912 resultados para Mass media in family planning.


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This work analysed the feasibility of using a fast, customized Monte Carlo (MC) method to perform accurate computation of dose distributions during pre- and intraplanning of intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) procedures. The MC method that was implemented, which has been integrated into a specific innovative simulation and planning tool, is able to simulate the fate of thousands of particles per second, and it was the aim of this work to determine the level of interactivity that could be achieved. The planning workflow enabled calibration of the imaging and treatment equipment, as well as manipulation of the surgical frame and insertion of the protection shields around the organs at risk and other beam modifiers. In this way, the multidisciplinary team involved in IOERT has all the tools necessary to perform complex MC dosage simulations adapted to their equipment in an efficient and transparent way. To assess the accuracy and reliability of this MC technique, dose distributions for a monoenergetic source were compared with those obtained using a general-purpose software package used widely in medical physics applications. Once accuracy of the underlying simulator was confirmed, a clinical accelerator was modelled and experimental measurements in water were conducted. A comparison was made with the output from the simulator to identify the conditions under which accurate dose estimations could be obtained in less than 3 min, which is the threshold imposed to allow for interactive use of the tool in treatment planning. Finally, a clinically relevant scenario, namely early-stage breast cancer treatment, was simulated with pre- and intraoperative volumes to verify that it was feasible to use the MC tool intraoperatively and to adjust dose delivery based on the simulation output, without compromising accuracy. The workflow provided a satisfactory model of the treatment head and the imaging system, enabling proper configuration of the treatment planning system and providing good accuracy in the dosage simulation.


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Traditional Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems have been developed using especially-designed non-expressive scripted recordings. In order to develop a new generation of expressive TTS systems in the Simple4All project, real recordings from the media should be used for training new voices with a whole new range of speaking styles. However, for processing this more spontaneous material, the new systems must be able to deal with imperfect data (multi-speaker recordings, background and foreground music and noise), filtering out low-quality audio segments and creating mono-speaker clusters. In this paper we compare several architectures for combining speaker diarization and music and noise detection which improve the precision and overall quality of the segmentation.


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Young people now represent the highest percentage of the world population. Soon, they will be seniors and they will take decisions for a more orderly and equitable world. For this reason, the participation of young people in development planning is very important and many countries are trying to promote it through various measures. This article analyzes the trajectory of youth participation in the Latin American region and specifically the profile of youth participation in Ecuador, country in which the Constitution recognizes the strategic role of youth in development. The case study of Sayausí rural parish in canton Cuenca is analyzed, through surveys, interviews and an Empowerment Evaluation workshop to young people and decentralized government. The results obtained allow to propose strategies to help improve the participation of youth in the community.


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By means of capillary electrophoresis coupled online to electrospray ionization MS, a library of theoretically 171 disubstituted xanthene derivatives was analyzed. The method allowed the purity and makeup of the library to be determined: 160 of the expected compounds were found to be present, and 12 side-products were also detected in the mixture. Due to the ability of capillary electrophoresis to separate analytes on the basis of charge, most of the xanthene derivatives could be resolved by simple capillary electrophoresis-MS procedures even though 124 of the 171 theoretical compounds were isobaric with at least one other molecule in the mixture. Any remaining unresolved peaks were resolved by MS/MS experiments. The method shows promise for the analysis of small combinatorial libraries with fewer than 1000 components.


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Il lavoro di tesi, che si compone di tre articoli di ricerca, analizza, nel contesto della marketing promotion, la risposta del consumatore ai media in termini di ricordo, intenzione di acquisto, comportamento di acquisto e preferenza per il medium. Il lavoro, in particolare, mette a confronto due tipologie di media, carta e online, nell’ambito della price e loyalty promotion, utilizzando due disegni di ricerca sperimentali ed uno correlazionale. I risultati del lavoro mostrano che la risposta del consumatore alla comunicazione promozionale e ai media è eterogenea: segmenti di clienti diversi rispondono in maniera differente sia alla comunicazione promozionale che a carta e digitale. Online e carta hanno in media la stessa efficacia sui comportamenti di acquisto dei clienti, ma differiscono rispetto all’effetto su ricordo e atteggiamento e rispetto alla preferenza per il medium espressa dalla clientela. Lo spostamento delle risorse di marketing dalla carta al digitale permetterebbe quindi di ridurre i costi mantenendo lo stesso livello di efficacia. Inoltre, il presente lavoro mostra come sia possibile aumentare la risposta dei consumatori ai media attraverso un approccio di segmentazione della clientela.


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As part of a long term effort to understand pre-main sequence Li burning, we have obtained high resolution spectroscopic observations of 14 late type stars (G0-M1) in the young open cluster IC 4665. Most of the stars have Hα filled-in and Li I absorption, as expected for their young age. From the equivalent widths of Hα emission excess (obtained using the spectral subtraction technique) and the the Li i λ6708 feature, we have derived Hα emission fluxes and photospheric Li abundances. The mean Li abundance of IC 4665 solar-type stars is log N(Li) = 3.1; the same as in other young clusters (α Per, Pleiades) and T Tauri stars. Our results support the conclusions from previous works that PMS Li depletion is very small for masses ∼ 1 M_⨀ . Among the IC 4665 late-G and early K-type stars, there is a spread in Li abundances of about one order of magnitude. The Li-poor IC 4665 members have low Hα excess and vsini≤10. Hence, the Li-activity-rotation connection which has been clearly established in the Pleiades also seems to hold in IC 4665. One M-type IC 4665 star that we have observed does not show Li, implying a very efficient Li depletion as observed in α Per stars of the same spectral type. The level of chromospheric activity and Li depletion among the low-mass stars of IC 4665 is similar to that in the Pleiades. In fact, we note that the Li abundance distributions in several young clusters (α Per, Pleiades, IC 2391, IC 4665) and in post T Tauri stars are strikingly similar. This result suggests that Hα emission and Li abundance not well correlated with age for low-mass stars between 20 and 100 Myr old. We argue that a finer age indicator, the ''LL-clock'', would be the luminosity at which the transition between efficient Li depletion and preservation takes place for fully convective objects. The LL-clock could allow in the near future to derive the relative ages of young open clusters, and clarify the study of PMS evolution of cool stars.


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This work explores the multi-element capabilities of inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry with collision/reaction cell technology (CCT-ICP-MS) for the simultaneous determination of both spectrally interfered and non-interfered nuclides in wine samples using a single set of experimental conditions. The influence of the cell gas type (i.e. He, He+H2 and He+NH3), cell gas flow rate and sample pre-treatment (i.e. water dilution or acid digestion) on the background-equivalent concentration (BEC) of several nuclides covering the mass range from 7 to 238 u has been studied. Results obtained in this work show that, operating the collision/reaction cell with a compromise cell gas flow rate (i.e. 4 mL min−1) improves BEC values for interfered nuclides without a significant effect on the BECs for non-interfered nuclides, with the exception of the light elements Li and Be. Among the different cell gas mixtures tested, the use of He or He+H2 is preferred over He+NH3 because NH3 generates new spectral interferences. No significant influence of the sample pre-treatment methodology (i.e. dilution or digestion) on the multi-element capabilities of CCT-ICP-MS in the context of simultaneous analysis of interfered and non-interfered nuclides was observed. Nonetheless, sample dilution should be kept at minimum to ensure that light nuclides (e.g. Li and Be) could be quantified in wine. Finally, a direct 5-fold aqueous dilution is recommended for the simultaneous trace and ultra-trace determination of spectrally interfered and non-interfered elements in wine by means of CCT-ICP-MS. The use of the CCT is mandatory for interference-free ultra-trace determination of Ti and Cr. Only Be could not be determined when using the CCT due to a deteriorated limit of detection when compared to conventional ICP-MS.


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East Lake, located at Cape Bounty (Melville Island, Canadian High Arctic), was mapped using a high-resolution swath bathymetric sonar and a 12 kHz sub-bottom profiler, allowing for the first time the imaging of widespread occurrence of mass movement deposits (MMDs) in a Canadian High Arctic Lake. Mass movements occurred mostly on steep slopes located away from deltaic sedimentation. The marine to lacustrine transition in the sediment favours the generation of mass movements where the underlying massive mud appears to act as a gliding surface for the overlying varved deposits. Based on acoustic stratigraphy, we have identified at least two distinct events that triggered failures in the lake during the last 2000 years. The synchronicity of multiple failures and their widespread distribution suggest a seismic origin that could be related to the nearby Gustaf-Lougheed Arch seismic zone. Further sedimentological investigations on the MMDs are however required to confirm their age and origin.