970 resultados para Open-Source
This documents sums up a projectaimed at building a new web interfaceto the Apertium machine translationplatform, including pre-editing andpost-editing environments. It containsa description of the accomplished workon this project, as well as an overviewof possible evolutions.
This article describes the developmentof an Open Source shallow-transfer machine translation system from Czech to Polish in theApertium platform. It gives details ofthe methods and resources used in contructingthe system. Although the resulting system has quite a high error rate, it is still competitive with other systems.
Extensible Dependency Grammar (XDG; Debusmann, 2007) is a flexible, modular dependency grammarframework in which sentence analyses consist of multigraphs and processing takes the form of constraint satisfaction. This paper shows how XDGlends itself to grammar-driven machine translation and introduces the machinery necessary for synchronous XDG. Since the approach relies on a shared semantics, it resembles interlingua MT.It differs in that there are no separateanalysis and generation phases. Rather, translation consists of the simultaneousanalysis and generation of a single source-target sentence.
This paper proposes to enrich RBMTdictionaries with Named Entities(NEs) automatically acquired fromWikipedia. The method is appliedto the Apertium English-Spanishsystem and its performance comparedto that of Apertium with and withouthandtagged NEs. The system withautomatic NEs outperforms the onewithout NEs, while results vary whencompared to a system with handtaggedNEs (results are comparable forSpanish to English but slightly worstfor English to Spanish). Apart fromthat, adding automatic NEs contributesto decreasing the amount of unknownterms by more than 10%.
There are a number of morphological analysers for Polish. Most of these, however, are non-free resources. What is more, different analysers employ different tagsets and tokenisation strategies. This situation calls for a simpleand universal framework to join different sources of morphological information, including the existing resources as well as user-provided dictionaries. We present such a configurable framework that allows to write simple configuration files that define tokenisation strategies and the behaviour of morphologicalanalysers, including simple tagset conversion.
This paper discusses the qualitativecomparative evaluation performed on theresults of two machine translation systemswith different approaches to the processing ofmulti-word units. It proposes a solution forovercoming the difficulties multi-word unitspresent to machine translation by adopting amethodology that combines the lexicongrammar approach with OpenLogos ontologyand semantico-syntactic rules. The paper alsodiscusses the importance of a qualitativeevaluation metrics to correctly evaluate theperformance of machine translation engineswith regards to multi-word units.
We describe a series of experiments in which we start with English to French and English to Japanese versions of an Open Source rule-based speech translation system for a medical domain, and bootstrap correspondign statistical systems. Comparative evaluation reveals that the rule-based systems are still significantly better than the statistical ones, despite the fact that considerable effort has been invested in tuning both the recognition and translation components; also, a hybrid system only marginally improved recall at the cost of a los in precision. The result suggests that rule-based architectures may still be preferable to statistical ones for safety-critical speech translation tasks.
This paper presents an Italian to CatalanRBMT system automatically built bycombining the linguistic data of theexisting pairs Spanish-Catalan andSpanish-Italian. A lightweight manualpostprocessing is carried out in order tofix inconsistencies in the automaticallyderived dictionaries and to add very frequentwords that are missing accordingto a corpus analysis. The system isevaluated on the KDE4 corpus and outperformsGoogle Translate by approximatelyten absolute points in terms ofboth TER and GTM.
Suomen Viestintävirasto Ficora on antanut määräyksen 13/2005M, jonka mukaan internet-palveluntarjoajalla tulee olla ennalta määritellyt prosessit ja toimintamallit sen omista asiakasliittymistä internetiin lähtevän haitallisen liikenteen havaitsemiseksi ja suodattamiseksi. Määräys ei sinällään aseta ehtoja, kuinka asetetut vaatimukset kukin internet-palveluntarjoaja täyttää. Tässä diplomityössä annetaan määritelmät haitalliselle liikenteelle ja tutkitaan menetelmiä, joilla sitä voidaan havainnoida ja suodattaa paikallisen internet-palveluntarjoajan operaattoriverkoissa. Suhteutettunapaikallisen internet-palveluntarjoajan asiakasliittymien määrään, uhkien vakavuuteen ja tällaisen systeemin kustannuksiin, tullaan tämän työn pohjalta ehdottamaan avoimen lähdekoodin tunkeutumisenhavaitsemistyökalua nopeaa reagointia vaativiin tietoturvaloukkauksiin ja automatisoitua uudelleenreitititystä suodatukseen. Lisäksi normaalin työajan puitteissa tapahtuvaan liikenteen seurantaan suositetaan laajennettua valvontapöytää, jossa tarkemmat tutkimukset voidaan laittaa alulle visualisoitujen reaaliaikaisten tietoliikenneverkon tietovoiden kautta.
This paper presents a programming environment for supporting learning in STEM, particularly mobile robotic learning. It was designed to maintain progressive learning for people with and without previous knowledge of programming and/or robotics. The environment was multi platform and built with open source tools. Perception, mobility, communication, navigation and collaborative behaviour functionalities can be programmed for different mobile robots. A learner is able to programme robots using different programming languages and editor interfaces: graphic programming interface (basic level), XML-based meta language (intermediate level) or ANSI C language (advanced level). The environment supports programme translation transparently into different languages for learners or explicitly on learners’ demand. Learners can access proposed challenges and learning interfaces by examples. The environment was designed to allow characteristics such as extensibility, adaptive interfaces, persistence and low software/hardware coupling. Functionality tests were performed to prove programming environment specifications. UV BOT mobile robots were used in these tests
Käyttäjäkeskeinen ohjelmistokehityson nimensä mukaisesti käyttäjän tarpeista ja vaatimuksista lähtevä ohjelmistojen kehittämistapa. Tällä tavoin halutaan saada selville, millaisia vaikutusmahdollisuuksia hän haluaa. Työ käsittelee tähän perustuvaa toteutusta, jolla käyttäjät voivat toteuttaa eksplisiittistä personointia eli toisin sanoen voivat muokataitse omaa henkilökohtaista tietoaan. Käyttäjille tarjotaan mahdollisuus vaikuttaa tapauskohtaisesti, kuinka hän käyttää personointitietojaan. Työssä luodaan avoimen lähdekoodin väliohjelmistoalustalle (MUPE) personointitiedon kustomointityökalu ja sitä hyödyntävät havainnollistavat palvelut. Tämän pohjana on aikaisemmin suoritettu informaation keruu. Naiden toteutuksien avulla on luotu käyttötapausesimerkkejä, joista voidaan havaita erilaisten personointitietojen käytön vaikutukset käyttäjän kannalta. Työkalun ja havainnollistavien palvelujen avulla luodut esimerkit tarjoavat hyvän ja kestävän pohjan sekä kustomointityökalun että käyttötapausesimerkkien laajentamiselle. Naita esimerkkejä voidaan myös jo suoraan soveltaa todellisissa käyttäjäkeskeisissä kenttätutkimuksissa.
Relief Mapping is giving great results for the creation of 3D impostor models. An impostor model is a simplication of an original geometric model that is used to replace it. Then, the original volume can be reproduced in a high quality representation with very few artifacts or cracks and a high compactness. We have studied the state of the art on Relief Impostors and some current techniques related to them. In particular, we have implemented the Omni-directional Relief Impostors (ORI) technique and its hierarchical extension (HORI), througn the usage of spatial partition methods. We expose an alternative to the spatial distribution and selection of the impostors. Furthermore, we show a different computation for the rendering view distance in order to guarantee a minimal quality for the simplified representation. Finally, we discuss the obtained results and propose some new ideas or approaches to enhance the efficiency and quality of the final rendering using ORIs' and HORIs' techniques. In addition, our implementation has involved a software engineering study in the Open Source field.
The purpose of this master thesis is to design and test the setup of a Zimbra 8 Open Source Edition (OSE) High Availability System (HA) in Ubuntu 12.04. A HA system has been proposed and tested in a laboratory environment. Its setup has been documented in its all length. The master thesis shows that thanks to some minor modifications to Zimbra OSE core and thanks to freely available Open Source HA software one can achieve a HA Zimbra OSE system. The proposed HA Zimbra OSE system can be improved in many ways and the author suggests several ways of doing so.