550 resultados para Myöhänen, Sami


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We investigated which evoked response component occurring in the first 800 ms after stimulus presentation was most suitable to be used in a classical P300-based brain-computer interface speller protocol. Data was acquired from 275 Magnetoencephalographic sensors in two subjects and from 61 Electroencephalographic sensors in four. To better characterize the evoked physiological responses and minimize the effect of response overlap, a 1000 ms Inter Stimulus Interval was preferred to the short (


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Long-period fibre gratings (LPGs) have previously been used to detect quantities such as temperature, strain and refractive index (RI). The responsivity to surrounding refractive index means that, potentially, LPGs could be realised as optical biosensors for applications in biochemical and biomedical application areas. We report here to our best knowledge the first investigation on refractive index sensing properties of LPGs with sol-gel derived titanium and silicon oxide coatings. It is revealed that the RI sensitivity of an LPG is affected by both the thickness and the index value of the coating; the coating with higher index and thickness will enhance the LPG RI sensitivity significantly. The surrounding refractive index induced LPG resonance shift has been evaluated over the LPGs’ most sensitive RI region from 1.42 to 1.44. We have identified that, in this region, the uncoated LPG has an RI sensitivity of (-673.0±0.4)nm/uri (unit of refractive index) while the LPG coated with titanium oxide exhibits a sensitivity as high as (-1067.15±0.04)nm/uri.


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As shown recently, a long telecommunication fibre may be treated as a natural one-dimensional random system, where lasing is possible due to a combination of random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering by natural refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. Here we present a new type of a random fibre laser with a narrow (∼1 nm) spectrum tunable over a broad wavelength range (1535-1570 nm) with a uniquely flat (∼0.1 dB) and high (>2 W) output power and prominent (>40 %) differential efficiency, which outperforms traditional fibre lasers of the same category, e.g. a conventional Raman laser with a linear cavity formed in the same fibre by adding point reflectors. Analytical model is proposed that explains quantitatively the higher efficiency and the flatter tuning curve of the random fiber laser compared to conventional one. The other important features of the random fibre laser like "modeless" spectrum of specific shape and corresponding intensity fluctuations as well as the techniques of controlling its output characteristics are discussed. Outstanding characteristics defined by new underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme implemented in standard telecom fibre make the demonstrated tunable random fibre laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications such as optical communication, sensing and secure transmission. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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We present the numerical study of the statistical properties of the partially coherent quasi-CW high-Q cavity Raman fiber laser. The statistical properties are different for the radiation generated at the spectrum center or spectral wings. It is found that rare extreme events are generated at the far spectral wings at one pass only. The mechanism of the extreme events generation is a turbulent-like four-wave mixing of numerous longitudinal generation modes. The similar mechanism of extreme waves appearance during the laser generation could be important in other types of fiber lasers. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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Topographic variation, the spatial variation in elevation and terrain features, underpins a myriad of patterns and processes in geography and ecology and is key to understanding the variation of life on the planet. The characterization of this variation is scale-dependent, i.e. it varies with the distance over which features are assessed and with the spatial grain (grid cell resolution) of analysis. A fully standardized and global multivariate product of different terrain features has the potential to support many large-scale basic research and analytical applications, however to date, such technique is unavailable. Here we used the digital elevation model products of global 250 m GMTED and near-global 90 m SRTM to derive a suite of topographic variables: elevation, slope, aspect, eastness, northness, roughness, terrain roughness index, topographic position index, vector ruggedness measure, profile and tangential curvature, and 10 geomorphological landform classes. We aggregated each variable to 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 km spatial grains using several aggregation approaches (median, average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, percent cover, count, majority, Shannon Index, entropy, uniformity). While a global cross-correlation underlines the high similarity of many variables, a more detailed view in four mountain regions reveals local differences, as well as scale variations in the aggregated variables at different spatial grains. All newly-developed variables are available for download at http://www.earthenv.org and can serve as a basis for standardized hydrological, environmental and biodiversity modeling at a global extent.


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We present an extensive photometric catalog for 548 CALIFA galaxies observed as of the summer of 2015. CALIFA is currently lacking photometry matching the scale and diversity of its spectroscopy; this work is intended to meet all photometric needs for CALIFA galaxies while also identifying best photometric practices for upcoming integral field spectroscopy surveys such as SAMI and MaNGA. This catalog comprises gri surface brightness profiles derived from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging, a variety of non-parametric quantities extracted from these pro files, and parametric models fitted to the i-band pro files (1D) and original galaxy images (2D). To compliment our photometric analysis, we contrast the relative performance of our 1D and 2D modelling approaches. The ability of each measurement to characterize the global properties of galaxies is quantitatively assessed, in the context of constructing the tightest scaling relations. Where possible, we compare our photometry with existing photometrically or spectroscopically obtained measurements from the literature. Close agreement is found with Walcher et al. (2014), the current source of basic photometry and classifications of CALIFA galaxies, while comparisons with spectroscopically derived quantities reveals the effect of CALIFA's limited field of view compared to broadband imaging surveys such as the SDSS. The colour-magnitude diagram, star formation main sequence, and Tully-Fisher relation of CALIFA galaxies are studied, to give a small example of the investigations possible with this rich catalog. We conclude with a discussion of points of concern for ongoing integral field spectroscopy surveys and directions for future expansion and exploitation of this work.


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The Cutri Formation’s, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by Álvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.


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The concept of non-territorial autonomy gives rise to at least two important questions: the range of functional areas over which autonomy extends, and the extent to which this autonomy is indeed non-territorial. A widely used early description significantly labelled this ‘national cultural autonomy’, implying that its focus is mainly on cultural matters, such as language, religion, education and family law. In many of the cases that are commonly cited, ‘autonomy’ may not even extend this far: its most visible expression is the existence of separate electoral registers or quotas for the various groups. Part of the dilemma lies in the difficulty of devolving substantial power on a non-territorial basis: to the extent that devolved institutions are state-like, they ideally require a defined territory. Ethnic groups, however, vary in the extent to which they are territorially concentrated, and therefore in the degree to which any autonomous arrangements for them are territorial or non-territorial. This article explores the dilemma generated by this tension between ethnic geography (pattern of ethnic settlement) and political autonomy (degree of selfrule), and introduces a set of case studies where the relationship between these two features is discussed further: the Ottoman empire and its successor states, the Habsburg monarchy, the Jewish minorities of Europe, interwar Estonia, contemporary Belgium, and two indigenous peoples, the Sa´mi in Norway and the Maori in New Zealand.


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This article seeks to generalise about the significance of non-territorial autonomy as a mechanism for the management of ethnic conflict on the basis of a set of case studies covering the Ottoman empire and its successor states, the Habsburg monarchy, the Jewish minorities of Europe, interwar Estonia, contemporary Belgium, and two indigenous peoples, the Sami in Norway and Maori in New Zealand. It begins by assessing the extent to which the spatial distribution of ethnonational communities determined the range of autonomy options available—whether these might be territorial or whether only non-territorial autonomy would be realistic. The article continues with an assessment of the significance of ‘autonomy’ in circumstances where the institutions with which it is associated enjoy a non-territorial rather than a territorial writ. It concludes by suggesting that in almost all cases where autonomy is extended to a minority within a state this is exercised on a territorial basis, and that in many cases of non-territorial autonomy, or national–cultural autonomy, the powers assumed by the ‘autonomous’ institutions are substantially symbolic. It argues that notwithstanding the limited empirical evidence for the existence of non-territorial autonomy, this device should not be written off at a normative level.


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Työn tavoitteena on selventää takuun yleisiä periaatteita ja esittää lukijalle kattavasti erilaiset takuumallit ja -politiikat. Tavoitteena on, että lukija ymmärtää takuun osana isompaa kokonaisuutta ja kuinka takuuta voidaan käyttää markkinoinnin keinona. Työssä tuodaan esille myös takuuaikaisten petosten ominaispiirteitä, sekä pohditaan takuuaikaisten petosten aiheuttamia kustannuksia. Työ on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka on laadittu pääosin takuuta ja takuukustannuksia käsittelevän kirjallisuuden sekä aiheeseen liittyvien tieteellisten artikkeleiden pohjalta. Petoksista on hyvin vähän löydettävissä tieteellisiä julkaisuja, joten petosten ja niiden kustannusten käsittely pohjautuu pääasiassa uutisiin ja erilaisiin aihetta käsitteleviin ammatillisiin internetlähteisiin. Tuloksena voidaan todeta takuun ja takuukustannusten olevan hyvin monipuolinen ja haastava kokonaisuus. Yrityksille onkin tärkeää hallita tuotteidensa takuita ja tarkkailla niistä aiheutuneita kustannuksia. Toisaalta yrityksille avautuu takuun kautta loistavia mahdollisuuksia parantaa myyntiään, jos takuuta saadaan käytettyä markkinoinnissa apuna. Takuun ja hinnan optimointi on monimutkaisista malleista johtuen haastavaa, mutta toisaalta niillä voidaan saavuttaa merkittävää kilpailuetua kilpailijoihin nähden. Takuukustannusten ymmärtäminen ja hallitseminen vaatii paljon resursseja ja matemaattisten mallien käyttö on haastavaa ja siksi yritysten täytyy tehdä kompromisseja resurssien käytön suhteen. Lisäksi petosten todettiin aiheuttavan vuosittain merkittävästi kustannuksia valmistajille. Joidenkin lähteiden mukaan jopa 10–15% takuukustannuksista on petoksellisesti aiheutettuja.


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Kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on tarkastella hybridituotannonohjausmallin muodostamista sekä käytännön toteutusta kirjallisten lähteiden pohjalta. Työ pyrkii soveltamaan kirjallisuuskatsausta ikkuna- ja ovivalmistukseen. Soveltavan osuuden tavoitteena on selvittää pystytäänkö alalla hyödyntämään hybridituotannonohjausta ja miten sen mahdollinen toteutus tapahtuisi. Kirjallisuudesta selviää kuinka tuotteet jaotellaan tuotannonohjausmuotoihin ja millä mahdollisilla malleilla hybridituotantoa voidaan ohjata käytännössä. Kandidaatintyön soveltavaan osaan kuuluu ikkuna- ja ovivalmistajille lähetettävä kysely, jonka tavoitteena on selvittää miten tuotantoa ohjataan ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tuotannonohjausmuodon valintaan. Tuloksista selviää, että suomalaiset ikkunavalmistajat valmistavat tuotteensa tilausohjautuvasti, koska tuotevariaatioiden määrä on korkea ja asiakkaiden toimitusaikavaatimukset mahdollistavat pidemmät toimitusajat. Tästä syystä esimerkkiyritykseksi valikoitui kiinalainen ovivalmistaja, joka ohjaa tuotantoaan varasto-ohjautuvasti. Kandidaatintyön soveltavasta osiosta selvisi, että tällaisessa tapauksessa hybridituotannonohjauksen keinoin voidaan saavuttaa säästöjä varastonpitokustannuksissa ilman, että toimitusajat kasvavat asiakkaan kannalta liikaa. Kandidaatintyön tuloksia ei kuitenkaan voida soveltaa automaattisesti koko alalle yrityskohtaisten erojen takia, jonka takia hybridituotannon soveltuvuus tulisi aina tarkastella yrityskohtaisesti. Mikäli yritys valmistaa edes osan tuotannostaan varasto-ohjautuvasti, on mahdollista että hybridituotannonohjauksella voidaan saada aikaan säästöjä varastonpitokustannuksissa.


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Many-core systems are emerging from the need of more computational power and power efficiency. However there are many issues which still revolve around the many-core systems. These systems need specialized software before they can be fully utilized and the hardware itself may differ from the conventional computational systems. To gain efficiency from many-core system, programs need to be parallelized. In many-core systems the cores are small and less powerful than cores used in traditional computing, so running a conventional program is not an efficient option. Also in Network-on-Chip based processors the network might get congested and the cores might work at different speeds. In this thesis is, a dynamic load balancing method is proposed and tested on Intel 48-core Single-Chip Cloud Computer by parallelizing a fault simulator. The maximum speedup is difficult to obtain due to severe bottlenecks in the system. In order to exploit all the available parallelism of the Single-Chip Cloud Computer, a runtime approach capable of dynamically balancing the load during the fault simulation process is used. The proposed dynamic fault simulation approach on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer shows up to 45X speedup compared to a serial fault simulation approach. Many-core systems can draw enormous amounts of power, and if this power is not controlled properly, the system might get damaged. One way to manage power is to set power budget for the system. But if this power is drawn by just few cores of the many, these few cores get extremely hot and might get damaged. Due to increase in power density multiple thermal sensors are deployed on the chip area to provide realtime temperature feedback for thermal management techniques. Thermal sensor accuracy is extremely prone to intra-die process variation and aging phenomena. These factors lead to a situation where thermal sensor values drift from the nominal values. This necessitates efficient calibration techniques to be applied before the sensor values are used. In addition, in modern many-core systems cores have support for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling. Thermal sensors located on cores are sensitive to the core's current voltage level, meaning that dedicated calibration is needed for each voltage level. In this thesis a general-purpose software-based auto-calibration approach is also proposed for thermal sensors to calibrate thermal sensors on different range of voltages.