983 resultados para Metaplastic Carcinomas


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Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors, but individual exposure data remain scarce. UV irradiance is monitored via different techniques including ground measurements and satellite observations. However it is difficult to translate such observations into human UV exposure or dose because of confounding factors (shape of the exposed surface, shading, behavior, etc.) A collaboration between public health institutions, a meteorological office and an institute specialized in computing techniques developed a model predicting the dose and distribution of UV exposure on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop this tool, which estimates solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by various body locations is computed for direct, diffuse and reflected radiation separately. The radiation components are deduced from corresponding measurements of UV irradiance, and the related UV dose received by each triangle of the virtual manikin is computed accounting for shading by other body parts and eventual protection measures. The model was verified with dosimetric measurements (n=54) in field conditions using a foam manikin as surrogate for an exposed individual. Dosimetric results were compared to the model predictions. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error was 13%. Half of the predictions were within 17% range of the measurements. This model allows assessing outdoor occupational and recreational UV exposures, without necessitating time-consuming individual dosimetry, with numerous potential uses in skin cancer prevention and research. Using this tool, we investigated solar UV exposure patterns with respect to the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. We assessed exposure doses for various body parts and exposure scenarios of a standing individual (static and dynamic postures). As input, the model used erythemally-weighted ground irradiance data measured in 2009 at Payerne, Switzerland. A year-round daily exposure (8 am to 5 pm) without protection was assumed. For most anatomical sites, mean daily doses were high (typically 6.2-14.6 SED) and exceeded recommended exposure values. Direct exposure was important during specific periods (e.g. midday during summer), but contributed moderately to the annual dose, ranging from 15 to 24% for vertical and horizontal body parts, respectively. Diffuse irradiation explained about 80% of the cumulative annual exposure dose. Acute diffuse exposures were also obtained for cloudy summer days. The importance of diffuse UV radiation should not be underestimated when advocating preventive measures. Messages focused on avoiding acute direct exposures may be of limited efficiency to prevent skin cancers associated with chronic exposure (e.g., squamous cell carcinomas).


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Background Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is overexpressed and hyperactivated in several human carcinomas, including lung cancer. We characterize and compare the anti-cancer effects of the FASN inhibitors C75 and (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in a lung cancer model. Methods We evaluated in vitro the effects of C75 and EGCG on fatty acid metabolism (FASN and CPT enzymes), cellular proliferation, apoptosis and cell signaling (EGFR, ERK1/2, AKT and mTOR) in human A549 lung carcinoma cells. In vivo, we evaluated their anti-tumour activity and their effect on body weight in a mice model of human adenocarcinoma xenograft. Results C75 and EGCG had comparable effects in blocking FASN activity (96,9% and 89,3% of inhibition, respectively). In contrast, EGCG had either no significant effect in CPT activity, the rate-limiting enzyme of fatty acid β-oxidation, while C75 stimulated CPT up to 130%. Treating lung cancer cells with EGCG or C75 induced apoptosis and affected EGFR-signaling. While EGCG abolished p-EGFR, p-AKT, p-ERK1/2 and p-mTOR, C75 was less active in decreasing the levels of EGFR and p-AKT. In vivo, EGCG and C75 blocked the growth of lung cancer xenografts but C75 treatment, not EGCG, caused a marked animal weight loss. Conclusions In lung cancer, inhibition of FASN using EGCG can be achieved without parallel stimulation of fatty acid oxidation and this effect is related mainly to EGFR signaling pathway. EGCG reduce the growth of adenocarcinoma human lung cancer xenografts without inducing body weight loss. Taken together, EGCG may be a candidate for future pre-clinical development.


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Marked differences in the tumor uptake of a 125I-labeled monoclonal antibody (MAb) directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were observed in 4 serially transplanted human colorectal carcinomas in nude mice. A comparative study showed that elevated values of measurable tumor vascular parameters, such as permeability, blood flow and blood volume, correlated better with high MAb tumor uptake than the concentration of target antigen in the tumor. In an attempt to modify the vascular parameters and to determine if this could increase antibody uptake by the tumor, rhTNF alpha (TNF) was injected i.t. or i.v. and antibody localization experiments were performed immediately thereafter. Results showed that the permeability of the tumor vessels increased 8 to 10 fold 1 hr after i.t. injection of TNF as compared to control tumors injected with saline. Tumor uptake of 125I-labeled anti-CEA MAb, was 3 times higher 2 hr after i.v. injection and still 27% higher 22 hr later, as compared to results from controls. Intravenous injection of TNF simultaneously with the 125I-labeled anti-CEA MAb also resulted in a 2-fold increase in tumor uptake 4 hr after injection, but the increase was no longer significant 24 hr after injection. Interestingly after i.v. injection of TNF, the MAb concentration in the blood and other normal tissues, such as liver, kidneys, lungs and heart was decreased, resulting in significantly higher ratios of tumor to normal tissue. Taken together the results demonstrate that injection of TNF can increase tumor vascular permeability and improve radio-antibody uptake. This raises the possibility of increasing the radiation dose delivered by antibody to the tumor in the course of radioimmunotherapy.


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Epithelioid neoplasms are generally carcinomas. As confirmation that every rule is meant to be broken, some sarcomas demonstrate epithelioid morphology, and can even express cytokeratins. These sarcomas have unique behavior, for example, a much higher rate of lymph node metastasis than other sarcomas. This group of sarcomas also presents diagnostic and therapeutic challenges to those clinicians who help patients contend with these difficult tumors. In this review, some of the major categories of epithelioid soft tissue tumors are described, with clinical data reported as available. Some of these tumors provide excellent opportunities to examine newer protein-targeted agents in investigational settings.


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Following 15 years of experimental studies, tumor immunotargeting using monoclonal antibodies directed against tumor associated antigens shows now important monoclonal antibodies directed against tumor associated antigens shows now important clinical developments. This is mainly due to encouraging therapeutic results which have obtained using humanized antibodies such as the anti-CD20 rituximab in follicular B lymphomas and the anti-DrbB2 herceptin in breast carcinomas. Thanks to genetic engineering it is possible to graft variable or hypervariable regions from murine antibodies to human IgG, and even to obtain fully human antibodies by using either transgenic mice containing a large part of the human repertoire of human IgG, or selection of human antibody fragments expressed by phages. Radiolabeling of antibodies played a major role to demonstrate the tumor immunotargeting specificity and remains attractive for the diagnosis by immunoscintigraphy as well as for the treatment by radioimmunotherapy of some cancers. In this review, the current results and the prospects of diagnostic and therapeutic uses of anti-tumor antibodies and their fragments will be described. Concerning diagnosis, 123-iodine or 99m-technetium labeled Fab fragments allowed very demonstrative tumor images but this technique has a limited effect upon the therapeutic attitude. Immuno-PET (positron emission tomography) could enhance the sensitivity of this imaging method. Radio-immunoguided surgery and immunophotodetection are attractive techniques still under evaluation. Concerning therapy, 131-iodine labeled anti-CD20 antibodies gave spectacular results in non-Hodgkin's B lymphomas. In solid tumors which as less radiosensitive, radioimmunotherapy could concern small tumors and need the use of two-steps targeting and/or alpha emitters radioisotopes. Some other strategies will be described such as bispecific antibodies directed against tumors and immune effector cells, some antibody fragments expressed on T cells called T-bodies or some biological studies using intrabodies. Published data and works in progress demonstrate that immunotargeting of tumors will have a growing place in the treatments of cancer patients.


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SUMMARY Barrett's esophagus (BE) is an acquired condition in which the normal squamous epithelium in the distal esophagus is replaced by a metaplastic columnar epithelium, as a complication of chronic gastroesophageal reflux. The clinical significance of this disease is its associated predisposition to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). EAC is a highly lethal disease. Better understanding of the pathogenesis of columnar metaplasia and its progression to cancer might allow the identification of biomarkers that can be used for early diagnosis, which will improve the patient survival. In this study, an improved protocol for methylation-sensitive single-strand conformation analysis, which is used to analyze promoter methylation, is proposed and a methylation-sensitive dot blot assay is described, which allows a rapid, easy, and sensitive detection of promoter methylation. Both methods were applied to study the methylation pattern of the APC promoter in histologically normal appearing gastric mucosa. The APC promoter showed monoallelic methylation, and because the methylated allele differed between the different gastric cell types, this corresponded to allelic exclusion. The APC methylation pattern was frequently altered in noimal gastric mucosa associated with neoplastic lesions, indicating that changes in the pattern of promoter methylation might precede the development of neoplasia, without accompanying histological manifestations. An epigenetic profile of 10 genes important in EAC was obtained in this study; 5 promoter genes (APC, TIMP3, TERT, CDKN2A and SFRP1) were found to be hypermethylated in the tumors. Furthermore, the promoter of APC, TIMP3 and TERT was frequently methylated in BE samples from EAC patients, but rarely in BE samples that did not progress to EAC. These three biomarkers might therefore be considered as potential predictive markers for increased EAC risk. Analysis of Wnt pathway alterations indicated that WNT2 ligand is overexpressed as early as the low-grade dysplastic stage and downregulation by promoter methylation of the SFRP1 gene occurrs already in the metaplastic lesions. Moreover, loss of APC expression is not the only factor involved in the activation of the Wnt pathway. These results indicate that a variety of biologic, mostly epigenetic events occurs very early in the carcinogenesis of BE. This new information might lead to improved early diagnosis of EAC and thus open the way to a possible application of these biomarkers in the prediction of increased EAC risk progression. RESUME L'oesophage de Barrett est une lésion métaplasique définie par le remplacement de la muqueuse malpighienne du bas oesophage par une muqueuse cylindrique glandulaire, suite à une agression chronique par du reflux gastro-esophagien. La plus importante signification clinique de cette maladie est sa prédisposition au développement d'un adénocarcinome. Le pronostic de l'adénocarcinome sur oesophage de Barrett est sombre. Seule une meilleure compréhension de la pathogenèse de l'épithélium métaplasique et de sa progression néoplasique permettrait l'identification de biomarqueurs pouvant être utilisés pour un diagnostic précoce ; la survie du patient serait ainsi augmentée. Dans cette étude, un protocole amélioré pour l'analyse de la méthylation par conformation simple brin est proposé. De plus, une technique d'analyse par dot blot permettant une détection rapide, facile et sensible de la méthylation d'un promoteur est décrite. Les deux méthodes ont été appliquées à l'étude de la méthylation du promoteur du gène APC dans des muqueuses gastriques histologiquement normales. Le promoteur APC a montré une méthylation monoallélique et, parce que les allèles méthylés différaient entre les différents types de cellules gastriques, celle-ci correspondait à une méthylation allélique exclusive. La méthylation d'APC a été trouvée fréquemment altérée dans la muqueuse gastrique normale associée à des lésions néoplasiques. Ceci indique que des changements dans la méthylation d'un promoteur peuvent précéder le développement d'une tumeur, et cela sans modification histologique. Un profil épigénétique des adénocarcinomes sur oesophage de Barrett a été obtenu dans cette étude. Cinq promoteurs (APC, TIMP3, TERT, CDKN2A et SFRP1) ont été trouvés hyperméthylés dans les tumeurs. Les promoteurs d'APC, TIMP3 et TERT étaient fréquemment méthylés dans l'épithélium métaplasique proche d'un adénocarcinome et rarement dans l'épithélium sans évolution néoplasique. Ces trois biomarkers pourraient par conséquent être considérés comme marqueur prédicatif d'un risque accru de développer une tumeur. L'analyse des altérations de la voie Wnt a montré que WNT2 est surexprimé déjà dans des dysplasies de bas-grade et que la dérégulation de SFRP1 par méthylation de son promoteur intervenait dans les lésions métaplasiques. Une perte d'expression d'APC n'est pas le seul facteur impliqué dans l'activation de cette voie. Ces résultats montrent qu'une grande diversité d'événements biologiques, principalement épigénétiques, surviennent très tôt lors de la carcinogenèse de l'oesophage de Barrett. Ces nouveaux éléments pourraient améliorer le diagnostic précoce et rendre possible l'application de ces biomarqueurs dans la prédiction d'un risque accru de développer un adénocarcinome sur un oesophage de Barrett.


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Intrinsic resistance to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR; HER1) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) gefitinib, and more generally to EGFR TKIs, is a common phenomenon in breast cancer. The availability of molecular criteria for predicting sensitivity to EGFR-TKIs is, therefore, the most relevant issue for their correct use and for planning future research. Though it appears that in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) response to gefitinib is directly related to the occurrence of specific mutations in the EGFR TK domain, breast cancer patients cannot be selected for treatment with gefitinib on the same basis as such EGFR mutations have beenreported neither in primary breast carcinomas nor in several breast cancer cell lines. Alternatively, there is a generalagreement on the hypothesis that the occurrence of molecular alterations that activate transduction pathways downstreamof EGFR (i.e., MEK1/MEK2 - ERK1/2 MAPK and PI-3'K - AKT growth/survival signaling cascades) significantly affect the response to EGFR TKIs in breast carcinomas. However,there are no studies so far addressing a role of EGF-related ligands as intrinsic breast cancer cell modulators of EGFR TKIefficacy. We recently monitored gene expression profiles andsub-cellular localization of HER-1/-2/-3/-4 related ligands (i.e., EGF, amphiregulin, transforming growth factor-α, ß-cellulin,epiregulin and neuregulins) prior to and after gefitinib treatment in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines. First, gefitinibinduced changes in the endogenous levels of EGF-related ligands correlated with the natural degree of breast cancer cellsensitivity to gefitinib. While breast cancer cells intrinsically resistant to gefitinib (IC50 ≥15 μM) markedly up-regulated(up to 600 times) the expression of genes codifying for HERspecific ligands, a significant down-regulation (up to 106 times)of HER ligand gene transcription was found in breast cancer cells intrinsically sensitive to gefitinib (IC50 ≤1 μM). Second,loss of HER1 function differentially regulated the nuclear trafficking of HER-related ligands. While gefitinib treatment induced an active import and nuclear accumulation of the HER ligand NRG in intrinsically gefitinib-resistant breastcancer cells, an active export and nuclear loss of NRG was observed in intrinsically gefitinib-sensitive breast cancer cells.In summary, through in vitro and pharmacodynamic studies we have learned that, besides mutations in the HER1 gene,oncogenic changes downstream of HER1 are the key players regulating gefitinib efficacy in breast cancer cells. It now appears that pharmacological inhibition of HER1 functionalso leads to striking changes in both the gene expression and the nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking of HER-specific ligands,and that this response correlates with the intrinsic degree of breast cancer sensitivity to the EGFR TKI gefitinib. Therelevance of this previously unrecognized intracrine feedback to gefitinib warrants further studies as cancer cells could bypassthe antiproliferative effects of HER1-targeted therapeutics without a need for the overexpression and/or activation of other HER family members and/or the activation of HER-driven downstream signaling cascades


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Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma (ccpRCC) and renal angiomyoadenomatous tumor (RAT) share morphologic similarities with clear cell (ccRCC) and papillary RCC (pRCC). It is a matter of controversy whether their morphologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular features allow the definition of a separate renal carcinoma entity. The aim of our project was to investigate specific renal immunohistochemical biomarkers involved in the hypoxia-inducible factor pathway and mutations in the VHL gene to clarify the relationship between ccpRCC and RAT. We investigated 28 ccpRCC and 9 RAT samples by immunohistochemistry using 25 markers. VHL gene mutations and allele losses were investigated by Sanger sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Clinical follow-up data were obtained for a subset of the patients. No tumor recurrence or tumor-related death was observed in any of the patients. Immunohistochemistry and molecular analyses led to the reclassification of 3 tumors as ccRCC and TFE3 translocation carcinomas. The immunohistochemical profile of ccpRCC and RAT samples was very similar but not identical, differing from both ccRCC and pRCC. Especially, the parafibromin and hKIM-1 expression exhibited differences in ccpRCC/RAT compared with ccRCC and pRCC. Genetic analysis revealed VHL mutations in 2/27 (7%) and 1/7 (14%) ccpRCC and RAT samples, respectively. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis disclosed a 3p loss in 2/20 (10%) ccpRCC samples. ccpRCC and RAT have a specific morphologic and immunohistochemical profile, but they share similarities with the more aggressive renal tumors. On the basis of our results, we regard ccpRCC/RAT as a distinct entity of RCCs.


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PURPOSE: Small cell carcinomas of the bladder (SCCB) account for fewer than 1% of all urinary bladder tumors. There is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment for SCCB. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Fifteen academic Rare Cancer Network medical centers contributed SCCB cases. The eligibility criteria were as follows: pure or mixed SCC; local, locoregional, and metastatic stages; and age ≥18 years. The overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were calculated from the date of diagnosis according to the Kaplan-Meier method. The log-rank and Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze survival as functions of clinical and therapeutic factors. RESULTS: The study included 107 patients (mean [±standard deviation, SD] age, 69.6 [±10.6] years; mean follow-up time, 4.4 years) with primary bladder SCC, with 66% of these patients having pure SCC. Seventy-two percent and 12% of the patients presented with T2-4N0M0 and T2-4N1-3M0 stages, respectively, and 16% presented with synchronous metastases. The most frequent curative treatments were radical surgery and chemotherapy, sequential chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and radical surgery alone. The median (interquartile range, IQR) OS and DFS times were 12.9 months (IQR, 7-32 months) and 9 months (IQR, 5-23 months), respectively. The metastatic, T2-4N0M0, and T2-4N1-3M0 groups differed significantly (P=.001) in terms of median OS and DFS. In a multivariate analysis, impaired creatinine clearance (OS and DFS), clinical stage (OS and DFS), a Karnofsky performance status <80 (OS), and pure SCC histology (OS) were independent and significant adverse prognostic factors. In the patients with nonmetastatic disease, the type of treatment (ie radical surgery with or without adjuvant chemotherapy vs conservative treatment) did not significantly influence OS or DFS (P=.7). CONCLUSIONS: The prognosis for SCCB remains poor. The finding that radical cystectomy did not influence DFS or OS in the patients with nonmetastatic disease suggests that conservative treatment is appropriate in this situation.


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Recently, three new polyomaviruses (KI, WU and Merkel cell polyomavirus) have been reported to infect humans. It has also been suggested that lymphotropic polyomavirus, a virus of simian origin, infects humans. KI and WU polyomaviruses have been detected mainly in specimens from the respiratory tract while Merkel cell polyomavirus has been described in a very high percentage of Merkel cell carcinomas. The distribution, excretion level and transmission routes of these viruses remain unknown. Here we analyzed the presence and characteristics of newly described human polyomaviruses in urban sewage and river water in order to assess the excretion level and the potential role of water as a route of transmission of these viruses. Nested-PCR assays were designed for the sensitive detection of the viruses studied and the amplicons obtained were confirmed by sequencing analysis. The viruses were concentrated following a methodology previously developed for the detection of JC and BK human polyomaviruses in environmental samples. JC polyomavirus and human adenoviruses were used as markers of human contamination in the samples. Merkel cell polyomavirus was detected in 7/8 urban sewage samples collected and in 2/7 river water samples. Also one urine sample from a pregnant woman, out of 4 samples analyzed, was positive for this virus. KI and WU polyomaviruses were identified in 1/8 and 2/8 sewage samples respectively. The viral strains detected were highly homologous with other strains reported from several other geographical areas. Lymphotropic polyomavirus was not detected in any of the 13 sewage neither in 9 biosolid/sludge samples analyzed. This is the first description of a virus isolated from sewage and river water with a strong association with cancer. Our data indicate that the Merkel cell polyomavirus is prevalent in the population and that it may be disseminated through the fecal/urine contamination of water. The procedure developed may constitute a useful tool for studying the excreted strains, prevalence and transmission of these recently described polyomaviruses.


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BACKGROUND: Oral contraceptives are known to reduce the incidence rate of endometrial cancer, but it is uncertain how long this effect lasts after use ceases, or whether it is modified by other factors. METHODS: Individual participant datasets were sought from principal investigators and provided centrally for 27 276 women with endometrial cancer (cases) and 115 743 without endometrial cancer (controls) from 36 epidemiological studies. The relative risks (RRs) of endometrial cancer associated with oral contraceptive use were estimated using logistic regression, stratified by study, age, parity, body-mass index, smoking, and use of menopausal hormone therapy. FINDINGS: The median age of cases was 63 years (IQR 57-68) and the median year of cancer diagnosis was 2001 (IQR 1994-2005). 9459 (35%) of 27 276 cases and 45 625 (39%) of 115 743 controls had ever used oral contraceptives, for median durations of 3·0 years (IQR 1-7) and 4·4 years (IQR 2-9), respectively. The longer that women had used oral contraceptives, the greater the reduction in risk of endometrial cancer; every 5 years of use was associated with a risk ratio of 0·76 (95% CI 0·73-0·78; p<0·0001). This reduction in risk persisted for more than 30 years after oral contraceptive use had ceased, with no apparent decrease between the RRs for use during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, despite higher oestrogen doses in pills used in the early years. However, the reduction in risk associated with ever having used oral contraceptives differed by tumour type, being stronger for carcinomas (RR 0·69, 95% CI 0·66-0·71) than sarcomas (0·83, 0·67-1·04; case-case comparison: p=0·02). In high-income countries, 10 years use of oral contraceptives was estimated to reduce the absolute risk of endometrial cancer arising before age 75 years from 2·3 to 1·3 per 100 women. INTERPRETATION: Use of oral contraceptives confers long-term protection against endometrial cancer. These results suggest that, in developed countries, about 400 000 cases of endometrial cancer before the age of 75 years have been prevented over the past 50 years (1965-2014) by oral contraceptives, including 200 000 in the past decade (2005-14). FUNDING: Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho das agulhas de calibres 14 e 12 na obtenção de "core biopsies" da mama sob controle estereotáxico, os autores compararam biópsias de lesões mamárias impalpáveis obtidas com agulhas desses calibres quanto ao tamanho dos fragmentos e freqüência dos tipos de lesões diagnosticadas. De um total de 1.009 biópsias, os autores analisaram 900 obtidas por agulhas 14 e 109 obtidas por agulhas 12, para análise da freqüência das lesões. Os tamanhos dos fragmentos foram analisados nos 700 primeiros casos para os espécimes obtidos por agulhas 14. A utilização de agulhas 12 resultou em maior tamanho dos fragmentos (p < 0,001), ausência de material insatisfatório, redução na proporção das lesões benignas não-neoplásicas (p = 0,03) e aumento na freqüência de carcinomas (p < 0,001), tanto in situ como invasivos. Tais achados podem refletir aumento da acurácia do diagnóstico, em virtude da maior quantidade de material e/ou melhor seleção radiológica das biópsias obtidas por agulhas 12, pela utilização coincidente da mamografia digital em campo limitado (estereotaxia digital).


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Con esta revisión se pretende remarcar al odontoestomatólogo los aspectos clínicos que con mayor frecuencia se asocian a la infección producida por el VIH. Entre ellos cabe resaltar las infecciones producidas por virus (herpes simple, herpes varicela-zoster, citomegalovirus. papilomavirus), hongos (sobre todo candidiasis) y bacterias (caries y patología periodontal); la patología tumoral asociada (sarcoma de Kaposi, linfoma no Hodgkin, carcinomas); así como otras manifestaciones patológicas que tienen su asiento en el territorio del aparato estomatognático (ulceraciones atípicas, alteraciones neurológicas, patología glandular. etc.). No puede concluirse el trabajo sin recordar la importancia que tiene seguir un protocolo en la atención odontológica de estos pacientes seropositivos, que debería hacerse extensivo al resto de nuestros pacientes.


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O exame clínico não é suficiente para avaliar, com precisão, o envolvimento linfonodal em carcinomas de boca e orofaringe. Avaliamos 21 pacientes portadores de carcinoma espinocelular de boca e orofaringe, estadiados clinicamente como N0. Em todos os pacientes foi feita tomografia computadorizada de face e pescoço, e linfocintilografia. A sensibilidade e a especificidade da tomografia computadorizada foram de 16% e 73% para o lado homolateral, e 0% e 90% para o contralateral, respectivamente. Drenagem linfática foi vista em 76,2% dos casos. A não-migração ocorreu em casos de difícil injeção do radiofármaco, como fossa amigdaliana e região retromolar. A migração bilateral ocorreu apenas em casos de soalho bucal, em que havia envolvimento da linha mediana. A partir desses resultados conclui-se que a tomografia computadorizada foi menos eficiente que o exame clínico. Porém, o tomógrafo utilizado foi o não-helicoidal e, portanto, a eficácia do tomógrafo helicoidal não foi avaliada. A linfocintilografia foi útil na avaliação de pacientes clinicamente N0 e estamos utilizando o método para avaliar linfonodo sentinela nos carcinomas de boca.


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Neste trabalho foram realizados 30 estudos de correlação entre os achados da mamografia e da anatomia patológica em 29 pacientes com tumores malignos na mama, cujas mamografias apresentaram calcificações relacionadas com as lesões. Os objetivos principais foram: verificar se as formas das calcificações corresponderam a tipos específicos de tumores e se as formas das calcificações estavam relacionadas aos locais onde eram formadas. Foram estudados dois aspectos objetivos das calcificações identificados nas mamografias: forma e distribuição. Este estudo concluiu que os carcinomas tipo comedo tiveram elevada freqüência de calcificações pleomorfas (95,5%) e padrão de distribuição ductal em 66,5% dos casos. Os carcinomas tipo cribriforme, quando não associados ao tipo comedo, evidenciaram somente calcificações arredondadas em 66,5% dos casos e predominância de distribuição indefinida (78,5%). Os tumores micropapilares, quando não associados ao tipo comedo, mostraram somente calcificações arredondadas em 66,5% dos casos e predominância do padrão de distribuição indefinido (66,5%). Nenhum tumor mostrou padrão de distribuição lobular. Calcificações amorfas na ausência de nódulo tumoral são suspeitas de carcinoma ductal infiltrante. De acordo com o padrão histológico arquitetural dos 30 tumores, 24 (80%) tiveram calcificações com as formas esperadas.