988 resultados para Modern language
'Modern' theories of the Phillips curve imply that inflation is an integrated, or near integrated process. This paper explains this implication and why these 'modern' theories are logically inconsistent with what is commonly known about the statistical process of inflation.
The present paper reviews our recent data concerning the use of immunological methods employing monoclonal antibodies and synthetic peptides to study malaria transmission and immunity and to diagnose plasmodial infection. As concerns malaria transmission, we studied the main vectors of human malaria and the plasmodial species transmitted in endemic areas of Rondônia state, Brazil. The natural infection on anopheline was evaluated by immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) using monoclonal antibodies to an immunodominant sporozoite surface antigen (CS protein) demonstrated to be species specific. Our results showed that among six species of Anopheles found infected, An. darlingi was the main vector transmitting Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax malaria in the immediate vicinity of houses. In order to assess the level of anti-CS antibodies we studied, by IRMA using the synthetic peptide corresponding to the repetitive epitope of the sporozoite CS protein, sera of individuals living in the same areas where the entomological survey has been performed. In this assay the prevalence of anti-CS antibodies was very low and did not reflect the malaria transmission rate in the studied areas. In relation to malaria diagnosis, a monoclonal antibody specific to an epitope of a 50 kDa exoantigen, the major component of supernatant collected at the time of schizont rupture, was used as a probe for the detection of P. falciparum antigens. This assay seemed to be more sensitive than parasitological examination for malaria diagnosis since it was able to detect plasmodial antigens in both symptomatic and asymtomatic individuals with negative thick blood smear at different intervals after a last parasitologically confirmed confirmed attack of malaria.
In this paper we are aimed to investigate the relationship between Catalan knowledge and individual earnings in Catalonia. Using data from 2006, we find a positive earning return to Catalan proficiency; however, when accounting for self-selection into Catalan knowledge, we find a higher language return (20% of extra earnings), suggesting that individuals who are more prone to know Catalan are also less remunerated than others (negative selection effect). Moreover, we also find important complementarities between language knowledge and completed education, which means that only more educated individuals benefit from Catalan knowledge.
Biological and physical processes occurring in soils may lead to significant isotopic changes between the isotopic compositions of atmospheric CO2 and of soil CO2. Also, during water and gas transport from the soil surface to the water table, isotopic changes likely occur due to numerous physical processes such as gas production and diffusion, water advection, and gas-water-rock interactions. In most cases, these changes are not included in the correction models developed for groundwater dating, whereas they can significantly impact the calculation of the 14C age. We explore the role of these processes using: i) experimental data from two aquifer sites (Fontainebleau sands and Astian sands, France), ii) a distributed model to simulate the 14C activities of soil CO2, and iii) numerical simulations in order to highlight the role of the physical processes.¦The 13C content in soil CO2 showed seasonal variations and highlighted the competition between CO2 production and CO2 diffusion. Their respective contributions played a significant role in defining the isotopic composition of CO2 at the water table. On both study sites, variations of the 14C activity in soil CO2 reflect the competition between the fluxes of root derived-CO2 and organic matter derived-CO2. Since the nuclear weapon tests in the fifties and sixties, soil CO2 became significantly depleted in 14C compared to modern atmospheric CO2. Models that take into account this 14C depletion in soil CO2 for dating modern groundwater would lead to apparent younger 14C ages than models that only consider the 14C activity in atmospheric CO2. Moreover, since 2000-2005, the inverse effect is observed as soil CO2 is enriched in 14C compared to atmospheric CO2.¦Therefore, we conclude that the isotopic composition of CO2 at the water table have to be taken into account for the dating of modern groundwater. This requires a systematic sampling of soil CO2 and the measurement of its 13C and 14C contents. We used this information in a numerical simulation to calculate the evolution of isotopic composition of CO2 from the soil surface to the water table. This simulation integrated physical processes in the unsaturated zone (e.g. CO2 production and diffusion, water advection, etc.) and gas-water-rock interactions.
This paper investigates the economic value of Catalan knowledge for national and foreign first- and second-generation immigrants in Catalonia. Specifically, drawing on data from the “Survey on Living Conditions and Habits of the Catalan Population (2006)”, we want to quantify the expected earnings differential between individuals who are proficient in Catalan and those who are not, taking into account the potential endogeneity between knowledge of Catalan and earnings. The results indicate the existence of a positive return to knowledge of Catalan, with a 7.5% increase in earnings estimated by OLS; however, when we account for the presence of endogeneity, monthly earnings are around 18% higher for individuals who are able to speak and write Catalan. However, we also find that language and education are complementary inputs for generating earnings in Catalonia, given that knowledge of Catalan increases monthly earnings only for more educated individuals.
The study tested three analytic tools applied in SLA research (T-unit, AS-unit and Idea-unit) against FL learner monologic oral data. The objective was to analyse their effectiveness for the assessment of complexity of learners' academic production in English. The data were learners' individual productions gathered during the implementation of a CLIL teaching sequence on Natural Sciences in a Catalan state secondary school. The analysis showed that only AS-unit was easily applicable and highly effective in segmenting the data and taking complexity measures
GREC CLÀSSIC. Curs d’autoaprenentatge introductori. Dos anys. El curs consta de tretze lliçons i d’una gramàtica estructurada en quatre blocs: 1. Alfabet i diacrítics, fenòmens fonètics. 2. Morfologia nominal. 3. Morfologia verbal. 4. Infinitius i participis. Sintaxi de les oracions. L’estructura de les lliçons, excepte la primera que inclou l’alfabet, combina qüestions de morfologia nominal i verbal o de morfologia i sintaxi, tal com acostumen a fer els mètodes d’aprenentatge de les llengües modernes. Cada lliçó formula els seus objectius específics, desenvolupa la seva part de continguts i conclou amb uns exercicis pràctics d’autocorrecció. La Gramàtica, per la seva banda, està organitzada com un manual elemental de llengua grega on la persona que segueixi el curs pot ampliar la seva formació i consultar els dubtes. Parts complementàries: presentació on es formulen els objectius, la metodologia i les instruccions concretes per a seguir el curs; terminologia on s’ordenen alfabèticament els conceptes gramaticals emprats en el curs; avaluació final per tal que, més enllà dels exercicis de cada lliçó, hom pugui comprovar si ha assolit els coneixements previstos o si, en cas de no arribar-hi, ha de reforçar algunes lliçons o parts de les mateixes abans de tornar a fer l’avaluació; lèxic, ordenat alfabèticament per tal que hom pugui conèixer el significat dels mots emprats en el curs sense necessitat de consultar un diccionari. A la part d’avaluació hi ha també una enquesta per tal que les persones que segueixin el curs en facin una valoració i ens permetin corregir els seus dèficits o mancances. El projecte 2007MQD00178 ha continuat ampliant els dossiers electrònics, els exercicis autoavaluatius del seu web www.ub.edu/filologiagrega/electra i ha dedicat una part important de la seva tasca a elaborar els continguts i els programes de les assignatures dels dos primers cursos del nou grau de Filologia Clàssica.
Translation during the noucentisme was a very important resource for standardising the modern Catalan language and for filling in the historical gaps of Catalan Literature. The literati of the noucentisme looked to Europe to find works that had similar ideals to their own and that could be presented in Catalonia to educate and instruct its new generations. The translation of children and young adults’ literature, therefore, formed a major part of the project. Together with the best writers and illustrators of the period and the support of the publishing industry, the golden era in the history of children and young adults’ literature emerged. In this project our aim is to study the reception of British children and young adults’ literature during the noucentisme. This will be done by using Treasure Island and two of its translations, the first of which is from 1926 by Joan Arús and the second from 2008 by Joan Sellent. Cultural references and the illustrations will be analysed, and we shall ascertain whether the two translators and illustrators used domesticating or foreignising strategies and whether they followed the tendencies of translation of children and young adults’ literature.