It was met statistic significant differences when the Hmáx/Mmáx P<0.0001) ratio and H reflex latency (P<0.0001) were compared between the post TENS, cryotherapy and control. One can conclude that the TENS can be used to spasticity immediate reduction, and that the cryotherapy can increase the hyperreflexia state in spastic patients. Nonetheless, the spasticity decrease or increase didn t provoke lectromyographic activity change in the muscle that is opponent to the spastic one


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It is known that sleep plays an important role in the process of motor learning. Recent studies have shown that the presence of sleep between training a motor task and retention test promotes a learning task so than the presence of only awake between training and testing. These findings also have been reported in stroke patients, however, there are few studies that investigate the results of this relationship on the functionality itself in this population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between functionality and sleep in patients in the chronic stage of stroke. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The sample was composed of 30 stroke individuals in chronic phase, between 6 and 60 months after injury and aged between 55 and 75 years. The volunteers were initially evaluated for clinical data of disease and personal history, severity of stroke, through the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, and mental status, the Mini-Mental State Examination. Sleep assessment tools were Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Questionnaire of Horne and Ostberg, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the Berlin questionnaire and actigraphy, which measures were: real time of sleep, waking after sleep onset, percentage of waking after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, sleep fragmentation index, mean activity score. Other actigraphy measures were intraday variability, stability interdiária, a 5-hour period with minimum level of activity (L5) and 10-hour period with maximum activity (M10), obtained to evaluate the activity-rest rhythm. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) were the instruments used to evaluate the functional status of participants. The Spearman correlation coefficient and comparison tests (Student's t and Mann-Whitney) were used to analyze the relationship of sleep assessment tools and rest-activity rhythm to measures of functional assessment. The SPSS 16.0 was used for analysis, adopting a significance level of 5%. The main results observed were a negative correlation between sleepiness and balance and a negative correlation between the level of activity (M10) and sleep fragmentation. No measurement of sleep or rhythm was associated with functional independence measure. These findings suggest that there may be an association between sleepiness and xii balance in patients in the chronic stage of stroke, and that obtaining a higher level of activity may be associated with a better sleep pattern and rhythm more stable and less fragmented. Future studies should evaluate the cause-effect relationship between these parameters


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To evaluate the effects of warm-up and stretching, singly or combined, on isokinetic performance and electromyographic activity of the biceps femoris. Materials and methods: Sixty-four volunteers of both sexes, with mean age of 23,1 ± 3,5 years and mean body mass index of 23,5 ± 2,5 Kg/m2 were randomly assigned into 4 groups: control, warm-up (stationary bicycle for 10 minutes), stretching (4 sets of 30 seconds of hamstring muscles static stretching) and warm-up + stretching. All the volunteers were submitted to evaluation pre and post-intervention of the muscle latency time and biceps femoris RMS and the passive torque, peak torque and power of the hamstring muscles. Results: The warm-up + stretching group had reduction of muscle latency time. There was a reduction of RMS during passive torque evaluation in stretching group. The RMS during isometric evaluation was reduced in all experimental groups. The RMS during eccentric evaluation showed reduction in control and warm-up + stretching groups. The passive torque and the eccentric peak torque had no significant differences pre to post-intervention in any group. There was reduction in isometric peak torque in all groups. Conclusion: The warm-up and stretching, when applied in combination can reduce the muscle latency time; stretching protocol promoted neural changes; the protocols used did not alter the muscle viscoelastic properties


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Introduction: The aging process causes quantitative and qualitative changes in sleeping. Such changes affects more than half of the adults above 65 years old, that live in the community and 70% of the institutionalized, a great negative impact in their quality of life. One of the pathological displays of aging, that share some characteristics with sleeping disorders and predict similar results, is the Frailty Syndrome, that characterize the most weakened and vulnerable elderly. The way sleeping disorders play a role in the frailty pathogeneses remains uncertain. Objective: Evaluate the relation between the sleeping and the frailty syndrome on institutionalized elderly. Methodology: A transversal study was performed with 69 elderly in institutions in the city of João Pessoa PB. Were used the Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index and actigraphy to subjective and objective variables, respectively, and questionnaires and specific tests to frailty phenotype variant (Fried Frailty Criteria). In the statistic analysis were used the Pearson correlation test, Chi Square and One-way ANOVA test, with Tukey-Krammer posttest. Subsequently, a Simple Linear Regression model was built. On every statistical analysis were considered a confidence interval of 95% and a p < 0,05. Results: The sample was characterized by the prevalence of the frail (49,3%), women (62,3%), single (50,7%) and 77,52 (±7,82).The frail elderly obtained the worst sleeping quality 10,37 (±4,31) (f = 4,15, p = 0,02), when compared with the non-frail. The sleep latency influenced more the frailty (R2 = 0,13, β standard = 1,76, β = 0,41, p = 0,001). Weren t found differences between the standard resting-activity variable and the frailty phenotype categories. Conclusion: Sleeping alterations, including bad sleeping quality, prolonged sleep latency, low sleep efficiency and day drowsiness, influenced the frailty in institutionalized elderly


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The cerebral vascular accident is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that leds to development of motor sensibility, cognitive, perceptive and language deficits. Despite the fact that the main sleep disorders in stroke patients are well known, it is still necessary to analyze which mechanisms of regulation of sleep and wakefulness are affected. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wakefulness in stroke patients and the correlations with quality of life and level of physical activity. The study analyzed 22 stroke patients (55± 12 years old) and 24 healthy subjects (57 ±11 years old). The instruments used in this study were questionnaires on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, quality of life, physical activity level and the actigraphy. The data were analyzed using the Student `t test, Mann-Whitney test, ANOVA and Spearman's correlation tests. The results showed stability in the sleep-wake circadian expression with changes in the amplitude of the rhythm. However, significant changes were found related to the homeostatic component characterized by increased sleep duration, increased latency, fragmented sleep and lower sleep efficiency. Additional data showed decreased quality of sleep and increased daytime sleepiness, as well as decreased quality of life and level of physical activity. The results indicate that the interaction of circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wake is compromised and the main reason might be because of the homeostatic component and the lower activity level resulting from the brain damage. Thus, further studies may be developed to evaluate whether behavioral interventions such as increased daytime activity and restriction of sleep during the day can influence the homeostatic process and its relation to circadian component, resulting in improved quality of nocturnal sleep in stroke patients


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Objective: To evaluate the acute effects of static stretching before and after isokinetic exercise, neuromuscular and biomechanical properties of muscles Biceps Femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST). Methods: Eighty-nine volunteers of both genders, healthy and physically active, with a mean age of 22.52 ± 2.6 years and mean BMI 23.86 ± 3.2 kg/m² were randomized into 4 groups: Control Group (CG) made only one Protocol Exercise (PE) without performing the stretching, the Experimental Group 1 (EG1) did stretching before PE; EG2 did the stretching after PE and EG3 did stretching before and after PE. The volunteers were evaluated on the following variables: Range of motion (ROM), soreness, dynamometric variables concentric and eccentric, Neuromuscular Latency Time (NLT) and electromyographic. In the data analysis was assigned a significance level of 5%. Results: ADM and TLNM reported significant reduction in CG, but remained unchanged in GE with p<0,05 and p<0,01, respectively. As for the soreness, no differences between the groups. The electromyographic activity of the BF and ST, in the concentric phase, showed a significant decrease in all groups (p<0,01). However, in the eccentric phase, ST revealed reduction in all groups (p <0.01), except for the CG, while the BF remained unchanged in all groups. The PT showed significant reduction in both conditions (concentric and eccentric) for all groups, with no difference between them (p<0,01). Conclusion: The results of this study do not favor the use of static stretching, even of short duration, before physical activity. However, after exercise or at times unrelated to the sport, he should be given with the aim of avoiding muscle shortening


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The elevated T-maze is an animal anxiety model which can discriminate between anxiety-like and fear-like behaviors. The estrous cycle is an important variable of the response in animal anxiety tests and is known to affect other models. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the estrous cycle on behavior displayed in the elevated T-maze test. Seventeen male and 60 female rats were submitted to one session in this test, with the females being screened for the estrous cycle and divided into groups according to the various phases. The elevated T-maze had three arms of equal dimensions (50 cm x 10 cm), one enclosed by 40-cm high walls and perpendicular to the others, the apparatus being elevated 50cm above the floor. Each rat was placed in the end of the enclosed arm and the latency for it to leave this arm was recorded. These measurements were repeated three times separated by 30-s intervals (passive avoidance). After trial 3, each rat was placed at the distal end of the right open arm and the latency to exit this arm was recorded. Whenever latencies were greater than 300 s the trial was finished. The results demonstrated females in diestrus exhibited anxiety-like behaviors while females in metaestrus behaved in a similar way as the males. There were no differences between groups in fear-like behaviors. The results also indicate the elevated T-maze to be a sensitive test to measure anxiety. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Parental care in mammals is influenced by somatosensory stimuli from infants, such as vocalization and sight and by changes in the hormone levels of caretakers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavioral and hormonal responses of twelve non reproductive adult male common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to infant cues, vocalization recordings, sight and physical contact with newborn. Six out of twelve males had previous experience in caretaking. In article 1, adult males were exposed to newborn vocalizations for 10 minutes. On control condition no sound was presented. In article 2, males were tested on two conditions: a) Control: an empty acrylic transparent box (test box) was placed in male s cage for 15 minutes, and b) Experimental: males were exposed to newborns into a closed text box for 15 minutes. The cage was kept closed to prevented from tactile, smell and acoustic stimulation by the infant on common marmoset males. In article 3, males were exposed to an open or closed text box, which allowed or not their access to and social interaction with the infants. After each observation sessions, blood samples were collected to evaluate the cortisol levels of males. In all studies, behavioral response of adult males was significantly modified by newborns sight, vocalization and physical contact. Males approached and spent more time near the sound source and showed an increase in locomotion during sound exposure. Furthermore, males approached, smelled and spent more time near the test box when the newborn was inside it. There was no difference in behavioral pattern between experienced and non-experienced males in articles 1 and 2. In article 3, behavioral pattern of males was influence by previous caretaking experience. Experienced males recovered quicker and carried the infants more than the inexperienced ones. However, inexperienced males showed a decrease in recovery latency and an increase in carrying time after successive exposure to infants. Cortisol levels changed after exposure to infant s vocalization, especially for experienced adult males. Male hormonal profile was not affected by the sight of infants neither by their previous experienced in caretaking. The occurrence of social interaction between the caretaker and infant did not modify the hormonal profile of common marmoset males; however, as much as experienced males carried the infants their cortisol levels decreased. Thus, members of a social group or potential caretakers common marmosets exposed to sensory cues from dependent infant such as vocalization, sight, smell and physical contact, changed their behavioral and hormonal responses that are physiological modulators of parental behavior in common marmoset


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Understanding the behavioral activities of freshwater shrimp in captivity is of paramount importance for the appropriate management of the species. In Brazil, the shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii is currently the most widely used species in the freshwater shrimp culture due to its high potential for cultivation and good market acceptance. Thus, the present study aimed to describe and characterize the behavioral activities of M. rosenbergii in monosex and in mixed (male and female) (manuscript 1, 2 and 3) populations and the growth performance of this species in restrictive feeding conditions and in different feeding management (manuscript 4 and 5, respectively) . Juvenile and adult shrimps were collected from ponds of the Aquaculture Station - Unidade Especializada em Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Macaíba/RN and then transferred to the Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão LECC (Laboratory for Shrimp Behavioral Studies) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). For each treatment , eight aquaria of 250 L (50 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm) were used in a closed recirculating water system with artificial lighting, constant aeration , continuous filtration through a biochemical and biological filter (canister filter), and fine sand as substrate . The water quality was monitored daily. The lab consisted of two rooms with artificial lighting system , controlled by a timer with dark / light cycle of 12:12 h . In manuscript 1, the behavioral categories of the species were presented through an ethogram, which described 31 behaviors, subdivided into general and agonistic behaviors. Manuscript 2 compared the behavioral profile of shrimps in male and in female monosex and mixed populations over 24 hours in laboratory. In three types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex) of populations during the light and dark phases of the 24 hour cycle, the shrimps showed higher occurrence of cleaning behavior. Manuscript 3 examined the influence of the color of the shelter on the frequency of its use and behavioral activities of shrimp in mixed, in male monosex and in female monosex populations over 24 hours. We observed that the shrimp M. rosenbergii burrow more frequently during the light phase in male monosex and mixed populations; they also tend to choose the black shelters. Female monosex populations tend to use red and orange shelters. In manuscript 4, we evaluated in laboratory the behavioral activities and growth performance of juvenile shrimps under food restriction. We observed that a mild food restriction may be used since there is no loss concerning the growth of the animals; feeding management on alternate days , compared to daily management can be financially productive both reducing labor costs and reducing the amount of feed used . Manuscript 5 evaluated the behavior of shrimps in monosex and in mixed populations, as well as the latency of reach the food according to feed offer (tray or food dispersal) . Our results indicate that animals adjust to both types of feed offer food dispersal as much as tray, but they spend more time to reach the feed when it is offered in trays (feeders). Comparing culture types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex), the latency to reach the food was lower for female monosex population. The data obtained in this study demonstrate the importance of identifying different pressures and environmental stimuli on the behavioral responses of this species. This knowledge would support management improvement to optimize the levels of animals‟ welfare, resulting in a better zootecnical performance


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Timeplace learning is the capacity of organisms to associate both space and time with a biological relevant stimulus such as food. Experiments are usually done with food restricted animals due to the belief that food system activation is necessary for timeplace learning. Another line of thought suggest that, in addition to food system activation, response cost should be increased to effectively allow timeplace discrimination. The purpose of this experiment was to test whether a complex environment, which presumably implied in a heightened response cost, would facilitate timeplace association in satiated rats using a highly palatable food as reward. Nine rats were trained in a timeplace task for 30 nonconsecutive days. A large experimental box (1x1m) divided in four compartments was used. To access each compartment the animal had to overcome a series of obstacles such as ramps, staircases and mazes. Two feeders localized in opposite compartments were rewarded with sunflower seeds in two daily sessions. One feeder offered the reward during the morning sessions while the second feeder in afternoon sessions. After the 15th day of training, the animals began to show a preference for the correct feeder during the correct time of day expressed by increased frequency of visits as well as lower latency to access the feeders. These results suggest that satiated animals are also capable of learning a timespace task as far as the experimental context is complex enough to result in a higher response cost


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Brain injury can be associated with changes in the sleep-wake cycle. However, studies about sleep disturbances and their relationship with quality of sleep are scarce. Besides, it remains to be known how stroke affects the mechanisms of sleep. The aim of this study was to investigate quality of sleep, complaints of sleep disturbances and associated factors in stroke patients from the Physical Therapy services in Natal -RN. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study involving 70 individuals (aged 45-65 years), 40 patients (57 ± 7 years), 11 ± 9 months after injury, and 30 healthy individua ls (52 ± 6 years), evaluated with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Sleep Habits Questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Chi-square test, t Student test and logistic regression. Poor quality sleep was found in 57,5% of the patients (6,3 ± 3,5) and was significantly higher than in the control population (3,9 ± 2,2) (t Student test, p=0,002). The patients showed significantly higher value of PSQI than controls: sleep latency (p=0,019), length of sleep (p=0,039) and dysfunction during the day (p=0,001). Regarding complaints of sleep disturbances (dyssomnias and parasomnias) analyzed by Chi-square test, the complaint of insomnia was the most prevalent (patients: 37,5%; healthy subjects: 6,7%; p=0,007). Regression analysis showed that sl eep latency (p=0,036) and complaint of insomnia (p=0,036) were associated with quality sleep. In addition, female gender (p=0,036) and complaint of broken sleep (p=0,003) were considered risk factors for the presence of insomnia. Our results show that stroke affects the homeostatic process of sleep. Shorter sleep latency and the absence of insomnia are considered protective factors for good sleep quality and this should be taken into consideration in the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies