1000 resultados para Mudança foliar
In a field experiment the effects of Sumicidin (super) 5EC (fenitrothion), Metasystox EC25 (oxydemeton-methyl) and Tamaron SL600 (methamidophos), applied at different dosages, were evaluated against peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and its parasitoid Aphidius matricariae Haliday on Cardinal and Desiree (respectively partially resistant and susceptible potato cultivars to M. persicae). Sumicidin (super) 5EC was found about 30% more effective in reducing aphid populations than the other insecticides tested. The highest doses of each insecticide caused maximum aphid mortality; in general aphid mortality appeared dose dependent. Almost all the higher and lower doses of the tested insecticides were about 19% more effective on Cardinal than on Desiree. The most significant result was the synergistic interaction at the lower doses with plant resistance, so that the same level of control was recorded with second highest dose on Cardinal as with the highest dose on Desiree. Also the same control level was achieved at the lowest dosage rate on Cardinal compared with the next higher dose on the Desiree. Sumicidin (super) 5EC was found least toxic to the parasitoid, A. matricariae in terms of percent parasitism, emergence of parasitoids and number of mature eggs in the emerging female parasitoids; increase of about 22, 67 and 47% respectively were found in parasitoid performance with Tamaron SL600 which was found comparatively highly toxic. The highest doses of all insecticides were found clearly toxic to the parasitoid. In general, effects on the parasitoid were dose dependent. Maximum yield was obtained from the second highest dose of Sumicidin (super) 5EC.
Summer droughts are predicted to increase in severity and frequency in the United Kingdom, due to climate change. Few studies have addressed the impacts of drought on interactions between species, and the majority have focussed on increases in CO2 concentration and changes in temperature. Here, the effect of experimental summer drought on the strength of the plant-mediated interaction between leaf-mining Stephensia brunnichella larvae and root-chewing Agriotes larvae was investigated. Agriotes larvae reduced the abundance and performance of S. brunnichella feeding on a mutual host plant, Clinopodium vulgare, as well as the rate of parasitism of the leaf-miner. The interaction did not, however, occur on plants subjected to a severe drought treatment, which were reduced in size. Changes to summer rainfall, due to climate change, may therefore reduce the occurrence of plant-mediated interactions between insect herbivores.
Four foliar and two stem-base pathogens were inoculated onto wheat plants grown in different substrates in pot experiments. Soils from four different UK locations were each treated in three ways: (i) straw incorporated in the field at 10 t ha−1 several months previously; (ii) silicon fertilization at 100 mg L−1 during the experiment; and (iii) no amendments. A sand and vermiculite mix was used with and without silicon amendment. The silicon treatment increased plant silica concentrations in all experiments, but incorporating straw was not associated with raised plant silica concentrations. Blumeria graminis and Puccinia recondita were inoculated by shaking infected plants over the test plants, followed by suitable humid periods. The silicon treatment reduced powdery mildew (B. graminis) substantially in sand and vermiculite and in two of the soils, but there were no effects on the slight infection by brown rust (P. recondita). Phaeosphaeria nodorum and Mycosphaerella graminicola were inoculated as conidial suspensions. Leaf spot caused by P. nodorum was reduced in silicon-amended sand and vermiculite; soil was not tested. Symptoms of septoria leaf blotch caused by M. graminicola were reduced by silicon amendment in a severely infected sand and vermiculite experiment but not in soil or a slightly infected sand and vermiculite experiment. Oculimacula yallundae (eyespot) and Fusarium culmorum (brown foot rot) were inoculated as agar plugs on the stem base. Severity of O. yallundae was reduced by silicon amendment of two of the soils but not sand and vermiculite; brown foot rot symptoms caused by F. culmorum were unaffected by silicon amendment. The straw treatment reduced severity of powdery mildew but did not detectably affect the other pathogens. Both straw and silicon treatments appeared to increase plant resistance to all diseases only under high disease pressure.
The effect of increasing salinity on a range of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in foliar tissue of 30 Acer genotypes was examined. The magnitude of the fluorescence responses differed among genotypes ranging from minor effects to substantial leaf tissue damage. Interpretation of the fluorescence expressions provided an insight into mechanisms of salt damage and resilience among genotypes. Based on reductions in a performance index (PIp) following salinity, genotypes were ranked in order from tolerant to sensitive. Based on this ranking criterion, marked differences in salt tolerance among genotypes were distinguished. It is concluded that chlorophyll fluorescence offers a rapid screening technique for assessing the foliar salinity tolerance of urban trees.
Worldwide, many people are zinc (Zn)-deficient. Dietary Zn intake can be increased by producing crops with higher concentrations of Zn in their edible portions. This can be achieved by applying Zn-fertilisers to varieties with an increased ability to acquire Zn and to accumulate Zn in their edible portions. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food crop and is, therefore, a target for bio-fortification with Zn. Field trials incorporating a core collection of 23 potato genotypes, performed over 4 years (2006 – 2009), indicated significant genotypic effects on tuber Zn concentration and suggested that tuber Zn concentration was influenced by environmental effects, but also found that genotype environment (G E) interactions were not significant. Tuber Zn concentrations averaged 10.8 mg kg–1 dry matter (DM), and the ratio between the lowest and the highest varietal tuber Zn-concentration averaged 1.76. Tuber Zn concentrations could be increased by foliar Zn-fertilisation. Tuber yields of ‘Maris Piper’ were unaffected by foliar applications of < 1.08 g Zn plant–1. The relationship between tuber Zn concentration and foliar Zn application followed a saturation curve, reaching a maximum at approx. 30 mg Zn kg–1 DM at a foliar Zn application rate of 1.08 g plant–1. Despite a 40-fold increase in shoot Zn concentration compared to the unfertilised controls following foliar Zn fertilisation with 2.16 g Zn plant–1, only a doubling in tuber Zn concentration was observed. This suggests that the biofortification of tubers with Zn was restricted by the limited mobility of Zn in the phloem. A significant positive linear relationship between tuber Zn concentration and tuber N concentration supported the hypothesis of co-transport of Zn and N-compounds in the phloem.
Camarea is a South-American endemic genus comprising eight species. In the present work n-alkanes from foliar cuticular waxes of 23 specimens, representing seven species of Camarea were analyzed, aiming at establishing interspecific affinities and evaluating the usefulness of n-alkane distribution as species characteristic. The sampling included also specimens of Peixotoa rericulata and Janusia guaronitica (both Malpighiaceae). The results were used to obtain a phenogram indicating chemical affinities between species. The results are in agreement with morphological similarities among some Camarea species. Intraspecific variability was small, suggesting that n-alkane distribution may be useful for species characterization and establishment of links among Camarea species. The results support the recognition of Camarea triphylla as a synonym of Camarea axillaris and are not coherent with a hybrid condition of a population exhibiting morphological characteristics combining Camarea affinis and Camarea hirsuta, suggesting instead that the individuals analyzed belong either to Camarea hirsuta or a close species. Distribution of n-alkanes is inadequate to distinguish among Malpighiaceae genera: P reticulata has n-alkane distribution similar to several Cumarea species. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study investigates variable noun phrase number agreement (VNA) in two second language varieties of Portuguese, spoken in Maputo, Mozambique and in Mindelo, Cape Verde. Quantitative VARBRUL analysis is carried out based on recordings made in Maputo and Mindelo 2007 and 2008. Previous quantitative studies on VNA in varieties of Brazilian Portuguese (Guy, 1981; Lopes, 2001; Andrade, 2003) as well as on VNA in first and second language varieties of Portuguese from São Tomé (Baxter, 2004; Figueiredo, 2008, 2010) indicate contact between Portuguese and African languages as the main origin of this phenomenon. VNA in Brazilian Portuguese is, however, interpreted by Scherre (1988) and Naro & Scherre (1993, 2007) as the result of language internal drift. Varieties of Portuguese from Mozambique and Cape Verde are particularly interesting to contrast in order to investigate influences from African languages on VNA, as in Mozambique Bantu languages are first languages of the vast majority of Portuguese speakers, whereas in Cape Verde, practically all Portuguese speakers are first language speakers of Cape Verdean Creole, whose substrates are West African, and not Bantu, languages. Comparison is also made with previous studies from Brazil and São Tomé. The results of this study comment previously postulated explanations for VNA in Portuguese in various ways. The analysis of the variables onset age and age stratum indicates that VNA in the analyzed varieties is a phenomenon linked to the acquisition of Portuguese as a second language and/or language contact rather than the result of internal drift. The fact that all the compared varieties tend to mark plural on pre-head components contradicts Bantu transfer as an explanation for this pattern, and raises the need to also consider more general explanations based on language contact. The basic structural similarity between the compared varieties suggests the existence of a grammatical restructuring continuum.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul
Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul
O ambiente concorrencial atual está impondo novos fatores de competição às empresas. Com a globalização e a abertura do mercado, as empresas brasileiras estão implantando programas de qualidade e produtividade tendo como referencial principal (benchmarking) as empresas japonesas. As conseqüentes mudanças no ambiente empresarial não estão, entretanto, sendo consistentemente acompanhadas por evoluções nas sistemáticas de controle e custeio. As informações relativas ao controle de uma empresa devem ser acuradas o suficiente para subsidiar o processo de tomada de decisões no atual ambiente competitivo. Porém, as tradicionais práticas de controle e custeio, além de obsoletas, podem constituir uma restrição para a continuidade dos programas de melhoria das empresas. Este trabalho mostra a evolução dos sistemas de manufatura, com ênfase particular no Modelo Japonês / Sistema Toyota de Produção. Uma atenção especial é dada à necessidade de mudanças nos sistemas de controle das empresas, principalmente na parte de custeio. Mostra-se ainda algumas características das sistemáticas de controle e custeio nas empresas japonesas em comparação com a lógica predominante nas empresas ocidentais. Apóia-se o trabalho em um caso real de uma empresa que já passou por um processo de racionalização, sob forte influência dos conceitos japoneses de qualidade e produtividade, e que, agora, sente a necessidade de uma maior transparência e melhor entendimento do comportamento dos custos em seu ambiente, para poder dar continuidade a este processo de melhorias.
As empresas rompem seus paradigmas porque a competitividade as obriga a isso em função do mundo globalizado, no qual estão inseridas hoje. Para uma empresa que vive nesse contexto, a tecnologia da informação é uma ferramenta auxiliar no processo de gerenciamento e tratamento das mesmas. Os Sistemas Gerenciais de Gestão Empresarial (ERP's) estão ajudando a suprir as carências demandadas pelas empresas no sentido de fazerem frente ao contexto atual. Mesmo assim, com tecnologias a ajudá- las, são as pessoas (gestores e equipe), as implementadoras desses sistemas. Tais sistemas em função da velocidade de implantação, fazem com que os gestores sofram demasiado peso de responsabilidades, pois não são suficientemente preparados para serem "coachs", ou seja, ensinarem sua equipe e participarem com a mesma, dos processos de transformações. Além disso, sofrem todos em função de que as atividades diárias da empresa não param diante de tais trans formações, gerando ao mesmo tempo dificuldades e embates naturais para serem administrados. Neste contexto a influência do gestor na mudança, competência que interessa neste estudo, é peça importante para a condução desse processo. Os objetivos que permearam esta pesquisa se baseiam na questão de como os gestores podem influenciar no nível de participação das pessoas num processo de mudança. No caso abordado, observa-se que em função dos problemas relatados na empresa em estudo, houve má condução na impleme ntação, causada pelo nível de envolvimento apresentado pelas pessoas não ter sido o suficiente. Para o levantamento dos dados utilizou-se fonte múltipla de coleta como observação participante, questionário, registros em arquivos e documentos. A análise foi efetuada com base nos dados coletados e no referencial teórico constante neste estudo. O resultado da análise apresentou 10 pontos críticos os quais estão compostos nos seguintes grandes enfoques: processo decisório, condução, desenvolvimento, cronograma do projeto e pessoas na organização. Para estes pontos críticos foram elaboradas sugestões, tais como políticas de envolvimento e comprometimento, visando através destas a construção de um referencial exploratório para futuras ações da organização em estudo.
Esta pesquisa analisa as mudanças comportamentais e as barreiras percebidas com a adoção da Internet, na opinião do corpo docente e administrativo, da Universidade da Região da Campanha – URCAMP - BAGÉ/RS. Inicialmente, foi analisado o uso da Internet, considerando-se os índices dos usuários e não-usuários, tipos de serviços, etc. Posteriormente, foram analisadas as mudanças comportamentais observadas na estrutura organizacional, nos grupos e no indivíduo e, finalmente, analisaram-se as barreiras que inibem ou dificultam o uso pleno da Internet na Universidade. Foram coletados dados junto ao corpo docente (professores) e corpo administrativo (diretores, coordenadores, chefes e funcionários de apoio) pertencentes a quatro campi da Universidade (Bagé - Campus Sede, Alegrete, São Gabriel e Sant`Ana do Livramento), na tentativa de fazer um diagnóstico no ambiente acadêmico referente ao uso desta tecnologia. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, efetuou-se uma pesquisa survey, sendo os dados coletados diretamente em quinhentos e cinqüenta e oito professores e campi, que responderam a um conjunto de questões fechadas e escalares. A partir da análise quantitativa dos dados coletados, chegou-se a alguns resultados significativo referentes às mudanças comportamentais percebidas tais como: maior criatividade na execução das tarefas, a imagem da URCAMP mais conhecida, novas habilidades e aquisição de novos conhecimentos. No que se refere as barreiras percebidas, destacam-se o suporte tecnológico referente à distribuição dos equipamentos.