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Polyethyleneglycol (PEG) was photooxidized in a photo-Fenton system and results compared with the dark reaction. The products were analysed using GPC and HPLC. In the absence of light, PEG samples needed 490 min to reduce their <img src="/img/revistas/jbchs/v22n3/a18Mlinha.jpg" align=absmiddle>w by 50%, whereas under UV irradiation, only 10 min were necessary. The exponential decay of <img src="/img/revistas/jbchs/v22n3/a18Mlinha.jpg" align=absmiddle>w with a concomitant increase in polydispersity and number of average chain scission, characterized a random chain scission mechanism. The degradation products of PEG in both systems showed the presence of lower molecular weight products, including smaller ethyleneglycols and formic acid. The mechanism involves consecutive processes, were the larger ethyleneglycols give rise, successively, to smaller ones. This suggests that the mechanism involves successive scissions of the polymer chain. Irradiated samples decomposed faster than those kept in the dark This study proves that the foto-Fenton method associated with UV-light is a good reactant for PEG photodegradation.
The general mechanism for the photodegradation of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) by H2O2/UV was determined studying the photooxidation of small model molecules, like low molecular weight ethyleneglycols (tetra-, tri-, di-, and ethyleneglycol). After 30 min of irradiation the average molar mass (Mw) of the degradated PEG, analysed by GPC, fall to half of its initial value, with a concomitant increase in polydispersitivity and number of average chain scission (S), characterizing a random chain scission process yielding oligomers and smaller size ethyleneglycols. HPLC analysis of the photodegradation of the model ethyleneglycols proved that the oxidation mechanism involved consecutive reactions, where the larger ethyleneglycols gave rise, successively, to smaller ones. The photodegradation of ethyleneglycol lead to the formation of low molecular weight carboxylic acids, like glycolic, oxalic and formic acids.
Cyclic nitroxides inhibit the toxicity of nitric oxide-derived oxidants: mechanisms and implications
The substantial therapeutic potential of tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy) and related cyclic nitroxides as antioxidants has stimulated innumerous studies of their reactions with reactive oxygen species. In comparison, reactions of nitroxides with nitric oxide-derived oxidants have been less frequently investigated. Nevertheless, this is relevant because tempol has also been shown to protect animals from injuries associated with inflammatory conditions, which are characterized by the increased production of nitric oxide and its derived oxidants. Here, we review recent studies addressing the mechanisms by which cyclic nitroxides attenuate the toxicity of nitric oxidederived oxidants. As an example, we present data showing that tempol protects mice from acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity and discuss the possible protection mechanism. In view of the summarized studies, it is proposed that nitroxides attenuate tissue injury under inflammatory conditions mainly because of their ability to react rapidly with nitrogen dioxide and carbonate radical. In the process the nitroxides are oxidized to the corresponding oxammonium cation, which, in turn, can be recycled back to the nitroxides by reacting with upstream species, such as peroxynitrite and hydrogen peroxide, or with cellular reductants. An auxiliary protection mechanism may be down-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression. The possible therapeutic implications of these mechanisms are addressed.
This paper presents the study of photochemical behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), potential pollutants in secondary reactions in aerosols, through Raman spectroscopy compared with its electrochemical behavior. The PAHs studied include pyrene, anthracene, phenanthrene and fluorene. These were adsorbed onto TiO2 and irradiated with ultraviolet light (254 nm). Their electrochemical oxidation was studied by in situ Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and led to the formation of carbonyl-containing products. Oxidized intermediates bearing the C=O group were also formed during photodegradation. The joint analysis of the photodegradation data with those produced by electrochemical means - using spectroscopic techniques for the identification and characterization of the products - revealed the formation of identical products for anthracene, but not for pyrene. A reasonable explanation for this difference in results is that photochemical and electrochemical oxidation reactions proceed via different mechanisms. While photocatalytic degradation over TiO2 is initiated by hydroxyl radicals, electrochemical oxidation is initiated by the direct electron transfer from adsorbed PAH to the electrode, generating PAH cation radicals that undergo subsequent reactions.
A restrição calórica (RC) é uma das formas de intervenção nutricional mais amplamente discutida para se estender o tempo de vida em uma variedade de espécies, inclusive seres humanos. A RC parece reduzir a incidência de doenças relacionadas à idade. O mecanismo clássico que poderia explicar o efeito do consumo calórico no envelhecimento está relacionado à redução da gordura corporal e à sinalização da insulina, somada às espécies reativas de oxigênio produzidas durante a respiração que causam danos oxidativos ao DNA e ao RNA das células, promovendo o processo de envelhecimento e o aumento do risco de doenças. No entanto, o efeito da RC na longevidade em humanos ainda não está bem estabelecido e mais estudos são necessários para que os mecanismos celulares e moleculares responsáveis pelos efeitos terapêuticos da restrição calórica sejam elucidados. Além disso, é necessário diferenciar os efeitos benéficos da restrição calórica daqueles relacionados a hábitos alimentares saudáveis.
Atualmente, a insuficiência/deficiência de vitamina D tem sido considerada um problema de saúde pública no mundo todo, em razão de suas implicações no desenvolvimento de diversas doenças, entre elas, o diabetes melito tipo 2 (DMT2), a obesidade e a hipertensão arterial. A deficiência de vitamina D pode predispor à intolerância à glicose, a alterações na secreção de insulina e, assim, ao desenvolvimento do DMT2. Esse possÃvel mecanismo ocorre em razão da presença do receptor de vitamina D em diversas células e tecidos, incluindo células-β do pâncreas, no adipócito e no tecido muscular. Em indivÃduos obesos, as alterações do sistema endócrino da vitamina D, caracterizada por elevados nÃveis de PTH e da 1,25(OH)2D3 são responsáveis pelo feedback negativo da sÃntese hepática de 25-OHD3 e também pelo maior influxo de cálcio para o meio intracelular, que pode prejudicar a secreção e a sensibilidade à insulina. Na hipertensão, a vitamina D pode atuar via sistema renina-angiotensina e também na função vascular. Há evidências de que a 1,25(OH)2D3 inibe a expressão da renina e bloqueia a proliferação da célula vascular muscular lisa. Entretanto, estudos prospectivos e de intervenção em humanos que comprovem a efetividade da adequação do status da vitamina D sob o aspecto "prevenção e tratamento de doenças endocrinometabólicas" são ainda escassos. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para se garantir o benefÃcio máximo da vitamina D nessas situações.
The present study investigated the effects of t moxidectin (MXD) in some parameters of rat motor function and neurochemical. The general activity in the open field and the motor coordination in the wooden beam were employed to evaluate the MXD effects. The results showed that, in the open field, even at high doses (2.0 and 20.0 mg/kg), the MXD did not alter the locomotion and the rearing frequencies. However, MXD was able to impair the motor coordination of the animals at wooden beam. Neurochemical studies of striatal GABA and dopamine neurotransmitters showed a reduced levels of dopamine and its metabolite, homovanillic acid, without interference on striatal GABA levels. Since GABAergic receptor stimulation had an inhibitory effect on dopaminergic striatal system, the decreased motor coordination could be attributed to an action of MXD on dopamine system via GABA activation.
The connexin 32 (Cx32) is a protein that forms the channels that promote the gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) in the liver, allowing the diffusion of small molecules through cytosol from cell-to-cell. Hepatic fibrosis is characterized by a disruption of normal tissue architeture by cellular lesions, and may alter the GJIC. This work aimed to study the expression and distribution of Cx32 in liver fibrosis induced by the oral administration of dimethylnitrosamine in female Wistar rats. The necropsy of the rats was carried out after five weeks of drug administration. They presented a hepatic fibrosis state. Sections from livers with fibrosis and from control livers were submitted to immunohistochemical, Real Time-PCR and Western-Blot analysis to Cx32. In fibrotic livers the Cxs were diffusely scattered in the cytoplasm, contrasting with the control livers, where the Cx32 formed junction plaques at the cell membrane. Also it was found a decrease in the gene expression of Cx32 without reduction in the protein quantity when compared with controls. These results suggest that there the mechanism of intercellular communication between hepatocytes was reduced by the fibrotic process, which may predispose to the occurrence of a neoplastic process, taken in account that connexins are considered tumor suppressing genes.
Existem, atualmente, mais de 300 hipóteses relativas à caracterização, função e mecanismos do envelhecimento, possivelmente devido ao aumento de idosos no mundo. Embora se avente uma função social à velhice humana, as transformações da sociedade impuseram uma cultura de descarte, incluindo pessoas como os idosos. Tal exclusão, que se associa à tristeza, depressão e morte desse grupo, é contraditória ao aumento do tempo de vida dos idosos constatado atualmente. O presente trabalho tentou determinar os aspectos ambientais envolvidos na longevidade usando uma técnica de metodologia qualitativa denominada grounded theory (ou teoria fundamentada nos dados) em dados fornecidos por ex-ferroviários longevos. Constatou-se que as representações dos ex-ferroviários confluem para a categoria central: desolação pelo aniquilamento da vida e do ambiente, no presente, devido à continuada negligência do Estado e da Sociedade na promoção e preservação das coisas boas para a vida que havia no passado. Observou-se ainda que, paralelamente à hipervalorização genérica das coisas do passado, há constatação recente de que suas existências fizeram parte da epopeia que promoveu o desenvolvimento econômico e social do interior paulista e possibilitou uma ressignificação existencial do passado, sugerindo ser um potente mecanismo de defesa que culmina em longevidade. Tal achado se insere na hipótese de que a função da longevidade seria a de preservar um contingente social com conhecimentos de um modo de vida que deu certo por ser socialmente vantajoso
Three-particle azimuthal correlation measurements with a high transverse momentum trigger particle are reported for pp, d + Au, and Au + Au collisions at root(S)NN = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment. Dijet structures are observed in pp, d + Au and peripheral Au + Au collisions. An additional structure is observed in central Au + Au data, signaling conical emission of correlated charged hadrons. The conical emission angle is found to be theta = 1.37 +/- 0.02(stat)(-0.07)(+0.06)(syst), independent of p perpendicular to.
Background: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder that affects the motoneurons of the spinal anterior horn, resulting in hypotonia and muscle weakness. The disease is caused by deletion or mutation in the telomeric copy of SMN gene (SMN1) and clinical severity is in part determined by the copy number of the centromeric copy of the SMN gene (SMN2). The SMN2 mRNA lacks exon 7, resulting in a production of lower amounts of the full-length SMN protein. Knowledge of the molecular mechanism of diseases has led to the discovery of drugs capable of increasing SMN protein level through activation of SMN2 gene. One of these drugs is the valproic acid (VPA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Methods: Twenty-two patients with type II and III SMA, aged between 2 and 18 years, were treated with VPA and were evaluated five times during a one-year period using the Manual Muscle Test (Medical Research Council scale-MRC), the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale (HFMS), and the Barthel Index. Results: After 12 months of therapy, the patients did not gain muscle strength. The group of children with SMA type II presented a significant gain in HFMS scores during the treatment. This improvement was not observed in the group of type III patients. The analysis of the HFMS scores during the treatment period in the groups of patients younger and older than 6 years of age did not show any significant result. There was an improvement of the daily activities at the end of the VPA treatment period. Conclusion: Treatment of SMA patients with VPA may be a potential alternative to alleviate the progression of the disease.
We report first results from an analysis based on a new multi-hadron correlation technique, exploring jet-medium interactions and di-jet surface emission bias at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Pairs of back-to-back high-transverse-momentum hadrons are used for triggers to study associated hadron distributions. In contrast with two-and three-particle correlations with a single trigger with similar kinematic selections, the associated hadron distribution of both trigger sides reveals no modification in either relative pseudorapidity Delta eta or relative azimuthal angle Delta phi from d + Au to central Au + Au collisions. We determine associated hadron yields and spectra as well as production rates for such correlated back-to-back triggers to gain additional insights on medium properties.
Identified charged pion, kaon, and proton spectra are used to explore the system size dependence of bulk freeze-out properties in Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 and 62.4 GeV. The data are studied with hydrodynamically motivated blast-wave and statistical model frameworks in order to characterize the freeze-out properties of the system. The dependence of freeze-out parameters on beam energy and collision centrality is discussed. Using the existing results from Au + Au and pp collisions, the dependence of freeze-out parameters on the system size is also explored. This multidimensional systematic study furthers our understanding of the QCD phase diagram revealing the importance of the initial geometrical overlap of the colliding ions. The analysis of Cu + Cu collisions expands the system size dependence studies from Au + Au data with detailed measurements in the smaller system. The systematic trends of the bulk freeze-out properties of charged particles is studied with respect to the total charged particle multiplicity at midrapidity, exploring the influence of initial state effects.
We present the measurement of nonphotonic electron production at high transverse momentum (p(T) > 2.5 GeV/c) in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV using data recorded during 2005 and 2008 by the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The measured cross sections from the two runs are consistent with each other despite a large difference in photonic background levels due to different detector configurations. We compare the measured nonphotonic electron cross sections with previously published RHIC data and perturbative quantum chromodynamics calculations. Using the relative contributions of B and D mesons to nonphotonic electrons, we determine the integrated cross sections of electrons (e++e-2/2) at 3 GeV/c < p(T) < 10 GeV/c from bottom and charm meson decays to be [(d sigma((B -> e)+(B -> D -> e))/(dy(e))](ye=0) 4.0 +/- 0.5(stat) +/- 1.1(syst) nb and [(d sigma(D -> e))/(dy(e))](ye=0) = 6.2 +/- 0.7(stat) +/- 1.5(syst) nb, respectively.
We report the first measurement of the parity-violating single-spin asymmetries for midrapidity decay positrons and electrons from W(+) and W(-) boson production in longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions at root s = 500 GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The measured asymmetries, A(L)(W+) = -0.27 +/- 0.10(stat.) +/- 0.02(syst.) +/- 0.03(norm.) and A(L)(W-) = 0.14 +/- 0.19(stat.) +/- 0.02(syst.) +/- 0.01(norm.), are consistent with theory predictions, which are large and of opposite sign. These predictions are based on polarized quark and antiquark distribution functions constrained by polarized deep-inelastic scattering measurements.