868 resultados para Nutritional Epidemiology
The study evaluated the leaf nutritional levels of peach and nectarine trees under subtropical climate in order to improve the fertilization practices. The experiment was carried out in São Paulo state University, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design consisted of subdivided plots, in which plots corresponded to cultivars and subplots to the leaf sample periods. The evaluated peach cultivars were: Marli, Turmalina, Precocinho, Jubileu, Cascata 968, Cascata 848, CP 951C, CP 9553CYN, and Tropic Beauty, and that of nectarine was 'Sun Blaze'. The sample periods were: after harvest, plants in vegetative period; dormancy; beginning of flowering and fruiting (standard sample). Results indicated significant variations in the levels of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn for the sampling period and in N, Ca, Mg, S, B, Fe and Mn levels for the cultivars.
The antibiotic susceptibility and molecular epidemiology of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates reported from 17 countries in the Americas, Europe and, Australia-Asia were analysed. Among a total of 3236 non-duplicate isolates, the lowest susceptibility was observed to erythromycin in all regions. Susceptibility to ciprofloxacin showed large variation (25%, 75% and 84% in the Americas, Europe and Australia-Asia, respectively). Two vancomycin-intermediate PVL-positive MRSA isolates were reported, one from Hong Kong and the other from The Netherlands. Resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and linezolid was <1%. Among 1798 MRSA isolates from 13 countries that were tested for the requested 10 non-β-lactam antibiotics, 49.4% were multisusceptible. However, multiresistant isolates (resistant to at least three classes of non-β-lactam antibiotics) were reported from all regions. Sequence type 30 (ST30) was reported worldwide, whereas ST80 and ST93 were exclusive to Europe and Australia, respectively. USA300 and related clones (ST8) are progressively replacing the ST80 clone in several European countries. Eight major clusters were discriminated by multilocus variable-number tandem repeat assay (MLVA), showing a certain geographic specificity. PVL-positive MRSA isolates frequently remain multisusceptible to non-β-lactam agents, but multiresistance is already prevalent in all regions. Surveillance of MRSA susceptibility patterns should be monitored to provide clinicians with the most current information regarding changes in resistance patterns.
This study evaluated the chemical composition of peeled and unpeeled green banana Cavendish (AAA) flour obtained by drying in spouted bed, aiming at adding nutritional value to food products. The bananas were sliced and crushed to obtain a paste and fed to the spouted bed dryer (12 cm height and T = 80 ºC) in order to obtain flour. The flours obtained were subjected to analysis of moisture, protein, ash, carbohydrates, total starch, resistant starch, fiber. The green banana flours, mainly unpeeled, are good sources of fiber and resistant starch with an average of 21.91g/100g and 68.02g/100g respectively. The protein content was found in an average of 4.76g/100g, being classified as a low biological value protein with lysine as the first limiting amino acid. The results showed that unpeeled green banana flour obtained by spouted bed drying can be a valuable tool to add nutritional value to products in order to increase their non-digestible fraction.
BACKGROUND: Evidence for the possible effect of vitamin E on head and neck cancers (HNCs) is limited. METHODS: We used individual-level pooled data from 10 case-control studies (5959 cases and 12 248 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium to assess the association between vitamin E intake from natural sources and cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx and larynx. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using unconditional logistic regression models applied to quintile categories of nonalcohol energy-adjusted vitamin E intake. RESULTS: Intake of vitamin E was inversely related to oral/pharyngeal cancer (OR for the fifth vs the first quintile category=0.59, 95% CI: 0.49-0.71; P for trend <0.001) and to laryngeal cancer (OR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.54-0.83, P for trend <0.001). There was, however, appreciable heterogeneity of the estimated effect across studies for oral/pharyngeal cancer. Inverse associations were generally observed for the anatomical subsites of oral and pharyngeal cancer and within covariate strata for both sites. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that greater vitamin E intake from foods may lower HNC risk, although we were not able to explain the heterogeneity observed across studies or rule out certain sources of bias.
BACKGROUND: Anti-cancer treatment and the cancer population have evolved since the last European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) fungemia survey, and there are few recent large epidemiological studies. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study including 145 030 admissions of patients with cancer from 13 EORTC centers. Incidence, clinical characteristics, and outcome of fungemia were analyzed. RESULTS: Fungemia occurred in 333 (0.23%; 95% confidence interval [CI], .21-.26) patients, ranging from 0.15% in patients with solid tumors to 1.55% in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients. In 297 evaluable patients age ranged from 17 to 88 years (median 56 years), 144 (48%) patients were female, 165 (56%) had solid tumors, and 140 (47%) had hematological malignancies. Fungemia including polymicrobial infection was due to: Candida spp. in 267 (90%), C. albicans in 128 (48%), and other Candida spp. in 145 (54%) patients. Favorable overall response was achieved in 113 (46.5%) patients by week 2. After 4 weeks, the survival rate was 64% (95% CI, 59%-70%) and was not significantly different between Candida spp. Multivariable logistic regression identified baseline septic shock (odds ratio [OR] 3.04, 95% CI, 1.22-7.58) and tachypnoea as poor prognostic factors (OR 2.95, 95% CI, 1.66-5.24), while antifungal prophylaxis prior to fungemia (OR 0.20, 95% CI, .06-.62) and remission of underlying cancer (OR, 0.18; 95% CI, .06-.50) were protective. CONCLUSIONS: Fungemia, mostly due to Candida spp., was rare in cancer patients from EORTC centers but was associated with substantial mortality. Antifungal prophylaxis and remission of cancer predicted better survival.
Verenpaineen kotimittaus − epidemiologia ja kliininen käyttö Kohonnutta verenpainetta, maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävintä ennenaikaiselle kuolemalle altistavaa riskitekijää, ei voida tunnistaa tai hoitaa ilman tarkkoja ja käytännöllisiä verenpaineen mittausmenetelmiä. Verenpaineen kotimittaus on saavuttanut suuren suosion potilaiden keskuudessa. Lääkärit eivät ole kuitenkaan vielä täysin hyväksyneet verenpaineen kotimittausta, sillä riittävä todistusaineisto sen toimivuudesta ja eduista on puuttunut. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli osoittaa, että kotona mitattu verenpaine (kotipaine) on perinteistä vastaanotolla mitattua verenpainetta (vastaanottopaine) tarkempi, ja että se on tehokas myös kliinisessä käytössä. Tutkimme kotipaineen käyttöä verenpainetaudin diagnosoinnissa ja hoidossa. Lisäksi tarkastelimme kotipaineen yhteyttä verenpainetaudin aiheuttamiin kohde-elinvaurioihin. Ensimmäinen aineisto, joka oli edustava otos Suomen aikuisväestöstä, koostui 2 120 45–74-vuotiaasta tutkimushenkilöstä. Tutkittavat mittasivat kotipainettaan viikon ajan ja osallistuivat terveystarkastukseen, johon sisältyi kliinisen tutkimuksen ja haastattelun lisäksi sydänfilmin otto ja vastaanottopaineen mittaus. 758 tutkittavalle suoritettiin lisäksi kaulavaltimon seinämän intima-mediakerroksen paksuuden (valtimonkovettumataudin mittari) mittaus ja 237:lle valtimon pulssiaallon nopeuden (valtimojäykkyyden mittari) mittaus. Toisessa aineistossa, joka koostui 98 verenpainetautia sairastavasta potilaasta, hoitoa ohjattiin satunnaistamisesta riippuen joko ambulatorisen eli vuorokausirekisteröinnillä mitatun verenpaineen tai kotipaineen perusteella. Vastaanottopaine oli kotipainetta merkittävästi korkeampi (systolisen/diastolisen paineen keskiarvoero oli 8/3 mmHg) ja yksimielisyys verenpainetaudin diagnoosissa kahden menetelmän välillä oli korkeintaan kohtalainen (75 %). 593 tutkittavasta, joilla oli kohonnut verenpaine vastaanotolla, 38 %:lla oli normaali verenpaine kotona eli ns. valkotakkiverenpaine. Verenpainetauti voidaan siis ylidiagnosoida joka kolmannella potilaalla seulontatilanteessa. Valkotakkiverenpaine oli yhteydessä lievästi kohonneeseen verenpaineeseen, matalaan painoindeksiin ja tupakoimattomuuteen, muttei psykiatriseen sairastavuuteen. Valkotakkiverenpaine ei kuitenkaan vaikuttaisi olevan täysin vaaraton ilmiö ja voi ennustaa tulevaa verenpainetautia, sillä siitä kärsivien sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskitekijäprofiili oli normaalipaineisten ja todellisten verenpainetautisten riskitekijäprofiilien välissä. Kotipaineella oli vastaanottopainetta vahvempi yhteys verenpainetaudin aiheuttamiin kohde-elinvaurioihin (intima-mediakerroksen paksuus, pulssiaallon nopeus ja sydänfilmistä todettu vasemman kammion suureneminen). Kotipaine oli tehokas verenpainetaudin hoidon ohjaaja, sillä kotipaineeseen ja ambulatoriseen paineeseen, jota on pidetty verenpainemittauksen ”kultaisena standardina”, perustuva lääkehoidon ohjaus johti yhtä hyvään verenpaineen hallintaan. Tämän ja aikaisempien tutkimusten tulosten pohjalta voidaan todeta, että verenpaineen kotimittaus on selkeä parannus perinteiseen vastaanotolla tapahtuvaan verenpainemittaukseen verrattuna. Verenpaineen kotimittaus on käytännöllinen, tarkka ja laajasti saatavilla oleva menetelmä, josta voi tulla jopa ensisijainen vaihtoehto verenpainetautia diagnosoitaessa ja hoitaessa. Verenpaineen mittauskäytäntöön tarvitaan muutos, sillä näyttöön perustuvan lääketieteen perusteella vaikuttaa, että vastaanotolla tapahtuvaa verenpainemittausta tulisi käyttää vain seulontatarkoitukseen.
BACKGROUND: Endurance athletes are advised to optimize nutrition prior to races. Little is known about actual athletes' beliefs, knowledge and nutritional behaviour. We monitored nutritional behaviour of amateur ski-mountaineering athletes during 4 days prior to a major competition to compare it with official recommendations and with the athletes' beliefs. METHODS: Participants to the two routes of the 'Patrouille des Glaciers' were recruited (A, 26 km, ascent 1881 m, descent 2341 m, max altitude 3160 m; Z, 53 km, ascent 3994 m, descent 4090 m, max altitude 3650 m). Dietary intake diaries of 40 athletes (21 A, 19 Z) were analysed for energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein and liquid; ten were interviewed about their pre-race nutritional beliefs and behaviour. RESULTS: Despite belief that pre-race carbohydrate, energy and fluid intake should be increased, energy consumption was 2416 ± 696 (mean ± SD) kcal · day(-1), 83 ± 17 % of recommended intake, carbohydrate intake was only 46 ± 13 % of minimal recommended (10 g · kg(-1) · day(-1)) and fluid intake only 2.7 ± 1.0 l · day(-1). CONCLUSIONS: Our sample of endurance athletes did not comply with pre-race nutritional recommendations despite elementary knowledge and belief to be compliant. In these athletes a clear and reflective nutritional strategy was lacking. This suggests a potential for improving knowledge and compliance with recommendations. Alternatively, some recommendations may be unrealistic.
L'infection par le virus de l'hépatite C (HCV) représente une des causes les plus fréquentes d'hépatite chronique, de cirrhose et de carcinome hépatocellulaire au niveau mondial. D'énormes progrès ont été réalisés durant ces 25 dernières années depuis la découverte du HCV, notamment dans la compréhension de la virologie moléculaire, de la pathogenèse et de l'histoire naturelle ainsi que dans la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement de l'hépatite C. Ces avancées seront résumées dans cet article et discutées à la lumière de nouveaux défis. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection represents a major cause of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Great progress in the understanding of the molecular virology, pathogenesis and natural course as well as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C have been made in over the last 25 years since the discovery of HCV. Here, we review recent advances and discuss them in the light of new challenges.