993 resultados para Optical physics


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This thesis describes experiments which investigate ultracold atom ensembles in an optical lattice. Such quantum gases are powerful models for solid state physics. Several novel methods are demonstrated that probe the special properties of strongly correlated states in lattice potentials. Of these, quantum noise spectroscopy reveals spatial correlations in such states, which are hidden when using the usual methods of probing atomic gases. Another spectroscopic technique makes it possible to demonstrate the existence of a shell structure of regions with constant densities. Such coexisting phases separated by sharp boundaries had been theoretically predicted for the Mott insulating state. The tunneling processes in the optical lattice in the strongly correlated regime are probed by preparing the ensemble in an optical superlattice potential. This allows the time-resolved observation of the tunneling dynamics, and makes it possible to directly identify correlated tunneling processes.


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The optical resonances of metallic nanoparticles placed at nanometer distances from a metal plane were investigated. At certain wavelengths, these “sphere-on-plane” systems become resonant with the incident electromagnetic field and huge enhancements of the field are predicted localized in the small gaps created between the nanoparticle and the plane. An experimental architecture to fabricate sphere-on-plane systems was successfully achieved in which in addition to the commonly used alkanethiols, polyphenylene dendrimers were used as molecular spacers to separate the metallic nanoparticles from the metal planes. They allow for a defined nanoparticle-plane separation and some often are functionalized with a chromophore core which is therefore positioned exactly in the gap. The metal planes used in the system architecture consisted of evaporated thin films of gold or silver. Evaporated gold or silver films have a smooth interface with their substrate and a rougher top surface. To investigate the influence of surface roughness on the optical response of such a film, two gold films were prepared with a smooth and a rough side which were as similar as possible. Surface plasmons were excited in Kretschmann configuration both on the rough and on the smooth side. Their reflectivity could be well modeled by a single gold film for each individual measurement. The film has to be modeled as two layers with significantly different optical constants. The smooth side, although polycrystalline, had an optical response that was very similar to a monocrystalline surface while for the rough side the standard response of evaporated gold is retrieved. For investigations on thin non-absorbing dielectric films though, this heterogeneity introduces only a negligible error. To determine the resonant wavelength of the sphere-on-plane systems a strategy was developed which is based on multi-wavelength surface plasmon spectroscopy experiments in Kretschmann-configuration. The resonant behavior of the system lead to characteristic changes in the surface plasmon dispersion. A quantitative analysis was performed by calculating the polarisability per unit area /A treating the sphere-on-plane systems as an effective layer. This approach completely avoids the ambiguity in the determination of thickness and optical response of thin films in surface plasmon spectroscopy. Equal area densities of polarisable units yielded identical response irrespective of the thickness of the layer they are distributed in. The parameter range where the evaluation of surface plasmon data in terms of /A is applicable was determined for a typical experimental situation. It was shown that this analysis yields reasonable quantitative agreement with a simple theoretical model of the sphere-on-plane resonators and reproduces the results from standard extinction experiments having a higher information content and significantly increased signal-to-noise ratio. With the objective to acquire a better quantitative understanding of the dependence of the resonance wavelength on the geometry of the sphere-on-plane systems, different systems were fabricated in which the gold nanoparticle size, type of spacer and ambient medium were varied and the resonance wavelength of the system was determined. The gold nanoparticle radius was varied in the range from 10 nm to 80 nm. It could be shown that the polyphenylene dendrimers can be used as molecular spacers to fabricate systems which support gap resonances. The resonance wavelength of the systems could be tuned in the optical region between 550 nm and 800 nm. Based on a simple analytical model, a quantitative analysis was developed to relate the systems’ geometry with the resonant wavelength and surprisingly good agreement of this simple model with the experiment without any adjustable parameters was found. The key feature ascribed to sphere-on-plane systems is a very large electromagnetic field localized in volumes in the nanometer range. Experiments towards a quantitative understanding of the field enhancements taking place in the gap of the sphere-on-plane systems were done by monitoring the increase in fluorescence of a metal-supported monolayer of a dye-loaded dendrimer upon decoration of the surface with nanoparticles. The metal used (gold and silver), the colloid mean size and the surface roughness were varied. Large silver crystallites on evaporated silver surfaces lead to the most pronounced fluorescence enhancements in the order of 104. They constitute a very promising sample architecture for the study of field enhancements.


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Wir haben die linearen und nichtlinearen optischen Eigenschaften von dünnen Schichten und planaren Wellenleitern aus mehreren konjugierten Polymeren (MEH-PPV und P3AT) und Polymeren mit -Elektronen Systemen in der Seitenkette (PVK und PS) untersucht und verglichen. PVK und PS haben relativ kleine Werte des nichtlinearen Brechungsindex n2 bei 532 nm, nämlich (1,2 ± 0,5)10-14 cm2/W und (2,6 ± 0,5) 10-14 cm2/W.rnWir haben die linearen optischen Konstanten von mehreren P3ATs untersucht, insbesondere den Einfluss der Regioregularität und Kettenlänge der Alkylsubstituenten. Wir haben das am besten geeignete Polymere für Wellenleiter Anwendungen identifiziert, welches P3BT-ra genannt ist. Wir haben die linearen optischen Eigenschaften dünner Schichten des P3BT-ra untersucht, die mit Spincoating aus verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln mit unterschiedlichen Siedetemperaturen präparieret wurden. Wir haben festgestellt, dass P3BT-ra Filme aus Toluol-Lösungen die am besten geeigneten Wellenleiter für die intensitätsabhängigen Prismen-Kopplungs Experimente sind, weil diese geringe Wellenleiterdämpfungsverluste bei = 1064 nm haben. rnWir haben die Dispersionen des Wellenleiterdämfungsverlustes gw, des nichtlinearen Brechungsindex n2 und des nichtlinearen Absorptionskoeffizienten 2 von Wellenleitern aus P3BT-ra im Bereich von 700 - 1500 nm gemessen. Wir haben große Werte des nichtlinearen Brechungsindex bis 1,5x10-13 cm2/W bei 1150 nm beobachtet. Wir haben gefunden, dass die Gütenkriterien (“figures of merit“) für rein optische Schalter im Wellenlängebereich 1050 - 1200 nm erfüllt sind. Dieser Bereich entspricht dem niederenergetischen Ausläufer der Zwei-Photonen-Absorption. Die Gütekriterien von P3BT-ra gehören zu den besten der bisher bekannten Werte von konjugierten Polymeren.rnWir haben gefunden, dass P3BT-ra ein vielversprechender Kandidat für integriert-optische Schalter ist, weil es eine gute Kombination aus großer Nichtlinearität dritter Ordnung, geringen Wellenleiterdämpfungverlusten und ausreichender Photostabilität zeigt. rnWir haben einen Vergleich der gemessenen Dispersion von gw, n2 und 2 mit der Theorie durchgeführt. Durch Kurvenanpassung der Dispersion von gw haben wir gefunden, dass Rayleigh-Streuung der dominierende Dämpfungsmechanismus in MEH-PPV und P3BT-ra Wellenleitern ist. Ein quantenmechanischer Ansatz wurde zur Berechnung der nichtlinearen Suszeptibilität dritter Ordnung (3) verwendet, um die gemessenen Spektren von n2 und 2 von P3BT-ra und MEH-PPV zu simulieren. Dies kann erklären, dass sättigbare Absorption und Zwei-Photonen Absorption die hauptsächlichen Effekte sind, welche die Dispersion von n2 und 2 verursachen. rn


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This thesis reports on the experimental realization, characterization and application of a novel microresonator design. The so-called “bottle microresonator” sustains whispering-gallery modes in which light fields are confined near the surface of the micron-sized silica structure by continuous total internal reflection. While whispering-gallery mode resonators in general exhibit outstanding properties in terms of both temporal and spatial confinement of light fields, their monolithic design makes tuning of their resonance frequency difficult. This impedes their use, e.g., in cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) experiments, which investigate the interaction of single quantum mechanical emitters of predetermined resonance frequency with a cavity mode. In contrast, the highly prolate shape of the bottle microresonators gives rise to a customizable mode structure, enabling full tunability. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter I, I give a brief overview of different types of optical microresonators. Important quantities, such as the quality factor Q and the mode volume V, which characterize the temporal and spatial confinement of the light field are introduced. In chapter II, a wave equation calculation of the modes of a bottle microresonator is presented. The intensity distribution of different bottle modes is derived and their mode volume is calculated. A brief description of light propagation in ultra-thin optical fibers, which are used to couple light into and out of bottle modes, is given as well. The chapter concludes with a presentation of the fabrication techniques of both structures. Chapter III presents experimental results on highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling of light into bottle modes as well as their spatial and spectral characterization. Ultra-high intrinsic quality factors exceeding 360 million as well as full tunability are demonstrated. In chapter IV, the bottle microresonator in add-drop configuration, i.e., with two ultra-thin fibers coupled to one bottle mode, is discussed. The highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling characteristics of each fiber combined with the resonator's high intrinsic quality factor, enable resonant power transfers between both fibers with efficiencies exceeding 90%. Moreover, the favorable ratio of absorption and the nonlinear refractive index of silica yields optical Kerr bistability at record low powers on the order of 50 µW. Combined with the add-drop configuration, this allows one to route optical signals between the outputs of both ultra-thin fibers, simply by varying the input power, thereby enabling applications in all-optical signal processing. Finally, in chapter V, I discuss the potential of the bottle microresonator for CQED experiments with single atoms. Its Q/V-ratio, which determines the ratio of the atom-cavity coupling rate to the dissipative rates of the subsystems, aligns with the values obtained for state-of-the-art CQED microresonators. In combination with its full tunability and the possibility of highly efficient light transfer to and from the bottle mode, this makes the bottle microresonator a unique tool for quantum optics applications.


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In this thesis, I present the realization of a fiber-optical interface using optically trapped cesium atoms, which is an efficient tool for coupling light and atoms. The basic principle of the presented scheme relies on the trapping of neutral cesium atoms in a two-color evanescent field surrounding a nanofiber. The strong confinement of the fiber guided light, which also protrudes outside the nanofiber, provides strong confinement of the atoms as well as efficient coupling to near-resonant light propagating through the fiber. In chapter 1, the necessary physical and mathematical background describing the propagation of light in an optical fiber is presented. The exact solution of Maxwell’s equations allows us to model fiber-guided light fields which give rise to the trapping potentials and the atom-light coupling in the close vicinity of a nanofiber. Chapter 2 gives the theoretical background of light-atom interaction. A quantum mechanical model of the light-induced shifts of the relevant atomic levels is reviewed, which allows us to quantify the perturbation of the atomic states due to the presence of the trapping light-fields. The experimental realization of the fiber-based atom trap is the focus of chapter 3. Here, I analyze the properties of the fiber-based trap in terms of the confinement of the atoms and the impact of several heating mechanisms. Furthermore, I demonstrate the transportation of the trapped atoms, as a first step towards a deterministic delivery of individual atoms. In chapter 4, I present the successful interfacing of the trapped atomic ensemble and fiber-guided light. Three different approaches are discussed, i.e., those involving the measurement of either near-resonant scattering in absorption or the emission into the guided mode of the nanofiber. In the analysis of the spectroscopic properties of the trapped ensemble we find good agreement with the prediction of theoretical model discussed in chapter 2. In addition, I introduce a non-destructive scheme for the interrogation of the atoms states, which is sensitive to phase shifts of far-detuned fiber-guided light interacting with the trapped atoms. The inherent birefringence in our system, induced by the atoms, changes the state of polarization of the probe light and can be thus detected via a Stokes vector measurement.


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In this thesis, we investigate mixtures of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases of neutral atoms in threedimensional optical lattices. Feshbach resonances allow to control interspecies interactions in these systems precisely, by preparing suitable combinations of internal atomic states and applying external magnetic fields. This way, the system behaviour can be tuned continuously from mutual transparency to strongly interacting correlated phases, up to the stability boundary.rnThe starting point for these investigations is the spin-polarized fermionic band insulator. The properties of this non-interacting system are fully determined by the Pauli exclusion principle for the occupation of states in the lattice. A striking demonstration of the latter can be found in the antibunching of the density-density correlation of atoms released from the lattice. If bosonic atoms are added to this system, isolated heteronuclear molecules can be formed on the lattice sites via radio-frequency stimulation. The efficiency of this process hints at a modification of the atom number distribution over the lattice caused by interspecies interaction.rnIn the following, we investigate systems with tunable interspecies interaction. To this end, a method is developed which allows to assess the various contributions to the system Hamiltonian both qualitatively and quantitatively by following the quantum phase diffusion of the bosonic matter wave.rnBesides a modification of occupation number statistics, these measurements show a significant renormalization of the bosonic Hubbard parameters. The final part of the thesis considers the implications of this renormalization effect on the many particle physics in the mixture. Here, we demonstrate how the quantum phase transition from a bosonic superfluid to a Mott insulator state is shifted towards considerably shallower lattices due to renormalization.


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This thesis reports on the realization, characterization and analysis of ultracold bosonic and fermionic atoms in three-dimensional optical lattice potentials. Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices can be regarded as ideal model systems to investigate quantum many-body physics. In this work interacting ensembles of bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K atoms are employed to study equilibrium phases and nonequilibrium dynamics. The investigations are enabled by a versatile experimental setup, whose core feature is a blue-detuned optical lattice that is combined with Feshbach resonances and a red-detuned dipole trap to allow for independent control of tunneling, interactions and external confinement. The Fermi-Hubbard model, which plays a central role in the theoretical description of strongly correlated electrons, is experimentally realized by loading interacting fermionic spin mixtures into the optical lattice. Using phase-contrast imaging the in-situ size of the atomic density distribution is measured, which allows to extract the global compressibility of the many-body state as a function of interaction and external confinement. Thereby, metallic and insulating phases are clearly identified. At strongly repulsive interaction, a vanishing compressibility and suppression of doubly occupied lattice sites signal the emergence of a fermionic Mott insulator. In a second series of experiments interaction effects in bosonic lattice quantum gases are analyzed. Typically, interactions between microscopic particles are described as two-body interactions. As such they are also contained in the single-band Bose-Hubbard model. However, our measurements demonstrate the presence of multi-body interactions that effectively emerge via virtual transitions of atoms to higher lattice bands. These findings are enabled by the development of a novel atom optical measurement technique: In quantum phase revival spectroscopy periodic collapse and revival dynamics of the bosonic matter wave field are induced. The frequencies of the dynamics are directly related to the on-site interaction energies of atomic Fock states and can be read out with high precision. The third part of this work deals with mixtures of bosons and fermions in optical lattices, in which the interspecies interactions are accurately controlled by means of a Feshbach resonance. Studies of the equilibrium phases show that the bosonic superfluid to Mott insulator transition is shifted towards lower lattice depths when bosons and fermions interact attractively. This observation is further analyzed by applying quantum phase revival spectroscopy to few-body systems consisting of a single fermion and a coherent bosonic field on individual lattice sites. In addition to the direct measurement of Bose-Fermi interaction energies, Bose-Bose interactions are proven to be modified by the presence of a fermion. This renormalization of bosonic interaction energies can explain the shift of the Mott insulator transition. The experiments of this thesis lay important foundations for future studies of quantum magnetism with fermionic spin mixtures as well as for the realization of complex quantum phases with Bose-Fermi mixtures. They furthermore point towards physics that reaches beyond the single-band Hubbard model.


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Advances in metastability exchange optical pumping (MEOP) of 3He at high laser powers, with its various applications, but also at high gas pressures p3 and high magnetic field strengths B, have provided strong motivation for revisiting the understanding and for investigating the limitations of this powerful technique. For this purpose, we present systematic experimental and theoretical studies of efficiency and of relaxation mechanisms in B≤30 mT and p3=0.63−2.45 mbar. 3He nuclear polarisation is measured by light absorption in longitudinal configuration where weak light beams at 1083 nm parallel to magnetic field and cell axis with opposite circular polarisations are used to probe the distribution of populations in the metastable state. This method is systematically tested to evaluate potential systematic biases and is shown to be reliable for the study of OP dynamics despite the redistribution of populations by OP light. Nuclear polarisation loss associated to the emission of polarised light by the plasma discharge used for MEOP is found to decrease above 10 mT, as expected, due to hyperfine decoupling in highly excited states. However, this does not lead to improved MEOP efficiency at high laser power. We find clear evidence of additional laser-induced relaxation instead. The strong OP-enhanced polarisation losses, currently limiting MEOP performances, are quantitatively investigated using an angular momentum budget approach and a recently developed comprehensive model that describes the combined effects of OP, ME and relaxation, validated by comparison to experimental results.


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Efficient coupling of light to quantum emitters, such as atoms, molecules or quantum dots, is one of the great challenges in current research. The interaction can be strongly enhanced by coupling the emitter to the eva-nescent field of subwavelength dielectric waveguides that offer strong lateral confinement of the guided light. In this context subwavelength diameter optical nanofibers as part of a tapered optical fiber (TOF) have proven to be powerful tool which also provide an efficient transfer of the light from the interaction region to an optical bus, that is to say, from the nanofiber to an optical fiber. rnAnother approach towards enhancing light–matter interaction is to employ an optical resonator in which the light is circulating and thus passes the emitters many times. Here, both approaches are combined by experi-mentally realizing a microresonator with an integrated nanofiber waist. This is achieved by building a fiber-integrated Fabry-Pérot type resonator from two fiber Bragg grating mirrors with a stop-band near the cesium D2-line wavelength. The characteristics of this resonator fulfill the requirements of nonlinear optics, optical sensing, and cavity quantum electrodynamics in the strong-coupling regime. Together with its advantageous features, such as a constant high coupling strength over a large volume, tunability, high transmission outside the mirror stop band, and a monolithic design, this resonator is a promising tool for experiments with nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles in the strong-coupling regime. rnThe resonator's high sensitivity to the optical properties of the nanofiber provides a probe for changes of phys-ical parameters that affect the guided optical mode, e.g., the temperature via the thermo-optic effect of silica. Utilizing this detection scheme, the thermalization dynamics due to far-field heat radiation of a nanofiber is studied over a large temperature range. This investigation provides, for the first time, a measurement of the total radiated power of an object with a diameter smaller than all absorption lengths in the thermal spectrum at the level of a single object of deterministic shape and material. The results show excellent agreement with an ab initio thermodynamic model that considers heat radiation as a volumetric effect and that takes the emitter shape and size relative to the emission wavelength into account. Modeling and investigating the thermalization of microscopic objects with arbitrary shape from first principles is of fundamental interest and has important applications, such as heat management in nano-devices or radiative forcing of aerosols in Earth's climate system. rnUsing a similar method, the effect of the TOF's mechanical modes on the polarization and phase of the fiber-guided light is studied. The measurement results show that in typical TOFs these quantities exhibit high-frequency thermal fluctuations. They originate from high-Q torsional oscillations that couple to the nanofiber-guided light via the strain-optic effect. An ab-initio opto-mechanical model of the TOF is developed that provides an accurate quantitative prediction for the mode spectrum and the mechanically induced polarization and phase fluctuations. These high-frequency fluctuations may limit the ultimate ideality of fiber-coupling into photonic structures. Furthermore, first estimations show that they may currently limit the storage time of nanofiber-based atom traps. The model, on the other hand, provides a method to design TOFs with tailored mechanical properties in order to meet experimental requirements. rn


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A spatial, electro-optical autocorrelation (EOA) interferometer using the vertically polarized lobes of coherent transition radiation (CTR) has been developed as a single-shot electron bunch length monitor at an optical beam port downstream the 100 MeV preinjector LINAC of the Swiss Light Source. This EOA monitor combines the advantages of step-scan interferometers (high temporal resolution) [D. Mihalcea et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 082801 (2006) and T. Takahashi and K. Takami, Infrared Phys. Technol. 51, 363 (2008)] and terahertz-gating technologies [U. Schmidhammer et al., Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 94, 95 (2009) and B. Steffen et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 032802 (2009)] (fast response), providing the possibility to tune the accelerator with an online bunch length diagnostics. While a proof of principle of the spatial interferometer was achieved by step-scan measurements with far-infrared detectors, the single-shot capability of the monitor has been demonstrated by electro-optical correlation of the spatial CTR interference pattern with fairly long (500 ps) neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser pulses in a ZnTe crystal. In single-shot operation, variations of the bunch length between 1.5 and 4 ps due to different phase settings of the LINAC bunching cavities have been measured with subpicosecond time resolution.


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Atomic magnetometry was performed at Earth's magnetic field over a free-space distance of ten meters. Two laser beams aimed at a distant alkali-vapor cell excited and detected the Rb-87 magnetic resonance, allowing the magnetic field within the cell to be interrogated remotely. Operated as a driven oscillator, the magnetometer measured the geomagnetic field with less than or similar to 3.5 pT precision in a similar to 2 s data acquisition; this precision was likely limited by ambient field fluctuations. The sensor was also operated in self-oscillating mode with a 5.3 pT root Hz noise floor. Further optimization will yield a high-bandwidth, fully remote magnetometer with sub-pT sensitivity. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4747206]


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Acousto-optic modulators are widely used for rapid switching and shuttering of laser beams. In many applications, the concomitant frequency shift is undesirable and must be compensated for elsewhere in the system. Here we present a simple method of achieving rapid laser power switching without an accompanying laser frequency shift. The demonstrated acousto-optic shutter achieves a switching time of around 25 ns, an extinction ratio of 46 dB, and efficiency comparable to a conventional double-pass acousto-optical modulator configuration. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4746292]