862 resultados para Noeme Sousa Rocha


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Pears have been grown in the south region of Brazil, where the climatic conditions are favourable. The aim of this work was to determine the harvest maturity index as well as maximum storage period of 'Packham's Triumph? and 'Rocha' pears to maintain quality attributes. The ?Packham?s Triumph? fruit were harvested from a commercial orchard at 7 days intervals and flesh firmness was used as a maturity index (MI1=76, MI2=67 and MI3=58 N). ?Rocha? pears were harvested twice and they were considered as MI1 and MI3 because of the firmness values. The fruit were stored at 1±1C and 90-95% RH for 15, 30, 45 and 60 days and evaluated at the end of each storage period and after five days at room temperature (24±1C), simulating a helflife period. Flesh firmness, water loss, peduncle dehydration, epidermis colour, soluble solids, titratable acidity were measured. ?Packham?s? pears harvested at MI1 and MI2 showed firmness loss after 30 days of cold storage, whereas fruit harvested at MI3 retained the initial values, resulting in firmer fruit after 60 days (P<0.001). Fruit harvested in MI3 had less firmness loss after 5 days at room temperature following 45 and 60 days of cold storage. ?Rocha? pears harvested in MI1 and MI3 showed firmness reduction during cold storage, which was intensified at room temperature. Maximum values of water loss approached 6%. Fruit peduncles of both cultivars dehydrated after 60 days of cold storage, but their colour remained green, independent of harvest maturity index. ?Packham?s Triumph? and ?Rocha? pears harvested at MI3 showed better quality attributes after 60 days of cold storage plus 5 days of shelf-life than fruit harvested at other maturity stages.


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With a focus on intention and motivation, this paper describes a study involving three organisational communities and their collective effort to develop and provide more inclusive housing for people with disabilities and their families. While many studies, such as that by Rocha & Miles (2009), focus on commercial organisations, and sustainability from an economic perspective, this study involves a not-for-profit organisation (the accommodation and service provider) as well as a research organisation and a design action group volunteering their services free of charge. From this pro-bono context, the paper describes a case study that explores the nature of the collective as a basis for creative practice and political activism and the theoretical implications and wider application in terms of emerging research in the area of collaborative entrepreneurship and design activism.


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Competitive sailing is characterised by continuous interdependencies of decisions and actions. All actions imply a permanent monitoring of the environmental conditions, such as intensity and direction of the wind, sea characteristics, and the behaviour of the opponent sailors. These constraints on sailors’ behavior are in constant change implying continuous adjustments in sailors’ actions and decisions. Among the different parts of a regatta, tactics and strategy at the start are particularly relevant. Among coaches there is an adage that says that “the start is 50% of a regatta” (Houghton, 1984; Saltonstall, 1983/1986). Olympic sailing regattas are performed with boats of the same class, by one, two or three sailors, depending on the boat class. Normally before the start, sailors visit the racing venue and analyse wind and sea characteristics, in order to fine- tune their boats accordingly. Then, five minutes before the start, sailors initiate starting procedures in order to be in a favourable position at the starting line (at the “second zero”). This position is selected during the start period according to wind shifts tendencies and the actions of other boats (Figure 11.1). Only after the start signal can the boats cross the imaginary starting line between the race committee signal boat “A” and the pin end boat. The start takes place against the wind (upwind), and the boats start racing in the direction of mark 1. Based on the evaluation of the sea and wind characteristics (e.g. if the wind is stronger at a particular place on the course), sailors re- adjust their strategy for the regatta. This strategy may change during the regatta, according to wind changes and adversary actions. More to the point, strategic decisions constrain and are constrained by on- line decisions during the regatta.


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EM artigo anteriormente publicado (AGUIAR, 2008a), concluímos que as críticas elaboradas por certos autores (SOUSA, 2000; KURTZ, 1993; MARSHALL, 2003; MARCONDES FILHO, 1988), ao classificarem um determinado modo de jornalismo como sensacionalista, parecem querer opor uma imaginária constituição democrática do espaço público e da cultura legítima a uma suposta disfunção narcotizante do entretenimento, que promoveria o conformismo social e reforçaria as normas sociais. O jornalismo sensacionalista, nesse entendimento, veicularia apenas a ampla trivialidade e o excesso de diversão estaria “matando” os ideais iluministas da sociedade moderna, tal como aposta Postman (1986). Entretanto, pode-se ver nestas críticas aquilo que Edgar Morin define, ao estudar cultura de lazer, como a má impressão causada pelo divertimento e pela evasão aos “moralistas dessa confederação helvética do espírito que são as letras e a universidade” (MORIN, 2002).


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With a focus on intention and motivation, this paper describes a study involving three organisational communities and their collective effort to develop and provide more inclusive housing for people with disabilities and their families. While many studies, such as that by Rocha & Miles (2009), focus on commercial organisations, and sustainability from an economic perspective, this study involves a not-for-profit organisation (the accommodation and service provider) as well as a research organisation and a design action group volunteering their services free of charge. From this pro-bono context, the paper describes a case study that explores the nature of the collective as a basis for creative practice and political activism and the theoretical implications and wider application in terms of emerging research in the area of collaborative entrepreneurship and design activism.


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In human breast cancer (HBC), as with many carcinoma systems, most matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are largely expressed by the stromal cells, whereas the tumour cells are relatively silent in MMP expression. To determine the tissue source of the most relevant MMPs, we xenografted HBC cell lines and HBC tissues into the mammary fat pad (MFP) or bone of immunocompromised mice and measured the expression of human and mouse MMP-2, -9, -11, -13, membrane-type-1 MMP (MT1-MMP), MT2-MMP and MT3-MMP by species-specific real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Our data confirm a stromal origin for most tumour-associated MMPs and indicate marked and consistent upregulation of stromal (mouse) MMP-13 and MT1-MMP in all xenografts studied, irrespective of implantation in the MFP or bone environments. In addition, we show increased expression of both human MMP-13 and human MT1-MMP by the MDA-MB-231 tumour cells grown in the MFP compared to in vitro production. MMP protein and activity data confirm the upregulation of MMP mRNA production and indicate an increase in the activated MMP-2 species as a result of tumour implantation. These data directly demonstrate tumour induction of MMP production by stromal cells in both the MFP and bone environments. These xenografts are a valuable means for examining in vivo production of MMPs and suggest that MMP-13 and MT1-MMP will be relevant targets for inhibiting breast cancer progression.


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Nowadays, the emergence of resistance to the current available chemotherapeutic drugs by cancer cells makes the development of new agents imperative. The skin secretion of amphibians is a natural rich source of antimicrobial peptides (AMP), and researchers have shown that some of these wide spectrum molecules are also toxic to cancer cells. The aim of this study was to verify a putative anticancer activity of the AMP pentadactylin isolated for the first time from the skin secretion of the frog Leptodactylus labyrinthicus and also to study its cytotoxic mechanism to the murine melanoma cell line B16F10. The results have shown that pentadactylin reduces the cell viability of B16F10 cells in a dose-dependent manner. It was also cytotoxic to normal human fibroblast cells; nevertheless, pentadactylin was more potent in the first case. The studies of action mechanism revealed that pentadactylin causes cell morphology alterations (e.g., round shape and shrinkage morphology), membrane disruption, DNA fragmentation, cell cycle arrest at the S phase, and alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential, suggesting that B16F10 cells die by apoptosis. The exact mechanism that causes reduction of cell viability and cytotoxicity after treatment with pentadactylin is still unknown. In conclusion, as cancer cells become resilient to death, it is worthwhile the discovery of new drugs such as pentadactylin that induces apoptosis.


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This paper considers the epistemological life cycle of the camera lens in documentary practices. The 19th century industrial economies that manufactured and commercialised the camera lens have engendered political and economic contingencies on documentary practices to sustain a hegemonic and singular interpretive epistemology. Colonial documentary practices are considered from the viewpoint of manipulative hegemonic practices - all of which use the interpretive epistemology of the camera lens to capitalise a viewpoint which is singular and possesses the power to sustain its own status and economic privilege. I suggest that decolonising documentary practices can be nurtured in what Boaventura de Sousa Santos proposes as an 'ecology of knowledges' (Andreotti, Ahenakew, & Cooper 2011) - a way of including the epistemologies of cultures beyond the 'abyssal' (Santos), outside the limits of epistemological dominance. If an 'epistemicide' (Santos) of indigenous knowledges in the dominant limits has occurred then in an ecology of knowledges the limits become limitless and what were once invisible knowledges, come into their own ontological and epistemological being: as free agents and on their own terms. In an ecology of knowledges, ignorance and blindness may still exist but are not privileged. The decolonisation of documentary practices inevitably destabilises prevailing historicities and initiates ways for equal privilege to exist between multiple epistemologies.


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This paper addresses research from a three-year longitudinal study that engaged children in data modeling experiences from the beginning school year through to third year (6-8 years). A data modeling approach to statistical development differs in several ways from what is typically done in early classroom experiences with data. In particular, data modeling immerses children in problems that evolve from their own questions and reasoning, with core statistical foundations established early. These foundations include a focus on posing and refining statistical questions within and across contexts, structuring and representing data, making informal inferences, and developing conceptual, representational, and metarepresentational competence. Examples are presented of how young learners developed and sustained informal inferential reasoning and metarepresentational competence across the study to become “sophisticated statisticians”.


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This study aimed to quantify the intensity of physical activity (PA) of children during school recess (RE), compare the AF gender and seasonal influences. The sample consisted of 30 girls (11.2 ± 1.3 years) and 20 boys (11.3 ± 0.8 years). Heart rate was monitored for three consecutive REs in winter (INV) and spring (PRI) with intensity of the activity being classified as low, moderate and vigorous. Descriptive statistics were used for general data, t test for independent samples for differences between the sexes, paired t test for seasonality. Differences were found between INV and PRI temperatures. Girls had a significant reduction in the AF INV to PRI, which was not observed among boys. The RE represented a small contribution to daily recommendations of AF.


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Objective: Association between ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and two genes, ERAP1 and IL23R, has recently been reported in North American and British populations. The population attributable risk fraction for ERAP1 in this study was 25%, and for IL23R, 9%. Confirmation of these findings to ERAP1 in other ethnic groups has not yet been demonstrated. We sought to test the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes and susceptibility to AS among a Portuguese population. We also investigated the role of these genes in clinical manifestations of AS, including age of symptom onset, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity, Metrology and Functional Indices, and the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score. Methods: The study was conducted on 358 AS cases and 285 ethnically matched Portuguese healthy controls. AS was defined according to the modified New York Criteria. Genotyping of IL23R and ERAP1 allelic variants was carried out with TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. Association analysis was performed using the Cochrane-Armitage and linear regression tests of genotypes as implemented in PLINK for dichotomous and quantitative variables respectively. A meta-analysis for Portuguese and previously published Spanish IL23R data was performed using the StatsDirect® Statistical tools, by fixed and random effects models. Results: A total of 14 nsSNPs markers (8 for IL23R, 5 for ERAPl, 1 for LN-PEP) were analysed. Three markers (2 for IL23R and 1 for ERAP1) showed significant single-locus disease associations, confirming that the association of these genes with AS in the Portuguese population. The strongest associated SNP in IL23R was rs1004819 (OR=1.4, p=0.0049), and in ERAP1 was rs30187 (OR=1.26, p=0.035). The population attributable risk fractions in the Portuguese population for these SNPs are 11% and 9.7% respectively. No association was seen with any SNP in LN-PEP, which flanks ERAP1 and was associated with AS in the British population. No association was seen with clinical manifestations of AS. Conclusions: These results show that IL23R and ERAP1 genes are also associated with susceptibility to AS in the Portuguese population, and that they contribute a significant proportion of the population risk for this disease.


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The availability of population-specific normative data regarding disease severity measures is essential for patient assessment. The goals of the current study were to characterize the pattern of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in Portuguese patients and to develop reference centile charts for BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI and mSASSS, the most widely used assessment tools in AS. AS cases were recruited from hospital outpatient clinics, with AS defined according to the modified New York criteria. Demographic and clinical data were recorded. All radiographs were evaluated by two independent experienced readers. Centile charts for BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI and mSASSS were constructed for both genders, using generalized linear models and regression models with duration of disease as independent variable. A total of 369 patients (62.3% male, mean ± (SD) age 45.4 ± 13.2 years, mean ± (SD) disease duration 11.4 ± 10.5 years, 70.7% B27-positive) were included. Family history of AS in a first-degree relative was reported in 17.6% of the cases. Regarding clinical disease pattern, at the time of assessment 42.3% had axial disease, 2.4% peripheral disease, 40.9% mixed disease and 7.1% isolated enthesopatic disease. Anterior uveitis (33.6%) was the most common extra-articular manifestation. The centile charts suggest that females reported greater disease activity and more functional impairment than males but had lower BASMI and mSASSS scores. Data collected through this study provided a demographic and clinical profile of patients with AS in Portugal. The development of centile charts constitutes a useful tool to assess the change of disease pattern over time and in response to therapeutic interventions.


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Background: Studies have examined the effects of temperature on mortality in a single city, country, or region. However, less evidence is available on the variation in the associations between temperature and mortality in multiple countries, analyzed simultaneously. Methods: We obtained daily data on temperature and mortality in 306 communities from 12 countries/regions (Australia, Brazil, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada). Two-stage analyses were used to assess the nonlinear and delayed relation between temperature and mortality. In the first stage, a Poisson regression allowing overdispersion with distributed lag nonlinear model was used to estimate the community-specific temperature-mortality relation. In the second stage, a multivariate meta-analysis was used to pool the nonlinear and delayed effects of ambient temperature at the national level, in each country. Results: The temperatures associated with the lowest mortality were around the 75th percentile of temperature in all the countries/regions, ranging from 66th (Taiwan) to 80th (UK) percentiles. The estimated effects of cold and hot temperatures on mortality varied by community and country. Meta-analysis results show that both cold and hot temperatures increased the risk of mortality in all the countries/regions. Cold effects were delayed and lasted for many days, whereas heat effects appeared quickly and did not last long. Conclusions: People have some ability to adapt to their local climate type, but both cold and hot temperatures are still associated with increased risk of mortality. Public health strategies to alleviate the impact of ambient temperatures are important, in particular in the context of climate change.


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To identify susceptibility loci for visceral leishmaniasis, we undertook genome-wide association studies in two populations: 989 cases and 1,089 controls from India and 357 cases in 308 Brazilian families (1,970 individuals). The HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 locus was the only region to show strong evidence of association in both populations. Replication at this region was undertaken in a second Indian population comprising 941 cases and 990 controls, and combined analysis across the three cohorts for rs9271858 at this locus showed P combined = 2.76 × 10 -17 and odds ratio (OR) = 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.30-1.52. A conditional analysis provided evidence for multiple associations within the HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 region, and a model in which risk differed between three groups of haplotypes better explained the signal and was significant in the Indian discovery and replication cohorts. In conclusion, the HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 HLA class II region contributes to visceral leishmaniasis susceptibility in India and Brazil, suggesting shared genetic risk factors for visceral leishmaniasis that cross the epidemiological divides of geography and parasite species. © 2013 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.